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P6G;JP %H5!,x,5\  P6G;,P {,W80,%~UW*f9 xr G;X } X    Figure 1  Figure 1 #\  P6Q(P#PUBLIC NOTICE  S'#&I\  P6Qr&P#FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W.  Sd'WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554hhCqpp   *xxXDA 99 -&[t 171  1 yx dddy  aE@#5\  P6Q+P#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  S'#&I\  P6Qr&P#`(# Released: January 13, 1999 ă  S'  WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU  SK 'rGRANTS CONSENT TO ASSIGN NINE C BLOCK BROADBAND PCS LICENSES   \Pursuant to section 310(d) of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C.  310(d), and section 0.331 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.331, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) approves, subject to the conditions set forth below, the applications requesting Commission consent to assign the following licenses: XCarolina PCS I Limited Partnership to Carolina Phone Sumter LLC, dba Carolina Phone: Market B436 Sumter, South Carolina BTA (30 MHz) (file no. 2008)(# XCarolina PCS I Limited Partnership to Carolina Phone Florence LLC, dba Carolina Phone: Market B147 Florence, South Carolina BTA (30 MHz) (file no. 2011)(# XCarolina PCS I Limited Partnership to Carolina Phone Greenville LLC, dba Carolina Phone: Market B177 Greenville, South Carolina BTA (30 MHz) (file no. 2012)(# XCarolina PCS I Limited Partnership to Carolina Phone Myrtle Beach LLC, dba Carolina Phone: Market B312 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina BTA (30 MHz) (file no. 2013)(# XCarolina PCS I Limited Partnership to Carolina Phone Orangeburg LLC, dba Carolina Phone: Market B335 Orangeburg, South Carolina BTA (30 MHz) (file no. 2014)(# XCarolina PCS I Limited Partnership to Carolina Phone Greenwood LLC, dba Carolina Phone: Market B178 Greenwood, South Carolina BTA (30 MHz) (file no. 2015)(# XCarolina PCS I Limited Partnership to Carolina Phone Columbia LLC, dba Carolina Phone: Market B09 1 Columbia, South Carolina BTA (30 MHz) (file no. 2016)(# XCarolina PCS I Limited Partnership to Carolina Phone Charleston LLC, dba Carolina Phone: Market B072 Charleston, South Carolina BTA (30 MHz) (file no. 2017)(# XCarolina PCS I Limited Partnership to Carolina Phone Anderson LLC, dba Carolina Phone: Market B016 Anderson, South Carolina BTA (30 MHz) (file no. 2018)(# We approve these assignments because we find they are in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. 47 U.S.C.  310(d). By this approval, the parties are authorized to proceed to the final stages of their respective transactions. Section 24.839(b)(4) of the Commission's rules provides that "the Commission shall be notified by letter of the date of completion of the assignment or transfer of control." 47 C.F.R. 24.839(b)(4). Hence, we remind parties that an assignment shall not be considered complete until the underlying transaction closes and all conditions set forth in the grantX +,,,H,3 '#  X documents, including this Public Notice and the application, are met. In addition, the approval of each assignment is also conditioned upon the execution of all Commission loan documents by the assignor, assignee and the Commission, unless the license being assigned has been paid in full. Furthermore,  Sg'the approval is conditioned upon the assignee's execution of the applicable financing statements (i.e. the UCC1 Forms) and payment of all costs associated with the preparation and recordation of the  S'financing statements, on or before the consummation date . The Bureau will send all assignors listed herein the appropriate loan documents and financing statements following the release of this Public  S'Notice. Additionally, all installment payments must be current on the consummation date.$  yO' "V ԍIn order to be current, the installment payment may not be in the nondelinquency period or grace period.  {O' xx Amendment of Part 1 of the Commission's Rules Competitive Bidding Procedures, Third Report and Order and  {O ' xb Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 13 FCC Rcd. 374 (1997). In addition, there must be no outstanding fees, including late fees, due to the Commission.  Upon receipt of the letter required by section 24.839(b)(4) of the Commission's rules, and satisfaction of all requisite conditions, including execution of the appropriate documents, the Bureau will consider the assignment "complete" and will issue the license to the assignee with the date of the license grant identical to the date upon which the transaction closed, thus completing the assignment.  Sj ' Failure of the parties to comply with section 24.839(b)(4) of the Commission's rules, or any  S7 'specific condition described above, will result in automatic cancellation of the Commission's assignment approval, and dismissal of the underlying assignment applications. In addition, the actual assignment of the authorization must be completed within sixty days from the date of this Public Notice. For further information regarding the loan documents or financing statements (UCC1 Forms), contact Rita Cookmeyer or Rachel Kazan at (202) 4180660. For all other information, please contact David Judelsohn at (202) 4187240. This Public Notice is issued by the Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.  S'  S'm é FCC