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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554XS,,,53LpH!8| X   3News Media Information: (202) 4180500 uFaxOnDemand: (202) 4182830 nInternet: http://www.fcc.gov eN ftp.fcc.gov(#~,,,$+:M,,3LpH!8| ~ԯ yx dddhy  U-#X*0 x7X#  X -\#Xj\  P6G;ynXP#October 16, 1998  Xo -v)DA 982093# 7t # (#  nK(# #Rn\  PVRP#FCC Sponsors Seminar  nK on Location and Monitoring Service Auction#XN\  PynXP#  a2<= #[\  P _P#Event to Be Held October 30, 1998# XN\  PynXP# \  X- On October 30, 1998, the FCC will sponsor a seminar for the Location and Monitoring Service auction, which is scheduled to begin on December 15, 1998. This seminar will be held at the Washington Monarch Hotel (formerly the ANA Hotel), 2401 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The seminar will provide attendees with information about pre-auction procedures, conduct of the auction, FCC remote bidding software, and the Location and Monitoring service and auction rules.  X- Please note that a maximum of two representatives from each company may attend on a first- P%n come, first-served reservation basis until room capacity is filled. To register, complete the  P%n form attached to this Public Notice and return no later that October 27, 1998. Additional seating may be available on the day of the seminar. Please contact the Auctions Division of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau at (888) 225-5322 (press option #2 at the prompt) for general registration information. For further information, please contact Kathy Garland of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, at (717) 3382801 or for Press inquiries, Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418-0654.  XB&- # 7t #  a+'< #[\  P _P#l_ԩ FCC # u\  P dP#  n5(K\# *0 x7 ä# *,,,,;eLpH!8|  '#  h   Ԍ a<# XN\  PynXP# # h\  PF P# P%n #|\  P6G; _P# P%n FCC AUCTION SEMINAR REGISTRATION FORM  a <B  LOCATION AND MONITORING SERVICE# XN\  PynXP# \  X- #&a\  P6G;u&P# The FCC will hold a free auction seminar for potential Location and Monitoring Service applicants. The seminar will provide information about pre-auction procedures, conduct of the auction, and FCC remote bidding software.  Sn- Space is limited . A maximum of two representatives from each company may attend on a first-come, first-served reservation basis until room capacity is filled. Additional seating may be available on the day of the seminar. The seminar will be held:  X -4e #[\  P _P## Xj\  P6G;ynXP#Friday, October 30, 1998  Washington Monarch Hotel (formerly the ANA Hotel) U(2401 M St., NW  X -=Washington, DC 20037#XN\  PynXP# \  X[-#T\  P1UP#  D  P%n #Xj\  P6G;ynXP# P%n Registration: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.  Seminar: 9:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m.  X--\ #XN\  PynXP#  X- #&a\  P6G;u&P# If hotel accommodations are needed, reservations can be made by calling hotel reservations at 18002624683 or directly at 202429-2400. Identify that you are attending the FCC Auction Seminar.   * * ** ** *** * ** * *** ** * * *** ** ** *  S-\ To register for the seminar, complete the form below and return no later than Tuesday, October  S-27, 1998 , by mail or fax to:  ]B FCC Auction 21 EAuction Operations Branch X1270 Fairfield Road CGettysburg, PA 17325-7245 U FAX: 717-338-2850 r \For General Auction Information and Seminar Registration: Phone: (888) 225-5322 and press option #2 at the prompt, or call directly at (717) 3382888. ______________________________________________________________________________   S- I/We will attend the Location and Monitoring service auction seminar on Friday,  S-October 30, 1998 1. Name of attendee: ____________________________________________________________ 2. Name of attendee: ____________________________________________________________  Auction applicant: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Fax: ____________________________________  S'- #*0 x7 ä#