PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 DA 98-445 News media information 202/418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830 Internet: Released: March 6, 1998 FCC ANNOUNCES THE CORRECTED CONDITIONAL GRANT OF 800 MHz SMR LICENSES (Balance of Winning Bids are due by March 20, 1998) Auction Event No. 16 On December 8, 1997, the FCC completed its auction of 525 licenses for the upper 200 channels of the Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) service in the 800 MHz band. After a preliminary review of the FCC long-form applications (FCC Form 601), applications for 522 licenses were accepted for filing. The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, under delegated authority, conditionally grants the applications listed in Attachment A. These grants are conditioned upon the full and timely payment of the remaining balance of the applicant's winning bid(s) within ten (10) business days of the date of this Public Notice (i.e., by March 20, 1998). See 47 C.F.R.  90.907(b). Pending applications that are subject to petition to deny are not listed herein. Resolution of those applications and related petitions will be by addressed by separate order(s). Applicants listed on Attachment A who do not submit the required payment by the specified deadline of March 20, 1998, will be considered in default and are subject to automatic license cancellation and additional default payments. See 47 C.F.R.  90.905(c). The defaulted winning bidder will be required to submit a payment equal to the difference between the amount of its winning bid and the amount of the winning bid the next time the license is offered by the Commission. No withdrawal payment will be assessed if the subsequent winning bid exceeds the withdrawn bid. The payment amount will be deducted from any upfront payments or downpayments that the withdrawing bidder has deposited with the Commission. See 47 C.F.R.  90.905(b). A defaulting winning bidder will also be required to pay an additional monetary assessment equal to three (3) percent of the subsequent winning bid. If the subsequent winning bid exceeds the defaulting bidder's bid amount, the three percent will be calculated based on the defaulted bidder's bid amount. These amounts will be deducted from any upfront payments or down payments that the defaulting or disqualified bidder has deposited with the Commission. See 47 C.F.R.  90.905(c). Issuance of Individual Licenses Following the timely payment of the balance of the applicant's winning bid amount(s), the Commission will issue individual 800 MHz SMR license(s) for each market to the applicant(s) listed in Attachment A. Notice to Incumbent 800 MHz Licensees of Impending Relocation Winning bidders should note that EA licensees must notify incumbents operating on frequencies included in their spectrum block of their intention to relocate such incumbents within 90 days of the release of the Public Notice commencing the voluntary negotiating period. See 47 C.F.R.  90.699. If an incumbent does not receive timely notification of relocation the EA licensee loses the right to require that incumbent to relocate. Id. This Public Notice DOES NOT initiate the one-year "voluntary negotiation period." The commencement of the one-year voluntary negotiation period will be announced in a subsequent public notice. However, conditional licensees and incumbents need not wait for the release of that public notice to begin discussions concerning the details of anticipated relocations. PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS All applicants identified in Attachment A must submit the balance of their winning bids in lump sum payments to Mellon Bank by March 20, 1998. All payments must be made in U.S. currency in the form of a wire transfer. See 47 C.F.R.  1.2107(b). Wire transfer payments must be received by 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time, March 20, 1998. Applicants should allow sufficient time for the wire transfer to be initiated and for the transmission to be completed prior to the deadline. No personal checks, cashier's checks or other forms of payment will be accepted. On the same business day that the applicant pays the balance due to Mellon Bank, the applicant must send a completed FCC Form 159 by FAX to Mellon Bank at (412) 236-5702. The FAX must be sent at least one hour prior to placing the order for the wire transfer. NOTE: APPLICANTS MUST USE THE SAME FCC TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER USED ON THEIR FCC FORM 175s. To submit funds by wire applicants will need the following information to properly effect the transmittal: ABA Routing Number: 043000261 Receiving Bank: Mellon Pittsburgh BNF: FCC/AC-9116106 OBI Field: (Skip one space between each information item.) "AUCTIONPAY" TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NO.: Same entry as used in FCC Form 175, Block 7 PAYMENT TYPE CODE: Same entry as used in FCC Form 159, Block 20A: "AW8D" FCC CODE 1: Same entry as used in FCC Form 159, Block 23A: "16" PAYOR NAME: Same entry as used in FCC Form 175, Block #1 LOCKBOX NUMBER: Same entry as used in FCC Form 159, Block 1: "358850" When completing FCC Form 159, applicants must specify each license as a separate item. APPLICANTS MUST TYPE LICENSE NUMBER(s) 1-4 IN BLOCK(s) 24A, 24B, 24C, and 24D ("FCC Code 2") OF FCC FORM 159. They must also type the auction number, "16," in Block(s) 23A, 23B, 23C, and 23D ("FCC Code 1"). As just noted, Form 159 provides sufficient boxes to list ONLY FOUR licenses. Applicants with five or more licenses must then use FCC Form 159-C ("Continuation Sheet") for the remainder of their licenses. License numbers follow this pattern: Type "YC" followed by the market code (e.g., "BEA500") followed by the frequency block in question ("A," "B," or "C"). An example of a correct license number would be: "YCBEA500A." The market code and frequency block designations are listed in Attachment A. Questions concerning the calculation and submission of final payments should be directed to Regina Dorsey or Linwood Jenkins of the Billings and Collections Branch at (202) 418-1995. For further information, contact: News Media: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418-0654. Payment Questions: Office of the Managing Director, Regina Dorsey at (202) 418-1995. Legal and Licensing Questions: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Commercial Wireless Division, Policy & Rules Branch, Chris Gacek, Wilbert Nixon, or Ramona Melson at (202) 418-7240. Licensing Questions: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Pearl McGinnis at (202) 418- 1385. This Public Notice contains the following attachments: Attachment A: Conditionally Granted Applications Attachment B: Search Instructions: Auction No. 16 Applications Attachment C: Search Instructions: Licenses Conditionally Granted for Auction No. 16 Attachment D: Accessing the FCC Network Using Windows 95 Attachment E: Accessing the FCC Network Using Windows 3.1 or 3.11 Attachment B Search Instructio ns: Auction No. 16 Applications The following are instructions for electronically searching the FCC Network for a specific application or applications on file with the Commission. The following instructions relate specifically to searching for applications filed in response to Auction 16. To search the FCC Network for an application, you must first connect to the FCC Network. Note the following: Attachment D describes how Windows 95 users can connect to the FCC Network using the Dial-Up Networking features of Windows 95. Attachment E describes how Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11 users can connect to the FCC Network using a PPP Dialer application that is available for downloading. Conventions The instructions in this attachment use the following typographic conventions: bold Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer, including buttons, Internet links, icon, tabs, menu items (e.g., Cancel button, Auctions link, Save option in the File menu). italic Represents field names or areas of a screen (e.g., Licensee Name field, Applicant Information area of a screen). bold italic Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type, you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed. Small Caps Capital letters (in Roman without italics or bold lettering) inside French quotes indicate specific keys on the keyboard (e.g., ®Enter,¯ ®Ctrl,¯ ®Esc¯). Performing an App lication Search Once you have connected to the FCC Network, follow the procedures below to search for an application. You may click the ? (Help) button at anytime for additional information on using Application Search. 1. In the Location field (Netscape) or Address field (Internet Explorer) of the web browser screen, type Then press the ®Enter¯ key. This will access the Universal Licensing System main page. 2. On the Universal Licensing System main page, click the Application Search button, located on the left side of the page. The Application Search screen appears. This screen contains several data entry fields used for specifying search criteria. 3. On the Application Search screen, specify the search criteria necessary to locate the desired application. Please refer to the following Basic Guidelines for Specifying Search Criteria for more information. If you are searching for an application filed for Auction 16, click 16 in the Auction ID field. Basic Guidelines for Specifying Search Criteria: You must specify search criteria in at least one field. You do not have to specify search criteria in all of the search fields. Enter search criteria into as many fields as you wish. To specify search criteria in a search field containing a menu of options, click the desired option from the menu. Use the scroll bars to view all options in a menu. You can select multiple options from a menu by holding down ®Ctrl¯ while you click the menu options. Click to undo a menu selection and search for all options in the menu. Click the Reset button to clear entries from all of the search fields. The Universal Licensing System restricts the number of rows returned in an application search to 1000. Click the ? (Help) button for a definition of each search field available on the Application Search screen. 4. After you have specified the desired search criteria, click the Search button. The system will scan the database for any applications matching the search criteria. The matching application files will be listed on the Search Results screen. The Search Results screen will identify the file number, licensee name, application purpose, application status, radio service code, and receipt date for each application returned in the query. A message on the Search Results screen will indicate if no matches were found for the specified search criteria. Click the New Search button and respecify search criteria. 5. To view an application, click its file number link. To navigate through the data on the Application screen, use the scroll bar or click the links at the top of the screen. Click the ? (Help) button for information regarding specific functions available on this screen. To re-access the Search Results screen, click the down arrow end of the Other Options field to obtain the drop-down menu of options. Click Search Results from the Other Options menu and then click the Go button. To begin a new search, click the down arrow end of the Other Options field to obtain the drop-down menu of options. Click New Search and then click the Go button. Technical Support For technical assistance in searching the ULS for applications, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250. The FCC Technical Support Hotline generally will be available Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. All calls to the FCC Technical Support Hotline are recorded. Attachment C SEARCH INSTRUCTIO NS: LICENSES CONDITIO NALLY GRANTED FOR AUCTION NO. 16 Following are instructions for electronically searching the FCC Network for a specific license or licenses on file with the Commission. The following instructions relate specifically to searching for conditionally granted licenses associated with Auction 16. To search the FCC Network for a license, you must first connect to the FCC Network. Note the following: Attachment D describes how Windows 95 users can connect to the FCC Network using the Dial-Up Networking features of Windows 95. Attachment E describes how Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11 users can connect to the FCC Network using a PPP Dialer application that is available for downloading. Conventions The instructions in this attachment use the following typographic conventions: bold Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer, including buttons, Internet links, icon, tabs, menu items (e.g., Cancel button, Auctions link, Save option in the File menu). italic Represents field names or areas of a screen (e.g., Licensee Name field, Applicant Information area of a screen). bold italic Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type, you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed. Small Caps Capital letters (in Roman without italics or bold lettering) inside French quotes indicate specific keys on the keyboard (e.g., ®Enter,¯ ®Ctrl,¯ ®Esc¯). Performing a Lice nse Search Once you have connected to the FCC Network, follow the procedures below to search for a license. You may click the ? (Help) button at anytime for additional information on using License Search. 1. In the Location field (Netscape) or Address field (Internet Explorer) of the web browser screen, type Then strike ®Enter.¯ This will access the Universal Licensing System main page. 2. On the Universal Licensing System main page, click the License Search button, located on the left side of the page. The License Search screen appears. This screen contains several data entry fields used for specifying the criteria for your license search. 3. On the License Search screen, specify the search criteria necessary to locate the desired license. Please refer to the following Basic Guidelines for Specifying Search Criteria for more information. If you are searching for a license filed for Auction 16, click 16 in the Auction ID field. Basic Guidelines for Specifying Search Criteria: You must specify search criteria in at least one field. You do not have to specify search criteria in all of the search fields. Enter search criteria into as many fields as you wish. To specify search criteria in a search field containing a menu of options, click the desired option from the menu. Use the scroll bars to view all options in a menu. You can select multiple options from a menu by holding down ®Ctrl¯ while you click the menu options. Click to undo a menu selection and search for all options in the menu. Click the Reset button to clear entries from all of the search fields. The Universal Licensing System restricts the number of rows returned in a license search to 1000. Click the ? (Help) button for a definition of each search field available on the License Search screen. 4. After you have specified the desired search criteria, click the Search button. The system will scan the database for any licenses matching the search criteria. The matching license files will be listed on the Search Results screen. The Search Results screen will identify the call sign, licensee name, radio service code, market, and licensee id for each license returned in the query. A message on the Search Results screen will indicate if no matches were found for the specified search criteria. Click the New Search button and respecify search criteria. 5. To view a license, click its call sign underlined link. To navigate through the data on the License screen, use the scroll bar or click the links at the top of the screen. Click the ? (Help) button for information regarding specific functions available on this screen. To re-access the Search Results screen, click the down arrow end of the Other Options field to obtain the drop-down menu of options. Click Search Results from the Other Options menu and then click the Go button. To begin a new search, click the down arrow end of the Other Options field to obtain the drop-down menu of options. Click New Search from the Other Options menu and then click the Go button. Technical Support For technical assistance in searching the ULS for licenses, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250. The FCC Technical Support Hotline generally will be available Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. All calls to the FCC Technical Support Hotline are recorded. Attachment D ACCESSING THE FCC NETWORK USING WINDOWS 95 This attachment describes how to access the FCC Network from a system that is running the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system. This involves configuring dial-up network access and then performing the dial-up procedure. Conventions The instructions in this attachment use the following typographic conventions: bold Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer, including buttons, Internet links, icon, tabs, menu items (e.g., Cancel button, Auctions link, Save option in the File menu). italic Represents field names or areas of a screen (e.g., Licensee Name field, Applicant Information area of a screen). bold italic Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type, you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed. Small Caps Capital letters (in Roman without italics or bold lettering) inside French quotes indicate specific keys on the keyboard (e.g., ®Enter,¯ ®Ctrl,¯ ®Esc¯). Configuring Dial- Up Network Access 1. To start dial-up networking: a. Click the Windows 95 Start button. b. Click the Programs option to display the Programs menu. c. Click the Accessories option to display the Accessories menu. d. From the Accessories menu, click Dial-Up Networking. 2. When the Dial-Up Networking window appears, double-click the Make New Connection icon. 3. The Make New Connection window appears. In the field entitled Type a name for the computer you are dialing, type ULS at FCC. 4. Click the down arrow at the right of the Select a modem field and select your modem from the menu of available modems. If your modem does not appear on this list, you must install your modem driver according to the modem manufacturer installation procedures, which are usually described in your modem s user manual. 5. Click the Configure button. Click the Options tab at the top of the Properties window. 6. In the Connection control area of the Options tab, verify that neither option is selected. If either option is selected, click the check box at the left of the option to deselect it. Then click the OK button. 7. Click the Next button. 8. Type 800 in the Area Code field and 844-2784 in the Telephone Number fields. Verify that the correct country is selected in the Country code field. If not, click the down arrow at the right of the Country code field and select the appropriate country from the menu of available countries. 9. Click the Next button. 10. Click the Finish button. An icon titled ULS at FCC appears in the Dial-Up Networking window. 11. Verify that properties are configured correctly before attempting a dial-up session. Position the mouse pointer on the ULS at FCC icon and click the right mouse button to display a menu. Select Properties from the menu. 12. Click the Server Type button at the bottom of the ULS at FCC screen. 13. In the Advanced Options area of the Server Type window, verify that only Enable software compression is selected. If it is not selected, click the check box at the left of the option to select it. If either of the other options is selected, click the check box to deselect it. 14. In the Allowed Network Protocols area of the Server Type window, verify that only TCP/IP is selected. If it is not selected, click the check box at the left of the option to select it. If either of the other options is selected, click the check box to deselect it. 15. Click OK on the Server Type window, then click OK on the Properties window. Dial-Up Procedure 1. If the Dial-Up Networking window is not currently open, do the following: a. Click the Windows 95 Start button. b. Click the Programs option to display the Programs menu. c. Click the Accessories option to display the Accessories menu. d. From the Accessories menu, click Dial-Up Networking. The Dial-Up Networking window appears. 2. Double-click the ULS at FCC icon in the Dial-Up Networking window. 3. Click the Connect button on the ULS at FCC window. Do not enter User name and Password. The Connecting to ULS at FCC window appears, indicating the status of your connection as your modem dials into the system. This window must remain running during your dial-up session. You may minimize the window, if you wish. 4. Once the connection is established, open your web browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer). 5. In the Location (Netscape) or Address (Internet Explorer) field of the web browser screen, type the desired Universal Resource Locator (URL). Then strike ®Enter.¯ 6. When you have finished, exit the web browser, then click the Disconnect button on the ULS at FCC window to end your dial-up session. Attachment E ACCESSING THE FCC NETWORK USING WINDOWS 3.1 OR 3.11 This attachment describes how to access the FCC Network from a system that is running the Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 operating system. This involves using the FCC-supplied PPP Dialer. This attachment summarizes the hardware and software required for the PPP Dialer, then describes the procedures for performing the following tasks: Downloading the Dialer files from the Internet or the FCC Bulletin Board Extracting the Dialer from the downloaded files Installing the Dialer application Configuring PPP Establishing a PPP connection The attachment also describes how to troubleshoot and uninstall the PPP Dialer application, and tells how to get help from the FCC. Conventions The instructions in this attachment use the following typographic conventions: bold Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer, including buttons, Internet links, icon, tabs, menu items (e.g., Cancel button, Auctions link, Save option in the File menu). italic Represents field names or areas of a screen (e.g., Licensee Name field, Applicant Information area of a screen). bold italic Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type, you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed. Small Caps Capital letters (in Roman without italics or bold lettering) inside French quotes indicate specific keys on the keyboard (e.g., ®Enter,¯ ®Ctrl,¯ ®Esc¯). Hardware and Soft ware Requirements Applicants who want to connect to the FCC Wide Area Network using the FCC PPP Dialer will need the following hardware and software. Hardware Requirements CPU: Intel 80486 or above RAM: 8 MB RAM (more recommended if you intend to open multiple applications) Hard Disk: 10 MB available disk space Modem: v.32bis 14.4-kbps Hayes compatible modem Monitor: VGA or above Mouse or other pointing device Software Requirements Internet Web Browser software (Netscape Navigator 3.0.1 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 were used during testing) Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups v3.11 Note: If you are running Windows in a networked environment, check with your local network administrator for any potential conflicts with the FCC PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) Dialer. This usually includes any TCP/IP installed network protocol. The FCC PPP Dialer will establish a point-to-point connection from your PC to the FCC Network. This point-to-point connection is not routed through the Internet. Downloading the D ialer Software Applicants who wish to use the FCC PPP Dialer must first download the dialer software from either the Internet or the FCC Bulletin Board System. Applicants must download the following compressed files to install the software: fccdial1.exe fccdial2.exe fccdial3.exe Download Method 1: Internet Access You may use your Internet browser to download the compressed files from or, as described in the following sections. Downloading from 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Internet browser. 2. In the Location (Netscape) or Address (Internet Explorer) field of the web browser screen, enter the following location: Then press the ®Enter¯ key. 3. Click the Auctions link. 4. In the Auctions section to the right, click the Completed link. Then click 800 SMR (Up. 200) link. 5. Click Universal Licensing System. 6. Click the FCC PPP Dialer button, located on the left side of the page. 7. Scroll down to the Download the Dialer section of the page. Download the following files by clicking their respective filename links: fccdial1.exe, fccdial2.exe, fccdial3.exe Downloading from 1. Connect to your Internet service provider and start your Web browser. 2. In the Location (Netscape) or Address (Internet Explorer) field of the web browser screen, enter the following location: Then strike ®Enter.¯ 3. Click the Dialer link. 4. Download the following files by clicking each of the corresponding icons: fccdial1.exe, fccdial2.exe, fccdial3.exe Download Method 2: Dial-In Access to the FCC Auction Bulletin Board System (BBS) The FCC Auction Bulletin Board System (BBS) provides dial-in access for the FCC PPP Dialer. To access the FCC Auction BBS, use a communications package that can handle at least Xmodem protocol (such as PcAnyWhere, Procomm, or Microsoft Terminal in Windows 3.x) to dial in to (202) 682-5851. Use the settings of 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit (8,N,1). Once your computer is connected to the Auction BBS, do the following: 1. To create an account: a. Enter your first name. Note: Throughout these instructions, "enter" means to type the appropriate information and then strike ®Enter.¯ b. Enter your last name. c. When asked whether you want to create an account, enter Y. d. When prompted, enter a password. The password can be from four to ten characters long, where the characters can be either letters or numbers. e. To confirm the password, enter it again. f. When prompted for contact information, enter your voice phone number, including area code. For example, you might enter 202-555-1234. g. Enter your company name. 2. On the Welcome screen, enter C for Continue. (You may also enter c, the program accepts either uppercase or lowercase.) Since C is the default (automatic) selection, you can also just strike ®Enter¯ to continue. 3. When asked whether you want to view the bulletin menu, enter Y for Yes. Then strike ®Enter¯ to obtain the FCC Auction BBS Main Menu. 4. Enter A (for Auction Menu) to obtain the Auction Library Menu. The top options on this menu provide a range of numbers to represent the available auctions. 5. To select Dialer, enter D. The list of available files appears. These files are sorted by date, with the most recent files at the beginning of the list. 6. To scroll downward to the next screen of file names, either strike ®Enter¯ or enter C for Continue. To scroll upward to the preceding screen of file names, enter P for Previous. Note that on each screen, file names are numbered separately, starting with 1. 7. To select one or more files for downloading or viewing, mark the files you want. The program marks a file by preceding its name with an asterisk (*). You can do the following: To mark an individual file, enter its line number. To mark a range of files, enter M (for Mark) and then enter the range of files in response to the prompt. For example, to mark files 1 through 3, enter 1-3 at the prompt. To unmark a file, enter its number again. You can also use Mark to unmark a range of files. Use any of these techniques to mark the following files: fccdial1.exe, fccdial2.exe, fccdial3.exe 8. When you have finished marking files, download them as follows: a. Enter D for Download. The program displays a list that summarizes the download operation. The Time column lists the download time for each file; the Total Time column lists a running total of the download times. b. Enter D to proceed. c. Select the file transfer protocol that has been specified in your terminal emulation software (e.g., Xmodem or Zmodem). When the download operation has finished, the list of files reappears. 9. Enter X to leave the BBS. Extracting the FCC PPP Dialer The FCC PPP Dialer files are downloaded in a self-extracting, compressed file format. When you have downloaded the compressed files, you must extract the FCC PPP Dialer from each file. To extract the software, start File Manager in the Main Program group, open the file folder where you downloaded the files, and double-click each file (fccdial1.exe, fccdial2.exe, fccdial3.exe). A message will appear listing the default directory to which the software will extract. If this directory does not exist, it will be created automatically. Click Unzip to begin extracting the software from the compressed files. When the extraction is complete, a message will appear listing the number of files that were unzipped. Click OK to automatically start the setup program. Installing the FCC PPP Dialer After you extract the software from all of the compressed files, go to File Manager, locate the directory to which you extracted the software, and double-click setup.exe. To begin, the setup program shows a screen listing the default directory to which the software will install. Click the Install button, then click OK to install to the specified directory. If the directory does not exist, the setup program will create it automatically. When the installation is complete, a message may appear asking you to restart Windows so that the changes made by the installation can take effect. Click Restart to restart Windows or click Stay Here to restart at a later time. Do not use the FCC PPP Dialer until you have restarted Windows. You will now have a new Program Manager group called FCC PPP Dialer with icons labeled Configure PPP, PPP Dialer, and Uninstall. Running the Configure PPP Program Before establishing a PPP connection, you must run the Configure PPP program. If desired, you may also adjust the configuration settings. To start the Configure PPP program: 1. Double-click the Configure PPP icon. The communications setup window will appear. 2. From the Modem menu, select the COM port to which your modem is connected. 3. From the Speed menu, select the maximum DTE rate of your modem. For 14.4-kbps and 28.8-kbps modems, you can generally select a speed of 38400 or 57600. 4. In most cases, carrier detect should not be checked and flow control should be checked. If you experience problems getting the modem to respond, experimenting with these settings may help. 5. The DNS should be set to The remainder of the screen has default values which should provide optimal performance. 6. Click the Script button to bring up the Script Setup screen. This screen gives you the ability to issue specific commands to the modem. 7. Click the down arrow in the Selected Modem field and choose the entry from the list that most closely matches the modem installed on your PC. If your modem does not appear in the list, select a generic modem string by entering either ATZ (for 14.4-kbps modems) or AT&F (for 28.8-kbps modems) in the Reset Modem String box. 8. It may be necessary to change the command in the Modem Dial Prefix field to accommodate how you make calls. For example: No dialing prefix used: ATDT Dialing prefix of 9 used: ATDT9 Dialing prefix of 9 used, add a 1 before dialing the 800 number: ATDT91 Turn off call waiting, add a 1 before dialing the 800 number: ATDT*70,1 9. If you use a dialing suffix, enter it in the Dial Suffix field. 10. The default settings provided in Configure PPP should be compatible with most systems. If you experience problems connecting to the FCC Network, refer to the Troubleshooting section for possible solutions. 11. When you have finished using the Configure PPP program, click the OK button. You may now start the FCC PPP Dialer. Establishing a PPP Connection Once you have run the Configure PPP program, you can establish a PPP connection. Do the following: 1. To start the PPP Dialer, double-click the PPP Dialer icon in the FCC PPP Dialer program group. The dialer will attempt to dial the toll-free 800 number automatically. 2. When the PPP Dialer establishes a connection, you will gain access to the PPP Dial Up screen. You may switch to the PPP Dial Up screen by striking ®Ctrl¯+®Esc¯ (this should be simultaneously) and double-clicking PPP Dial Up in the Task List. The screen will display the current status of the PPP connection. 3. To refresh the status of the PPP connection, select the Refresh Status option from the Dial menu. 4. Select the Minimize option from the Window menu to minimize the PPP Dial Up screen. 5. To test the status of the PPP connection, select the Test Connection from the Dial menu. This option allows you to ping the FCC Network. The ping process sends a signal to the FCC Network; if the signal returns, you have established a good connection. The Hostname box will show 6. From the Number menu, choose the number of pings you wish to send (one, continuous, or a user-specified number). From the Specifications menu, you can customize the type of request (e.g., icmp echo request), the interval between pings, and the timeout setting; the default settings should suffice. If you change any of the settings and would like to save them, select the Save from the File menu. 7. Click the Start button. The status and packets boxes will display information concerning whether the pings were returned. 8. If necessary, click the Stop button, to end the ping process. Click the Exit button to exit the Ping program. Disconnecting the PPP Connection To disconnect from the FCC Network, switch to the PPP Dial Up screen and select the Disconnect option from the Dial menu. Troubleshooting Following are problems you may encounter and possible solutions for resolving or isolating them. Modem does not respond 1. Check the COM port setting. 2. Make sure that you have selected the appropriate modem in the Selected Modem list. If your modem does not appear in the list, select a generic modem string by entering either ATZ (for 14.4-kbps modems) or AT&F (for 28.8-kbps modems) in the Reset Modem String field. 3. Check your modem for IRQ conflicts. 4. Check the physical connections. 5. Change Carrier Detect. 6. Change Flow Control. Modem connects but does not return an IP address 1. Check that you have selected the appropriate modem in the Selected Modem list. 2. Verify the DNS is set to 3. Verify the MRU and MTU are set to 1500. 4. Turn off VJ Compression. 5. Change timeout to 15. This is found on the Script Setup screen in Configure PPP. 6. Check your modem for IRQ conflicts. 7. Unload network drivers. SQLSERVER errors 1. Turn off VJ Compression. 2. Unload network drivers. 3. Check for the existence of multiple winsock.dll files on your PC. 4. Test the PPP connection with the Ping program. Errors may be caused by having multiple winsock.dll files on your PC. To search for conflicting winsock.dll files, start File Manager, open the directory for the root of the hard drive you want to search (usually c:\) and select the Search option from the File menu. In the search for: box, enter winsock.dll. Verify that the select all subdirectories option is selected, then click OK. Make sure that any other winsock files are not in your path. To check this, go to the DOS prompt and type path. If any directory containing another winsock.dll file appears in the path, do either of the following: Edit the autoexec.bat file to remove the reference to that directory, then save and reboot the PC. If you need to use the other PPP software package, reinsert the appropriate directory reference, save, and reboot. Temporarily rename the conflicting winsock. Uninstalling the FCC PPP Dialer Application To uninstall the FCC PPP Dialer, double-click the Uninstall icon in the FCC PPP Dialer program group. Click Start to uninstall the software. T echnical Support For technical assistance in installing or using the FCC PPP Dialer, contact the FCC Technical Support Hotline at (202) 414-1250. This hotline is generally available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. All calls to the FCC Technical Support Hotline are recorded.