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(Market B090))  S ')pp  S 'Cook Inlet/VoiceStream PCS L.L.C.)ppFile No. 0000012949  S '(Markets B071, B078, B101, B109, B225,)pp B260, B294, B332, B355, B380, B419,) B426, B443 and B452))  S')pp  S'Highland Cellular, Inc.)ppFile No. 0000012881 (Markets B255 and B444)) )  S8'Iowa Network Services, Inc.)ppFile No. 0000012888  S'(Market B243))pp )  S'IT&E Overseas, Inc.)ppFile No. 0000012703 (Market B490 and B493)) )  S'OPCS Three, L.L.C.)ppFile No. 0000012978 (Markets B005, B033, B112, B145, B169,)  S'B209, B223, B308, B310, B394 and B403))pp )  S:'OPM Auction Co.)ppFile No. 0000012900 (Market B046)) )  S'Viper Wireless, Inc.)ppFile No. 0000012956 (Markets B195 and B320)) )   S 'm ORDER \  S<#'X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: yOJ!'ԍPetitions at 3.@ On October 16, 1998, the Debtors filed an emergency motion for authority  xto make their conditional election effective, which the bankruptcy court granted on October 29, 1998  S' x(Election Order).:  {Ot$'ԍId.: On November 6, 1998, Pacific Eagle filed with the court a motion for reconsideration  S' xof the Election Order.: ` {O&'ԍId.: On March 3, 1999, the bankruptcy court released an order denying Pacific Eagle's  xpmotion for reconsideration, which Pacific Eagle appealed to the United States District Court for the" ,l(l(,,U"  S' xZDistrict of Maryland on March 11, 1999.:  {Oh'ԍId.: On March 12, 1999, the bankruptcy court stayed its order  S' xdenying the motion for reconsideration pending appeal.: Z {O'ԍId.: Pacific Eagle's appeal of the Election Order is still pending.  S4' e 3.` ` On June 3, 1999, Pacific Eagle filed its Petitions. Because Pacific Eagle's appeal of the  S' xtElection Order is pending, Pacific Eagle argues that the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau)  xshould defer grant of the abovecaptioned licenses, or, at a minimum, conditionally grant the license  xapplications subject to the possible return of the licenses to the Debtors' Chapter 11 estate, or as otherwise  Sh'may be directed by the courts as a result of Pacific Eagle's pending Election Order appeal.@ h {O 'ԍId. at 5.@  S' e 4.` ` In a public notice regarding Auction 22 released on December 23, 1998, the Bureau stated  xthat in situations in which auctioned licenses are involved in a pending proceeding, such licenses will be  xgranted at the close of the auction in order to serve the public interest in prompt implementation of PCS  Si ' xservice, and that the grant of such licenses will be conditioned on the outcome of pending proceedings.i ~ {O' "< ԍAuction of C, D, E and F Block Broadband PCS Licenses, Public Notice, 13 FCC Rcd. 24540, 24544 (1998)  {OQ'(December 23 Public Notice).  S6 ' x<In addition, in its February 24 Public Notice, the Bureau advised participants in Auction 22 that, in  xkformulating their business strategies, they must take into account the risk that a pending proceeding might  S ' x}ultimately displace a winning bidder.  {OK' "y ԍAuction of C, D, E and F Block Broadband PCS Licenses, Public Notice, DA 99375 (rel. Feb. 24, 1999)  {O'at 45 (February 24 Public Notice). Because the Bureau has already indicated in its December 23  S ' xQPublic Notice and February 24 Public Notice that it would condition the grant of licenses on the outcome  xof pending proceedings, we dismiss Pacific Eagle's request ('Cthat we do so as moot. Furthermore, because the grants will  x@be conditioned on the outcome of outstanding proceedings, and all parties are on notice that this is the  xcase, we see no need to defer grant of the abovecaptioned licenses and we, therefore, ('C  deny Pacific Eagle's  S'request that we do so.6  yO' " ԍIn keeping with our decision to grant the licenses conditioned on the outcome of pending proceedings, we  x are today issuing a Public Notice announcing that we are prepared to grant the abovecaptioned license applications,  x except that of OPCS Three, L.L.C., following the applicants' full and timely payment of the remaining balance of  x their winning bids, pursuant to section 1.2109(a) of the Commission's rules. 47 C.F.R.  1.2109(a). With respect  x to Chariton Valley Communication Corporation, Inc. and OPCS Three, L.L.C., today we are issuing an order conditionally granting its request for waiver of 47 C.F.R.  20.6.  "n,l(l(,,"  S' e q5.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to section 4(i) of the Communications Act  xgof 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), and sections 0.331, 1.2108 and 24.830 of the Commission's  xrules, 47 C.F.R.  0.331, 1.2108 and 24.830, the Petitions to Defer or, in the Alternative, to Condition  xGrant of the abovecaptioned longform applications filed by Pacific Eagle Investments, Ltd., Pacific Eagle  xInvestment (L) Limited, and Masa Telecom, Inc., on June 3, 1999, in the abovereferenced proceedings, ARE HEREBY DISMISSED in part and DENIED in part. ` `  hhCqFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  hhCqPaul D'Ari ` `  hhCqChief, Policy and Rules Branch ` `  hhCqCommercial Wireless Division ` `  hhCqWireless Telecommunications Bureau