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Y4WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554XX0r``: DA 981645   y dddy  _G#4\  P ܐP#News media information 202/4180500FaxOnDemand 2024182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov:ftp.fcc.gov#XN\  P+XP#  Xz'P P % gXX0r`` August 17, 1998  YL 46 ă  X ' ,TCENTENNIAL CELLULAR CORP. AND CCW ACQUISITION CORP. d SEEK FCC CONSENT FOR TRANSFER OF CONTROL  Y 4E6 6  YM4  PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED ă Report No. LB9861     z %Centennial Cellular Corp. ( Centennial) and CCW Acquisition Corp. ( CCW)  I)filed applications under Section 310(d) of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C.  310(d),   I)requesting Commission approval of the transfer of control to CCW of Part 22 and Part 24  I) licenses and authorizations held directly or indirectly by Centennial Cellular Corp. After  I)the proposed transfer, CCW will merge with and into Centennial, with Centennial continuing as the surviving corporation.  Y4b SECTION 310 APPLICATIONS ă  X' Part 22 Broadband Cellular Service  z %$The following twentynine applications for consent to transfer control from  I)+Centennial to CCW of Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and Rural Service Area (RSA)  I)zcellular service authorizations held or requested by Centennial and its affiliates and subsidiaries have been assigned the file numbers noted below in this service.  Y!4 File No. P P %  gLicensee XX0r`` Call Sign Market No.   Y#403476CLTC98 gAlexandria Cellular License Corp.``KNKA813 205A  Y$403477CLTC98 gBauce Communications of Beaumont, Inc.KNKA454 101A  Y%403478CLTC98 gCentennial Beauregard Cellular, L.L.C.KNKQ374 458A  Yn&403479CLTC98 gCentennial Benton Harbor Cellular Corp.KNKA809 193A  YW'4 6     03480CLTC98 gCentennial Caldwell Cellular Corp.``KNKN548 457A P P % gX@(0*0*0*&3 7"  X  Y403481CLTC98 gCentennial Cellular TriState ``KNKN854 585A P P % gOperating Partnership  Y403482CLTC98 gCentennial Cellular TriState``KNKQ349 404A P P % gOperating Partnership  Y403483CLTC98 gCentennial Cellular TriState ``KNKQ350 501A P P % gOperating Partnership  Yv403484CLTC98 gCentennial Cellular TriState ``KNKQ373 403A P P % gOperating Partnership  YH403485CLTC98 gCentennial Claiborne Cellular Corp.KNKN636 500A  Y1403486CLTC98 gCentennial De Soto Cellular Corp. ``KNKN478 456A  Y 403487CLTC98 gCentennial Hammond Cellular L.L.C.KNKQ380 460A  Y 403488CLTC98 gCentennial Jackson Cellular Corp.``KNKA823 207A  Y 403489CLTC98 gCentennial Michigan RSA 6r``KNKN842 477A P P % gCellular Corp.  Y 403490CLTC98 gCentennial Michigan RSA 7r``KNKN998 478A P P % gCellular Corp.  Y403491CLTC98 gCentennial Morehouse Cellular L.L.C.KNKN475 455A  Yy403492CLTC98 gCentennial Randolph Cellular L.L.C.KNKN440 408A  Yb403493CLTC98 gCentury El Centro Cellular Corp.``KNKN269 342A  YK403494CLTC98 gCentury Indiana Cellular Corp.``KNKN509 406A  Y4403495CLTC98 gCentury Michigan Cellular Corp.``KNKN857 480A  Y403496CLTC98 gCentury Yuma Cellular Corp.``KNKN212 321A  Y403497CLTC98 gElkhart Metronet, Inc.r``KNKA741 223A  Y403498CLTC98 gIberia Cellular Telephone Co., L.L.C.KNKQ339 459A  Y403499CLTC98 gLafayette Cellular Telephone Co.``KNKA458 174A  Y403500CLTC98 gMega Comm, L.L.C.r``KNKN296 405A  Y403502CLTC98 gMichiana Metronet, Inc.r``KNKA472 096A  Y403501CLTC98 gMichiana Metronet, Inc.r``KNKA428 132A  Y|403503CLTC98 gMichiana Metronet, Inc.r``KNKA487 177A  Ye403504CLTC98 gSouth Bend Metronet, Inc.r``KNKA656 129A  X7' Part 22 Paging and Radiotelephone Service  z %The following two applications for consent to transfer control from Centennial to  I)CCW of paging service authorizations held or requested by Centennial and its affiliates and subsidiaries have been assigned the file numbers noted below in this service.  X!' File No. P P %  gLicensee XX0r`` Call Sign  Y#40000001494P P % gHendrix Electronics, Inc. r``KLF520 & KOF906  Yh$40000001553P P %X gHendrix Radio Communications, Inc.KMA251,WRD373 8"  YQ%4P P % gXX0r``& WXS292 hh|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  X#'' "#'0*((%"  X'Part 22 Rural Radiotelephone Service  z %,The following application for consent to transfer control from Centennial to CCW  I)'of a rural radio service authorization held by Centennial and its affiliates and subsidiaries has been assigned the file number noted below in this service.  Xv' File No. P P %  gLicensee XX0r`` Call Sign  YH422763CRTC98 gHendrix Radio Communications, Inc.WCT6148"  X ' Part 24 Broadband Personal Communications Service ( PCS)  z %,The following application for consent to transfer control from Centennial to CCW  I)of a broadband PCS authorization held by Centennial and its affiliates and subsidiaries has been assigned the file number noted below in this service.  Y4X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: