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Sd-WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`~(# DA 982322 ă  1yx dddhy  aE@#5\  P6QАP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  S-#&I\  P6Q &P#`(#; Released: November 13, 1998 ă  S~ -  SK -[ THE WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU CLARIFIES PROCEDURES FOR TRANSFER AND ASSIGNMENT REQUESTS CONCERNING GOODMAN/CHAN RECEIVERSHIP LICENSEES AND SIMILARLY SITUATED NONGOODMAN/CHAN  S -* GENERAL CATEGORY SMR LICENSEES  S -d  S- (#On August 19, 1998, we released a Public Noticey\ {O-  ԍxSee Public Notice, "Commission Grants Goodman/Chan Receivership Licensees and Similarly Situated Non xGoodman/Chan General Category SMR Licensees a Temporary Waiver of Section 90.609(b) of the Commission's  {O-Rules," DA 981656 (Aug. 19, 1998) (Aug. 19 Public Notice).y announcing the Commission's adoption of the  S- &jGoodman/Chan Reconsideration Order.\ yOr-  ԍxDaniel R. Goodman, Receiver, Dr. Robert Chan, Petition for Waiver of Sections 90.633(c) and 1.1102 of  {O:- xthe Commission's Rules, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 98167, 63 Fed.  {O-Reg. 45,746 (Aug. 27, 1998) (Goodman/Chan Reconsideration Order). Among other things, the Aug. 19 Public Notice directed that all  &transfer and assignment requests filed pursuant to this Order must be accompanied by a public interest  S- &statement, pursuant to section 90.153 of the Commission's rules, {O1-#X\  P6G;/P#эx47 C.F.R.  90.153; see also 47 U.S.C.  310(d). which should include, at a minimum,  &the following information: (1) a certification from the assignor that the assignor is either a Goodman/Chan  &[Receivership licensee or a similarly situated licensee, including a brief description of facts supporting the  &assignor's claimed status; (2) a certification from the assignee that it is satisfied, based on its due diligence,  &.that the assignor is either a Goodman/Chan Receivership licensee or a similarly situated licensee; and (3)  &a demonstration as to how the grant will either facilitate the relocation of incumbent licensees from the  &upper 200 channels to the lower band 800 MHz SMR channels or facilitate geographic licensing of the  S- &jlower channels themselves.R {O^!-ԍxAug. 19 Public Notice at 2.R The Aug. 19 Public Notice further directed that failure to make this showing  &Zwould constitute a defective application and would result in dismissal of the application pursuant to section  S- &.90.161(b)(6) of the Commission's rules.4  {O$-ԍ#X\  P6G;/P#xId., 47 C.F.R.  90.161(b)(6). On October 6, 1998, we released a Public NoticeX01Í ÍX01Í Íj H S&-  ԍx#C  PT6Q/P#See Public Notice, "Commission Announces Construction Deadline for Goodman/Chan Receivership  xLicensees and Similarly Situated NonGoodman/Chan General Category SMR Licensees," DA 982021 (Oct. 6, 1998)  {O'-(Oct. 6 Public Notice).  announcing,  &>among other things, that all transfer and assignment licensees seeking to take advantage of the special  SQ- &jninetyday transfer and assignment period contained in the Goodman/Chan Reconsideration Order mustQ,,,=e@d;[!,L|  '#  h     S-file applications with the Commission on or before November 24, 1998.B Sh-ԍ#X\  P6G;/P#Oct. 6 Public Notice at 2.#&a\  P6G; &P#ѥ  (#We have subsequently discovered that due to administrative error, no approval was sought for this  &jinformation collection from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. No. 10413.  (#^OMB approval has been requested and is approved effective November 10, 1998. The OMB  &control number for this information collection is 30600861. The expiration date is May 31, 1999. We  &-estimate that it will take approximately three hours per respondent to prepare the information. Please note  &zthat this Public Notice does not change the November 24, 1998 date for filing transfer and assignment  S- &"applications. Any licensee that filed prior to this approval may refile its application on or before  &$the expiration date. If we do not receive a subsequent filing, we will assume that the licensee desires  S -the previous filing to stand.  (#For further information, contact Bobby Brown at (202) 4180620 or David Judelsohn at (202) 4187240. This Public Notice is issued by the Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.    S-