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This proposal envisioned a number of possibilities such as  vprohibiting SMR licenses on General Category channels, allowing only SMR licensing on General Category channels, or segmenting the channels.@  3. On September 19, 1997, Wackenhut filed an application seeking modification of the license  Sg* v^for Station KNBX927 to exchange the 851.9375 MHZ frequency for the 852.0375 MHz frequency.lg yO*ԍ Wackenhut's original application was assigned File Number A007291.l On  S4* vJanuary 1, 1998, Wackenhut's application was returned along with a request for additional information.4z {ON *ԍ See Application Return Notice for the Private Land Mobile Services (Jan. 1, 1998).  S* vOn February 2, 1998, Wackenhut submitted additional information supporting its Waiver Request.  yO * vԍ Supplemental Information in Support of Waiver Request filed by Wackenhut Corporation (Feb. 2, 1998) (Supplement). On  S*February 13, 1998, Wackenhut resubmitted its modification application for Station KNBX927.od  yO*ԍ Wackenhut's resubmitted application was assigned File Number D103051.o  Sh*5 III. DISCUSSION ă  S*  4. To obtain a waiver of the Commission's Rules pursuant to Section 90.151, a petitioner must  vmeet two criteria: first, the requesting party must demonstrate that unique circumstances are involved, and  S * v second that no reasonable alternative exists within our rules.    yO0* v^ԍ 47 C.F.R.  90.151(a) (requests for waiver of the rules shall state the nature of the waiver desired, set forth reasons in support of the waiver, and explain that there are no reasonable alternatives available).  Further, a waiver of the Commission's  Si *Rules is, in general, appropriate only if the waiver request serves the public interest. i L  {OU* vԍ See Northeast Cellular Telephone Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1164, 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990); see also WAIT Radio  {O*v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1157 (D.C. Cir. 1969);  S * 5. Wackenhut states that it is in a unique situation because it had originally planned to use  vF852.0375 MHz at the Princeton site, but existing operations in the area prevented it from obtaining  S * vauthority for the 852.0375 MHz channel.@  yO*ԍ Waiver Request at 3. @ Wackenhut notes that the frequency is now available due to  vthe Commission's dismissal of a competitor's application and requests that the Commission now permit  v8it to replace the frequency for which it currently holds an authorization with the originally desired  S* vfrequency.3 8 {O"*ԍ Id.3 Further, Wackenhut argues that the overall system footprint would not change as a result of  vthe modification becauseWackenhut already has an existing authorization for the Princeton site on  S* v frequency 851.9375 MHz.3  {O&*ԍ Id.3 We conclude that, since Wackenhut will be returning a frequency to the  vGeneral Category, changing frequencies from 851.9375 MHz to 852.0375 MHz would not have a  vsignificant impact on the current licensing landscape, nor would it undermine the intent of the General"8\ ,l(l(,,"  vLCategory freeze. Moreover, because Wackenhut's system was originally designed to use 852.0375 MHz,  v*we believe that use of this frequency would provide the most efficient use of spectrum within the Princeton area.  S4* p6. Next, Wackenhut argues that no alternative solution exists within the rules because the change  vZin frequencies is required in order to rectify intrasystem interference on frequency 851.9375 MHz so that  S* vrit can provide adequate coverage to the Princeton area.9 yO6*ԍ Supplement at 1.9 As support, Wackenhut has provided interference  S* vcalculations which demonstrate the extent of the intrasystem interference.CX yO *ԍ Supplement, Exh. A and B.C We find that Wackenhut has  v"demonstrated that the proposed modification is required to resolve the intrasystem interference caused  vby a South Miami station operating on frequency 852.9375 MHz. Further, we note that the 852.0375  vMHz frequency will not be subject to the same intrasystem interference. Thus, we conclude that, due  vto the existing General Category freeze, the only method whereby Wackenhut can resolve the intrasystem  vinterference is to exchange frequencies and agree that grant of Wackenhut's Waiver Request under these circumstances is warranted.  S * 7. Finally, Wackenhut argues that grant of its Waiver Request is in the public interest because  vit provides quasilaw enforcement services to a number of local governmental agencies within the State  S * vof Florida, including the TriCounty Commuter Rail Authority and the Miami Dade Transit Authority.>  yO%*ԍ Waiver Request at 1.>  vWackenhut further submits that during natural disasters (such as Hurricane Andrew), its system can be  voperated as a redundant telecommunications link so that law enforcement and governmental agencies can  S* vuse its system to support crucial safety operations.>x yO*ԍ Waiver Request at 2.> We find that Wackenhut has demonstrated that  vbgranting its waiver request is in the public interest because it facilitates operation of a system that  venhances safety of the general public located within its service area and results in more efficient use of the spectrum.  S*'  IV. CONCLUSION AND ORDERING CLAUSES ă  8. Grant of Wackenhut's Waiver Request will allow it to implement the modification proposal,  vrectify the intrasystem interference, and provide better service to the Princeton area. Therefore, we conclude that a grant of Wackenhut's Waiver Request is warranted.  9. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that pursuant to Sections 4(i) and 303(r) of the  v*Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i) and 303(r), and pursuant to Section  v90.151(a) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  90.151(a), the Request for Waiver of the General Category Freeze filed by Wackenhut Corporation IS HEREBY GRANTED.   10. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Wackenhut's application for modification of Station KNBX927 be processed. ";,l(l(,,n "  . 11. This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated by Section 0.331 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.331. ` `  hh,WFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  hh,WD'wana R. Terry ` `  hh,WChief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division ` `  hh,WWireless Telecommunications Bureau