NEWS Released: September 12, 1996 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICA TIONS BUREAU CLARIFIES AMATEUR VANITY CALL SI GN FILING PROCEDURES Filing Gate 2 will open for Amateur Station Vanity call sign requests on September 23, 1996 (see Public Notice 64756 released August 22, 1996). The Commission's lockbox contractor in Pittsburgh, PA has been inundated with inquiries concerning the filing gate and procedures. All inquiries concerning Amateur Vanity call sign requests and the filing procedures should be directed to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Consumer Assistance Branch in Gettysburg, PA, toll free (800) 322-1117. Do not call the Commission's lockbox contractor in Pittsburgh, PA. Applications for vanity call sign requests, as well as other types of applications, are processed in receipt date order only, thus the time of delivery within that receipt date has no bearing on the order of processing within that receipt date. An application filed at 12:01 a.m. has the same processing priority as an application received at 11:59 p.m. that same day. Applications will be processed in the order they are received at the processor's work station. The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau requests that you take this into consideration when delivering your applications to Pittsburgh. Again, any inquiries concerning Amateur Vanity call sign Form 610-V completion or filing procedures should be directed to (800) 322-1117. -FCC- News Media Contact: Kara Palamaras at (202) 418-0654