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If applicants choose to submit the agreements, they can redact proprietary information or can seek confidentiality for those  X4documents pursuant to Section 0.459 of the Commission's Rules (see discussion of  Xs4confidentiality requests under    "Confidentiality Requests" below).  X.' III. Exhibit I: Confidentiality Requests Applicants should be aware that all information required by the Commission's rules in connection with applications to participate in spectrum auctions is necessary to determine the applicants' qualifications and, as such, will be available for public inspection. Required proprietary information may be redacted, and confidentiality can be sought pursuant to 47  X"4C.F.R.  0.459. Applicants requesting confidential treatment for any information required as a condition to participate in the auction must follow the procedures set out in 47 C.F.R.  0.459. "1'0*((S%"Ԍ If an applicant has sought confidential treatment of any information, it should attach  X4and label as "Exhibit I: Confidentiality Requests" a statement which references the  X4request; otherwise Exhibit I should be omitted  . Any such requests must be manually submitted, even if the winning bidder chooses to file electronically. If filing electronically, the winning bidder must indicate in Exhibit I that it has a confidentiality  X4request on file. Because the required information bears on an applicant's qualifications, the Commission envisions that confidentiality requests will not be routinely granted. An applicant's request for confidentiality must include a demonstration that it would suffer substantial competitive harm from the public disclosure of the confidential information.   X ' IV. Exhibit J: Market Designator  X 4 Only electronic filers submitting single applications for multiple markets should attach  X 4and label as " Exhibit J: Market Designator" a list of the additional market designators (other than the market already listed in Schedule A) that the single application covers. This  X4exhibit should not include the market name(s) associated with the market designator(s).  Xb4 Note: This data string is computerread to link an applicant's FCC Form 600 to all the licenses for which it is applying. To ensure that the data is read correctly, applicants should submit their data as requested and without any additional text.  X' V. Exhibit K: Service Profile  X4Applicants should attach and label as "Exhibit K: Service Profile" the following information identifying the type of service(s) the applicant will provide:  X|4Item (1) Common Carrier: State whether the applicant will be a common carrier, noncommon carrier, or both.  X94Item (2) Service:  Identify whether the applicant will be providing fixed, mobile, fixed and mobile, satellite (sound) or radiolocation services.  X4 VI. Waivers Requests In the event a winning bidder wishes to file a request for waiver, all such requests  X"4should be filed with the corresponding application as "Waiver Requests . " Winning bidders filing electronically should upload their waiver requests using the "Waiver" tab. Manual filers should attach a copy of waiver requests at the end of their FCC Form 600. Waiver requests filed after the submission of the FCC Form 600 may result in a delay of the processing of the application. If a request for waiver is filed separately from the FCC Form 600, such request must reference the corresponding application.