PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830 Internet: Released: April 24, 1998 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU COMMERCIAL WIRELESS SERVICE INFORMATION Report No. LB-98-38 This Public Notice includes the following information regarding assignment and transfer applications filed with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Commercial Wireless Division: Broadband Services transfer/assignment applications accepted for filing, if any; Broadband Services transfer/assignment applications granted, if any; Narrowband Services transfer/assignment applications accepted for filing, if any; Narrowband Services transfer/assignment applications granted, if any. BROADBAND SERVICESTRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING No applications listed on this notice. ____________________________________________________________________________________ BROADBAND SERVICES TRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT APPLICATIONS GRANTED The following MSA/RSA transfer/assignment applications were filed and appeared on Public Notice, Report No. LB-98-30, released March 13, 1998. No petitions to deny have been filed and the Commission has found the applications to be in the public interest. The Commission has granted the applications effective April 24, 1998. 01769-CL-AL-98 Assignment of license of Centercom Arkansas, L.P., Station KNKQ353 from Centercom Arkansas, L.P. to Net Wireless, L.L.C., Market 334A - AR 11 - Hempstead RSA. 01770-CL-AL-98 Assignment of license of Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P., Station KNKA797 from Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P. to RCC Atlantic, Inc., Market 248A - Burlington MSA. 01771-CL-AL-98 Assignment of license of Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P., Station KNKN860 from Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P. to RCC Atlantic, Inc., Market 470A - MA 1 - Franklin RSA. 01772-CL-AL-98 Assignment of license of Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P., Station KNKN864 from Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P. to RCC Atlantic, Inc., Market 560A - NY 2 - Franklin RSA. 01773-CL-AL-98 Assignment of license of Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P., Station KNKN832 from Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P. to RCC Atlantic, Inc., Market 679A - VT 1 - Franklin RSA. 01774-CL-AL-98 Assignment of license of Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P., Station KNKN749 from Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P. to RCC Atlantic, Inc., Market 680A - VT 2 - Addison RSA. 01775-CL-AL-98 Assignment of license of Atlantic Cellular/New Hampshire RSA Number One Limited Partnership, Station KNKN658 from Atlantic Cellular/New Hampshire RSA Number One Limited Partnership to RCC Atlantic, Inc., Market 548A - NH 1 - Coos RSA. 01795-CL-TC-98 Transfer of Control of North Carolina RSA 5 Cellular Partnership, Station KNKQ329 from Ellerbe-Concord Cellular Company to Palmetto MobileNet, L.P., Market No. 568(B2) - NC 4 - Henderson RSA. 01796-CL-TC-98 Transfer of Control of North Carolina RSA 5 Cellular Partnership, Station KNKQ310 from Ellerbe-Concord Cellular Company to Palmetto MobileNet, L.P., Market No. 569B - NC 5 - Anson RSA. 01797-CL-TC-98 Transfer of Control of North Carolina RSA 15 Cellular Partnership, Station KNKN868 from CT Cellular Holdings 15, LLC to Palmetto MobileNet, L.P., Market No. 579(B2) - NC 15 - Cabarrus RSA. ____________________________________________________________________________________ NARROWBAND SERVICESTRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING No applications listed on this notice. ____________________________________________________________________________________ NARROWBAND SERVICES TRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT APPLICATIONS GRANTED No applications listed on this notice. - FCC -