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INTRODUCTION ă   S@' x1. On October 20, 1997, Combined Technologies, Inc. ("CTI"), licensee of Station WPEA251,  !tCincinnati, Ohio, filed a request for temporary waiver of the Commission's Rules to share its 800 MHz  S' !Business Category system with public safety entities on a nonprofit, cost shared basis.Ng {OX' ! #X\  P6G;ɒP#э See Combined Technologies, Inc.'s Request for Waiver (filed Oct. 20, 1997) (Waiver Request); see also  {O"'Combined Technologies, Inc.'s Supplement to Waiver Request (filed March 2, 1998) (Supplement). N For the reasons  !discussed herein, we conclude that the requested relief should be granted pursuant to Section 90.179 of  S'the Commission's Rules.\$g yOd' !p ԍ 47 C.F.R.  90.179. CTI originally requested temporary waiver of 47 C.F.R.  90.75(a) (Business Radio  {O,' ! Service eligibility). See Waiver Request at 1. Subsequently, CTI stated that the public safety entities would share  {O'the use of CTI's system pursuant to Section 90.179 instead of seeking separate licenses. See Supplement at 1.  "xH0*&&"  S'c II. BACKGROUND ă  S' xc2. CTI operates a trunked' yO' ! #]\  PCɒP#э In a trunked system, a number of channel pairs are assigned to mobile and base stations in the system for use  {O' ! as a trunked group, see 47 C.F.R.  90.7, which provides the ability to search randomly for available frequencies  {O' !  and automatically establish a talk path between a caller and a called party. See Development of Operational,  ! Technical, and Spectrum Requirements for Meeting Federal, State and Local Public Safety Agency Communication  {O<' ! Requirements Through the Year 2010, WT Docket No. 9686, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 11 FCC Rcd 12,460,  {O' ! 12,477 n.30 (1996) (Public Safety NPRM). For most routine daytoday interoperability communications needs,  {O' !x trunking technology provides the benefits of spectrum efficiency (i.e., fewer instances of waiting for a channel to  ! be clear, compared to a conventional system), and the advantages of being able to organize users into talk groups  {Ob ' ! and to establish communications priority. See WT Docket No. 9686, First Report and Order and Third Notice of  {O, 'Proposed Rulemaking, __ FCC Rcd ___ (1998) (rel. Sept. 29, 1998) (Public Safety First Report). land mobile radio system on 800 MHz Business Category frequencies.\n ' {O ' ! ԍ See Waiver Request at 1; Supplement at 1 and Attachment 1. Private Land Mobile Radio Service frequencies  ! in the 800 MHz band are divided into five "categories" or "pools:" (1) Specialized Mobile Radio, (2) Public Safety,  {OP'(3) Business, (4) Industrial/Land Transportation, and (5) General. See 47 C.F.R.  90.615, 90.617.  !ZCTI seeks a waiver in order to share its system with public safety entities on a nonprofit, cost shared  S`' !basis.K` ' {O'ԍ See, e.g., Supplement at 1.K A waiver is required because Section 90.179(a) of the Commission's Rules provides that a licensee  !^may share its radio station only with users that would be eligible for their own license to use the proposed  S'shared frequencies.$' {O'ԍ #C\  P6QɒP#47 C.F.R. 90.179(a).#C\  P6QɒP#  ę  S' x}3. In support of its request, CTI provided a list of the public safety entities with whom it proposes  S' !xto share its system.' {O'ԍ CTI included the list of public safety entities as an attachment to the Supplement. See Supplement at 1. These entities include city and municipal services, i.e., fire, police, and public works  !users in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, that currently receive communications service from an SMR operator  SJ ' !*discontinuing its provision of analog service as part of an upgrade to a digital SMR system.5J H' {O2'ԍ Id. 5 CTI asserts  !that these public safety entities do not easily fit into the SMR operator's new digital system and therefore  S ' !must move to another analog system before the operator discontinues analog operations.R ' {Ot'ԍ See Waiver Request at 12. R CTI adds that  !in 1999 these displaced public safety entities will migrate to a new system that is to be constructed and  S ' !will operate in Hamilton County, Ohio, if funding is approved.5 l' {O"'ԍ Id. 5 To meet their needs in the interim, CTI"  0*0%0% "  S' !@avers that these public safety entities could use analog capacity that is available on CTI's system.Q ' {Oh'ԍ Id.; see also Supplement. Q As  !such, CTI requests temporary waiver of the rules in order to share its Business Category frequencies with  !kthese public safety entities for a term beginning immediately and ending when the public safety users have  S'migrated to the new system in Hamilton County.3 Z' {O'ԍ Id.3  S8'  kpIII. DECISION  S'  S' x4. To obtain a waiver of the Commission's Part 90 Rules, a petitioner must demonstrate that its  !Vcircumstances are unique, that good cause exists to justify the requested relief, and that there is no  S' !greasonable alternative solution within the existing rules. "' yO$ ' ! ԍ 47 C.F.R. 90.151(a). The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has noted that the Commission's  ! discretion to resolve difficult issues with general rules is intimately linked to the existence of a safety valve procedure  {O' ! for granting an exemption based on special circumstances. See WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1157 (D.C. Cir.  yO~'1969).#XP\  P6QynXP# As discussed in further detail below, we find  !that CTI has met this burden, thus warranting our grant of a waiver of Section 90.179(a) of the Commission's Rules.  S ' xR5. Unique Circumstances. Given the nature of CTI's proposal and the temporary timeframe of  !cthe proposed sharing plan, we conclude that CTI has demonstrated that its request presents unique  S ' !circumstances. ' {O '#]\  PCɒP#э Waiver Request at 12. #]\  PCɒP#Ĝ In its waiver request, CTI identified public safety entities that have an immediate need  !to secure an interim replacement for their existing analog, trunked 800 MHz radio service that will soon  SZ' !Zbecome unavailable due to an unanticipated event, i.e., displacement by the SMR operator. Moreover,  !CTI proposes to share its Business Category frequencies with these ineligible users only temporarily until  S 'the public safety entities can migrate to a new system in Hamilton County, Ohio.S h ' {O'ԍ See id.; Supplement at 12. S  S' x 6. Good Cause. We note that CTI's proposal would provide Cincinnati, Ohio area public safety  !3entities with uninterrupted access to analog, trunked 800 MHz radio service which is needed for radio  Sn' !communications related to fire, police, and other public safety services.[n ' {O '#]\  PCɒP#э Id. [ We conclude that the essential  !and critical nature of public safety communications is one of the primary elements of the justification  !necessary for waiver. We recognize the critical role which public safety communications play in the  !ability of public safety entities to carry out their mission. As a result, the Commission has previously  !stated and recently reiterated its commitment to supporting public safety communications and ensuring" 0*0%0%K"  S' !the availability of sufficient spectrum to meet public safety needs.f' {Oh'ԍ See, e.g., Public Safety First Report at  1.f We recognize that CTI's waiver  !request requires us to address a particular public safety need. The importance of providing spectrum to  !tmeet critical public safety needs. In addition, we believe that granting the requested relief is consistent  !with prior actions granting licensees' requests to share nonPublic Safety Category frequencies with Public  S`' !xSafety Category eligibles.\`Z' {OZ' ! #]\  PCɒP#э #]\  PCɒP#See Texas Utilities Services, Inc., Order, 13 FCC Rcd 4258, 426162 (WirelessTelecom.Bur. 1997); see also  {O$' ! East River Electric Cooperative, Order, 13 FCC Rcd 5871, 587879 (WTB 1997); Seminole County, Florida, Order, 11 FCC Rcd 4105, 4106 (WTB 1996).  We are concerned that denial of the requested relief, on the other hand, would  !Zbe contrary to these policies and precedent"most significantly because public safety communications  ! could be interrupted once the SMR discontinues provision of analog radio service to the public safety  S' !entities identified in CTI's waiver request.e~' {O 'ԍ See Waiver Request at 12; Supplement at 12. e We also note that allowing public safety entities (that will  !&soon need temporary access to a trunked, analog system in the general area as Station WPEA251) to  !share the use of CTI's system temporarily and on a nonprofit, cost shared basis would be an efficient use  !of the spectrum given that it appears that CTI currently is not using all of its system capacity in fulfilling  SH ' !Zits internal communications requirements.H ' yO' ! ԍ WPEA251 consists of four Business Category Pool channels, which are licensed to CTI for its internal, radio communication requirements. We conclude, therefore, that CTI has demonstrated good  !cause to allow Public safety eligibles to use its 800 MHz Business Category system on an interim basis.  S ' x+7. Lack of Reasonable Alternatives. Finally, based on the record before us, we conclude that  !there is no reasonable alternative within the rules. The record reflects that the public safety entities now  !gserved by the analog SMR system will not have a reasonable alternative to CTI's proposal, for meeting  !their communications requirements, until the trunked system in Hamilton County, Ohio, is operational in  !May 1999, or later. These public safety entities need uninterrupted analog, trunked 800 MHz radio service  !tand no other interim option is apparent that would meet its immediate needs as CTI's proposed sharing  !3plan. Based on the record before us, therefore, we find that the identified public safety entities do not have a reasonable alternative within the rules.  SB' d IV. CONCLUSION ă  S' xd8. We find that CTI has demonstrated that a temporary waiver of Section 90.179 of the  !@Commission's Rules to permit it to share its Business Category frequencies with public safety eligibles  !on a nonprofit, cost shared basis would further the public interest. Thus, we conclude that the requested  !relief should be granted. As a result of this action, several public safety entities will be permitted to have  !Iuninterrupted communications capabilities while transitioning from an analog system operated by a commercial provider to another analog system. "*h 0*0%0%q"Ԍ S' Ã  S'` `  ,V. ORDERING CLAUSES  S' x9. IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Sections 4(i) and 303(r) of the Communications Act of  !1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i) and 303(r), a waiver of Section 90.179 of the Commission's Rules,  S8' !47 C.F.R.  90.179, IS GRANTED TEMPORARILY to Combined Technologies, Inc. permitting it to  !"share its Business Category system with users eligible in the Public Safety Pool until the system in Hamilton County, Ohio, is fully constructed and operational, and available for the public safety entities.  S' x 10. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Combined Technologies, Inc. shall report the date by  !which all sharing agreements with public safety entities pursuant to this waiver will terminate. CTI shall  !Zfile this report with the Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Public Safety and Private  !Wireless Division, Washington, D.C., within 30 days after the date that the Hamilton County system, referenced above, is constructed and operational.  x+ 11. This action is taken under delegated authority pursuant to Sections 0.131 and 0.331 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. 0.131, 0.331.  SX' ` `  ,hh]FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  S' =Pd ` `  ,hh]   Sh'` `  ,hh]D'wana R. Terry ` `  ,hh]Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division ` `  ,hh]Wireless Telecommunications Bureau