PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830 Internet: Released: February 13, 1998 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU COMMERCIAL WIRELESS SERVICE INFORMATION Report No. LB-98-24 This Public Notice includes the following information regarding assignment and transfer applications filed with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Commercial Wireless Division: Broadband Services transfer/assignment applications accepted for filing, if any; Broadband Services transfer/assignment applications granted, if any; Narrowband Services transfer/assignment applications accepted for filing, if any; Narrowband Services transfer/assignment applications granted, if any. BROADBAND SERVICES TRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING The PCS assignment applications listed herein have been found upon initial review to be acceptable for filing. 50359-CW-AL-98 Consent to the partial assignment of broadband PCS D Block license of Panhandle Telecommunication Systems, Inc., Station KNLF993 involving the partitioning of Morton, Stevens Counties and portion of Seward County from Panhandle Telecommunication Systems, Inc. to Pioneer Telephone Association, Inc., Market B253 - Liberal, KS BTA. 50360-CW-AL-98 Consent to the partial assignment of broadband PCS F Block license of Panhandle Telecommunication Systems, Inc., Station KNLH350 involving the partitioning of Morton and Stevens Counties and portion of Seward County from Panhandle Telecommunication Systems, Inc. to Pioneer Telephone Association, Inc., Market B253 - Liberal, KS BTA. 50370-CW-AL-98 Consent to the assignment of broadband PCS B Block license of Communications International Corporation, Station KNLF302 from Communications International Corporation to American Samoa Telecom, LLC, Market MO51 - American Samoa MTA. Final action will not be taken on these applications earlier than 31 days following the date of this notice, except for radio applications not requiring a 30 day notice period (Section 309(c)) of the Communications Act. These applications will be available for public inspection in Room 5608, 2025 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. during the normal reference room hours. Copies of these documents may be obtained from: International Transcription Services, Inc. (ITS, Inc.) 1231 20th Stre et, NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-857-3800 BROADBAND SERVICES TRANSFER/ASSIG NMENT APPLICATIONS GRANTED The following MSA/RSA transfer/assignment applications were filed and appeared on Public Notice, Report No. LB-98-18, released January 9, 1998. No petitions to deny have been filed and the Commission has found the applications to be in the public interest. The Commission has granted the applications effective February 13, 1998. 00962-CL-TC-98 Transfer of Control of Omaha Cellular Limited Partnership, Station KNKA295 from 360§ Communications Company of Nebraska to Aliant Cellular Inc. dba Aliant Cellular, Market No. 65B - Omaha MSA. (Step 1 of 2) 00969-CL-AL-98 Assignment of license of Converse Joint Venture, Station KNKR258 from Converse Joint Venture to WWC Holding Co., Inc., Market No. 722 (A2) - WY 5 - Converse RSA. 00970-CL-TC-98 Transfer of Control of Cellular 2000, Station KNKN295 from Cellular 2000 Telephone Co. to Dobson Cellular of California, Inc., Market No. 339A - CA 4 - Madera RSA. ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Commission (By Commercial Wireless Division) has granted the following pro forma MSA transfer application as indicated. 00963-CL-TC-98 Pro Forma transfer of control of Omaha Cellular Limited Partnership, Station KNKA295 from Prairie Communications, Inc. to Aliant Cellular Inc. dba Aliant Cellular, Market No. 65B - Omaha MSA. (Step 2 of 2) NARROWBAND SER VICES TRANSFER/ASSIG NMENT APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission may return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective or not in conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations, or its policies. Final action will not be taken on these applications earlier than 31 days following the date of this notice, except for radio applications not requiring a 30 day notice period (Section 309(c)) of the Communications Act. FILE NUMBER: 21195-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: SHLOMO FUHRER CALLSIGN: KNLV507 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: SHLOMO FUHRER ASSIGNEE: BEST-COMM, L.L.C. FILE NUMBER: 21196-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: CARLTON L. HOLLAND DBA MOBAPHONE DISPATCH SERVICE CO. CALLSIGN: KLB315 & KUC947 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: CARLTON L. HOLLAND DBA MOBAPHONE DISPATCH SERVICE CO. ASSIGNEE: NEXTEL OF TEXAS, INC. DBA NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS FILE NUMBER: 21198-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: FORT STANWIX TELEPHONE COMPANY, LTD. CALLSIGN: KEA253 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: FORT STANWIX TELEPHONE COMPANY, LTD. ASSIGNEE: JPJ ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FILE NUMBER: 21199-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: RENE-MATTHEW CORPORATION CALLSIGN: KNKK761, KKB442 & KKB736 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: RENE-MATTHEW CORPORATION ASSIGNEE: JPJ ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ______________________________________________________________________________ NARROWBAND SERVICES TRANSFER/ASSIG NMENT APPLICATIONS GRANTED The following assignment applications was granted effective February 13, 1998, unless otherwise noted. FILE NUMBER: 20968-CD-P/AL-98 LICENSEE: FREEPAGE CORPORATION CALLSIGN: KUC961 ACTION: PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT FREQUENCY: 152.12 MHZ AT MT. HOLLY SPRINGS, PA ASSIGNOR: FREEPAGE CORPORATION ASSIGNEE: PACKET PAGE LTD., TO BE PLACED UNDER NEW CALL SIGN KNLW570 FILE NUMBER: 20969-CD-P/AL-98 LICENSEE: SALISBURY MOBILE TELEPHONE, INC. CALLSIGN: KGH868 ACTION: PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT FREQUENCY: 152.03 MHZ AT SALISBURY, MD ASSIGNOR: SALISBURY MOBILE TELEPHONE, INC. ASSIGNEE: MATT EDWARDS, TO BE PLACED UNDER NEW CALL SIGN KNLW571 FILE NUMBER: 20970-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: DR. ROBERT CASEY & DR. ROBERT WYNIA CALLSIGN: KKB387 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: DR. ROBERT CASEY & DR. ROBERT WYNIA DBA W C COMMUNICATIONS ASSIGNEE: AIRCALL, INC. FILE NUMBER: 20973-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: HIAWATHA TELEPHONE COMPANY CALLSIGN: KNKC315 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: HIAWATHA TELEPHONE COMPANY ASSIGNEE: SUPERIOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. DBA SUPERIOR SPECTRUM FILE NUMBER: 20997-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: TELETOUCH LICENSES, INC. CALLSIGN: KAH672 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: TELETOUCH LICENSES, INC. ASSIGNEE: LOCATOR PAGING & ANSWERING SERVICE, INC. FILE NUMBER: 20998-CD-P/AL-98 LICENSEE: SCHUYLKILL MOBILE FONE, INC. CALLSIGN: KGB868 ACTION: PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT FREQUENCY: 152.72 MHZ AT ALLENTOWN, PA ASSIGNOR: SCHUYLKILL MOBILE FONE, INC. ASSIGNEE: CONESTOGA MOBILE SYSTEMS, INC., TO BE PLACED UNDER EXISTING CALL SIGN KNKO368 FILE NUMBER: 20999-CD-AL-98 LICENSEE: BELL ATLANTIC-MARYLAND, INC. CALLSIGN: KGH866 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: BELL ATLANTIC-MARYLAND, INC ASSIGNEE: CONESTOGA MOBILE SYSTEMS, INC. - FCC -