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Db {Om-  ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See Omnipoint Corporation, Broadband PCS Block C Installment Plan Interest Rate for Small Business  {O7- xLicensees Request for Rule Waiver (December 16, 1996). See also informal requests for waiver of Section  x.24.711(b)(3) filed by the following parties: Alpine PCS, Communications Venture PCS Limited Partnership,  xComscape Telecommunications of Charleston License, Inc., DiGiPH PCS, Inc., Eldorado Communications, L.L.C.,  xHorizon Infotech, Inc., KMtel, L.L.C., Mercury PCS, L.L.C., Miccom Associates, Northern Michigan PCS  xConsortium, L.L.C., PCSouth, Inc., Quantum Communications Group, Inc., Savannah Independent PCS Corp.,  xSouthEast Telephone, Ltd., Southern Wireless, L.P., Wireless 2000, Inc. Formal and informal requests for waiver are referred to collectively as "Requests for Waiver."   xBecause these requests address the same issue, we have opted to resolve this matter in one order, rather  S-than in individual orders. For the reasons discussed below, the requests for waiver are hereby denied.  Qm-   S:- ` ox2.` ` Background. On May 6, 1996, the Commission concluded the broadband PCS C block  xyauction. Pursuant to Section 24.711(b) of the Commission's rules, winning C block bidders that qualified  S- xas small businesses were permitted to pay for their licenses in installment payments over the course of  S- xKtheir license term.Zb {O#-  ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#47 C.F.R.  24.711(b). This practice has since been codified. See 47 C.F.R.  1.2110(f)(3) (requiring each  xlicensee paying for its licenses in installment payments to execute a promissory note and security agreement as a condition of the installment payment plan). In particular, Section 24.711(b)(3) provides that interest on installment payments "shall  xbe imposed based on the rate for tenyear U.S. Treasury obligations applicable on the date the license is  S;- x=granted."x; b yO'-ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#47 C.F.R.  24.711(b)(3). x This rate is determined based upon the interest rate in the most recently-completed Treasury  x[note auction prior to the license grant date, where the Treasury note term is equivalent to the term of the" , * *,,"  xinstallment plan. Under Section 24.711(b)(3), for C block licenses conditionally granted on September  x/17, 1996, the applicable interest rate is 7 percent, while some licenses conditionally granted after the September 17 date are subject to a 6.5 percent interest rate.  S4- ` x3.` ` Subsequent to September 17, 1996, several C block licensees whose licenses were  xconditionally granted on that date filed requests for waiver of the 7 percent interest rate applicable to their  S- xinstallment payment plans. {O6-  ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See Omnipoint Corporation, Broadband PCS Block C Installment Plan Interest Rate for Small Business  {O- xLicensees Request for Rule Waiver (December 16, 1996). See also informal requests for waiver of Section  x24.711(b)(3) filed by the following parties: Alpine PCS, Communications Venture PCS Limited Partnership, Eldorado  xCommunications, L.L.C., Horizon Infotech, Inc., KMtel, L.L.C., Mercury PCS, L.L.C., Miccom Associates, Northern  xMichigan PCS Consortium, L.L.C., PCSouth, Inc., Savannah Independent PCS Corp., SouthEast Telephone, Ltd., Southern Wireless, L.P., Wireless 2000, Inc. Specifically, these parties argue that unique facts associated with the August,  x1996 U.S. Department of Treasury Auction make a waiver of Section 24.711 appropriate, and that the interest rate applicable to their installment payments should be reduced to 6.5 percent.  S- ` `x4.` ` During the spring of 1997, the Commission also received several requests, from both C  S- xand F block PCS licensees, for other types of relief associated with the installment payment program.D {O-  1ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See, e.g., Letter from Thomas Gutierrez, Esq., et al to Michele C. Farquhar, Esq., Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (March 13, 1997).  S - x[ On March 31, 1997, in response to a joint request from several C block licensees seeking to modify their  xinstallment payment obligations, and because of other debt collection issues, the Bureau suspended the  S6 - x.deadline for payment of installment payments for all C block licensees.6  {Ot-ԍ#X\  P6G;/P#xSee Installment Payments for PCS Licenses, Order, DA 97649 (rel. March 31, 1997). On April 28, 1997, the Bureau  S -extended the suspension to F block licensees." 0  {O-  ԍ#X\  P6G;/P#xSee "FCC Announces Grant of Broadband Personal Communications Services D, E, and F Block Licenses,"  {O-Public Notice, DA 97-883 (rel. April 28, 1997) at 2."  S - ` Bx5.` ` In a Public Notice released on June 2, 1997, the Bureau sought comment on all aspects  Sj- xLof the requests for waiver of the 7 percent interest rate discussed above.>j  {O-  ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See "Comment Requested on 7 Percent Interest Rate Imposed on C Block Installment Payment Plan Notes,"  {O`-Public Notice, DA 971152 (rel. June 2, 1997) ("Interest Rate Public Notice").> In addition, the Bureau sought  x[comment on whether, if it determined that a waiver of Section 24.711(b)(3) were appropriate, such relief  S- xshould be granted to all similarly situated parties, whether or not they have filed a request for waiver.a  {O -ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#Id.a  S- xLThe Bureau received approximately 21 comments and 2 reply comments in response to the Interest Rate  S- xPublic Notice. z yO#-  ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#Parties filing comments and reply comments, and the abbreviations used to refer to such parties, are listed in the Appendix. The majority of commenters mostly C block licensees whose licenses were granted  xon September 17, 1997 support a waiver of the 7 percent interest rate, and suggest that any relief  x.granted should be extended to all licensees whose licenses were granted on September 17, 1996, whether": ,l(l(,,"  S- xor not they have filed a request for waiver.  {Oh-  Mԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See Airadigm Comments at 1, 6; Eldorado Comments at 2; Fortunet Comments at 2; Indus and ChaseTel  xComments at 14; Integrated Comments at 1; KPCS Comments at 3; McBride Comments at 1; NABOB Comments  xat 2; NTCA Comments at 12; NextWave Comments at 1; Omnipoint Reply Comments at 12; RTFC Comments  xat 12; Joint C Block Applicants Reply Comments at 12; Alliance Comments at 1, 89; Urban Comm Comments  yO-at 12; Wireless 2000 Comments at 23.  Ă In contrast, three commenters oppose any waiver of the 7  S-percent interest rate. z yO-ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#Pinnacle Comments at 1, 5; Pioneer Comments at 1; Sprint Comments at 1. ĥ  Sg- ` }x6.` ` Also on June 2, 1997, the Bureau issued a public notice seeking comment on the proposals  x!from C block licensees regarding alternative financing arrangements and a petition for rule making  S- xMregarding the issue of broadband PCS C block installment payments.R &  {O -  zԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See "Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on Broadband PCS C and F Block Installment  {Ou - xPayment Issues," Public Notice, DA 9782 (rel. June 2, 1997) ("Installment Public Notice"). See also Letter from  {O?- x;Thomas Gutierrez, Esq., et al to Michele C. Farquhar, Esq., Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (March 13, 1997); Cook Inlet Region, Inc., Petition for Rulemaking (filed May 7, 1997).R On September 25, 1997, after  S- xconsideration of the extensive record in that proceeding, the Commission adopted a Second Report and  S- x\Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making in which it created a menu of options to assist C  Sj- xlblock licensees experiencing financial difficulties under their installment payment obligations. (j  {O- ԍ#X\  P6G;/P#See Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Installment Payment Financing for Personal  {O-  YCommunications Services (PCS) Licensees, Second Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making,  {O-  WT Docket No. 9782, 12 FCC Rcd 16,436 (1997) ("Second Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule  {O`-Making").  In  xMaddition, the Commission ordered a resumption of installment payments for C and F block licensees,  x.effective March 31, 1998. The Commission noted that requests for waiver of the 7 percent interest rate  xwere pending and directed the Bureau to resolve these requests for waiver in a manner consistent with the  S - xCommission's decision in the Second Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making.  {O&-ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See Second Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making at n.34.  Sl - x=On reconsideration, the Commission adopted several modifications to the Second Report and Order and  S: - xzFurther Notice of Proposed Rule Making, including a postponement of the payment resumption date,  S - xwhich is now July 31, 1998. z yO"-  ԍxAmendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Installment Payment Financing for Personal  {O- xJCommunications Services (PCS) Licensees, Order on Reconsideration of the Second Report and Order, WT Docket  {O- xNo. 9782, FCC 9846 (rel. March 24, 1998) ("Order on Reconsideration of the Second Report and Order");  x"Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announces June 8, 1998 Election Date for Broadband PCS C Block  {OF!-Licensees," Public Notice, DA 98741 (rel. April 17, 1998). The Commission also noted that the Bureau would address the interest rate  S -issue in a forthcoming order.{ 0 {O#-ԍxOrder on Reconsideration of the Second Report and Order at para. 77.{  S - x  So- `  x7.` ` Discussion. Section 24.711(b)(3) of the Commission's rules provides that, for small  xZbusinesses, interest on installment payments "shall be imposed based on the rate for tenyear U.S. Treasury"<,l(l(,,"  S- xobligations applicable on the date the license is granted."t yOh-ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#47 C.F.R.  24.711(b)(3).t For licenses conditionally granted on  xSeptember 17, 1996, the applicable interest rate is 7 percent. However, as indicated above, due to varying  xyfactors used to establish Treasury note obligations, some licenses granted after the September 17 date are  x[subject to a 6.5 percent interest rate. Those parties that seek a waiver of Section 24.711(b)(3) argue that  ximposing an interest rate equal to 7 percent frustrates the intent of the Commission's designated entity  xprovisions. They also argue that the Commission's straightforward application of its rules in this instance  S-is inequitable, arbitrary, and unduly burdensome.X {O-ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See, e.g., Omnipoint Request for Waiver at 716.  Sh- ` Ax8.` ` A waiver of the Commission's rules is appropriate only when a party demonstrates either  x"that the underlying purpose of the rule will not be served, or would be frustrated, by its application in  xa particular case, and that grant of the waiver is otherwise in the public interest," or "that the unique facts  xand circumstances of a particular case render application of the rule inequitable, unduly burdensome or  S - xotherwise contrary to the public interest."n  yO&-ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#47 C.F.R.  24.819.n The Bureau finds that these parties have failed to demonstrate  xythat the underlying purpose of the rule would be served or that unique circumstances warrant a waiver of Section 24.711(b)(3).  S - ` ox9.` ` The Commission adopted the procedures for determining the interest rate applicable to  S - x[installment payments in the Competitive Bidding Second Report and Order, in which it determined, after  xnotice and comment, that interest imposed on installment payments should be equal to the rate for U.S.  xLTreasury obligations of maturity equal to the license term, and that the applicable interest rate should be  S- x"determined and fixed at the time of licensing."z {O-  ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#Implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act Competitive Bidding, Second Report and  {O- xOrder, 9 FCC Rcd 2348, 23902391 (1994) ("Competitive Bidding Second Report and Order"), on recon., Second  {O- xMemorandum Opinion and Order, 9 FCC Rcd 7245 (1994) ("Competitive Bidding Second Memorandum Opinion  {O}- x,and Order"). See also Implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act Competitive Bidding, Fifth  {OG- x;Report and Order, 9 FCC Rcd 5532 (1994) ("Competitive Bidding Fifth Report and Order") (adopting auction rules  yO-and procedures for PCS auctions). PCS licenses were issued for a tenyear term.   Since adoption of the Competitive Bidding Second  S- x=Report and Order, the Commission has conducted 16 spectrum auctions, several of which have included  x>an installment payment program for small businesses. In each of these instances, the interest rate on  xinstallment payments has been established pursuant to provisions similar to those set forth in Section  x24.711(b)(3). Significantly, winning bidders in other auctions typically have been subject to different rates  xof interest on installment payments resulting from different license grant dates (and thus, different treasury" ,l(l(,,5"  S- x=auctions).h  {Oh-  ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#Compare Applications of ACC-PCS, INC., AER FORCE COMMUNICATIONS B, LP, ALPINE PCS, INC.,  x{AT&T WIRELESS PCS, INC., CENTURY PERSONAL ACCESS NETWORK, INC., COMCAST PCS  xMCOMMUNICATORS, INC., MCLEOD, INC., MESSAGE EXPRESS COMPANY, NEXTWAVE POWER  xPARTNERS, INC., NORTHCOAST COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, OPCSE-GALLOWAY CONSORTIUM, PCS  xDEVCO, INC., RIVGAM COMMUNICATORS, LLC, SPRINTCOM, INC., US WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC.,  x<VTEL WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, INC., and WESTERN PCS BTA I CORPORATION For Authority to  {O- x;Construct and Operate Broadband PCS Systems Operating on Frequency Blocks D, E, and F, Memorandum Opinion  {O- xand Order, DA 971345, 12 FCC Rcd 8449 (rel. June 27, 1997) (granting, among other licenses, F block PCS  xlicenses subject to a 6.625 percent interest rate pursuant to 47 C.F.R.  24.716(a)(2)) and Application of Mercury  xPCS II, LLC for Authority to Construct and Operate Broadband PCS Systems on Frequency Blocks D, E, and F,  {O> - xMemorandum Opinion and Order, DA 971782 (rel. August 21, 1997) (granting F block PCS licenses subject to a 6.125 percent interest rate pursuant to 47 C.F.R.  24.716(a)(2)).  Section 24.711(b)(3) explicitly provides for situations where the interest rate will vary, and petitioners have not presented a unique set of facts convincing us to make an exception to that rule.  Sg- `  x 10.` ` The parties seeking  $&V a  $&V w $&V $&V a  $&V aiver of Section 24.711(b)(3) have failed to demonstrate how this  x=underlying purpose of the rule would not be served, or would be frustrated, by imposing an interest rate  S- xon their installment payments in the manner prescribed under the Commission's rules.  {O-ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See 47 C.F.R.  24.813. See also Pinnacle Comments at 1. In adopting its  xinstallment payment program, including rules for establishing the interest rate applicable to installment  xpayments, the Commission indicated that its primary purpose was to address the inability of small  xbusinesses to obtain private financing and to enable such entities to compete more effectively for spectrum  S5- xbeing auctioned.5  {O_-  \ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See Competitive Bidding Second Report and Order, 9 FCC Rcd at 23892390; Competitive Bidding Fifth  {O)-Report and Order, 9 FCC Rcd at 559192.  Although the Bureau recognizes that petitioners5 {O-ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See, e.g., Omnipoint Request for Waiver at 813. and some commenters5x {OM-ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#See, e.g., ComScape Comments at 34. point to  S- xvarying market factors affecting the August 1996 Treasury auction,  yO-ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#We note that both the July and August, 1996 Treasury Auctions resulted in a 7 percent interest rate. the Bureau does not find such  x.arguments applicable. While straightforward application of the rule in this instance results in a different  xinterest rate for petitioners than other licensees in the same service, such a result is contemplated under  xthe terms of the rule. It is important that the rule provide a fair and clear standard for establishing interest  xrates. The Bureau believes it does so, and that petitioners assumed the risk that different interest rates  x/would be applied based on the date of licensing. By way of comparison, other government loans are  S -subject to varying interest rates based on timing and market conditions.  {O "-ԍxSee, e.g., Small Business Administration, Interest Rates, 61 Fed. Reg. 39,496 (1996).  Sj- ` }x11.` ` Moreover, the Bureau finds that petitioners' argument is largely selfserving. If petitioners  x.believe that all licensees' installment plan notes should be subject to the same rate, the logical time to set  xythe rate would be at the earliest license grant date of September 17, 1996. Under such a system, all notes  xwould be subject to the 7 percent rate assigned to petitioners' notes. For all these reasons, the Bureau also  S- xLfinds that petitioners' arguments fail under the standards set forth in Wait Radio v. FCC, which establish",,l(l(,,"  xa significant burden for parties seeking to compel an agency to deviate, in a specific instance, from rules  S-and procedures which have been tested and applied uniformly in the past.\ {O5-  =ԍx#X\  P6G;/P#Wait Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153 (D.C. Cir. 1969) ("Wait Radio") (holding that presumptions of regularity  {O- xapply with special vigor when a Commission acts in reliance on an established and tested agency rule). See also Pinnacle Comments at 2.  Sg-1 ORDERING CLAUSES ĐTP  S- ` x12.` ` For the reasons set forth above, the requests for waiver of Section 24.711(b)(3) filed by  xkOmnipoint Corporation, Alpine PCS, Communications Venture PCS Limited Partnership, Comscape  xTelecommunications of Charleston License, Inc., DiGiPH PCS, Inc., Eldorado Communications, L.L.C.,  xiHorizon Infotech, Inc., KMtel, L.L.C., Mercury PCS, L.L.C., Miccom Associates, Northern Michigan PCS  x=Consortium, L.L.C., PCSouth, Inc., Quantum Communications Group, Inc., Savannah Independent PCS  S- xCorp., SouthEast Telephone, Ltd., Southern Wireless, L.P., Wireless 2000, Inc. ARE HEREBY DENIED.  S-  S - ` #x13.` ` This action is taken pursuant to delegated authority as set forth in 47 U.S.C.  155(c) and  Sj - x47 C.F.R.  0.331. See also Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Installment Payment  S8 - xFinancing for Personal Communications Services (PCS) Licensees, Second Report and Order and Further  S -Notice of Proposed Rule Making, WT Docket No. 9782,  $&V 1 $&V  $&V 6 2 F$&V ed Reg 55348 $&V CC Rcd $&V   $&V 16,436  $&V ($&V rel. October 16, 1997) at n.34.  Q -  S;-x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hh@Daniel B. Phythyon x` `  hh@Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau "p,l(l(,,"  S-  2 APPENDIX  S-T P  S-    Sg-Parties Filing Comments Airadigm Communications, Inc. ("Airadigm") Comscape Telecommunications of Charleston License, Inc. ("ComScape") DiGiPH PCS, Inc. ("DiGiPH") Eldorado Communications, L.L.C., KMtel L.L.C., Mercury PCS L.L.C., and Miccom  S5-Associates ("Eldorado") Fortunet Communication, L.P. ("Fortunet") Indus, Inc, and Chase Telecommunications, Inc. ("Indus and ChaseTel") Integrated Communications Group Corporation ("Integrated") Kansas Personal Communication Services, Inc. ("KPCS") Vincent D. McBride ("McBride") Morris Communications, Inc. ("Morris") National Association of BlackOwned Broadcasters, Inc. ("NABOB") National Telephone Cooperative Association ("NTCA") NextWave Telecom, Inc. ("NextWave") Pinnacle Telecom, L.P. ("Pinnacle") Pioneer Telephone Association, Inc. ("Pioneer") Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative ("RTFC") September 17 Alliance ("Alliance")  Sk-Sprint Spectrum, L.P. ("Sprint") Urban Communicators PCS Limited Partnership ("Urban Comm") Quantum Communications Group, Inc. ("Quantum") Wireless 2000, Inc., Northern Michigan PCS Consortium, L.L.C., PCSouth, Inc., and  S-Communications Venture PCS Limited Partnership ("Wireless 2000")  S-  Parties Filing Reply Comments Omnipoint Corporation ("Omnipoint") Savannah Independent PCS Corporation, Brookings Municipal Utilities, PVT Wireless Limited Partnership, PCS Plus, L.L.C., Southwestern Minnesota PCS Limited Partnership, Western Minnesota PCS Limited Partnership, North Dakota PCS Limited Partnership, and Horizon Personal Communications, Inc. ("Joint C block Applicants").     S;- X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: