November 9, 1994 ANNOUNCING THE HIGH BIDDERS IN THE AUCTION OF 30 REGIONAL NARROWBAND (PCS) LICENSES; WINNING BIDS TOTAL $490,901,787 The Commission completed its auction of 30 Regional Narrowband personal communication service (PCS) licenses on November 8. The names of the high bidders and the licenses they won are listed below. The total gross revenue derived from the Regional Narrowband PCS auction was $490,901,787 (including the withdrawal penalty of $2,128,987 incurred by PageMart II, Inc.). The total net revenue obtained from the Regional Narrowband PCS auction was $394,835,784 (including the withdrawal penalty of $2,128,987 incurred by PageMart II, Inc.). Winning bidders are reminded that they must submit a down payment sufficient to bring their total deposit with the Commission up to 20 percent of the sum of their winning bids on or before Wednesday, November 16, 1994. Winning bidders who qualify as small businesses will only be required to submit a down payment sufficient to bring their total deposit with the Commission up to 10 percent of the sum of their winning bids by this date. This payment must be made to Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on or before Wednesday, November 16, 1994. Bidders who have incurred bid withdrawal penalties will also be required to submit the full amount of the bid withdrawal penalty or 20 percent of the amount of the withdrawn high bid, whichever is less, on or before Wednesday, November 16, 1994. All payments must be accompanied by an FCC Form 159 identifying who is paying, the amount of payment and the licenses and/or penalties for which payment is being made. The FCC Form 159 is necessary to allow the Mellon Bank to accurately process a bidder's remittance. Failure to accurately complete the FCC Form 159 could result in a delay in processing the remittance. Before completing FCC Form 159, remitters should read the "Instructions For Using FCC Form 159" contained in the Bidder's Information Package. HIGH MARKET/FREQUENCY BLOCK WINNING BIDDER BID AMOUNT Market R001-01 [50/50 Khz paired] - PAGEMART II, INC. $17,500,000 Market R001-02 [50/50 KHz paired] - PCS DEVELOPMENT $24,750,000 CORPORATION Market R001-03 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-MOBILEMEDIA PCS, INC. $ 9,471,082 Market R001-04 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-ADVANCED WIRELESS $ 8,949,543 MESSAGING, INC. Market R001-05 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-AIRTOUCH PAGING $ 8,675,000 Market R001-06 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-LISA-GAYE SHEARING $17,085,001 Market R002-01 [50/50 KHz paired] - PAGEMART II, INC. $18,400,000 Market R002-02 [50/50 KHz paired] - PCS DEVELOPMENT $31,300,000 CORPORATION Market R002-03 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-MOBILEMEDIA PCS, INC. $11,800,007 Market R002-04 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-ADVANCED WIRELESS $11,543,007 MESSAGING, INC. Market R002-05 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-INSTA-CHECK SYSTEMS,INC.$ 8,000,013 Market R002-06 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-LISA-GAYE SHEARING $18,770,005 Market R003-01 [50/50 KHz paired] - PAGEMART II, INC. $16,810,000 Market R003-02 [50/50 KHz paired] - PCS DEVELOPMENT $28,934,001 CORPORATION Market R003-03 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-MOBILEMEDIA PCS, INC. $ 9,291,000 Market R003-04 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-ADVANCED WIRELESS $10,057,004 MESSAGING, INC. Market R003-05 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-AMERITECH MOBILE $ 9,500,000 SERVICES, INC. Market R003-06 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-LISA-GAYE SHEARING $17,085,001 Market R004-01 [50/50 KHz paired] - PAGEMART II, INC. $17,340,000 Market R004-02 [50/50 KHz paired] - PCS DEVELOPMENT $28,560,000 CORPORATION Market R004-03 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-MOBILEMEDIA PCS, INC. $ 8,250,000 Market R004-04 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-ADVANCED WIRELESS $ 8,791,001 MESSAGING, INC. Market R004-05 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-AIRTOUCH PAGING $ 8,262,000 Market R004-06 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-BENBOW P.C.S. $17,480,000 VENTURES, INC. Market R005-01 [50/50 KHz paired] - PAGEMART II, INC. $22,549,020 Market R005-02 [50/50 KHz paired] - PCS DEVELOPMENT $38,000,000 CORPORATION Market R005-03 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-MOBILEMEDIA PCS, INC. $14,857,003 Market R005-04 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-ADVANCED WIRELESS $14,281,111 MESSAGING, INC. Market R005-05 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-AIRTOUCH PAGING $14,281,001 Market R005-06 [50/12.5 KHz paired]-BENBOW P.C.S. $18,201,000 VENTURES, INC. In addition, winning bidders are required to submit their long form applications (FCC Form 401) on or before Wednesday, November 23, 1994. The FCC Form 401 must be sent to: Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222, Washington, D.C., 202-418-0300, Attention: Common Carrier Bureau, Mobile Services Division. For additional forms or further information, please contact Regina Dorsey of the FCC's Office of Managing Director at 202-418-1995. -FCC-