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A.   a3TechnicalTechnical Document Style9Wg  2  1.   a4TechnicalTechnical Document Style8bv{ 2  a.   a1TechnicalTechnical Document StyleF!<  ?  I.   2t<1663=7p8a7TechnicalTechnical Document Style(@D i) . a8TechnicalTechnical Document Style(D a) . Doc InitInitialize Document Stylez   0*0*0*  I. A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) I. 1. A. a.(1)(a) i) a)DocumentgPleadingHeader for Numbered Pleading PaperE!n    X X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:e< == Heading 2Underlined Heading Flush Left14 Heading 1Centered Headingcal Style 4G Y * Ã  Bullet ListIndented Bullet List*M0 Y XX` ` (#` 2F> S' X   ~ S'#5\  P6QYؐP##&I\  P6Q(&P#  S'  #&I\  P6Q(&P#Federal Communications Commission`g(#b FCC 98181 ă   yxJdddy Qz aE#5\  P6QYؐP#QPb Before the Federal Communications Commission  S'"2Washington, D.C. 20554 ă  S4'In the Matter of#&I\  P6Q(&P#) )  S'APC PCS LLC)hFile No. 15000CWL94(#  S'Authorization for Broadband Personal)hCall Sign: KNLF200(# Communications Services on ) Frequency Block A at) WashingtonBaltimore, MTA 10) )  S 'COX COMMUNICATIONS, INC.)hFile No. 15001CWL94(#  Si 'Authorization for Broadband Personal)hCall Sign: KNLF201(# Communications Services on ) Frequency Block A at) Los AngelesSan Diego, MTA 2) )  Sj'OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC.)hFile No. 15002CWL94(#  S7'Authorization for Broadband Personal)hCall Sign: KNLF202  *(# Communications Services on ) Frequency Block A at) New York, MTA 1)  S'  MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER \  Sl'X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: $660,968.69 R$q$1,321,937.38 R$$1,982,906.07U U X  RR  Cox R$ $1,626,973.81 R$q$3,253,947.62 R$$4,880,921.43U e   R_  Omnipointg _$ $2,244,389.08g _$q$4,488,778.16g _$$6,733,167.24e   _  S4'4. Petitioners made timely payments in the amounts specified in the Payment Order. In January of 1998, APC and Cox orally notified the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) of an  S'apparent calculation error in the Payment Order. APC claimed that it recently discovered the apparent error during a company audit. APC then shared this information with Cox. APC and Cox contended that the total payments specified for the period from March 8, 1996 to April 30, 1996 should have represented fiftyfour days of interest, but instead, the total payments actually represented ninety days of interest. Thus, APC and Cox asserted that they overpaid for thirtysix days of interest. WTB notified Omnipoint of the allegations by APC and Cox, and asked all three parties to submit written requests for relief. 5. On April 21, 1998, APC and Cox submitted a joint letter claiming that APC had overpaid the Commission a total of $809,460.29, and Cox had overpaid the Commission a total of  S'$1,992,485.74.~h yO'ԍAPCCox April Letter at 3. We note that in arriving at the amounts of their alleged overpayments,  {O'APC and Cox have based their calculations on a 365 day year. Id. at 2. Because Petitioner's installment  {O 'payment plans call for quarterly payments, the Payment Order calculated their interest payments based on four  {OL!'equal quarterly payments, representing 90 day quarters, or a 360 day year. As discussed in note 22, infra, we have calculated the amounts of the overpayments by APC and Cox based on a 360 day year. On April 29, 1998, Omnipoint submitted a letter claiming that it had overpaid a total  S'of $2,748,608.00.4 h yOs$'ԍOmnipoint April Letter at 2. Omnipoint also based its interest calculations on a 365 day year. As  {O;%'discussed in note 22, infra, we have calculated the amount of Omnipoint's overpayment based on a 360 day year. Petitioners request that the Commission credit their respective overpayments" ,'' = "  S'against their next regular installment payments due on July 31, 1998.6h yOh'ԍAPC Cox July Letter at 1; Omnipoint July Letter at 1. APC and Cox previously had requested that the Commission treat their overpayments as prepayments of principal and reamortize their future payment schedules accordingly. APC Cox April Letter at 3. However, APC and Cox have withdrawn that request and are now seeking a credit in the amount of their overpayments against their July 31, 1998 regular installment payments. APC Cox July Letter at 1. Omnipoint previously asked the Commission to either offset the amount of its overpayment against its next quarterly payment, or consider the overpayment as a prepayment of principal and reamortize its payment schedule accordingly. Omnipoint April Letter at 2. Omnipoint also asked to be  {O'compensated for the time value of its overpayment. Id. However, Omnipoint has withdrawn its former request and now seeks only a credit in the amount of its overpayment against its July 31, 1998 regular installment payment. Omnipoint July Letter at 1.6  S'F III. DISCUSSION ă 6. We find that reimbursing Petitioners for the amount of their overpayments is appropriate under the present circumstances. The overpayments are attributable to the Commission's calculation  S'error in the Payment Order $z , $z  rather than to any action or inaction by Petitioners. Such relief also is consistent with our practices in other similar contexts. For example, as a regulatory agency, we have been given authority by Congress to prescribe and collect regulatory fees from certain entities that we  S6'regulate so we can recover the costs of our regulatory activities.6b h {O8'ԍSee 47 U.S.C.  159 (Commission shall assess and collect regulatory fees to recover the costs of  {O'regulatory activities); see also 47 C.F.R.  1.1151. In the event an applicant or licensee  S'overpays its regulatory fees, our rules provide for the refund of the overpayment.G h yOa'ԍ47 C.F.R.  1.1160.G Similarly, our competitive bidding procedures require applicants to submit an upfront payment to be eligible to bid at  S 'auction, and a down payment on licenses for which the applicant is the high bidder.N N h yO'ԍ47 C.F.R.  1.210607.N Our rules provide for the refund of an upfront payment if the applicant is not a winning bidder, and a refund of  S7 'a down payment if the applicant is found unqualified to be a licensee.:7 h {O'ԍId.: Accordingly, as described below, we will credit the amount of Petitioners' overpayments against the interest portion of their next quarterly installment payments due on July 31, 1998.  Sk'D IV. CONCLUSION ă  S'7. After carefully considering Petitioners' requests, we find that crediting the amount of Petitioners' overpayments against the interest portion of their next scheduled installment payments is a proper remedy. Therefore, we will reduce the interest portion of Petitioners' next regular installment payment on July 31, 1998 by the amount of Petitioners' overpayments. Accordingly, Petitioners will owe the following amounts on July 31, 1998: APC $8,847,293.49; Cox $21,777,604.64; Omnipoint"9p,''= "  S'ԩ $30,041,920.58. h yOh'ԍWe calculated these amounts as follows. We began with the amount of principal owed by each Petitioner: APC $102,343,539.00; Cox $251,918,526.00; Omnipoint $347,518,309.00. We multiplied the amount of principal owed by the annual interest rate (7.75%) to determine the total amount of interest each Petitioner owed in its first year: APC $7,931,624.27; Cox $19,523,685.77; Omnipoint $26,932,668.95. Next, we divided the total annual interest for the first year by 360 to arrive at a daily interest payment: APC  {OP'$22,032.29; Cox $54,232.46; Omnipoint $74,812.97. See note 15, supra. We multiplied Petitioners' daily interest payment by the actual number of days from March 8, 1996 to April 30, 1996 (54) to arrive at the correct amount of interest owed by Petitioners for that period: APC $1,189,743.66; Cox $2,928,552.84; Omnipoint $4,039,900.38. Subtracting those amounts from the amounts Petitioners paid, we arrived at the amount of overpayments: APC ($1,982,906.07 $1,189,743.66 = $793,162.41); Cox ($4,880,921.43 $2,928,552.84 = $1,952,368.59); Omnipoint ($6,733,167.24 $4,039,900.38 = $2,693,266.86). Finally we subtracted the amount of overpayments from Petitioners' next regular installment payments on July 31, 1998 to arrive at the amounts now due on July 31, 1998: APC ($9,640,455.90 $793,162.41 = $8,847,293.49); Cox ($23,729,973.23 $1,952,368.59 = $21,777,604.64); Omnipoint ($32,735,187.44 $2,693,266.86 = $30,041,920.58).  S' 1 V. ORDERING CLAUSE ă  S4'8. IT IS ORDERED that pursuant to section 4(i) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), and pursuant to section 1.41 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.41, the joint request filed by APC PCS LLC and Cox Communications, Inc. and the request filed by Omnipoint Communications, Inc. on July 28, 1998 ARE GRANTED as stated herein. XX` ` X XXhhCXqFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION(#  ` ` X XXhhCXqMagalie Roman Salas(# ` ` X XXhhCXqSecretary