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Each request for certification must be signed and include the name and telephone number of a person familiar with the request and must include:J! ,,,XX!g!X| %_ !h    {# H   U Ԍ(1) a description of the entity requesting to be certified and its qualifications, (2) how it will prevent any conflicts of interest, (3) its proposed fee structure  The Commission will consider the following factors in deciding whether to certify an applicant as a COLE manager:  e_41.44Experience and ability to administer qualification examinations both by means of (#(# 44computer and by written examinations.  e142.44Area applicant is willing to administer examinations. NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants that can provide nationwide testing and existing administration infrastructure to do so.s#4  e 43.44Frequency of examinations that applicant is prepared to offer at each examination point. NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants that offer examinations on a more frequent basis.s#4  e 44.44Length of time before an applicant can begin administering examinations. All requests should address each of the four (4) factors identified in this Public Notice. Interested parties should bear in mind that only applicants that propose to administer all written examination elements will be considered.   e4 All requests for certification as a COLE manager must be received between Monday,  e4 ]!&January 25, 1999 and Monday, February 22, 1999. Requests received before or after these dates,  ]!or which do not comply with the filing proceedures, will not be considered. The names and addresses of certified COLE managers will be announced in a future Public Notice.  e4 Requests may be filed using the Commission's Electronic Filing of Documents in  e4 ]!Rulemaking Proceeding, (ECFS), See Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings,  ]!63 Fed. Reg. 24,121 (1998), and may be sent as an electronic file via the Internet to  ]! . Entities who submit by paper should send original and five  ]!copies of their request to the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C.  ]!_20054. Whether submitted electronically or as paper copies, requests should be identified as  e 4 ]!submissions to WT Docket No. 9822  8. Generally, only one copy of an electronic submission  ]!must be filed. In completing the transmittal screen, requests should include the entities full name, Postal Service mailing address, as well as the docket number.  ~Questions regarding this public notice may be directed to Joy Alford, Policy and Rules  ]!Branch, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (202) 4180694.  ]!EAction by Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.  FCC