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S!-WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 DA 98  A%Sx   A%Sx 2000`(#(#XA%Sx  A%Sx   A%Sx ԃ  yx dddhy  aE#5\  P6QYؐP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  S-#&I\  P6Q(&P#x` `  hh@hpp Released: October 1, 1998  S -T PS REVISED COMMENT CYCLE FOR APPLICATIONS FILED BY THE PUERTO RICO LTELEPHONE COMPANY AND GTE HOLDINGS (PUERTO RICO) FOR CONSENT TO  S -eTRANSFER OF CONTROL OF THE PUERTO RICO TELEPHONE COMPANY T TP  S- Report No. LB9858A  Sp-  x By this Public Notice, we revise the pleading cycle for applications filed by the Puerto Rico  x[Telephone Company ("PRTC") and GTE Holdings (Puerto Rico) LLC ("GTE Holdings") for consent to  xtransfer control of PRTC to GTE. The new deadline for filing petitions to deny, formal petitions for other  x]forms of relief, or other comments is October 9, 1998. The new deadline for filing oppositions to  S-petitions and other reply comments is October 20, 1998.pp   xOn August 7, 1998, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau ("Bureau") issued a Public Notice  x/establishing a pleading cycle in this proceeding. Public Notice, Report No. LB9858, DA 1578 (rel.  xAugust 7, 1998). Pursuant to that Public Notice, the deadline for filing petitions to deny, formal petitions  S- x!for other forms of relief, or other comments was September 17, 1998. Id. The deadline for filing  Ss- xoppositions to petitions and other reply comments was September 30, 1998. Id. On September 2, 1998,  xPRTC and GTE Holdings filed an application under Section 214 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C.  xM214, requesting Commission approval of the transfer of control to GTE Holdings of the license and  xauthorization of Celulares Telefonica, Inc. ( CTI), a subsidiary of PRTA. We therefore amended our  xAugust 7, 1998, Public Notice to include this application, and we extended the deadline for petitions to  xdeny, formal petitions for other forms of relief, or other comments to October 2, 1998. Public Notice,  x.Report No. LB9858A (rel. September 10, 1998). The deadline for oppositions to petitions and other  S-reply comments was October 13, 1998. Id.   xOn September 29, 1998, the Union Independiente de Empleados Telefonicos de Puerto Rico  x(UIET) and the Hermandad Independiente de Empleados Telefonicos de Puerto Rico (HIETEL) requested  xthat the Commission extend the deadline for filing petitions to deny, formal petitions for other forms of  xrelief, or other comments to October 9, 1998. Letter from Debbie Goldman, Communications Workers  xMof America (CWA) to Magalie Roman Salas, Commission Secretary, dated September 29, 1998. The  xletter from CWA states that due to the extensive damage caused by Hurricane Georges on the Island of  xPuerto Rico, including power outages, massive flooding, and property damage, UIET and HIETEL are  SE&- x>unable to meet the October 2, 1998 deadline. Id. GTE Holdings and PRTC stated that they have no  S'- xobjection to this request. See Letter from Nancy J. Victory, Counsel for GTE to Magalie Roman Salas,  x.Commission Secretary, dated September 30, 1998; Letter from Richard J. Arsenault, Counsel for Puerto  x\Rico Telephone Company, dated September 30, 1998. GTE states that the extension should only be applicable to UIET and HIETEL.   xIt is the policy of this Commission that extensions of time shall not be routinely granted. 47+,,,X/e@tK[!S<L@\ '# X h   xyC.F.R.  1.46. We find, however, that this case involves unique circumstances that warrant extending the  xdeadline for filing petitions to deny, formal petitions for other forms of relief, or other comments to  xjOctober 9, 1998. Notwithstanding GTE's request that we limit this extension to UIET and HIETEL, we  xyfind that it would be in the public interest to grant this extension to all persons who may have an interest  x in filing a pleading. Although we have only received a request to extend the deadline from UIET and  x.HIETEL, we believe that Hurricane Georges may have affected the ability of other interested persons in  x!Puerto Rico to meet the October 2, 1998 deadline. Accordingly, we extend the deadline for filing  xpetitions to deny, formal petitions for other forms of relief, and other comments to October 9, 1998. The new deadline for filing oppositions to petitions and other reply comments is October 20, 1998.   xFor further information contact Paul D'Ari or Jonathan Radin, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Commercial Wireless Division at (202) 4180620.  Si -  S -= FCC ă