PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830 Internet: Released: April 17, 1998 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU COMMERCIAL WIRELESS SERVICE INFORMATION Report No. LB-98-36 This Public Notice includes the following information regarding assignment and transfer applications filed with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Commercial Wireless Division: Broadband Services transfer/assignment applications accepted for filing, if any; Broadband Services transfer/assignment applications granted, if any; Narrowband Services transfer/assignment applications accepted for filing, if any; Narrowband Services transfer/assignment applications granted, if any. BROADBAND SERVICES TRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING The cellular transfer applications listed herein have been found upon initial review to be acceptable for filing. 02182-CL-TC-98 Consent to the transfer of control of GTE Mobilnet of Wilmington II Inc., Station KNKA758 from North Carolina Cellular Holding Corp. to United States Cellular Corporation, Market No. 218A - Wilmington MSA. 02183-CL-TC-98 Consent to the transfer of control of GTE Mobilnet of Jacksonville II Inc., Station KNKA756 from North Carolina Cellular Holding Corp. to United States Cellular Corporation, Market No. 258A - Jacksonville MSA. Final action will not be taken on these applications earlier than 31 days following the date of this notice, except for radio applications not requiring a 30 day notice period (Section 309(c)) of the Communications Act. Information regarding the above referenced item(s) will be available for public inspection in Room 5608, 2025 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., during regular hours of the Public Reference and Information Branch, Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Copies may be obtained from : International Transcription Service, Inc. 1231 20th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202 857-3800 _____________________________________________________________________________ BROADBAND SERV ICES TRANSFER/ASSIG NMENT APPLICATIONS GRANTED The following PCS transfer application was filed and appeared on Public Notice, Report No. LB-98-26, released February 27, 1998. No petitions to deny have been filed and the Commission has found the application to be in the public interest. The Commission has granted the application effective April 17, 1998. 50377-CW-TC-98 Transfer of Control of broadband PCS A Block license of ELLTEL Wireless, Inc., Station KNLF247 from The Stockholders of Ellensburg Telephone Company to MJD Communications, Inc., Market BO24 - Seattle MTA. ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Commission (By Commercial Wireless Division) has granted the following pro forma PCS assignment application as indicated. 50392-CW-AL-98 Pro Forma assignment of broadband PCS licenses of Command Connect, LLC, Markets B009 (F Block) - Alexandria, B238 (F Block) - Lake Charles, B304 (F Block) - Monroe, B419 (F Block) - Shreveport BTAs from Command Connect LLC to Louisiana Unwired, LLC . (Granted 4/17/98, Stations KNLF928, KNLG891, KNLG894, KNLG900) Grant of this transfer/assignment is expressly conditioned upon the parties complying with the conditions set forth in the grant documents. Failure to comply with any of the conditions will result in the immediate revocation of the license grant. ____________________________________________________________________________________ NARROWBAND SERVI CES TRANSFER/ASSIGNM ENT APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission may return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective or not in conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations, or its policies. Final action will not be taken on these applications earlier than 31 days following the date of this notice, except for radio applications not requiring a 30 day notice period (Section 309(c)) of the Communications Act. FILE NUMBER: 22363-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: MESSENA TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. CALLSIGN: KNKL237 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: MESSENA TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. ASSIGNEE: ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. DBA THE BEEPER PEOPLE FILE NUMBER: 22366-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: PHONE HOME, INC. CALLSIGN: KNLN470 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: PHONE HOME, INC. ASSIGNEE: PHONE HOME, INC. (AN ALABAMA CORP.) FILE NUMBER: 22368-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP CALLSIGN: KNKJ959 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA BELL ATLANTIC MOBILE ASSIGNEE: NEW YORK, STATE OF NEW YORK STATE POLICE ____________________________________________________________________________________ NARROWBAN D SERVICES TRANSFER/ ASSIGNMENT APPLICATIONS GRANTED The following transfer/assignment applications were granted effective April 17, 1998, unless otherwise noted. FILE NUMBER: 24898-CD-AL-97 LICENSEE: RICHARD C. RUSH DBA STARK RADIO TELEPHONE CALLSIGN: KLF582 AND KQD615 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: LUCIE C. RUSH, EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARD C. RUSH ASSIGNEE: COMMUNICATIONS SITE MANAGEMENT CORP. FILE NUMBER: 21401-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: MCCAW RCC COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MIDWEST, INC CALLSIGN: KSV991 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: MCCAW RCC COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MIDWEST, INC ASSIGNEE: CONTACT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FILE NUMBER: 21402-CD-P/AL-98 LICENSEE: VEGAS INSTANT PAGE CALLSIGN: KWU408 ACTION: PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT FREQUENCY: 454.225 MHZ AND 454.150 MHZ AT LAS VEGAS, 454.225 MHZ AND 454.150 MHZ AT BOULDER CITY, ALL IN THE STATE OF NEVADA ASSIGNOR: VEGAS INSTANT PAGE ASSIGNEE: CONTACT COMMUNICATIONS, INC., TO BE PLACED UNDER NEW CALL SIGN KNLW614 FILE NUMBER: 21403-CD-P/AL-98 LICENSEE: VEGAS INSTANT PAGE CALLSIGN: KOK334 ACTION: PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT FREQUENCY: 152.21 MHZ, 454.175 MHZ, 454.350 MHZ, 454.100 MHZ 152.06 MHZ, 454.225 MHZ AND 454.150 MHZ AT LAS VEGAS; 454.100 MHZ, 152.06 MHZ, 454.225 MHZ AND 454.150 MHZ AT BOULDER CITY, ALL IN THE STATE OF NEVADA ASSIGNOR: VEGAS INSTANT PAGE ASSIGNEE: CONTACT COMMUNICATIONS, INC., TO BE PLACED UNDER NEW CALL SIGN KNLW615 FILE NUMBER: 21428-CD-TC-98 LICENSEE: KITTITAS VALLEY PAGING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CALLSIGN: KNKI817 ACTION: TRANSFER TRANSFEROR: THE STOCKHOLDERS OF ELLENSBURG TELEPHONE COMPANY TRANSFEREE: MJD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. - FCC -