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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554X@0*0*0*3LpH!8| X  ~J:-3#[2PYG;<P#News Media Information: (202) 4180500 YFaxOnDemand: (202) 4182830 +Internet: http://www.fcc.gov #% ftp.fcc.gov~0*0*0*&$:v0*0*3LpH!8| ~ԯ ZX(#Pyx dddhy  Xr-#Xj\  PZG;ynXP#  X[- ) DA 982499 FDec %1x ember 4, 1998 X(# %1x   X -X(#T|bX` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:ԍx#X\  P6G;ɒP#The Bureau waives sections 22.105 and 22.137 of the Commission's rules to the extent that they require the filing of Form 490 or consummation notification by letter. X01ÍÍX01ÍÍ While the use of old forms is permitted, the Commission strongly  X-encourages applicants to file the new ULS forms electronically. #XP\  P6QynXP# If an applicant is not yet prepared to file electronically, we recommend filing the new ULS forms manually in lieu of  X-the old forms. #XP\  P6QynXP#For instructions on electronic filing, go to http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. For  Xv-instructions on manual filing, see "Where to Send Manually Filed Applications" below.  XH-xCellular licensees who file notifications of consummation of pro forma assignments or transfers that do not require prior approval pursuant to the Commission's forbearance procedures may provide the required information to the Commission by filing Form 603 or  X -604, as appropriate, in lieu of Form 490 or letter notification.1 C x X"-  ԍx#]\  PCɒP#See Federal Communication's Bar Association's Petition for Forbearance from Section 310(d) of the  xCommunications Act Regarding NonSubstantial Assignments of Wireless and Transfers of Control Involving  {O- xTelecommunications Carriers, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd. 6293 (1998). Applicants should not use Form 601 for such notifications because new licensing information must be provided.1  Filing of forbearance notifications on preULS forms or by letter is also allowed, though this may result in slower  X -processing than the above options. W):footnote reference)#footnote reference##XP\  P6QynXP#hether the notification is by form or by letter, no fee is required. xApplicants are encouraged to make a single filing where the transaction involves only licenses that have been converted to the ULS (i.e., Part 22 Paging, Offshore, PCS, WCS, Cellular, and auctioned SMR and LMDS). There is no longer a need to file separately for each service or each call sign made under ULS. However, if a transfer or assignment  X6-transaction involves licenses in the above categories and licenses in other wireless services that have not yet been converted to ULS (e.g., Microwave, Private Land Mobile), the applicant must file separate applications for ULS and nonULSbased licenses, with the latter  X-filed on nonULS forms.)xfootnote reference)#footnote reference##XP\  P6QynXP#X01ÍÍX01ÍÍ 9Xw  yO -#XP\  P6QynXP##footnote reference##XP\  P6QynXP##6X@C@#э)Ofootnote reference)#C\  P6QɒP#xFor example, a licensee seeking to assign Cellular licenses and Microwave licenses may use Form 603 for the Cellular licenses, but must file Form 702 for the Microwave licenses because Microwave has not yet been converted to ULS.9X01ÍÍ X01ÍÍ This requirement is temporary until the new ULS rules are in effect and the databases for all wireless services have been converted to ULS. In the interim, applicants who file Cellular transfer and assignment applications in ULS and nonULS applications for a common transfer or assignment transaction are encouraged to contact Pearl McGinnis of the Bureau's Commercial Wireless Division at 2024181385 ahead of time to coordinate the application and approval process."~ 0*(("Ԍx xUnder the Commission's rules, an assignee or transferee of a Cellular license must file a report (FCC Form 430) qualifying it as a common carrier unless a current report is already  X-on file with the Commission. In the Report and Order, the Commission has adopted new  X-ULS Form 602 to replace Form 430 for collection of ownership information.)|footnote reference)#footnote reference##XP\  P6QynXP#X01ÍÍX1ÍÍ X1ÍÍ X01ÍÍ X01ÍÍ X01ÍÍ However, Form  X-602 remains subject to final OMB approval and is not currently available. Therefore, Cellular assignees and transferees should continue to file Form 430 with the Office of the Secretary in accordance with existing rules until further notice. Applicants may also expedite processing by including a copy of the updated Form 430 with each application.  a < #p\  PC _P#Transitioning to ULS Application Purposes # o\  PCynXP# The following examples are intended to provide a basic understanding of how some common types of Cellular filings would be accomplished in ULS, either electronically or manually. T ddx !ddx ( ( ( T   :    Xr- Type of Filing [  Xr- Under ULS [  Xr- Under Old Method       Phase I or Phase II unserved areasI Electronic filers: Both new applicants and incumbent licensees select application purpose NEW. Manual filers: Use Form 601.Y Form 600  [   Renewalh Electronic filers: Select application purpose RENEW ONLY or RENEW MOD. Manual filers: Use Form 601.n Form 405 or Form 900 , Y    CGSA extensionh Electronic filers: Select application purpose MOD. Manual filers: Use Form 601.  Form 600,  n    Fillin sites (not expanding CGSA) I Electronic filers: Select application purpose MOD (this is now considered a minor modification, not a notification). Manual filers: Use Form 601.% Form 489""0*((<" ,     Notification of constructionqh Electronic filers: Select application purpose NT. Manual filers: Use Form 601, Schedule K.,  Form 489,      Simultaneous notification of  X-construction and relocation or modification of site parametersX  Electronic filers: Two separate filings: (1) Select application purpose NT to notify; (2) Select application purpose MOD for site changes. Manual filers: submit two separate Forms 601.  Form 489 , ,    Environmental assessmentm h Electronic filers: Select application purpose MOD. Manual filers: use Form 601.(  Form 600,       Nonpro forma transfer or assignment applicationI Electronic filers: Select application purpose ASSIGNMENT or TRANSFER. Manual filers: use Form 603 or 604, respectively.& Form 490  ( Pro forma transfer or assignment notification (streamlined Forbearance procedures)R  Electronic filers: Select application purpose ASSIGNMENT or TRANSFER. Manual filers: use Form 603 or 604, respectively.$ Letter request or Form 490 , &    Notification of consummation of nonpro forma transfer or assignmentP  Electronic filers: Select application purpose NT. Manual filers: use Form 601, Schedule K.P  Letter request ,  $    Waiver request!h Electronic filers: Select application purpose and then choose WAIVER. Manual filers: attach request to applicable Form.e% Application accompanied by letter request"!0*(( J" , P     Request for extension of time to construct or consummateC* Electronic filers: Select application purpose EX. Manual filers use Form 601, Schedule K.,  Letter request, E      Alternative CGSA determinationv Electronic filers: Select application purpose MOD and provide technical data as necessary; manual filers use Form 601.q  Form 600E   ,  aC < #|\  P6G; _P#Application Fees # Xj\  P6G;ynXP# xApplicants using ULS to file electronically remain subject to existing application fees where applicable under current rules. ULS, however, will simplify the process of submitting fees to the Commission and greatly reduce the potential for insufficient fees to be submitted. When an applicant submits its application online, ULS will assign a file number and will prefill fee information on FCC Form 159, including the correct fee amount due and the payment type code. ULS will then allow the applicant to print a copy of the application as submitted, and instruct the applicant on how to print out the prefilled Form 159 so that it can be mailed to Mellon Bank. The Form 159 and accompanying fee must be received by Mellon within 10 days of filing the application. In the near future, ULS will be capable of accepting credit card payments online. The Bureau will release a public notice and provide information on its website when this option becomes available. xSections 1.1102, 1.1111 and 22.106 of the Commissions Rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.1102, 1.1111 and 22.106, require applications and fees to be submitted to Mellon Bank as a single  X-package and states that the Commission will not be responsible for matching fees and  X-applications submitted separately. The Commission has adopted rules to amend this requirement to provide for the filing of applications online and fees separately, via mail. In order to immediately bring the full benefits of online filing to the public, the Bureau hereby waives the requirements of Sections 1.1102, 1.1111 and 22.106 to the extent that Cellular applicants filing electronically via ULS may remit fees separately via U.S. mail or courier. This waiver is conditioned on the appropriate fee amount being received at Mellon Bank, at the address specified below, within 10 days from the receipt date shown on the application. Applications filed online that do not conform with the conditions of this waiver will be dismissed as defective.  a$< #]\  P6Q _P# "&0*((% "Ԍ a<Waiver of Microfiche Requirement; Submission of Diskettes # XP\  P6QynXP# xSection 22.105(d) of the Commission's current rules requires Cellular applicants to submit microfiche copies of their applications in certain instances. Filing of microfiche is not necessary in ULS, however, and the Commission has therefore eliminated the microfiche  X-requirement in the ULS Report and Order. To facilitate immediate use of ULS for Cellular until the new rules become effective, the Bureau hereby waives Section 22.105(d) to the extent that Cellular applicants are currently required to file microfiche. This waiver applies to all Cellular applicants, regardless of whether they use ULS or preULS forms. xApplicants can speed processing of applications received in the Bureau by providing one or more 3  inch computer diskettes containing electronic versions of each attachment to the application (or as many as possible). This will eliminate the need for Bureau staff to scan the attachments. Any electronic format is acceptable (e.g., wordprocessor formats such as Wordperfect and Microsoft Word, spreadsheet formats such as Microsoft Excel, and graphic formats such as PDF, JPG, GIF). Each diskette should contain an ASCII text file with a table of contents describing the filename and caption of each attachment to the application, which will be used to identify the attachments as they as entered into the ULS by Bureau staff.  an< #]\  P6Q _P#Map Filing Requirements Retained # XP\  P6QynXP# xSections 22.947 and 22.953(a)(5)(i)(iii) of the Commission's rules describe the maps  XJ-that Cellular applicants must submit in certain circumstances, and the ULS Report and Order  X5-does not alter these requirements. Therefore, Cellular applicants filing electronically via ULS must submit maps (if required), along with Form 159. Applicants filing manually may follow existing procedures for filing maps whether using ULS or preULS forms.  a<#^\  P6Q _P#   a< # XP\  P6QynXP##^\  P6Q _P# Where to Send Payments for Electronicallyfiled Applications # C\  P6QɒP##^\  P6Q _P#  yO-` hp x (#` hp x (## C\  P6QɒP#  X-` hp x (#` hp x (##XP\  P6QynXP#All payments for electronicallyfiled applications should be sent to: Federal Communications Commission ULS Electronic Filings P.O. Box 358994 Pittsburgh, PA 152515994  yO+!-` hp x (#` hp x (##C\  P6QɒP#"+! 0*(( "Ԍ a<%` hp x (#` hp x (##XP\  P6QynXP##^\  P6Q _P#   a(<Where to Send Manually Filed Applications # C\  P6QɒP##^\  P6Q _P#  X<-# XP\  P6QynXP# %All manuallyfiled applications that require fees should be sent to:  X-Federal Communications Commission#C\  P6QɒP##XP\  P6QynXP# ` hp x (#` hp x (#ULS Application Processing ` hp x (#` hp x (#P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 152515130  X -All manuallyfiled applications and letter requests that do not require fees should be sent to: Federal Communications Commission ULS Application Processing 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 173257245 xCopies of FCC Forms 601, 603, and 604 can be obtained by calling the Commission's Forms Distribution Center at 1-800-418-3676 (outside Washington, D.C.) or 202-418-3676 (in the Washington area). Copies of these forms can also be obtained via the Internet at http://www.fcc.gov/formpage.html or by Fax-On-Demand at 202-418-2830. xFailure to sign a manually-filed Form 601, 603, or 604 will result in dismissal of the application. Only original signatures will be accepted for manually-filed applications.  XB-x Applications affecting multiple licenses. Manual filers may submit a single Form 601, 603, or 604 covering multiple licenses or call signs if all main form information (e.g., name and address, ownership, eligibility, and waiver requests) associated with the licenses or call signs is identical. Where main form information is identical for some licenses but different for others, the applicant may utilize this streamlined filing procedure only for those licenses that have identical filing information. For those licenses with unique information, a  X-separate application must be submitted. #XR PE3Q|XP#  X -  X!<Note: Applicants are advised that filing manually#Xx6X@DQ X@# # XP\  P6QynXP# using new or old forms likely will delay processing in comparison to electronic filing of ULS Forms because of the  X\#-additional time required for the FCC to enter manuallyfiled information into ULS . Additionally, applicants using nonULS forms are reminded that they must include their TINs  X.%-on the front of their applications so that the data can be entered into ULS.#C\  P6QɒP##XP\  P6QynXP#  a'<#^\  P6Q _P# "' 0*((& "Ԍ a<For Further Information or Assistance   X -# XP\  P6QynXP#x xFor general information about ULS, including answers to frequently asked questions regarding submitting applications, finding the status of pending applications, and searching the ULS database, the Commission recommends first consulting the ULS webpage at  X-http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. Those having specific questions not addressed on the webpage may contact Commission staff via phone or email as described below.  Xi-FCC Technical Support Hotline: (202) 4141250, or via email at ulscomm@fcc.gov. Contact the Technical Support Hotline about questions concerning computer access to ULS, TIN registration, uploading files, or submitting attachments in ULS. The hotline is available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST. In order to provide better service to ULS users and ensure the security of the electronic filing system, all calls to the hotline are recorded.  X -ULS Licensing Support: (202) 4187ULS (4187857), or via email at bwoodwar@fcc.gov. Contact Licensing Support with questions about which application purpose(s) are appropriate for a particular filing, what information is being requested on a ULS Form or Schedule, or any other ULSrelated licensing matter. ULS Licensing Support is available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST.   ` hp x (#` hp x (#Comments on ULS should be sent via the Internet to: ulscomm@fcc.gov.  ?<#xTlΡXl#