PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830 Internet: Released: February 6, 1998 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU COMMERCIAL WIRELESS SERVICE INFORMATION Report No. LB-98-23 This Public Notice includes the following information regarding assignment and transfer applications filed with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Commercial Wireless Division: Broadband Services transfer/assignment applications accepted for filing, if any; Broadband Services transfer/assignment applications granted, if any; Narrowband Services transfer/assignment applications accepted for filing, if any; Narrowband Services transfer/assignment applications granted, if any. BROADBAND SERVICES TRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING The WCS and PCS assignment applications listed herein have been found upon initial review to be acceptable for filing. 50335-WS-AL-98 thru 50341-WS-AL-98 Consent to the partial assignment of broadband Wireless Communications Service (WCS) B Block licenses of BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc., involving the partitioning/disaggregation of the lower 5 MHz 2305-10/2310-2315 MHz bands from BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc. to Wireless One, Inc., see, File nos. listed below. File No. Call Sign Market City 50335-WS-AL-98 KNLB221 ME07 Charlotte (LEAD) 50336-WS-AL-98 KNLB223 ME08 Atlanta 50337-WS-AL-98 KNLB224 ME09 Jacksonville 50338-WS-AL-98 KNLB226 ME10 Tampa-St. Petersburg-Orlando 50339-WS-AL-98 KNLB231 ME23 Louisville-Lexington-Evansville 50340-WS-AL-98 KNLB234 ME25 Nashville 50341-WS-AL-98 KNLB237 ME27 New Orleans-Baton Rouge _____________________________________________________________ 50342-WS-AL-98 thru 50347-WS-AL-98 Consent to the partial assignment of broadband Wireless Communications Service (WCS) A Block licenses of BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc., involving the partitioning/disaggregation of the lower 5 MHz 2305-10/2310-2315 MHz bands from BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc. to Wireless One, Inc., see, File nos. listed below. File No. Call Sign Market City 50342-WS-AL-98 KNLB201 ME07 Charlotte (LEAD) 50343-WS-AL-98 KNLB222 ME08 Atlanta 50344-WS-AL-98 KNLB225 ME10 Tampa-St. Petersburg-Orlando 50345-WS-AL-98 KNLB230 ME23 Louisville-Lexington-Evansville 50346-WS-AL-98 KNLB233 ME25 Nashville 50347-WS-AL-98 KNLB236 ME27 New Orleans-Baton Rouge _____________________________________________________________ 50351-CW-AL-98 Consent to the partial assignment of broadband PCS B Block license of TWR Cellular, Inc, Station KNLF256 involving the partitioning/disaggregation of 20 MHz of B Block spectrum - 1870- 1880/1950-1960 MHz bands, Markets B049 Blytheville BTA, B120 Dyersburg-Union City BTA, B211 Jackson BTA, B290 Crittendon - Cross - Lee - Phillips - St. Francis - Benton - Coahoma - DeSoto - Grenada - Lafayette - Marshall - Panola - Quitman - Tallahatchie - Tate - Tunica - Yalobusha - Fayette - Hardeman - Haywood - Lauderdale - Shelby - Tipton BTAs from TWR Cellular, Inc. to Telecorp PCS, L.L.C., Market MO28 - Memphis-Jackson MTA. 50352-CW-AL-98 Consent to the assignment of broadband PCS A Block license of TWR Cellular, Inc, Station KNLF279 involving the disaggregation of 20 MHz of A Block spectrum - 1850-1860/1930-1940 MHz bands from TWR Cellular, Inc. to Telecorp PCS, L.L.C., Market B040, Little Rock MTA. 50353-CW-AL-98 Consent to the partial assignment of broadband PCS A Block license of AT&T Wireless PCS Inc., Station KNLF216 involving the partitioning/disaggregation of 20 MHz of A Block spectrum - 1850-1860/1930-1940 MHz bands, Markets B051 Rockingham, Strafford BTA, B201 Hyannis BTA, B274 Manchester-Nashua-Concord BTA, B480 Portions of Worcester County BTA from AT&T Wireless PCS Inc. to Telecorp PCS, L.L.C., Market M008 - Boston-Providence MTA. 50354-CW-AL-98 Consent to the partial assignment of broadband PCS A Block license of AT&T Wireless PCS Inc., Station KNLF251 involving the partitioning/disaggregation of 20 MHz of A Block spectrum - 1850-1860/1930-1940 MHz bands, Markets B135 Evansville BTA, B339 Paducah-Murray- Mayfield, BTA, from AT&T Wireless PCS Inc. to Telecorp PCS, L.L.C., Market M026 - Louisville- Lexington-Evansville MTA. 50355-CW-AL-98 Consent to the partial assignment of broadband PCS A Block license of AT&T Wireless PCS Inc., Station KNLF237 involving the partitioning/disaggregation of 20 MHz of A Block spectrum - 1850-1860/1930-1940 MHz bands, Markets B067 Carbondale-Marion BTA, B090 Columbia BTA, B066 Cape Girardeau-Sikeston BTA, B367 Quincy, IL-Hannibal BTA, B355 Poplar Bluff BTA, B217 Jefferson City BTA, B308 Mount Vernon-Centralia BTA, B383 Rolla BTA, B470 West Plains BTA, B230 Kirksville BTA, B428 Camden - Cedar - Dallas - Douglas - Hickory - Laclede - Polk - Stone - Taney -Texas - Webster - Wright BTAs, from AT&T Wireless PCS Inc. to Telecorp PCS, L.L.C., Market M019 - St. Louis MTA. 50356-CW-AL-98 Consent to the assignment of broadband PCS D Block license of AT&T Wireless PCS Inc, Station KNLG381 from AT&T Wireless PCS Inc. to Telecorp PCS, L.L.C., Market B032, Baton Rouge BTA. 50357-CW-AL-98 Consent to the assignment of broadband PCS D Block license of AT&T Wireless PCS Inc, Station KNLG462 from AT&T Wireless PCS Inc. to Telecorp PCS, L.L.C., Market B236, Lafayette-New Iberia BTA. 50358-CW-AL-98 Consent to the assignment of broadband PCS D Block license of AT&T Wireless PCS Inc, Station KNLG500 from AT&T Wireless PCS Inc. to Telecorp PCS, L.L.C., Market B320, New Orleans BTA. Final action will not be taken on these applications earlier than 31 days following the date of this notice, except for radio applications not requiring a 30 day notice period (Section 309(c)) of the Communications Act. These applications will be available for public inspection in Room 5608, 2025 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. during the normal reference room hours. Copies of these documents may be obtained from: International Transcription Services, Inc. (ITS, Inc.) 1231 20th Stre et, NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-857-3800 BROADBAND SERVICES TRANSFER/ASSIG NMENT APPLICATIONS GRANTED The following PCS (F Block) assignment application was filed and appeared on Public Notice, Report No. LB-98-02, released October 10, 1997. No petitions to deny have been filed and the Commission has found the application to be in the public interest. The Commission has granted the application effective February 6, 1998. Grant of this assignment is expressly conditioned upon the parties complying with the conditions set forth in the grant documents. Failure to comply with any of the conditions will result in the immediate revocation of the license grant. 50413-CW-AL-97 Partial assignment of broadband PCS license of Telephone Service Company, Station KNLG229, partitioning of the 10 MHz broadband PCS license involving Putnam and Van Wert counties and U.S. Postal Service Zip Code 45833 in Allen County, Ohio for the Lima BTA, from Telephone Service Company to North West PCS, Inc., Market B255 (F Block) - Lima BTA, to be placed under new sign. ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Commission (By Commercial Wireless Division) has granted the following pro forma PCS and RSA transfer/assignment applications as indicated. 50082-CW-TC-98 Pro Forma transfer of control of broadband PCS license of Cox Communications PCS, L.P. from Cox Pioneer Partnership to Cox Pioneer Partners, L.L.C., Market 2A (A Block) - Los Angeles-San Diego MTA. (Granted 2/6/98, Station KNLF201) 50083-CW-AL-98 Pro Forma assignment of broadband PCS license of Cox Communications PCS, L.P. from Cox Communications PCS, L.P. to Cox PCS License, L.L.C., Market 2A (A Block) - Los Angeles - San Diego MTA. (Granted 2/6/98, Stations KNLF201) 01378-CL-AL-98 Pro Forma assignment of license of Glacial Lake Cellular Limited Partnership from Glacial Lake Cellular Limited Partnership dba Glacial Lakes Cellular 2000 to Revering Group, Inc. dba Glacial Lakes Cellular 2000, Market No. 637B - SD 4 - Marshall RSA. (Granted 2/6/98, Station KNKN368) ____________________________________________________________________________________ NARROWBANDSERV ICES TRANSFER/ASSIG NMENT APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING No application s listed on this notice. ______________________________________________________________________________ NARROWBAND SER VICES TRANSFER/ASSIG NMENT APPLICATIONS GRANTED The following assignment application was granted effective February 6, 1998, unless otherwise noted. FILE NUMBER: 24890-CD-AL-97 LICENSEE: SMR/USA, INC. CALLSIGN: KNLN495 ACTION: ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNOR: SMR/USA, INC. ASSIGNEE: DAVID SEGNERI - FCC -