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X4WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`+(#[ DA 981473 ă   yxdddhy  aE#G\  PG;АP#News media information: 202/4180500 FAXOnDemand: 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov#&a\  P6G; &P#  `4#|\  PG;#P# Released: July 23, 1998 (# (#  `0 4(#3  APPLICATION ACCEPTED FOR FILING  `: 4*Auction Event No. 16 #&a\  P6G; &P#   X'1 #XP\  P6QXP#800 MHz SMR Auction #&I\  P6Q &P#  \ After preliminary review, the FCC longform application (Form 601), for the upper 200 channels of the 800 MHz Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) service in EA 173C (GuamNorthern Mariana), IS  Se'ACCEPTED for filing.e" yO' x "Ѝ Disposition of Form 601 applications for 800 MHz SMR licenses which are not listed in Attachment A will be addressed by future public notice. Communications Pacific, Inc. (Communications Pacific) is the winning bidder. Upon further examination, the Commission may return or dismiss any application found to be  S'defective or not in conformance with the Commission's Rules. See 47 C.F.R.  90.161(b)(6). In addition, an application that is pending with associated petitions for waiver or requests for confidentiality will be accepted conditioned on resolution of such requests. Petitions to deny the EA 173C application must be filed no later than thirty days after the date of this  SO'Public Notice (i.e., August 22, 1998). See 47 C.F.R.  1.2108(b), 90.163(a)(4). Oppositions to petitions to deny must be filed no later than ten days after the date on which the petition to deny was  S'filed. See 47 C.F.R.  1.2108(c), 1.45(a). Replies to the opposition must be filed no later than five  S'days after the time for filing oppositions has expired. See 47 C.F.R. 1.2108(c), 1.45(b). This application will be granted no sooner than thirtyone days after the date of this Public Notice  Se'(August 23, 1998). See 47 C.F.R.  1.2108(b), 90.163(a)(4). Communications Pacific will be required to pay the balance of its winning bid in a lump sum payment within ten business days  S'following the conditional grant of the license. See 47 C.F.R.  90.907(b). Communications Pacific is reminded that the final grant of the license is conditioned upon the full and timely payment of the winning bid. See 47 C.F.R.  90.909(a). The application for EA 173 C is available to the public for electronic viewing. Instructions for obtaining and using the Commission's Universal Licensing System ("ULS") are contained in Attachments A, B, and C of this Public Notice. Communications Pacific's application is also available to the public in Room 5608, 2025 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., during the regular hours of the FCC's Public Reference and Information Branch (Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.). Copies of applications may be obtained from: International Transcription Service, Inc., 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, Phone: (202)8573800. * ...XX(e@d;[!,LQ:'#hxԌ S' Please note the Following:  S'`XAmendments to Form 601 applications may be made electronically. (#  S`'`XFor technical assistance in using ULS for applications, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 4141250. The FCC Technical Support Hotline generally will be available  S'Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. All calls to the FCC Technical Support  S'Hotline are recorded. (#  S'`XThose persons seeking answers to legal questions should call Wilbert Nixon or Chris Gacek at 202/4187240.(#  S& ' This document contains the following attachments:  S 'Attachment A:` ` Instructions for Searching for Applications listed in Attachment A  S 'Attachment B:` ` Accessing the FCC Network Using Windows 95  S6'Attachment C:` ` Accessing the FCC Network Using Windows 3.1 or 3.11"6.P-P-XX"  S'@A-@  Q Attachment A (#\  S' FINSTRUCTIONS FOR SEARCHING FOR ACCEPTED APPLICATIONS  S`'2(FOR AUCTION NO. 16) \  X4#XN\  PXP#These instructions provide the public with directions as to how they can electronically search the FCC Network for a specific, accepted application or applications now on file. The following instructions pertain only to longform applications (FCC Form 601) accepted for  X4filing after the conclusion of Auction No. 16. #XN\  PXP# To search the FCC Network for an application, you must first connect to the FCC Network. Note the following:  XX 4XAttachment B describes how Windows 95 users can connect to the FCC Network using the DialUp Networking features of Windows 95.(#  X4XAttachment C describes how Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11 users can connect to the FCC Network using a PPP Dialer application that is available for downloading.(#  X' YConventions \ The instructions in this attachment use the following typographical conventions:  XD4 bold XX` ` Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer,  X-4including buttons, Internet links, icon, tabs, menu items (e.g., Cancel button,  X4 Auctions link, Save option in the File menu).(#`  X4italicXX` ` Represents field names or areas of a screen (e.g., Licensee Name field,  X4Applicant Information area of a screen).(#`  X4 bold italic ` ` Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the  X4instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type  http://www.fcc.gov , you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed.(#`  X6"4Small Caps` ` Represents keys on the keyboard (e.g., Enter, Ctrl, Esc).(#` "#.P-P-XX!"  X'  Performing an Application Search  \  X4#XN\  PXP##XN\  PXP#Once you have connected to the FCC Network, follow the procedures below to search for an  X4application. You may click the ? (Help) button at anytime for additional information on using  V4Application Search.  Xx41.XIn the Location field (Netscape 3.x), Netsite field (Netscape 4.x), or Address field  Xc4(Internet Explorer) of the web browser screen, type  http://wtbwww05.fcc.gov . Then  XM4press the Enter key. This will access the Universal Licensing System home page.(#  W 4 XNote: You must have Java and JavaScript enabled in your web browser preferences to use Application Search. Refer to your web browser Help facility for more  V 4information.(#  X 42.XOn the Universal Licensing System main page, click the Application Search button, located on the left side of the page. The Application Search screen appears. This screen contains several data entry fields used for specifying search criteria.(#  Wh4 XNote: Application Search utilizes "cookies". If you are receiving a notification message when accepting a cookie, we recommend that you disable this message in your web browser options. Please consult your web browser Help facility for more  V$4information.(#  X43.XOn the Application Search screen, specify the search criteria necessary to locate the desired application. Please refer to the following Basic Guidelines for Specifying Search Criteria for more information.(#  V4XBasic Guidelines for Specifying Search Criteria:(#  Xl4XX` ` You must specify search criteria in at least one field. You do not have to specify search criteria in all of the search fields. Enter search criteria into as many fields as you wish.(#`  X4XX` ` To specify search criteria in a search field containing a menu of options, click the desired option from the menu. Use the scroll bars to view all options in a  X4menu. You can select multiple options from a menu by pressing the Ctrl key while you click the menu options. (#`  X"4XX` ` Click to undo a menu selection and search for all options in the menu. (#`  XX%4XX` ` Click the Reset button to clear entries from all of the search fields. (#`  X*'4XX` ` The Universal Licensing System restricts the number of rows returned in an application search to 1000. In such instances, you must enter more specific search criteria to reduce the number of rows returned.(#`  W*4XClick the ? (Help) button for a definition of each search field available on the  V+4Application Search screen.(#"+.P-P-XX)"Ԍ X4ԙ4.XAfter you have specified the desired search criteria, click the Search button. The system will scan the database for any applications matching the search criteria. The matching application files will be listed on the Search Results screen. The Search Results screen will identify the file number, licensee name, application purpose, application status, radio service code, and receipt date for each application returned in the query.(# XA message on the Search Results screen will indicate if no matches were found for the  XH4specified search criteria. Click the New Search button and respecify search criteria.(#  X 45.XTo view an application, click its file number link. To navigate through the data on the  X 4Application screen, use the scroll bar or click the links at the top of the screen. Click  W 4the ? (Help) button for information regarding specific functions available on this  V 4screen.(#  X 4XX` ` To reaccess the Search Results screen, click the down arrow at the end of the  X4Other Options field to obtain the dropdown menu of options. Click Search  X~4Results from the Other Options menu and then click the Go button.(#`  XR4XX` ` To begin a new search, click the down arrow at the end of the Other Options  X=4field to obtain the dropdown menu of options. Click New Search and then  X&4click the Go button.(#`  X'D Technical Support \ For technical assistance in searching the ULS for applications and licenses, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 4141250. The FCC Technical Support Hotline generally  X4will be available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. All calls to the FCC  Vp4Technical Support Hotline are recorded.#XP\  PQXP#"p.P-P-XXd"  X'  @A-B-@Mp Attachment B (# (#  X'(#  ACCESSING THE FCC NETWORK  X'6USING WINDOWS 95 \ This attachment describes how to access the FCC Network from a system that is running the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system. This involves configuring dialup network access and then performing the dialup procedure.  X ' YConventions \ The instructions in this attachment use the following typographical conventions:  X4 bold XX` ` Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer,  Xy4including buttons, Internet links, icons, tabs, menu items (e.g., Cancel button,  Xb4 Auctions link, Save option in the File menu).(#`  X44italicXX` ` Represents field names or areas of a screen (e.g., Licensee Name field,  X4Applicant Information area of a screen).(#`  X4 bold italic ` ` Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the  X4instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type  http://www.fcc.gov , you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed.(#`  X4Small Caps` ` Represents keys on the keyboard (e.g., Enter, Ctrl, Esc).(#`  X='Z  Hardware and Software Requirements Đ\ Applicants who want to connect to the FCC Network using the Windows 95 DialUp Networking will need the following hardware and software.  X'  X 'Hardware Requirements  X"4 " "XCPU: Intel 80486 or above(#  Xn$4 " "XRAM: 16 MB RAM (more recommended if you intend to open multiple applications)(#  X@&4 " "XHard Disk: 10 MB available disk space(#  X(4 " "XModem: v.32bis 14.4kbps Hayes compatible modem(#  X)4 " "XMonitor: VGA or above(#  X+4 " "XMouse or other pointing device(#"+.P-P-XX)"Ԍ X'ԙ Software Requirements  X4 " "XInternet Web Browser software (Netscape Communicator 4.05 with JDK 1.1, Netscape Navigator 3.01, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 with the file upload patch were used during FCC internal testing)(#  Xv4 " "XMicrosoft Windows 95(#  XH4 Note: If you are running Windows in a networked environment, check with your local network administrator for any potential conflicts with the Windows 95 DialUp Networking. This usually includes any TCP/IP installed network protocol. The Windows 95 DialUp Networking will establish a direct connection from your PC to the  X 4FCC Network. This point-to-point connection is not routed through the Internet.  X'  Configuring DialUp Network Access Đ\  Xe41.XTo start dialup networking:(#  X74Xa.X` ` Click the Windows 95 Start button.(#`  X 4Xb.X` ` Click the Programs option to display the Programs menu.(#`  X4Xc.X` ` Click the Accessories option to display the Accessories menu.(#`  X4Xd.X` ` From the Accessories menu, click DialUp Networking .(#`  X42.XWhen the DialUp Networking window appears, doubleclick the Make New  Xh4Connection icon.(#  X:43.XThe Make New Connection window appears. In the field entitled Type a name for the  X%4computer you are dialing, type ULS at FCC . (#  X44.XClick the down arrow at the right of the Select a modem field and select your modem from the menu of available modems. (# XIf your modem does not appear on this list, you must install your modem driver according to the modem manufacturer installation procedures, which are usually described in your modems user manual.(#  XZ%45.XClick the Configure button. Click the Options tab at the top of the Properties window.(#  X(46.XIn the Connection control area of the Options tab, verify that  neither  option is selected. If either option is selected, click the check box at the left of the option to  X)4deselect it. Then click the OK button.(#  X+47.XClick the Next button. (#"+.P-P-XX)"Ԍ X4ԙ|8.XType 800 in the Area Code field and 8442784 in the Telephone Number field. Verify  X4that the correct country is selected in the Country code field. (#  X4XIf not, click the down arrow at the right of the Country code field and select the appropriate country from the menu of available countries.(# |  X|49.XClick the Next button.(#  XN410.XClick the Finish button. An icon titled ULS at FCC appears in the DialUp Networking window.(#  X 411.XVerify that properties are configured correctly before attempting a dialup session.  X 4Position the mouse pointer on the ULS at FCC icon and click the  right  mouse button  X 4to display a menu. Select Properties from the menu.(#  X 412.XClick the Server Type button at the bottom of the ULS at FCC screen. (#  X413.XIn the Advanced Options area of the Server Type window, verify that only Enable  Xk4software compression is selected. (# XIf it is not selected, click the check box at the left of the option to select it. If either of the other options is selected, click the check box to deselect it.(#  X414.XIn the Allowed Network Protocols area of the Server Type window, verify that only  X4TCP/IP is selected. (# XIf it is not selected, click the check box at the left of the option to select it. If either of the other options is selected, click the check box to deselect it.(#  Xt415.XClick OK on the Server Type window, then click OK on the Properties window.(#  XF416.XTo configure the TCP/IP protocol:(#  X4a.` ` Click the Windows 95 Start button.(#`  X4b.` ` Click the Settings option to display the Settings menu.(#`  X!4Xc.X` ` Click the Control Panel option to display the Control Panel.(#`  X#4d.` ` Doubleclick the Network icon.(#`  X`%4Xe.X` ` Highlight the TCP/IP protocol and click Properties .(#`  X2'4` `  " " If multiple TCP/IP protocols are displayed, select TCP/IP > DialUp  X(4Adapter . (#  X)4` `  " " If TCP/IP is not installed, click the Add button, then click Protocol and  X*4click Add . Select Microsoft from the list of Manufacturers, then select"*.P-P-XXV)"  X4 TCP/IP from the list of Network protocols. Click OK to add it, then  X4highlight TCP/IP and click Properties .(#  X4f.` ` Click the DNS Configuration tab.(#`  X4Xg.X` ` Click Enable DNS .(#`  X_4h.` ` If there is no Host, type  bidder  in the Host field.(#`  X34Xi.X` ` Type  in the DNS Server Search order field and click the Add button.(#`  X 4j.` ` Click OK on the TCP/IP Properties window, then click OK on the Network window.(#` " .P-P-XXN "  X' BDialUp Procedure  \  X41.XIf your PC is connected to a Local Area Network (LAN), perform the steps below before dialing into the FCC Network. Otherwise, proceed to step 2.(#  X4Xa.X` ` Start up your PC  without  logging into the network.(#`  X`4Xb.X` ` Click the Windows 95 Start button and select Run .(#`  X24Xc.X` ` Type  winipcfg  in the Run window and click on OK .(#`  X 4Xd.X` ` Click the Release All button to reset the IP address to`  X 42.XIf the DialUp Networking window is not currently open, do the following:(#  X 4Xa.X` ` Click the Windows 95 Start button.(#`  X{4Xb.X` ` Click the Programs option to display the Programs menu.(#`  XM4Xc.X` ` Click the Accessories option to display the Accessories menu.(#`  X4Xd.X` ` From the Accessories menu, click DialUp Networking . (#` XThe DialUp Networking window appears. (#  X43.XDoubleclick the ULS at FCC icon in the DialUp Networking window.(#  X44.XClick the Connect button on the ULS at FCC window.  Do not enter User name and  W4Password. (# XThe Connecting to ULS at FCC window appears, indicating the status of your connection as your modem dials into the system. This window must remain running during your dialup session. You may minimize the window, if you wish.(#  X45.XOnce the connection is established, open your web browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer). (#  X!46.XIn the Location field (Netscape 3.x), Netsite field (Netscape 4.x), or Address field (Internet Explorer) of the web browser screen, type the desired Universal Resource  X#4Locator (URL). Then press the Enter key.(#  XW%47.XWhen you have finished, exit the web browser, then click the Disconnect button on the ULS at FCC window to end your dialup session.(#  X('J+ Troubleshooting  \ Following are resolutions of problems you may encounter when accessing the FCC Network. "+ .P-P-XX *"Ԍ W4 Modem does not respond   X41.XConfirm that the correct modem driver is installed for your modem.(#  X42.XConfirm that all physical connections for the modem are present.(#  Xv43.XConfirm that the phone line is active by connecting the modem cable to a telephone.(#  W14 Modem dials but does not connect   X 41.XConfirm that the modem is dialing the correct number.(#  X 42.XConfirm that the modem prefix (if any) is correct.(#  W4 Modem dials and connects, but nothing appears when you enter the location in the web  Wy4browser   XK41.XCheck the settings in your dialup networking icon, particularly that the Primary DNS  X64is  and that TCP/IP is the only selected protocol.(#  X 42.XConfirm that your web browser is using no proxies.(#  X43.XIt is recommended that you do not log into a TCP/IP Local Area Network (LAN). If you do log into a TCP/IP LAN, confirm that your LAN network IP address is being released. To do so, connect to the FCC Network using dialup networking, then click  X4the Start button in Windows 95 and select Run . Type  winipcfg  and press OK . If your IP address does not begin with 192.104., then your LAN IP address is not  Xj4being released. Click the Release All button, or consult you LAN administrator.(#  X%'D Technical Support  X4 \ For technical assistance in accessing the FCC Network using Windows 95, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250. This hotline is generally available Monday  X 4through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. All calls to the FCC Technical Support Hotline  V!4are recorded.#XP\  PQXP#"! .P-P-XXL "  X4  @B-C-@`e(#M Attachment C ă  X'  ACCESSING THE FCC NETWORK  X'e USING WINDOWS 3.1 OR 3.11  \ This attachment describes how to access the FCC Network from a system that is running the Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 operating system. This involves using the FCCsupplied PointtoPoint Protocol (PPP) Dialer. This attachment summarizes the hardware and software required for the PPP Dialer, then describes the procedures for performing the following tasks:  X 4 " "XDownloading the Dialer files from the Internet or the FCC Bulletin Board(#  X 4 " "XExtracting the Dialer from the downloaded files(#  X4 " "XInstalling the Dialer application(#  Xy4 " "XConfiguring PPP(#  Xb4 " "XEstablishing a PPP connection(# The attachment also describes how to troubleshoot and uninstall the PPP Dialer application, and tells how to get help from the FCC.  X' YConventions \ The instructions in this attachment use the following typographical conventions:  X|4 bold XX` ` Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer,  Xe4including buttons, Internet links, icons, tabs, menu items (e.g., Cancel button,  XN4 Auctions link, Save option in the File menu).(#`  X 4italicXX` ` Represents field names or areas of a screen (e.g., Licensee Name field,  X 4Applicant Information area of a screen).(#`  X4 bold italic ` ` Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the  X 4instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type  http://www.fcc.gov , you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed.(#`  Xn$4Small Caps` ` Represents keys on the keyboard (e.g., Enter, Ctrl, Esc).(#` "@& .P-P-XX$"  X'Z  Hardware and Software Requirements Đ\ Applicants who want to connect to the FCC Network using the FCC PPP Dialer will need the following hardware and software.  X'  X'Hardware Requirements  X_4 " "XCPU: Intel 80486 or above(#  X14 " "XRAM: 16 MB RAM (more recommended if you intend to open multiple applications)(#  X 4 " "XHard Disk: 10 MB available disk space(#  X 4 " "XModem: v.32bis 14.4kbps Hayes compatible modem(#  X 4 " "XMonitor: VGA or above(#  Xy4 " "XMouse or other pointing device(#  XK' Software Requirements  X4 " "XInternet Web Browser software (Netscape Communicator 4.05 with JDK 1.1, Netscape Navigator 3.01, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 with the file upload patch were used during FCC internal testing)(#  X4 " "XMicrosoft Windows 3.1 or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11(#  X4 Note: If you are running Windows in a networked environment, check with your local network administrator for any potential conflicts with the FCC PPP Dialer. This usually includes any TCP/IP installed network protocol. The FCC PPP Dialer will establish a point-to-point connection from your PC to the FCC  X!4Network. This point-to-point connection is not routed through the Internet.  X'C Downloading the Dialer Software Đ\ Applicants who wish to use the FCC PPP Dialer must first download the dialer software from either the Internet or the FCC Bulletin Board System. Applicants must download the following compressed files to install the software:  XT%' fccdial1.exe fccdial2.exe  X&''fccdial3.exe  X(' Download Method 1: Internet Access q  X*4You may use your Internet browser to download the compressed files from www.fcc.gov or  X+4 wtbwww01.fcc.gov , as described in the following sections."+ .P-P-XX)"Ԍ X4ԙ " "X Downloading from www.fcc.gov q(#  X41.` ` Connect to your Internet Service Provider and start your web browser.(#`  X42.` ` In the Location (Netscape) or Address (Internet Explorer) field of the web  X4browser screen, enter the following location:  http://www.fcc.gov . Then press  Xz4the Enter key.(#` ` `  hhCq  XL43.` ` Click the Electronic Filing link.  X 4X4.X` ` Click Universal Licensing System at the bottom of the screen.(#`  X 45.` ` Click the FCC PPP Dialer button, located on the left side of the page.  X 46.` ` Scroll down to the Download the Dialer section of the page. Download the  X 4following files by clicking their respective filename links: fccdial1.exe,  X4fccdial2.exe, fccdial3.exe (#`  XQ4 " "X Downloading from wtbwww01.fcc.gov (#  X$41.` ` Connect to your Internet Service Provider and start your web browser.(#`  X42.` ` In the Location (Netscape) or Address (Internet Explorer) field of the web  X4browser screen, enter the following location: http://wtbwww01.fcc.gov . Then  X4press the Enter key.(#`  X4  X43.` ` Click the Dialer link. ` `  Xp44.` ` Download the following files by clicking each of the corresponding icons:  XY4 fccdial1.exe, fccdial2.exe, fccdial3.exe (#`  X' Download Method 2: DialIn Access to the FCC Auction Bulletin Board System (BBS) The FCC Auction Bulletin Board System (BBS) provides dialin access for the FCC PPP Dialer. To access the FCC Auction BBS, use a communications package that can handle at least Xmodem protocol (such as PcAnyWhere, Procomm, or Microsoft Terminal in Windows 3.x) to dial in to (202) 6825851. Use the settings of 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit (8,N,1). Once your computer is connected to the Auction BBS, do the following:  X.'41.XTo create an account:(#  X)4Xa.X` ` Enter your first name.(#`  X*4b.` ` Enter your last name.(#` "+.P-P-XX)"Ԍ X4Xc.X` ` When asked whether you want to create an account, enter Y .(#`  X4Xd.X` ` When prompted, enter a password.(#` XX` ` The password can be from four to ten characters long, where the characters can be either letters or numbers.(#`   X`4Xe.X` ` To confirm the password, enter it again.(#`  X24Xf.X` ` When prompted for contact information, enter your voice phone number, including area code. (#`  X 4XX` ` For example, you might enter  2025551234.(#`  X 4X g.X` ` Enter your company name.(#`  X42.XOn the Welcome screen, enter C for Continue. (You may also enter c , the program accepts either uppercase or lowercase.)(#  XN4XSince C is the default (automatic) selection, you can also just press Enter to continue.(#  X 43.XWhen asked whether you want to view the bulletin menu, enter Y for Yes. Then press  X 4Enter to obtain the FCC Auction BBS Main Menu.(#  X44.XEnter A (for Auction Menu) to obtain the Auction Library Menu. (# XThe top options on this menu provide a range of numbers to represent the available auctions.(#  Xj45.XTo select Dialer, enter D . (# XThe list of available files appears. These files are sorted by date, with the most recent files at the beginning of the list.(#  X46.XTo scroll downward to the next screen of file names, either press Enter or enter C for  X4Continue. To scroll upward to the preceding screen of file names, enter P for Previous.(# XNote that on each screen, file names are numbered separately, starting with 1.(#  Xp$47.XTo select one or more files for downloading or viewing, mark the files you want. The program marks a file by preceding its name with an asterisk (*).(# X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: