NEWS Report No. WT 96-1 WIRELESS TELECOM ACTION January 11, 1996 FCC AMENDS THE "BUILD-OUT" RULES FOR THE INTERACTIVE VIDEO AND DATA SERVICE (IVDS) The FCC has amended its rules to modify the "build-out" requirements for the IVDS. The Commission's action eliminates the one-year build-out requirement, while retaining the three-year and five-year build-out requirements. The action will allow the IVDS industry additional time to develop and deploy new and innovative applications. As amended, the IVDS service rules will continue to provide that licensees must make service available to at least thirty percent of the service area population or geographic service area within three years of the grant of the license, and fifty percent within five years. The Commission's action follows a Notice of Proposed Rule Making in WT Docket No. 95-131, adopted July 31, 1995, which, in turn, was initiated in response to requests by IVDS auction winners. Action by the Commission December 14, 1995, by Report & Order (FCC 95-506). Chairman Hundt and Commissioners Quello, Barrett, Ness and Chong. - FCC - News Media contact: Stacey Reuben Mesa at (202) 418-0654. Wireless Telecommunications Bureau contact: Donna L. Kanin at (202) 418-0656.