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(1) (a) (i) 1) a)dK+b70t _5xŗ+tE)*` ` `  2  S' X   V S'#C\  P6Q/P# #&I\  P6Qg!&P#Federal Communications Commission`~(#cDA 99 1823 ă   yx}dddy VۄQb Before the Federal Communications Commission  S'&2Washington, D.C. 20554 ă In the Matter of #&I\  P6Qg!&P#) )  S'Pioneer Telephone Association, Inc.)ppFile No. 0000012967 (Market B163)) )  S5'TLA Spectrum, L.L.C.)ppFile No. 0000012948 (Market B391)) )  S 'Midwest Wireless Communications, L.L.C.)ppFile No. 0000012963 (Market B378)) )  S 'Chariton Valley Communication Corporation, Inc.)ppFile Nos. 0000012988 and 0000012989 (Markets B090 and B230)) )  Sj'OPCS Three, L.L.C.)ppFile No. 0000012978 (Markets B112 and B145)) ) Requests for Waiver of Section 20.6)  S'of the Commission's Rules)pp    S'm ORDER \  S9'X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:" CMRS spectrum cap proceeding, we find good cause to grant conditionally the waiver requests, ('C   S'pending the outcome of the Commission's reevaluation of section 20.6.  yO5' "& ԍWe are today releasing an Order disposing of the petition filed against the longform application of Chariton  x Valley. In light of the removal of these petitions and the fact that the grant of all of the licenses will be conditioned  x on the outcome of the Commission's reevaluation of section 20.6, we are today issuing a Public Notice announcing  xH that we are prepared to grant the abovecaptioned license applications, except that of OPCS Three, following the full  x and timely payment of the remaining balance of the winning bids for the licenses, pursuant to section 1.2109(a) of the Commission's rules. 47 C.F.R.  1.2109(a).  Sg'5.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that the requests of Pioneer Telephone Association, Inc., TLA Spectrum, L.L.C., Midwest Wireless Communications, L.L.C., Chariton Valley Communication Corporation, Inc., and OPCS Three, L.L.C. for waiver of section 20.6 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  20.6, to allow Petitioners to hold more than 45 MHz of spectrum within the same geographic area ARE GRANTED, subject to the outcome of the Commission's pending rulemaking in WT Docket 98205. Should Petitioners' respective spectrum holdings be inconsistent with the result in that proceeding, Petitioners shall, within 90 days from the release of the final order in WT Docket 98205, take such actions as necessary to come into compliance with the rules provided in the final order in that proceeding and notify the Chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, in writing, of their actions to come into compliance.  S6 '6.` ` This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated by section 0.331 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.331. ` `  hhCqFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  hhCqPaul D'Ari ` `  hhCqChief, Policy and Rules Branch ` `  hhCqCommercial Wireless Division ` `  hhCqWireless Telecommunications Bureau