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Sd'WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`(#k DA 98946 ă  1 yx dddhy  aE@#6\  P6QАP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  X'`(##XP\  P6QXP# Released: May 18, 1998 ă  X 48O IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES FOR THE ORDER ON RECONSIDERATION OF THE SECOND REPORT AND ORDER CONCERNING vTHE BROADBAND PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (PCS) = C AND F BLOCK INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLANS  X" 4   X4 On September 25, 1997, the Commission adopted its Second Report and Order and Further  X4Notice of Proposed Rule Making (Second Report and Order), which reinstated broadband Personal Communications Services C and F block installment payments and provided C block licensees with a menu of options designed to assist those licensees experiencing financial  XT4difficulties.^T {O'ԍSee Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Installment Payment Financing for Personal  {O'Communications Services (PCS) Licenses, WT Docket 9782, Second Report and Order and Further Notice of  {Oa'Proposed Rule Making (Second Report and Order), 12 FCC Rcd. 16,436 (released Oct. 16, 1997). In the Order on Reconsideration of the Second Report and Order (Order on  X34Reconsideration) adopted on March 23, 1998, the Commission broadened some of the options  X4available to C block licensees while generally affirming the Second Report and Order.X^ {O'ԍSee Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Installment Payment Financing for Personal  {O{'Communications Services (PCS) Licenses, WT Docket 9782, Order on Reconsideration of the Second Report  {OE'and Order, FCC 9846 (released March 24, 1998).X  X4Pursuant to the Order on Reconsideration, any C block licensee may elect to continue making payments under its Note(s) or may elect one of the three options (amnesty, disaggregation, or  X4prepayment) discussed below.: {Or'ԍId.: A C block licensee must make the  same election for all  Basic Trading Area (BTA) licenses held in a given Major Trading Area (MTA), but the licensee  Xg4may make different elections for different MTAs.Dg {O"'ԍId.,  17.D According to the Important Dates Public  XE4Notice ,E8  yO.%'ԍWireless Telecommunications Bureau Announces June 8, 1998 Election Date for Broadband PCS C  {O%'Block Licensees, Public Notice, DA 98741 (released April 17, 1998) (Important Dates Public Notice). all C block licensees must file their elections with the Commission no later than  X#4June 8, 1998 .#  {Of('ԍSee Order on Reconsideration,  63, 65; Important Dates Public Notice at 1. Installment payments for C and F block licensees will resume on July 31,  X41998 .$ {O*'ԍSee Order on Reconsideration,  27; Important Dates Public Notice at 1. A list of C block licensees and the licenses they hold is attached to this Public  X'Notice as Appendix A. ,,,e@d;[!,L|  '#  h   Ԍ X'ԙ C BLOCK ELECTION PROCEDURES No later than June 8, 1998, all C block licensees must file an Election Notice with the Commission, either electronically through the Universal Licensing System (ULS) or in writing (manual filing), indicating whether they will continue making payments or which option(s)  XQ4they are electing. NO ELECTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER JUNE 8, 1998 . Electronically filed Election Notices will be accepted by the Commission 24 hours per day  X 4starting at 8:00 a.m. on June 2, 1998 and ending at 5:30 p.m. on June 8, 1998. >/ yO'ԍAll references to time in this Public Notice are to eastern daylight saving time. Manually filed Election Notices will be accepted by the Commission from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  X4starting on the date of this Public Notice and ending on June 8, 1998. X>/ yO 'ԍThere is no specific form for manually filed Election Notices. Licensees need only write a letter indicating their election as described more fully later in this Public Notice. Elections will not be processed until after 5:30 p.m. on June 8, 1998, and no Public Notice of any election by any licensee will be issued by the Commission until after June 8, 1998.  X9 4ELECTRONIC FILING PROCEDURES Election Notices may be filed electronically in the ULS starting at 8:00 a.m. on June 2, 1998. The ULS will accept Election Notices 24 hours per day until 5:30 p.m. on June 8, 1998. The ULS Technical Support Hotline, (202)4141250, is available from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, to answer questions regarding the electronic filing of Election Notices. All calls to the Technical Support Hotline are recorded. The ULS may be accessed  XD4at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls .  X4Licensee Registration in the ULS. In order to obtain a password for the ULS and  X4electronically submit its Election Notice, a licensee  must  first register its Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the ULS. The TIN registration process will allow a licensee to self-assign a password for login to the ULS. After the licensee's TIN is registered with the Commission, the Election Notice can be filed in the ULS. Specific directions for registering a TIN in the ULS are attached to this Public Notice in Appendix B.  X,4  X 4Election Notice. Specific directions regarding electronic filing of Election Notices in the ULS will be issued in a forthcoming Public Notice and will also be available on the Commission's website, listed above, when the Public Notice is issued. In general, licensees will file electronic elections by downloading a spreadsheet from the ULS home page and filling in elections for each of their licenses. In addition to completing the spreadsheet, licensees will create a series of attachments using their own word processing software. The attachments will supply additional information required for the elections. The spreadsheet and attachments will reflect the same information that licensees are required to submit if they are filing a manual election. Although the ULS is capable of accepting attachments in almost any computer file format, any questions concerning valid file formats may be answered by consulting the help facility within the ULS or calling the ULS Technical Support Hotline at (202)4141250. All calls to the Technical Support Hotline are recorded.  XB$4Confirmation. After a licensee has filed its electronic Election Notice, the ULS will provide a confirmation message. This confirmation will include a file number that should be used for"% ,**z%" future reference.  X4Changing Election Notices. A licensee may change its electronically filed Election Notice in the ULS before 5:30 p.m. on June 8, 1998 by logging into the ULS website as described above, and following the screen prompts to modify an existing Election Notice.  XQ4  X.4List of Licenses. Beginning on May 20, 1998, a list of all C block licensees and their corresponding licenses will be accessible from the ULS web page.  X4Practice Filing. The ULS will be available from May 28, 1998 to May 29, 1998 for licensees to familiarize themselves with the electronic filing procedures. During this time period, licensees may practice filing their elections through the ULS. All of the information filed during this practice period will be deleted from the ULS on May 30, 1998.  X 4MANUAL FILING PROCEDURES Election Notices may be filed manually with the Commission from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. starting on the date of this Public Notice and ending on June 8, 1998. Manually filed Election Notices should be sent to the Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. In addition, a copy of each manually filed Election Notice should be sent to (1) Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 2025 M Street, N.W., Room 5002, Washington, D.C. 20554, and (2) Rachel Kazan, Federal Communications Commission, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, 2025 M Street, N.W., Room 5202, Washington, D.C. 20554.  Xr4Form of Manually Filed Election Notices. There is no specific form for Election Notices. Instead, a licensee need only write a letter indicating its election. A 3.5" diskette containing a computer file of the letter should also be submitted. Any computer file format is acceptable; however, it is preferable to use Word or WordPerfect. In addition, even if a licensee manually files its election, it is preferable for the licensee to include the Election Notice spreadsheet, described in the electronic filing procedures, on the computer disk. This will expedite the Commission's processing of Election Notices. The following information is required to be supplied in the Election Notice: licensee name, address, contact name, phone number, fax number, TIN, MTA, BTA and license number(s). The person filing the Election Notice must be authorized by the licensee to file the Election Notice. For each license, the Election Notice must specify whether the licensee wishes to continue making payments under its Note, or whether the licensee has selected amnesty, disaggregation or prepayment. In addition to the information described above, the Election Notice should contain the following information as applicable to the election made.  X"4  Xe#4Resumption of Payments. A licensee electing to resume making installment payments for all of its licenses within an MTA in accordance with its original Note(s), as modified to reflect the new payment schedule, must specify in its Election Notice the license(s) for which it will continue to make installment payments.  X&4  X'4Amnesty. A licensee electing the amnesty option for all of its licenses within an MTA must specify in its Election Notice (1) each license being surrendered, and (2) whether the licensee wishes to bid on the surrendered license in the reauction. If a licensee wishes to bid on the"p) ,**p)" surrendered license in the reauction, then the licensee will have its debt canceled but will receive no credit for its down payment. If a licensee does not wish to bid on the surrendered license in the reauction, then the licensee will have 70 percent of its down payment added to  X4its Prepayment Credit. >/ yO'ԍA licensee's Prepayment Credit equals down payments that have been designated for prepayment plus  {O'installment payments previously paid on surrendered licenses. See Order on Reconsideration,  41. If the licensee has previously made installment payments on any of its licenses that it is surrendering under the amnesty option, then the licensee will receive a refund and/or a credit  X 4for those installment payments as follows. If a licensee surrenders  all  of its licenses under the amnesty option, then the Commission will refund all of the licensee's installment  X4payments. If a licensee surrenders  some  licenses under the amnesty option and prepays  all  others, then the installment payments will be added to the licensee's Prepayment Credit. The Commission will refund any installment payment amounts (but not down payment amounts) that remain unspent after all licenses selected for prepayment have been prepaid ("Unspent Installment Payments"). The down payment portion of a licensee's Prepayment Credit will be applied toward the prepayment of licenses before the installment payment portion of the Prepayment Credit is applied. Therefore, if the unspent portion of the Prepayment Credit exceeds the amount of the licensee's installment payments, the Commission will refund only the full amount of the licensee's installment payments, but none of the unspent down payment amount. If the unspent portion of the Prepayment Credit is less than the amount of the licensee's installment payments, the Commission will refund the full amount of the unspent portion of the Prepayment Credit.  X4If a licensee surrenders  some  licenses under the amnesty option, prepays  some  licenses, and continues payments on others, then the installment payments will be credited first to the licensee's Prepayment Credit. Any Unspent Installment Payments will be applied to the Suspension Interest owed on the licenses to be paid off in installments and the balance, if any, will be applied to the regular installment payments next due on those licenses. If the licensee surrenders some licenses under the amnesty option and continues payments on all other licenses (and thus does not prepay any licenses), then the installment payments will be applied first to the Suspension Interest owed on the retained licenses and the balance, if any, will be applied to the regular installment payments next due on those licenses. In cases where installment payments made on surrendered licenses are used to reduce a licensee's Suspension Interest, the licensee will have the discretion to select for which licenses it will  X}4reduce its Suspension Interest. A licensee in this situation must specify in its Election Notice those licenses to which it would like installment payments applied and how much should be allocated to each such license.  X4Disaggregation. A licensee electing the disaggregation option for all of its licenses in an MTA must specify in its Election Notice (1) the license(s) being disaggregated and (2) whether the licensee will resume making installment payments on the retained spectrum or whether the licensee will prepay the retained spectrum. If the licensee chooses to resume making payments on the retained spectrum, then the licensee must specify whether its credit of 40 percent of the down payment on the returned spectrum will be applied to reduce"B$" ,**$"  X4Suspension Interest or principal owed for the retained spectrum. >/ yOy'ԍIf the licensee fails to specify how its 40 percent credit should be applied, then the 40 percent credit will be applied to reduce Suspension Interest owed for the retained spectrum. A licensee choosing to resume making payments on the retained spectrum will have any previously paid installment payments on that license applied to reduce the amount of Suspension Interest owed. If the licensee chooses to prepay the retained spectrum, then the licensee will have 70 percent of its down payment for the returned spectrum added to its Prepayment Credit. A licensee choosing to prepay the retained spectrum will have any previously paid installment payments on that license added to its Prepayment Credit. A licensee choosing to prepay the retained spectrum  X 4must remit by June 8, 1998 any "new money" (i.e., funds other than the Prepayment Credit)  X4that it desires to apply to the retained spectrum. See "New Money Payments for Prepayment Option" section below. A licensee must also specify the following information in its Election Notice: (1) amount of "new money" being remitted, (2) date of remittance, and (3) method of  X 4remittance (i.e., cashier's check or wire transfer). If a licensee chooses to proceed under the affordability exception to the disaggregation option  X 4(i.e., the licensee's Prepayment Credit is insufficient to make full prepayment on the entire  X 4MTA),e >/ {O'ԍSee Order on Reconsideration,  43, 55.e then the licensee must specify (1) which licenses in the MTA it is prepaying and (2) which licenses in the MTA it is surrendering. A licensee may proceed under the affordability exception to the disaggregation option in only one MTA. A licensee may not proceed under the affordability exception to the disaggregation option in any MTA where the licensee has added "new money" to make prepayment. If a licensee adds "new money," then it must add enough "new money" to prepay the entire MTA.  X4Prepayment. A licensee electing the prepayment option for all of its licenses in an MTA must (1) specify in its Election Notice the license(s) being prepaid and (2) remit payment of  X4any "new money" that the licensee desires to apply to the prepayment of its license(s). See "New Money Payments for Prepayment Option" section below. If a licensee remits any "new money," then the licensee must also specify the following information in its Election Notice: (1) amount of "new money" being remitted, (2) date of remittance, and (3) method of  X64remittance (i.e., cashier's check or wire transfer). As discussed above, a licensee electing the prepayment option will have 70 percent of its down payment for licenses surrendered under the amnesty option added to its Prepayment Credit. If a licensee chooses to proceed under the affordability exception to the prepayment option  X4(i.e., the licensee's Prepayment Credit is insufficient to make full prepayment on the entire  Xh4MTA),D h>/ {O#'ԍId.,  43.D then the licensee must specify (1) which licenses in the MTA it is prepaying and (2) which licenses in the MTA it is surrendering. A licensee may proceed under the affordability exception to the prepayment option in only one MTA. A licensee may not proceed under the affordability exception to the prepayment option in any MTA where the licensee has added "new money" to make prepayment. If a licensee adds "new money," then it must add enough "new money" to prepay the entire MTA. ""D ,**""Ԍ X4Affiliated licensees. Affiliated licensees>/ {Oy'ԍThe term affiliate is defined in the Commission's competitive bidding rules. See 47 C.F.R.   {OC'1.2110(b)(4); see also Order on Reconsideration,  42. that wish to be treated as a single licensee for purposes of making an election must choose a chief affiliate that will be responsible for  X4making the elections for all of the affiliated licensees. The chief affiliate must specify in its Election Notice (1) the names of the affiliated licensees that wish to be considered as a single licensee, (2) the MTA, BTA and license numbers of the affiliated licenses, and (3) the election chosen for each affiliated license. The chief affiliate must make the same election for all affiliated BTA licenses held in a given MTA as if all of those licenses were held by  X 4the same licensee. The affiliated licensees  must  also file an Election Notice regarding each affiliated license that they hold, specifying the MTA, BTA and license number for which the chief affiliate is making an election, and stating that the chief affiliate is making the election for the affiliated licensee.  X\ 4Changing Election Notices. A licensee may change its manually filed Election Notice before 5:30 p.m. on June 8, 1998 by submitting (1) a statement that the licensee is rescinding its previously filed Election Notice, (2) a new Election Notice which states its new election, and (3) a copy of its previously filed Election Notice. These submissions must be simultaneously filed with the Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. In addition, a copy of the submissions should be sent to (1) Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 2025 M Street, N.W., Room 5002, Washington, D.C. 20554, and (2) Rachel Kazan, Federal Communications Commission, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, 2025 M Street, N.W., Room 5202, Washington, D.C. 20554.  X4  X' FAILURE TO FILE AN ELECTION NOTICE Any licensee that fails to file a timely Election Notice shall be treated as having elected to continue making payments under its existing Note obligations and will be required to pay, by  X,4July 31, 1998, all unpaid interest accruing from the date of license grant through July 31,  X 41998. Thus, a licensee failing to file a timely Election Notice will not be eligible to repay the Suspension Interest in a series of eight equal payments.  X}' DEFECTIVE ELECTIONS As previously stated, all C block licensees must elect either to resume making payments under their original C block Note(s) or one of the options discussed above for each license no later than 5:30 p.m. on June 8, 1998. Any C block licensee that makes a defective election will be considered to have elected to resume making payments under its original Note(s) and will be required to repay Suspension Interest in eight equal payments. A defective election occurs when a licensee chooses an option for which it is not eligible or fails to include required information in its Election Notice. "&$,**''"Ԍ X' NO RETURN OF LOAN DOCUMENTS OR LICENSES Licensees electing amnesty, prepayment, or disaggregation are no longer required to return their original Notes, Security Agreements or licenses. Implementation of the election options by the Commission does not require the return of these documents. Therefore, in order to reduce the paperwork burden to licensees, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is making  X.4this procedural change to the Second Report and Order..>/ {O'ԍSee Second Report and Order,  7076, 112; see also Order on Reconsideration,  83. However, the Commission will return any original Notes in its possession to licensees electing amnesty or prepayment subject to payment of UCC filing fees and completion of any other procedural requirements.  X 4 ISSUANCE OF LICENSES, NOTES AND FILING OF UCC FINANCING  X^ 'STATEMENTS Depending upon which elections are chosen, a licensee will be issued modified licenses, modified Notes and/or UCC financing statements as described below. The Commission will  X 4endeavor to issue these documents as soon as possible after June 8, 1998. However, licensees are required to resume payments on July 31, 1998, in accordance with the  X4Order on Reconsideration and the Important Dates Public Notice, without regard to  Xj'whether these new or modified documents have been issued, executed, filed or returned. The modified Notes and UCC financing statements must be executed and returned with any UCC filing costs within the time specified by the Bureau, which will be no less than seven  X4calendar days.Z>/ yO'ԍPursuant to Paragraph 5(b) of the Security Agreement, the cost of UCC filings is an obligation of the licensee. An invoice indicating the cost of the UCC filings will be sent to the licensee. Additional information regarding the issuance of modified licenses or Notes and payment instructions for any financing fees will be sent to licensees after their elections.  Xu4Resumption of Payments. A licensee electing to resume making payments will not receive a new license or Security Agreement, but will be required to execute and return a Note Modification reflecting the revised installment payment schedule. No new UCC financing statements are required for a licensee electing to resume making payments.  X4Amnesty. A licensee electing to surrender its license under the amnesty option will not receive a new license, Note or Security Agreement.  X]4Disaggregation with Resumption of Payments for the Retained Spectrum. A licensee electing to disaggregate its license and resume making installment payments for the retained spectrum will receive a Note Modification and a UCC1 financing statement, each of which must be executed and returned to the Commission together with the required financing fees. The Commission will file the UCC1 financing statement and issue the licensee a modified 15 MHz license.  Xh#4Disaggregation with Prepayment of the Retained Spectrum. A licensee electing to disaggregate its license and prepay the retained spectrum will be issued a modified license. The Commission will return the original Note no sooner than ninety days after the issuance of""%,**z%" a modified 15 MHz license.  X4Prepayment. A licensee electing to prepay its license will be issued a modified license, which will no longer be conditioned on the licensee making timely installment payments to the Commission. The Commission will return the licensee's original Note, together with an executed UCC3 termination statement, reflecting the cancellation of the licensee's debt for the original license no sooner than ninety days after the issuance of the modified license. The licensee may file the UCC3 termination statement at its discretion.  X' "NEW MONEY" PAYMENTS FOR PREPAYMENT OPTION  X 4 All "new money" payments must be received by the Commission no later than June 8, 1998. Payment of "new money" that must be remitted under the prepayment option may be made by cashier's check or wire transfer. Specific instructions for the payment of "new money" are attached to this Public Notice as Appendix C.  X4  X' REFUNDS UNDER AMNESTY OPTION  XD4Refunds will be processed via Electronic Funds Transfer (i.e. wire transfer). A licensee that  X#4  is due a refund of all or part of its installment payments should submit the following information so that the Commission may process the refund: Payee Name; Licensee Name; Licensee Tax Identification Number; FCC Account Number; Bank Name; Name of Bank  X4Account (if different) ; ABA Routing Transit Number; Bank Account Number; Bank Account Type (savings or checking); Bank Contact and Telephone Number; Bank Address; and Signature, Name and Phone Number of Requestor. A licensee filing electronically may file this information in ULS as an attachment to its  X 4Election Notice (See Electronic Filing Procedures, above), or it may fax this information directly to the attention of Regina Dorsey, Chief, Billings and Collection Branch, Office of the Managing Director, Federal Communications Commission, at (202)4182843 (fax). A licensee filing manually may either include this information with its Election Notice or fax the information to the abovereferenced fax number. Failure to supply all of the information may cause delays in the refund process. The Commission will endeavor to issue refunds to C block licensees due all or part of their installment payments within 30 days of the date they file their Election Notices with the Commission. The refund will consist of installment payments made on C block licenses surrendered to the Commission under the amnesty option after netting out any lender advances for financing fees (UCC filings).  Xi#4  X#%' PAYMENTS DUE BY JULY 31, 1998  X&4In accordance with the Order on Reconsideration, on or before July 31, 1998, all F block licensees and those C block licensees electing (1) to continue making payments under their original installment payment plan, or (2) to disaggregate a license and resume making installment payments on their retained spectrum, must remit all of the deferred interest from"v),**p)" April 1, 1998 through July 31, 1998, plus oneeighth of their Suspension Interest. A statement indicating the amount of deferred interest owed by C block licensees electing to resume making payments, by C block licensees electing to disaggregate and resume making payments on the retained spectrum, and by all F block licensees, will be sent to those licensees by July 20, 1998. Thereafter, regular installment payments will become due and payable every three months in accordance with the provisions of the licensee's modified payment schedule(s) and, in addition to those regular installment payments, licensees will be required to pay oneeighth of the Suspension Interest with each regular installment payment until the Suspension Interest is paid in full. However, if a licensee did not file an Election  X4Notice, the licensee must pay all unpaid interest accruing from the date of license grant through July 31, 1998.  X9 ' REMITTANCE OF FUTURE INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS The U.S. Department of the Treasury is acting as the loan servicer for the Federal Communications Commission and collects installment payments for the Commission. All licensees participating in the Installment Loan Program, including C and F block licensees, will be receiving new payment instructions. A package containing the new payment instructions will be sent to all C and F Block licensees during May 1998.  X4 For further information contact: Rachel Kazan or Rita Cookmeyer, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202)4180660, or Jack Zinman, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202)4187240.  Xr' ULS Technical Support Hotline (202) 4141250 Open 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday beginning on May 20, 1998.X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:4#XN\  P XP# " "` ` #XN\  P XP#Your password must be at least 5 characters but no more than 30 characters. (#`  X4#XN\  P XP# " "` ` #XN\  PXP#You may use letters, numbers, or symbols in your password.(#`  X!4#XN\  PXP# " "` ` #XN\  PXP#Memorize your password. (#`  Xl#4#XN\  PXP# " "` ` #XN\  PXP#Note that your password is case sensitive. For example, if you specify "station" (lowercase) as your password, you must always enter "station" in lowercase during ULS login. "Station" or "STATION" will not be accepted.(#`  X&48.XRe-enter your password in the Verify Password field. This entry must be an exact  X'4replication of the password entered in the New Password field.(#  X{)49.XIn the Personal Identifier or Corporate Identifier field, enter a word (of your choice)"{) ,**)" to serve as your personal identifier (if individual) or corporate identifier (if business entity). (#  X4 XNote: For security purposes, you will be required to correctly enter your TIN and password prior to accessing the ULS for filing C block elections or updating your registration information. If you forget your password, contact FCC Technical Support. The FCC support staff will ask for your personal or corporate identifier to verify your identity before resetting your password.(#  X410.#XN\  PXP#XWhen you have completed the registration form, click the Submit button.(# XIf you have entered any incomplete or erroneous information, an Errors screen lists the  X^ 4errors. Click Return , make your corrections, then click Submit again. Note that your registration cannot be submitted until all errors have been corrected.(#  X 411.XClick the Continue button.(#  X412.XA confirmation screen appears, indicating that your TIN has been successfully registered with the FCC. This screen shows the TIN, password, and personal or corporate identifier that you just registered. (#  X#4X Important: Your registration has not been successfully submitted to the ULS unless this confirmation screen appears.(#  X413.XFrom the confirmation screen, you can click the Home button to return to the ULS  X4home page or the Registration Menu button if you wish to return to the ULS Call  Xu4Sign Registration #XN\  PXP#menu.(#  XR4#XN\  PXP#  X ' DTechnical Support  \ For technical assistance in electronically registering your TIN with the FCC, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202)4141250. The FCC Technical Support Hotline generally will be available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. beginning on May 20 $P1 , 1998.  V]4All calls to the FCC Technical Support Hotline are recorded.#XN\  PXP# ": ,**"  X4  U APPENDIX C ă  X4  INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAYMENT OF "NEW MONEY" ă  Xt4Payment of "New Money" by Cashier's Check. Each cashier's check must be accompanied by a corresponding FCC Remittance Advice Form (FCC Form 159), and an Advice Continuation Sheet (FCC Form 159C) if the payment is for multiple licenses, mailed to: ` ` Mellon Bank ` ` Attention: "C" Block Auction ` ` P.O. Box 358440 ` ` Pittsburgh, PA 152518440 If an auction payment is delivered in person or by courier, the cashier's check and a corresponding FCC Remittance Advice Form (FCC Form 159), and an Advice Continuation Sheet (FCC Form 159C) if applicable, must be delivered to: ` ` Mellon Bank ` ` Attention: Wholesale Lockbox Shift Supervisor ` ` 27th Floor (1532713) ` ` 3 Mellon Bank Center ` ` 525 William Penn Way ` ` Pittsburgh, PA 152590001 ` ` (Note: Please indicate on the inside envelope "Lockbox No. 358440.")  X,4Payment of "New Money" by Wire. Licensees must authorize their financial institutions to remit the "new money" to the Commission's lockbox bank, Mellon Bank, Pittsburgh, PA, in accordance with the following instructions. All payments made by wire transfer must be supported by a completed FCC Remittance Advice (FCC Form 159), and an Advice Continuation Sheet (FCC Form 159C) if the payment is for multiple licenses. On the day that a licensee remits the "new money" payment, the licensee must fax the Form 159, and Form 159C if applicable, to Mellon Bank  X4at (412)2365702 at least one hour before the wire transfer is made. Licensees must write the following into the form: on the top write "Wire Transfer AuctionPay" and in the "Reserve Block" located at the upper left hand corner indicate "358440." Failure to submit the completed Form 159, and Form 159C if applicable, will result in a delay in crediting your account. Due to Federal Reserve regulations, wire transfers received after 6:00 p.m. will be credited the next business day. In order to complete the wire transfer, the following information should be provided to your bank for each license to which you are adding "new money":  X'4  ABA Routing Number 043000261 Receiving Bank: Mellon Pittsburgh BNF: FCC/ACV9100147"p) ,**)"ԌOBI Field: (Skip one space between each information item) X"INSTALLPAY"(Enter the word "INSTALLPAY")_TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER(Enter your Taxpayer Identification Number)_LOAN NUMBER(Enter the Loan Number from your account statement)_LICENSE NUMBER(Enter the License Number from your account statement)_PAYOR NAME(Enter the name of the Payor)_ PAYOR TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER(Enter the Payor's Taxpayer Identification Number)(#  X' Highlights for completing the Revised FCC Form 159 (July 1997) Sections C and D :  X 4Section C  X\ 4Block 20` ` Enter AWCI.(#`  X 4Block 22` ` Enter the value of "new money" to be applied towards the license listed in Block 24.(#`  X4Block 23 ` ` Enter the applicable loan number.(#`  Xg4Block 24 ` ` Enter the license number [i.e. PBBXXXC](#`  X!4Section D  X4Block 25 ` ` Enter the Taxpayer Identification Number for the entity making the payment.(#`  X4Block 26 ` ` Enter the Taxpayer Identification Number for the licensee, applicant or debtor.(#`  X4