April 24, 1998 GARY L. STANFORD, ASSOCIATE BUREAU CHIEF WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RETIRES MAY 1, 1998 Gary joined the Commission in 1961. He worked as an electronics engineer in the Broadcast Bureau and also for the Review Board, where he became chief for engineering and assistant chief for administration. In 1981, Gary was named engineering assistant to Chairman Robert E. Lee. Upon Chairman Lee's retirement, Gary became engineering assistant to Commissioner Mimi Weyforth Dawson. In October 1983, Gary joined the Private Radio Bureau, as Deputy Chief of the Land Mobile and Microwave Division until being named Acting Chief of that Division in January 1986. In May 1986, Gary was named Chief, Licensing Division of the FCC Private Radio Bureau, Gettysburg Office, and was elected into the Senior Executive Service in July 1992. He retires from the FCC as Associate Bureau Chief for Operations, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Gettysburg, PA. -FCC-