PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION News media information 202/418-0500 1919 M STREET N.W. Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 Internet: WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU COMMERCIAL WIRELESS INFORMATION Report No. CWS-98-24 March 19, 1998 This Public Notice includes, where applicable, information regarding the following applications filed with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Commercial Wireless Division: Cellular Radiotelephone Services applications Accepted for Filing; Cellular Radiotelephone Services applications Actions Taken; Paging and Radiotelephone Services applications Accepted for Filing; Paging and Radiotelephone Services applications Actions Taken; Personal Communications Services applications Accepted for Filing; Personal Communications Services applications Actions Taken; Wireless Communications Services applications Accepted for Filing; Wireless Communications Services applications Actions Taken; Cellular Radiotelephone Services RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING The following Phase 2 applications for unserved area have been accepted for filing. Received Callsign Market File Number Name of Applicant 3/4/98KNKQ229 534A,535A 01807-CL-P2-98 GCC License Corporation 536A 3/4/98KNKN444 534A,535A 01808-CL-P2-98 GCC License Corporation 640A,642A 3/5/98KNKN701 487B 01830-CL-P2-98 RCC Licenses, Inc.. 3/5/98KNKN756 110A,593A 01831-CL-P2-98 Orange County Cellular Telephone Corp. 3/5/98KNKN421 486B 01832-CL-P2-98 RCC Licenses, Inc. 3/6/98KNKN306 393A1,720A1 01844-CL-P2-98 USCOC of Idaho RSA #5, Inc.. 3/6/98KNKN658 548A 01845-CL-P2-98 Atlantic Cellular/New Hampshire RSA Number One Limited Partnership 3/6/98KNKA797 248A 01847-CL-P2-98 Atlantic Cellular Company, L.P. 3/6/98KNKN368 636B 01848-CL-P2-98 Revering Group, Inc. 3/6/98KNKA332 86A,553A 01849-CL-P2-98 Southwestco Wireless Limited Partnership The following applications for major modifcations to cellular systems have been accepted for filing. Some of the applications may have de minimis extension in adjacent MSA/RSA. Received Callsign Market File Number Name of Applicant 3/5/98 KNKN662 691A 01829-CL-MP-98 Washington/Baltimore Cellular Limited Partnership The above application is a major environmental action pursuant to Sec. 1.1307(a) of the Rules. 3/6/98 KNKA225 12B 01833-CL-MP-98 Florida Cellular Service, Inc. The above application is a major environmental action pursuant to Sec. 1.1307(a) of the Rules. 3/6/98 KNKN396 712B 01834-CL-MP-98 West Central Cellular Limited Partnership 3/9/98 KNKA229 9B 01860-CL-MP-98 Dallas SMSA Limited Partnership The above application is a major environmental action pursuant to Sec. 1.1307(a) of the Rules. 3/11/98 KNKA226 6A 01861-CL-MP-98 Southwestern Bell Mobile . Systems, Inc. The above application is a major environmental action pursuant to Sec. 1.1307(a) of the Rules. 3/11/98 KNKA226 6A 01862-CL-MP-98 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, Inc. The above application is a major environmental action pursuant to Sec. 1.1307(a) of the Rules. ______________________________________________ Interested persons will have thirty (30) days from the date of this notice to submit Petitions/Comments on the above applications. Oppositions may be filed within ten (10) days, replies may be filed within five (5) days. No further pleadings will be accepted. Copies of Petitions/Comments should be submitted to Licensing & Technical Analysis Branch, 2100 M St., N.W., Room 8042, Washington, D.C. 20554 Cellular Radiotelephone Services RE: ACTIONS TAKEN The following Phase 2 unserved area applications have been granted on the date of this Public Notice unless otherwise noted. File Number Callsign Market Name of Applicant 01232-CL-P2-98 KNKQ373 273A Centennial Cellular Tri-State Operating Partnership 01233-CL-P2-98 KNKN343 583A,532A WWC Holding Co., Inc. 526A 01234-CL-P2-98 KNKN364 426B,427B Iowa 15-Dickerson L.P. 01235-CL-P2-98 KNKN844 578A1,573A1 North Carolina RSA #9, Inc. 01238-CL-P2-98 KNKN463 536A,534A GCC License Corporation 538A 01239-CL-P2-98 KNKN284 538A,536A GCC License Corporation __________________________________________ The following applications for major modifications of cellular systems have been granted on the date of this Public Notice unless otherwise noted. File Number Callsign MarketName of Applicant 01415-CL-MP-98KNKA224 29B Louisiana CGSA, Inc. The Bureau has made a finding that the proposed tower of the above application would not have a significant impact upon the environment. _________________________________________ These authorizations do not convey to the licensee the right to receive protection from the capture of subscriber traffic, co-channel interference or first-adjacent-channel interference in any area outside of the authorized Cellular Geographic Service Area (CGSA) of the system. Moreover, any facility authorized herein with a service area boundary (SAB) extending into the CGSA of any other operating cellular system on the same channel block, regardless of when such other cellular system was/is authorized, is subject to the following condition: In the event that the licensee of the other cellular system requests that the SAB of the facilities authorized herein be removed from its CGSA, the licensee herein must reduce transmitting power or antenna height (or both) as necessary to remove the SAB from the CGSA, unless written consent from the licensee of the other cellular system, allowing the SAB extension, is obtained. Paging and Radiotelephone Services RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission may return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective or not in conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations, or its policies. Final action will not be taken on any of these applications earlier than 31 days following the date of this notice, except for radio applications not requiring a 30 day notice period ( 309(c)) of the Communications Act. In order for a mutually exclusive application to be entitled to concurrent consideration with any application appearing herein, it must be received in a condition acceptable for filing and timely in accordance with the following: (a) in the case of initial applications for non-931 MHz frequencies subject to Part 22 of the Commission's Rules, no later than 30 days from the date of this Public Notice; (b) if the application is for a 931 MHz frequency, no later than 60 days after this Public Notice or the close of business one business day preceding the day on which the Commission takes an action, but in no case less than 30 days after this Public Notice. File Number Licensee Call Sign Freq.MHz Location 21430-CD-P/ML-98 RCC PAGING, INC. KNKK647 72.76 KEEWATIN, MN 21472-CD-P/ML-98 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. KNKC281 459.625 WATERLOO, IA CORRECTIONS: MOBILE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (KSV904) MOD. OF LICENSE TO CHANGE FROM DEVELOPMENTAL TO REGULAR AUTHORITY FOR FACILITIES OPERATING ON 72.86 MHz AT KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. (21405-CD-ML-98) MOBILE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (KAA275) MOD. OF LICENSE TO CHANGE FROM DEVELOPMENTAL TO REGULAR AUTHORITY FOR FACILITIES OPERATING ON 72.26 MHz AT KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. (21407-CD-ML-98) PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE INFORMATION ACTIONS TAKEN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau determined, based on an independent review of the Environmental Assessments filed by the applicants, listed herein, that the proposed towers will not have any significant impact upon the environment. See 47 C.F.R.  1.1308(d). Accordingly, the application(s) listed herein for major environmental actions are GRANTED. Market/ Channel Applicant Date Rec'd File Number Call Sign M003/B PrimeCo Personal Communications, L.P. 1-7-98 50328-CW-ML-98 KNLF207 For further information contact Irene Longin or Irene Griffith at (202) 418-1385. Information regarding the above referenced item(s) will be available for public inspection in Room 5608, 2025 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., during regular hours of the Public Reference and Information Branch, Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Copies may be obtained from: International Transcription Service, Inc. 1231 20th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 Phone: (202)857-3800 -FCC-