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Sd'WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554hhCqpp   *xxXDA 982036 `(#(# ă  1 yx dddhy  aE@#5\  P6Q?P#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  S'#&I\  P6Qg_&P#`(# Released: October 9, 1998 ă  S' \ X9WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPROVES TRANSFER OF CONTROL  SK 'OF CENTENNIAL CELLULAR CORP. TO CCW ACQUISITION CORP.   \Report No. LB9901  "Pursuant to section 310(d) of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C.  310(d), and section 0.331 of  xcthe Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.331, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau approves the  xapplications requesting Commission consent to transfer control of certain licenses and authorizations from  xCentennial Cellular Corp. to CCW Acquisition Corp. Centennial Cellular Corp. seeks consent to transfer  xcontrol of licenses and authorizations to CCW Acquisition Corp. in the following service categories:  SM' xBroadband PCS and Cellular Service, Narrowband Paging and Rural Radiotelephone Service. See Public  S'Notice, Report No. LB9861 (rel. August 17, 1998).   "'The Bureau finds that the proposed transfer will serve the public interest, convenience, and  xnecessity, and grants transfer of control of these licenses and authorizations to CCW Acquisition Corp.  S'For further information, contact Paul D'Ari or Jonathan Radin at (202) 4180620.  S' m FCC ă