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Sd'WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`~(#c DA 981965 ă  1 yx dddhy  aE@#5\  P6QАP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  S'#&I\  P6Q &P#`(# Released: September 28, 1998 ă  S~ '  WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU  SK ' COMMERCIAL WIRELESS SERVICE INFORMATION   Request for Approval of Settlement and Withdrawal of Petition to Deny,  Grant of Major Modification Application   L \yxdddy  "On May 5, 1995, the Commission accepted for filing a major modification application  x(Application) filed by Oklahoma No. 9 Rural Cellular, Inc. (Oklahoma 9) to add a cell site at Elmore City,  S' xOklahoma 9 Garvin RSA, Market No. 604A, Station KNKN565 (file no. 04502CLMP95).a {O*'ԍSee Public Notice, CL9587 (May 5, 1995).a On June  S' x5, 1995, Triad Oklahoma, L.P. (Triad) filed a Petition to Deny Oklahoma 9's Application (Petition),pZ yO'ԍPetition to Deny filed by Triad Oklahoma, L.P. on June 5, 1995.p  S\'arguing that the Application proposed extensions in violation of the Commission's rules.A\ yO'ԍPetition at 24.A  S' "_On August 24, 1998, GCC License Corporation (GCC), as successorininterest to Triad,DZz yO' " ԍOn September 5, 1997, the Commission granted the assignment of the licenses for the Oklahoma 7  {O' x Beckham RSA and the Oklahoma 8 Jackson RSA from Triad to GCC License Corporation. See Public Notice, LB9751 (Sep. 5, 1997).D filed  S'a Request for Approval of Settlement and Withdrawal of Petition to Deny. yO' " ԍRequest for Approval of Settlement and <%%HWithdraw <%%H Withdrawal <%%H  <%%Hl  of Petition to Deny filed by GCC License Corporation (GCC) on August 24, 1998 (Settlement Agreement).  S]' " The Commercial Wireless Division (Division) has reviewed the parties'?\]  {O"' " ԍOn November 15, 1996, the Commission granted a pro forma assignment of the license for the Oklahoma  {O#' xg 9 Garvin RSA from Oklahoma 9 to USCOC of Oklahoma RSA No. 10, Inc. See Public Notice, LB9706 (Nov. 15, 1996).? Settlement Agreement and  S*' x finds that it complies with section 22.129 of the Commission's rules.M* yO&' " ԍ47 C.F.R.  22.129. Pursuant to section 22.129, the parties have submitted a request for approval of the  ! Settlement Agreement, a copy of the written Settlement Agreement, and copies of affidavits stating that neither the  !o parties nor the principals have received or will receive any money or consideration for the actions taken herein, other  ! than that set forth in the Settlement Agreement. Settlement Agreement, Declarations of Gene DeJordy and H. Donald Nelson.M The Division has also reviewed the  xPetition and finds that it raises no substantial or material questions of fact under 47 U.S.C.  309.  x Accordingly, the Division grants GCC's Withdrawal of Petition and finds that the Application is in the,,,@d;[!,L   '#   h '# l   x3public interest. Oklahoma 9's Major Modification Application for authority to add a cell site at Elmore  x/City, Oklahoma 9 Garvin RSA, Market No. 604A, Station KNKN565, is hereby granted effective September 28, 1998.  S4'04502CLMP95 KNKN565, Market 604(A)ppUSCOC of Oklahoma RSA No. 10, Inc. For further <%%Hinformtio <%%H information <%%H  <%%Hn , contact David Judelsohn at (202) 4187240.  "This Public Notice is issued by the Chief, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.