NEWS Report No. WT 96-3 WIRELESS TELECOM ACTION January 30, 1996 FCC DENIES REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF IVDS APPLICATION FILING DEADLINE The FCC has denied a request for waiver of an Interactive Video and Data Service (IVDS) "short-form" (auctions) application filing deadline. The Commission's action denies an Application for Review filed by Interactive Capital Group (ICG), and affirms a determination by the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. On July 28-29, 1994, the Commission held an auction for IVDS licenses. To participate in the auction, applicants were required to submit an FCC Form 175 ("short-form") application no later than 5:30 p.m. on June 27, 1994. The applications, which did not require an application fee, were submitted directly to the Commission's auction contractor, Tradewinds International, Inc. (Tradewinds), located at Washington National Airport. ICG filed its application, by hand, three minutes late. It later filed a request for waiver of the filing deadline, and was permitted to participate in the auction conditionally. ICG won four IVDS licenses. Before the Bureau, ICG argued that a waiver was justified because the application filing location was poorly marked and the on-site airport personnel with whom ICG spoke were not familiar with the location. The Bureau found that, while ICG had missed the filing deadline by just a few minutes, it had described no "unusual or compelling" circumstances to support its waiver request. Before the Commission, ICG argued that the 5:30 p.m. deadline was arbitrary and capricious, and that the Commission had erred in specifying the Tradewinds location by Public Notice, rather than by Commission Rule. The Commission rejected these procedural arguments. Action by the Commission January 16, 1996, by Memorandum Opinion and Order (FCC 96-5). Chairman Hundt and Commissioners Quello, Barrett, Ness and Chong. - FCC - News Media contact: Stacey Reuben Mesa at (202) 418-0654. Wireless Telecommunications Bureau contact: Eric Malinen at (202) 418-0638.