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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554X@,**3LpH!8X   3tPNews Media Information: (202) 4180500 FaxOnDemand: (202) 4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov }ftp.fcc.govX(#h~,**4$:**3LpH!8~ԯ ryx dddhy  X-#Xj\  P;G;ynXP#  Xs - ) DA 982604 December 23, 1998 X(#P  a. <D\#|\  P<G;_P# AUCTION OF C, D, E, AND F BLOCK BROADBAND PCS LICENSES T SBNotice and Filing Requirements for Auction of C, D, E, and F Block Broadband Personal Communications Services Licenses  Scheduled for March 23, 1999 T  aj<E Minimum Opening Bids and Other Procedural Issues#|\  P>G;_P# T T  X-TP#Xj\  P?G;ynXP#Report No. AUC9822C (Auction No. 22)  XC-A1. INTRODUCTION ă xThis Public Notice announces the procedures and minimum opening bids for the upcoming auction (Auction No. 22) of broadband Personal Communications Services (PCS) spectrum in the C, D, E, and F blocks. On November 12, 1998, the Wireless  X-Telecommunications Bureau ("Bureau") released a Public Notice,8\ {OI-ԍxSee "C Block PCS spectrum Auction Scheduled for March 23, 1999; Comment Sought on Auction  {O -Procedural Issues," Public Notice, DA 982318 (rel. November 12, 1998) ("Procedural Public Notice I"); 63 FR 66,172 (December 1, 1998).8 announcing its plans to establish minimum opening bids for the auction of C block spectrum in Auction No. 22, in  X-accordance with the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.2X yO$-ԍxSection 3002(a), Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Pub. L. 10533, 111 Stat. 251 (1997) ("Budget Act"); 47 U.S.C.  309(j)(4)(F). The Commission's authority to establish a reserve price or minimum opening bid is set forth in 47 C.F.R.  1.2104(c) and (d).2 In addition, the Bureau sought comment  X-on a number of procedures to be used in Auction No. 22.Zp {O)-ԍxProcedural Public Notice I at 412.Z On November 19, 1998, thef ,** eLpH!8 '#  h  X-Bureau released a second Public Notice,^ {Oy-#X\  P6G;ɒP##X\  P6G;ɒP#эxSee "Additional Information Regarding Broadband PCS Spectrum Included in the Auction Scheduled for  {OC-March 23, 1999; Comment Sought on Auction Procedural Issues," Public Notice, DA 982337 (rel. November  {O -19, 1998) ("Procedural Public Notice II"); 63 FR 66,176 (December 1, 1998). providing additional and corrected information about Auction No. 22, including the addition of spectrum in the D, E, and F blocks. The Bureau received comments in response to one or both of the two procedural Public Notices from the following parties: Airadigm Communications, Inc. ("Airadigm"); Americana PCS L.L.C. ("Americana"); DiGiPH PCS, Inc. ("DiGiPH"); Mountain Solutions  X-Ltd. ("Mountain Solutions"); Omnipoint Corporation ("Omnipoint"); {O -ԍxSee also Letter to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, from Mark J. O'Connor, Piper & Marbury, L.L.P., Counsel for Omnipoint Corporation (December 10, 1998) (describing substance of December 9, 1998 meeting, and enclosing written presentation made at that meeting, regarding minimum opening bid, bid increment, and bidding credit issues connected with the auction of C block licenses in Auction No. 22). and The Rural Telecommunications Group ("RTG").  WH< Licenses to Be Auctioned:  xThe Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission") will hold an auction, Auction No. 22, for 134 15MHz and 208 30MHz C block licenses, as well as for three D, six E, and five F block licenses. A list of the licenses that will be available in Auction No. 22 is included at Attachment A.  X <   Auction Date:  The auction will begin on March 23, 1999. The initial schedule for bidding will be announced by public notice at least one week before the start of the auction. Unless otherwise announced, bidding will be conducted each business day and will continue until bidding has stopped on all licenses.  X5< Auction Title:  Auction No. 22 (C, D, E, and F Block Broadband PCS).  X< Bidding Methodology:  Simultaneous multiple round bidding. Bidding will be permitted only from remote locations, either electronically (by computer) or telephonically.  W< PreAuction Deadlines:   X-X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:vV {O-#C\  P6QɒP#эx#X\  P6G;ɒP#Procedural Public Notice I at 11; Procedural Public Notice II at 3. xTwo commenters discussed the stopping rule. DiGiPH supports our proposal to implement a modified simultaneous stopping rule. According to DiGiPH, it is likely that the only reason a bidder would increase its own standing high bids, absent any other bidding activity, would be to prevent the auction from closing and the triggering of certain postauction deadlines. DiGiPH believes that the modified simultaneous stopping rule would  X -greatly reduce the likelihood of this sort of activity.m? ZV yOD-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эxDiGiPH Comments at 4.m RTG supports the proposed adoption of a special stopping rule, stating that it could save auction participants from needlessly expending costly resources. RTG also agrees that in many instances it would make sense "for the Bureau to take certain steps intended to increase the pace of the auction prior to invoking the special stopping rule." RTG suggests that it would serve the public interest for the Bureau  Xb-to request bidder input during the auction on possible invocation of the special stopping rule.l@bNV yO-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эxRTG Comments at 13.l xBarring extraordinary circumstances, bidding will remain open on all licenses until bidding stops on every license. Thus, the auction will close for all licenses when one round passes during which no bidder submits a new acceptable bid on any license, applies a proactive waiver, or withdraws a previous high bid. In addition, however, the Bureau retains the discretion to close the auction for all licenses after the first round in which no bidder submits a proactive waiver, a withdrawal, or a new bid on any license on which it is not the standing high bidder. Thus, absent any other bidding activity, a bidder placing a new bid on a license for which it is the standing high bidder would not keep the auction open under this stopping rule procedure. We will notify bidders in advance of implementing any change to our simultaneous stopping rule. xThe Bureau retains the discretion, however, to keep an auction open even if no new acceptable bids or proactive waivers are submitted, and no previous high bids are withdrawn. In this event, the effect will be the same as if a bidder had submitted a proactive waiver. Thus, the activity rule will apply as usual, and a bidder with insufficient activity will either lose bidding eligibility or use an activity rule waiver (if it has any left). xFurther, in its discretion, the Bureau reserves the right to declare that the auction will end after a specified number of additional rounds ("special stopping rule"). If the FCC""B@+**!" invokes this special stopping rule, it will accept bids in the final round(s) only for licenses on which the high bid increased in at least one of the preceding specified number of rounds. The FCC intends to exercise this option only in extreme circumstances, such as where the auction is proceeding very slowly, where there is minimal overall bidding activity, or where it appears likely that the auction will not close within a reasonable period of time. Before exercising this option, the FCC is likely to attempt to increase the pace of the auction by, for example, moving the auction into the next stage (where bidders would be required to maintain a higher level of bidding activity), increasing the number of bidding rounds per day, and/or increasing the amount of the minimum bid increments for the limited number of licenses where there is still a high level of bidding activity. Given the extreme circumstances under which the Bureau intends to invoke the special stopping rule, the Bureau has decided not to adopt RTG's suggestion that we routinely request bidder input prior to such invocation. However, we remind bidders that they are free to make their views known to the Bureau throughout the auction and that the Suggestion Box in the Automated Auction System affords them one  X -possible avenue of communication.A V yO7-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эxPrior to the point where longform applications are filed and formally opposed, mutually exclusive applicants in auction proceedings may communicate with the Commission concerning their applications, so long as the application has not become subject to ex parte restrictions for some other reason, e.g., the applicant has  {O-filed a waiver request that has been formally opposed. Amendment of 47 C.F.R.  1.1200 et seq. Concerning Ex  {OY-Parte Presentations in Commission Proceedings, Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 7348, 7356 para. 24 (1997); 47 C.F.R.  1.1202(d) note (1).  X-x (7) Auction Delay, Suspension, or Cancellation  Xb-xIn Procedural Public Notice I and II, we proposed that, by public notice or by announcement during the auction, the Bureau may delay, suspend, or cancel the auction in the event of natural disaster, technical obstacle, evidence of an auction security breach, unlawful bidding activity, administrative or weather necessity, or for any other reason that affects the  X-fair and competitive conduct of competitive bidding.BDV {Oa-#C\  P6QɒP#эxProcedural Public Notice I at 1112; Procedural Public Notice II at 3. DiGiPH filed the only comment regarding this proposal, suggesting that if it becomes necessary to restart the auction for breaches of auction security or other anticompetitive reasons, the Commission should initiate a brief comment cycle to determine an appropriate method of restarting the auction. DiGiPH further states that, where anticompetitive conduct is concerned, it would be useful for the Commission to gather information from auction participants in order to measure the impact of  X~-such conduct and to determine how to restart the auction.oC~:V yO#-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эxDiGiPH Comments at 45.o xBecause the auction cancellation rules we proposed have proven effective in resolving exigent circumstances in previous auctions, we will adopt them for Auction No. 22. By public notice or by announcement during the auction, the Bureau may delay, suspend, or cancel the auction in the event of natural disaster, technical obstacle, evidence of an auction" . C+**[" security breach, unlawful bidding activity, administrative or weather necessity, or for any other reason that affects the fair and competitive conduct of competitive bidding. In such cases, the Bureau, in its sole discretion, may elect to: resume the auction starting from the beginning of the current round; resume the auction starting from some previous round; or cancel the auction in its entirety. Network interruption may cause the Bureau to delay or suspend the auction. We emphasize that exercise of this authority is solely within the discretion of the Bureau, and its use is not intended to be a substitute for situations in which bidders may wish to apply their activity rule waivers. xWe believe that DiGiPH's suggestion that we seek comment prior to restarting the auction would unduly restrict the Bureau's discretion and flexibility in conducting the auction, and we decline to adopt it. We will, however, provide bidders with reasonable notice either by public notice or by announcement over the Automated Auction System prior to recommencing the auction. As stated, bidders may make their views known to the Bureau throughout the auction and, if they choose, may use the Suggestion Box in the Automated  X -Auction System for such communication.pD V {O -#X\  P6G;ɒP#эxSee supra note 65.p  X-  Xy-B. Bidding Procedures  XK-x (1) Round Structure xThe initial bidding schedule will be announced by public notice at least one week before the start of the auction, and will be included in the registration mailings. The round structure for each bidding round contains a single bidding round followed by the release of the round results. x x The FCC has discretion to change the bidding schedule in order to foster an auction pace that reasonably balances speed with the bidders' need to study round results and adjust their bidding strategies. The FCC may increase or decrease the amount of time for the bidding rounds and review periods, or the number of rounds per day, depending upon the bidding activity level and other factors.  X -x (2) Reserve Price or Minimum Opening Bid  X-xIn Procedural Public Notice I, the Bureau proposed to establish as the minimum opening bid for each 15 MHz C block license available in Auction No. 22 an amount equal to  X -five percent of the most recent net high bid for the corresponding 30 MHz license,E  ZV yO5%-#X\  P6G;ɒP##C\  P6QɒP#эxBy "most recent," we mean that if the license for a particular band of spectrum was auctioned in Auction No. 10 (which concluded on July 16, 1996), the Bureau will use the net high bid for the license in Auction No. 10, rather than the net high bid for authorization to use that same band in the original C block auction, Auction No. 5, as the basis for calculating the minimum opening bid. but in no" E+**"  X-event lower than the upfront payment amount for that license in Auction No. 22.FV {Oy-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эxProcedural Public Notice I at 24. For 15 MHz licenses with minimum opening bids that would otherwise be lower than upfront payment amounts, the Bureau proposed to establish minimum opening bids that equal the upfront payment amounts. The Bureau stated that for each 30 MHz license available in Auction No. 22, the Bureau plans to establish a minimum opening bid equal to ten percent of the most recent corresponding net high bid for the license, but in no event lower than the upfront payment amount for that license in Auction No. 22. For 30 MHz C block licenses with minimum opening bids that would otherwise be lower than upfront payment amounts, the Bureau said that it plans to establish minimum opening bids that equal the upfront payment  X1-amounts.@G1ZV {O -ԍxId. at 4.@  X -xIn Procedural Public Notice II, the Bureau proposed to establish as the minimum opening bid for each D, E, and F block license for which there was a winning bidder in Auction No. 11 an amount equal to ten percent of the corresponding net high bid for the market in Auction No. 11, but in no event lower than the upfront payment for that license in  X -Auction No. 22.XH PV {O-ԍxProcedural Public Notice II at 2.X For each D, E, and F block license for which there was no winning bidder in Auction No. 11, the Bureau proposed to establish as the minimum opening bid an amount  X{-equal to 3.33 percent of the most recentOI{FV {O-ԍxSee supra note 69.O net high bid for the C block license in the same BTA, but in no event lower than the upfront payment amount for that license in Auction No.  XM-22.JXM<V yO-ԍxThe 3.33 (in other words, 10/3) percent amount for these 10 MHz D, E, and F block licenses corresponds proportionally with the five percent proposed for 15 MHz C block licenses and the ten percent proposed for 30 MHz C block licenses. Thus, for licenses with minimum opening bids that otherwise would be lower than upfront payment amounts, the Bureau proposed to establish minimum opening bids that equal the upfront payment amounts. xBoth Americana and Omnipoint contend that the Bureau's planned minimum opening bids for C block licenses should be reduced. Americana argues that the planned minimum opening bids are artificially high because they are premised on inflated high bids from the original C block auction and points to bankruptcies "of major C block players" in support of its argument. It reasons that market conditions will be worse for C block applicants in Auction No. 22 than they were for applicants in Auction No. 5, because of the lack of installment payment financing, a public perception of a "spectrum glut," and an aggressively competitive market. As a result, high minimum opening bids will decrease participation by C block bidders in Auction No. 22 and may result in no bidders for certain markets. Americana proposes that the Bureau set the minimum opening bid for C block licenses at half of each"" J+**" market's proposed upfront payment, i.e., $0.03 per MHz per pop, rounded to the nearest  X-dollar.LKV yOb-ԍxAmericana Comments at 210.L xOmnipoint argues similarly that higher minimum opening prices would significantly interfere with an efficient market outcome for the auction. The danger, according to Omnipoint, is that the minimum opening bids for "core markets" might be so high that they will go unbid. Omnipoint discusses several factors that indicate the minimum opening bids should be relatively moderate, including current market competition, the lack of installment  XH-payment financing, and the bankruptcies of certain prior winning C block bidders. LHXV {O -ԍxOmnipoint Comments at 24. See also Letter to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, from Mark J. O'Connor, Piper & Marbury, L.L.P., Counsel for Omnipoint Corporation (December 10, 1998) (describing substance of December 9, 1998 meeting, and enclosing written  {O-presentation made at that meeting, regarding, inter alia, minimum opening bid issues connected with the auction of C block licenses in Auction No. 22).  Omnipoint mentions lower minimum opening bid schedules in other Commission auctions and suggests that the Bureau substitute a minimum opening bid for Auction No. 22 that does not exceed $0.02 per MHz per pop, which is the same minimum opening bid set by the Bureau  X -for the Commission's Specialized Mobile Radio Service (SMR) auction.KM pV yOq-ԍxOmnipoint Comments at 46.K xWe will adopt minimum opening bids for each of the licenses in Auction No. 22 that are reducible at the discretion of the Bureau. Congress has enacted a presumption that unless the Commission determines otherwise, minimum opening bids or reserve prices are in the  Xy-public interest.N yd V yO-ԍ#X\  P6G;ɒP#xSection 3002(a)(1)(C) of the Budget Act directs the Commission to "prescribe methods by which a reasonable reserve price will be required, or a minimum bid established, to obtain any license or permit being assigned pursuant to the competitive bidding, unless the Commission determines that such a reserve price or minimum bid is not in the public interest." Based on our experience in using minimum opening bids in several auctions, including the 800 MHz SMR and Local Multipoint Distribution Service ("LMDS") auctions, we believe that minimum opening bids speed the course of the auction and ensure that valuable assets are not sold for nominal prices, without unduly interfering with the efficient  X-assignment of licenses.~O V {O"-ԍ#X\  P6G;ɒP#xSee 47 U.S.C.  309(j)(3)(C).~ xIn establishing the minimum opening bids, we strive to balance the dual objectives of encouraging wide participation in the auction and preventing unreasonably low bids. We believe that we can best accomplish this goal for the upcoming PCS auction by altering the  X-minimum opening bid formulae for C, D, E, and F block licenses set forth in Procedural  X-Public Notices I and II, to yield lower minimum bids. This alteration will, for the most part,"O+**Q" halve the minimum opening bids for Auction No. 22. The concerns of the commenters have led us to reassess the balance we proposed to strike between maximizing auction participation and preventing unreasonably low bids. While we now believe that the proposed minimum  X-opening bids run too great a risk of precluding bona fide auction participation, the alternative minimum opening bid formulae suggested by the commenters will provide an insufficient safeguard against unreasonably low bids. Drawing on our experience in conducting spectrum auctions and our expertise in assessing the dynamics of the bidding process, we conclude that the approach adopted here will yield greater auction participation than our original proposal, without compromising the reasonableness of the bids ultimately tendered. xIn addition to reducing the required level of the minimum opening bids, we are also simplifying the formulae for calculating those bids. Because all four spectrum blocks are being auctioned at the same time, under the same general conditions, we believe that it is appropriate and less complicated to use a common baseline to establish the minimum opening bid formulae for all of the  %q licenses in the auction. The net high bids from prior C block auctions provide the most comprehensive broadband PCS baseline. We, therefore, have decided to base the minimum opening bids for each license available in Auction No. 22,  X{-including D, E, and F block licenses, on the most recent net high bid for the C block license  Xd-in the same BTA.pPdV {O-#X\  P6G;ɒP#эxSee supra note 69.p xWe adopt the following revised formulae for calculating minimum opening bids:  X-(1) 30 MHz licenses X5 % of most recent net high bid for C block licenses in same BTA(#  X-(2) 15 MHz licenses X2.5 % of most recent net high bid for C block licenses in same BTA(#  X~-(3) 10 MHz licenses X1.6 % of most recent net high bid for C block licenses in same BTA(# These formulae will apply without regard to the upfront payment amount required for the same license in Auction No. 22. This change will ensure that minimum opening bids for all licenses will be significantly reduced. 4 <DL!T$&)\+- 0d24X4 p x (#%'0*,.8135@8:-#C\  P6QɒP#эxProcedural Public Notice I at 10; Procedural Public Notice II at 3. With respect to bid withdrawals, we proposed limiting each bidder to withdrawals in no more than two rounds during the course of the auction. The two rounds in which withdrawals are utilized, we proposed, would be at the bidder's discretion. We received no comments on this proposal.  XR-x a. Procedures  X$- xBefore the close of a bidding round, a bidder has the option of removing any bids placed in that round. By using the "remove bid" function in the software, a bidder may effectively "unsubmit" any bid placed within that round. A bidder removing a bid placed in the same round is not subject to withdrawal payments. Removing a bid will affect a bidder's activity for the round in which it is removed. As stated, we received no comments regarding these procedures. We believe that they will enhance bidder flexibility and that they may serve to expedite the course of the auction. Therefore, we will adopt these procedures for Auction No. 22. xOnce a round closes, a bidder may no longer remove a bid. However, in the next round, a bidder may withdraw standing high bids from previous rounds using the "withdraw">&$ZZ+**%" bid" function (assuming that the bidder has not exhausted its withdrawal allowance). A high bidder that withdraws its standing high bid from a previous round is subject to the bid withdrawal payments specified in 47 C.F.R.  1.2104(g) and 1.2109. The procedure for withdrawing a bid and receiving a withdrawal confirmation is essentially the same as the  X-bidding procedure described in "High Bids," Part 4.B.(4). xThe Bureau will limit the number of rounds in which bidders may place withdrawals to two rounds. These rounds will be at the bidder's discretion and there will be no limit on the number of bids that may be withdrawn in either of these rounds. Withdrawals will still be subject to the bid withdrawal payments specified in 47 C.F.R.  1.2104(g) and 1.2109. xIf a high bid is withdrawn, the license will be offered in the next round at the second highest bid price, which may be less than, or equal to, in the case of tie bids, the amount of the withdrawn bid, without any bid increment. The FCC will serve as a "place holder" on the license until a new acceptable bid is submitted on that license.  X-x b. Calculation xGenerally, a bidder that withdraws a standing high bid during the course of an auction will be subject to a payment equal to the lower of: (1) the difference between the net withdrawn bid and the subsequent net winning bid; or (2) the difference between the gross  X-withdrawn bid and the subsequent gross winning bid for that license. See 47 C.F.R.  1.2104(g) and 1.2109. No withdrawal payment will be assessed if a subsequent bid exceeds the withdrawn bid.  X-x (7) Round Results xThe bids placed during a round are not published until the conclusion of that bidding period. After a round closes, the FCC will compile reports of all bids placed, bids withdrawn, current high bids, new minimum accepted bids, and bidder eligibility status (bidding eligibility and activity rule waivers), and post the reports for public access. xReports reflecting bidders' identities and bidder identification numbers for Auction No. 22 will be available before and during the auction. Thus, bidders will know in advance of this auction the identities of the bidders against which they are bidding.  X -x (8) Auction Announcements xThe FCC will use auction announcements to announce items such as schedule changes and stage transitions. All FCC auction announcements will be available on the FCC remote electronic bidding system, as well as the Internet and the FCC Bulletin Board System.  X<&-x (9) Other Matters  X(-xAs noted in Part 3.B., supra, after the shortform filing deadline, applicants may make only minor changes to their FCC Form 175 applications. For example, permissible minor"(%Z+**'" changes include deletion and addition of authorized bidders (to a maximum of three) and revision of exhibits. Filers should make these changes online, and submit a letter to Amy Zoslov, Chief, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 2025 M Street, N.W., Room 5202, Washington, D.C. 20554 (and mail a separate copy to Audrey Bashkin, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division), briefly summarizing the changes. Questions about other changes should be directed to Audrey Bashkin of the FCC Auctions and Industry Analysis Division at (202) 4180660.  XH-T "H&Z+**"  X- 5. POSTAUCTION PROCEDURES ĐTP  X- A. Down Payments and Withdrawn Bid Payments xAfter bidding has ended, the Commission will issue a public notice declaring the auction closed, identifying the winning bids and bidders for each license, and listing withdrawn bid payments due. xWithin ten business days after release of the auction closing notice, each winning bidder must submit sufficient funds (in addition to its upfront payment) to bring its total amount of money on deposit with the Government to 20 percent of its net winning bids  X -(actual bids less any applicable bidding credits). See 47 C.F.R.  1.2107(b). In addition, by the same deadline all bidders must pay any withdrawn bid amounts due under 47 C.F.R.   X -1.2104(g), as discussed in "Bid Removal and Bid Withdrawal," Part 4.B.(6). (Upfront payments are applied first to satisfy any withdrawn bid liability, before being applied toward down payments.)  X{- B. LongForm Application xWithin ten business days after release of the auction closing notice, winning bidders  X6-must submit a properly completed longform application and required exhibits for each license won through Auction No. 22. Winning bidders for C or F block licenses that are small businesses or very small businesses (or consortia of small businesses or very small businesses)  X-must include an exhibit demonstrating their eligibility for bidding credits. See 47 C.F.R.  1.2112(b). Further filing instructions will be provided to auction winners at the close of the auction.  X- C. Default and Disqualification  Xi-xAny high bidder that defaults or is disqualified after the close of the auction (i.e., fails to remit the required down payment within the prescribed period of time, fails to submit a timely longform application, fails to make full payment, or is otherwise disqualified) will be subject to the payments described in 47 C.F.R.  1.2104(g)(2). In such event the Commission may reauction the license or offer it to the next highest bidders (in descending order) at their  X-final bids.  See 47 C.F.R.  1.2109(b) and (c). In addition, if a default or disqualification involves gross misconduct, misrepresentation, or bad faith by an applicant, the Commission may declare the applicant and its principals ineligible to bid in future auctions, and may take any other action that it deems necessary, including institution of proceedings to revoke any  X"-existing licenses held by the applicant.  See 47 C.F.R.  1.2109(d).  Xr$- D. Refund of Remaining Upfront Payment Balance xAll applicants that submitted upfront payments for a license in Auction No. 22 may be entitled to a refund of their remaining upfront payment balance after the conclusion of the auction. No refund will be made unless there are excess funds on deposit from that applicant after any applicable bid withdrawal payments have been paid."('Z+**'"ԌxBidders that drop out of the auction completely may be eligible for a refund of their upfront payments before the close of the auction. However, bidders that reduce their eligibility and remain in the auction are not eligible for partial refunds of upfront payments until the close of the auction. Qualified bidders that have exhausted all of their activity rule waivers, have no remaining bidding eligibility, and have not withdrawn a high bid during the auction must submit a written refund request which includes wire transfer instructions, a Taxpayer Identification Number ("TIN"), and a copy of their bidding eligibility screen print, to: Federal Communications Commission Billings and Collections Branch 3 Attn: Regina Dorsey or Linwood Jenkins  445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20024 xBidders can also fax their request to the Billings and Collections Branch at (202) 4182843. Once the request has been approved, a refund will be sent to the address provided on the FCC Form 159. XxNOTE: Refund processing generally takes up to two weeks to complete. Bidders with questions about refunds should contact Linwood Jenkins or Tim Dates at (202) 4181995.  Media Contact: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 4180654 Auctions and Industry Analysis Division: Jeff Garretson, Operations; Bob Reagle, Auctions Analysis; and Audrey Bashkin, Legal Branch, at (202) 4180660  XN-Commercial Wireless Division : David Judelsohn at (202) 4187240.  X -= é FCC X4 p x (#%'0*,.8135@8:-7.XxVerify that the correct country is selected in the Country code field. (#  Y-XxIf necessary, click the down arrow at the right of the Country code field and select the appropriate country from the menu of available countries.(#   Y!-8.XxClick the Next button.(#  Y#-9.XxClick the Finish button. (#  Yu%-XxAn icon labeled either FCC Auctions 800# or FCC Auctions 900# appears in the DialUp Networking window.(# "I'7Z+**P("Ԍ Y-10.XxVerify that properties are configured correctly before attempting a dialup session. Put the mouse pointer on the FCC Auctions icon that you wish to configure and click  Y-the  right  mouse button to display a menu. Click Properties from the menu.(#  Y-11.XxClick the Configure button. Click the Options tab at the top of the Properties window.(#  Yd-12.XxIn the Connection control area of the Options tab, verify that neither option is selected. If either option is selected, click the check box at the left of the option to  Y8-deselect it. Then click OK .(#  Y -13.XxIn Windows 95, click the Server Type... button.(#  Y -XxIn Windows 98, click the Server Types tab at the top of the Properties window.(#  Y -14.XxIn the Advanced Options area, verify that only Enable software compression is selected.(# XxIf it is not selected, click the check box at the left of the option to select it. If either of the other options is selected, click the check box to deselect it.(#  Y@-15.XxIn the Allowed Network Protocols area, verify that only TCP/IP is selected.(# XxIf it is not selected, click the check box at the left of the option to select it. If either of the other options is selected, click the check box to deselect it.(#   Y-16.XxClick the TCP/IP Settings button and select Specify name server addresses.(#  Y-17.XxType as the Primary DNS.(#   Yy-18.XxClick OK on the TCP/IP Settings window and the Server Type window.(#  YL-19.x#XN\  PynXP#X` <hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: DialUp Adapter and click Properties.(#4  X#-66jxd.,44Click the DNS Configuration tab.(#4  Xq%-66jxe.,44Select Enable DNS. Type bidder in the Host box, type fcc.gov in the Domain box,  X\&-then type in the DNS Server Search Order box and click the Add button.(#4 "0(8Z+**("Ԍ X-66jxf.,44Click OK on the TCP/IP Properties windows, then click OK on the Network windows.(#4  X-66jxg.,44If you are prompted to restart your computer, click Yes to restart, then begin the DialUp Procedure.(#4  Y-#vP|XP#  kcK #P]S P#DialUp Procedure#vP |XP# ă  Yx-1.66jIf the DialUp Networking window is not currently open, do the following:(#6  YJ -66ja.44Click the Windows 95/98 Start button.(#4  Y4 -66jb.44Click the Programs option to display the Programs menu.(#4  Y -66jc.44Click the Accessories option to display the Accessories menu.(#4  Y -66jd.44In Windows 95, click DialUp Networking (#4  Y -66jx,44In Windows 98, click Communications , then DialUp Networking .(#4 66jThe DialUp Networking window appears. (#6  Y-2.66jIn the DialUp Networking window, doubleclick the FCC Auctions 800# or FCC  Y-Auctions 900# icon.(#6  YT-66j Note : If you connect to the FCCs 900 number telephone service, there is a charge of (#(#X$2.30 per minute. The first minute of connection time to the 900 number service is at no charge.(#6  Y-3.66jClick the Connect button on the window. Do not enter User name and Password.(#6 66jThe Connection window appears, indicating the status of your connection as your modem dials into the system. This window must remain running during your dialup session. You may minimize the window, if you wish.(#6  Yq-66jIf your modem fails to establish a connection, please see the Troubleshooting section below.(#6  Y. -4.66jOnce the connection is established, open your Web browser.(#6  Y"-5.66jIn your browsers Location field, enter the appropriate Universal Resource Locator (URL) as follows:(#6  Y$-66j >." "XxFor FCC Form 175 Submit, enter http://wtbwww04.fcc.gov (# 66j  Y&-66j >." "XxFor FCC Form 175 Review or the FCC Remote Access System, enter  U|'- http://wtbwww03.fcc.gov (# "e(9Z+**@)"Ԍ Y-66jIf nothing appears in your Web browser, please see the Troubleshooting section below.(#6  Y-6.66jWhen you have finished, exit the Web browser, then click the Disconnect button on the Connection window to end your dialup session.(#6  kyK @ #P ]S P#Troubleshooting#vP |XP# ă Following are problems you may encounter and possible solutions for resolving or isolating them.  UI - Modem does not respond   Y -1.66jConfirm that all physical connections for the modem are present.  Y -2.66jConfirm that the phone line is active by connecting it to a telephone and checking for a 66jdialtone.(#6  Y-3.66jIf you are dialing the 900 number service, check for a 900 number telephone block. If the volume settings are low, the modem may be dialing but not connecting. Check for this by trying to connect to the 800 number, or by dialing the 900 number on that line using a telephone.(#6  Y5-4.66jConfirm that the correct modem driver is installed for your modem.(#6  U- _Modem dials but does not connect   Y-1.66jIf you are dialing the 900 number service, check for a 900 number telephone block. Check for this by dialing the 800 number to see if you connect, or by dialing the 900 number on that line using a telephone.(#6  Yf-_2.66jConfirm that the number the modem is dialing is correct.(#6  Y8-3.66jConfirm that the modem prefix, if any, is correct.  U!- Modem dials and connects, but nothing appears when you enter the Location in the Web  U"-browser   Y$-1.66jxVerify the DialUp Networking settings specified in the Configuring DialUp  Y%-Networking section.(#  Ym'-X64` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: