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S'# f\  PCt&P#  Sq'ReceivedCallsign MarketvFile NumberName of Applicant  SI'1/14/98KNKR322 390A5v01293CLML98USCOC of Idaho RSA #5, Inc.  v     yo ddd8y  S'  Si '  S ' Interested persons will have thirty (30) days from the date of this notice to submit  S 'Petitions/Comments on the above applications. Oppositions may be filed within ten (10) days, replies may be filed within five (5) days. No further pleadings will be accepted. Copies of  S 'Petitions/Comments should be submitted to Licensing & Technical Analysis Branch ,  Sy'2100 M St., N.W., Room 8042, Washington, D.C. 20554  SQ'XQ.++I3o ~ o 89&X  tA # PE37oP# Cellular Radiotelephone Services  Y%4 #Xw PE37}XP#   X'Q RE: ACTIONS TAKEN Đc  Y4The following Phase 2 unserved area applications have been granted on the date of this Public Notice unless otherwise noted.  T'#&m P7 n&P#  St' A # &m P7 n&P# File NumberA A CallsignKMarketName of Applicant  TL '02055CLP298A A KNKN578K260B1,602B1Oklahoma RSA 7 Limited Partnership A A K603B1  T '02178CLP298A A KNKA737K298B,584BBismarck MSA Limited Partnership  T '02179CLP298A A KNKN803K458B1US Unwired, Inc.  4 y "dddy  Y4# Xw P7}XP#The following applications for major modifications of cellular systems ha $v s $v  been granted on the date of this Public Notice unless otherwise noted.  S'A ` DQ#&m P7 n&P# File Number` ` ,CallsignMarketQQName of Applicant44  T`' 02358CLMP98,KNKA380100BDDQQCentury Cellunet of North ` ` ,DDQQLouisiana Cellular Limited ` ` ,DDQQPartnership The Bureau has made a finding that the proposed tower of the above application would not have a significant impact upon the environment.    ` ` y` !dddy  Y4# Xw P7}XP# These authorizations do not convey to the licensee the right to receive protection from the capture of subscriber traffic, cochannel interference or firstadjacentchannel interference in any area outside of the authorized Cellular Geographic Service Area (CGSA) of the system.  Y!4Moreover, any facility authorized herein with a service area boundary (SAB) extending into the CGSA of any other operating cellular system on the same channel block, regardless of when such other cellular system was/is authorized, is subject to the following condition: In the event that the licensee of the other cellular system requests that the SAB of the facilities authorized herein be removed from its CGSA, the licensee herein must reduce transmitting  Y&4power or antenna height (or both) as necessary to remove the SAB from the CGSA, unless written consent from the licensee of the other cellular system, allowing the SAB extension, is  Y'4obtained.#Xw P7}XP#  Y*4 *.++(e "K1 "9&` !!N` !/[Ԍ Y4ԙ` DQ I    X' Market 634A1 South Dakota 1 Harding RSA  I`   Y4Applicant: General Cellular CorporationCall Sign: KNKQ381  Y4File No. 01537CLP198Grant Date: June 4, 1998  Y_4` z Address of Applicant:z z 2001 NW Sammamish Road Suite 100 z z Issaquah, WA 98027  Y 4Contact:z z Wilkinson,Barker,Knauer & Quinn, LLP z z Catherine C. Butcher, Esq. z z 2300 M Street, N.W. z z Washington, DC 200371128 z z  General Cellular Corporation (Applicant) has been found to be legally, technically, financially and otherwise qualified to be a Commission licensee. Applicant's application is granted effective June 4, 1998. This authorization does not include the right to any interference protection in any areas outside the South Dakota 1 Harding RSA and is also conditioned upon Applicant coordinating with current and future cochannel licensee(s) in the areas outside the South Dakota 1 Harding RSA. This authorization does not convey to the licensee the right to receive protection from the capture of subscriber traffic, cochannel interference or firstadjacentchannel interference in any area outisde of the authorized Cellular Geographic Service Area (CGSA) of this system. Moreover, any facility authorized herein with a service area boundary (SAB) extending into the CGSA of any other operating cellular system on the same channel block, regardless of when such other cellular system was/is authorized, is subject to the following condition: In the event that the licensee of the other cellular system requests that the SAB of the facilities authorized herein be removed from its CGSA, the licensee herein must reduce transmitting power or antenna height (or both) as necessary to remove the SAB from the CGSA, unless written consent from the  Y74licensee of the other cellular system, allowing the SAB extension, is obtained. " .++}"   a4"# P"7-9P# PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE INFORMATION   b4   X'r #X P$7}XP# RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING #x P%7 P#ѐ X'c6# X P&7}XP# ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION #x P'7 P#у  Y4# X P(7}XP#After preliminary review, the application(s) listed herein for major environmental action, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 1.1307 (a) are ACCEPTED for filing. The Commission may, however, return or dismiss any of the application(s) that it finds, upon further examination to  YO 4be defective or not in accordance with the Commission's rules. See 47 C.F.R.  24.426(c) and 24.826(c). No application listed herein will be granted earlier than 31 days after the date of this Public Notice. See 47 C.F.R.  24.427(b) and 24.827(b). Petitions to deny any of the listed application(s) may be filed no later than 30 days from the date of this Public Notice.  Y4Oppositions to petitions to deny may be filed no later than 10 days after the original petition to deny is filed. Replies to the oppositions may be filed no later than 5 days after the time for filing oppositions has expired. See 47 C.F.R.  1.45, 1.2108, 24.430, and 24.830.  Y4 /h/h z #X P7}XP# Figure 1 ! Figure 1  Figure 1 ! Figure 1   XR' Market/  X;'2(# Channel ApplicantDate Rec'd22File Number J (#Call Signă  Y$4  2(# 42% M018/A44AT&T Wireless PCS Inc.527982250455CWML9800 KNLF235  Y 4B440/E44Florida Cellular Service, Inc.61982250456CWML98 KNLG643  YU4 For further information contact Irene Longin or Irene Griffith at (202) 4181385. "'!.++"  Y4 /hh  3'3'Standard3'3'StandardHPLAS4SI.PRSd6X(h  h/h   a4# P)7-9P# PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE INFORMATION   Y4 #X P*7}XP#c  X'o7 ACTIONS TAKEN Đc  a\ 41<# P+7-9P# ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION #X P,7}XP#ѐc The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau determined, based on an independent review of the Environmental Assessments filed by the applicants, listed herein, that the proposed towers will not have any significant impact upon the environment. See 47 C.F.R.  1.1308(d). Accordingly, the application(s) listed herein for major environmental actions are GRANTED.  Y442%X4 p L (#%'0*,.8135@8: