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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  ey:  dddhy  M8}i U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH,,@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz dd8u H#S2pPG;h# NEWS L X   Њ #\  P6G; ?P# # Xw PE37WXP# Report WT 981 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACTION February 3, 1998  Y-( COMMISSION AFFIRMS KEY PROVISIONS OF LMDS SECOND  X- REPORT AND ORDER, PAVING WAY FOR AUCTION ă  Y- (CC Docket No. 92297) ă  Today the Commission, responding to petitions for reconsideration, generally affirmed   key provisions of the Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS) service rules that it adopted   in March 1997. The action paves the way for the auctioning and licensing of LMDS, a fixed,   broadband pointtomultipoint wireless service that has significant potential in offering a broad   <range of oneway and twoway voice, video, and data service capabilities, and a substantial amount of capacity that is larger than currently available wireless services.  Y - Among other things, the Third Reconsideration Order generally denied the petitions for   reconsideration, rejecting requests to modify the LMDS eligibility restrictions on incumbent   cable systems and local exchange carriers (LECs). Currently, the restrictions prohibit incumbent   -LECs and incumbent cable companies (for a threeyear period expiring June 30, 2000) from   jholding attributable interests in an inregion LMDS licensee. The rule, however, permits   incumbent LECs and cable operators to participate in the LMDS auction, subject to postauction   -requirements to divest holdings that would violate the restrictions. The Commission, in the  Y8-  Third Reconsideration Order, rejected arguments that incumbent LECs and cable operators   Zshould be barred completely from participating in LMDS auctions, concluding that the post  Kauction divestiture provisions are a sufficient means to enforce the eligibility restriction. In   ,addition, the Commission affirmed that an "attributable interest" for purposes of the eligibility   =restriction is an ownership level of 20 percent or higher, and rejected arguments that the   triggering threshold should be lower than 20 percent or should include certain convertible non  equity investments. The Commission also denied claims that rural LECs should be excluded from the eligibility restriction.  |The Commission noted, however, that its general policies regarding marketplace   competition, ownership diversity, and the prevention of anticompetitive behavior may benefit   wfrom an evaluation of the criteria that should be used in establishing ownership restrictions and   ownership attribution standards in a variety of services, and indicated that it plans to initiate a proceeding later this year to examine these issues.  Y -[ D$L (over)  D$L  "#,$$z z $"Ԍ4` 2  The Commission also upheld the banduse plan adopted for spectrum at 31.031.3 GHz   (31 GHz band) that designates the entire 300 megahertz for LMDS and terminates licensing   wunder the previous pointtopoint 31 GHz service rules. However, the Commission decided that  Y-  : F  X- 5^ة ăF=31 GHz applicants that had pending applications that were dismissed in the LMDS Second Report  Yx-  and Order, would be allowed to refile for the same authorization, but secondary to LMDS.   zThese operations may not cause interference to an LMDS licensee and must accept any interference from an LMDS licensee.  In addition, the Commission affirmed its flexible construction rule, which requires that    licensees must provide "substantial service" during the 10year license period. In connection with   its reconsideration of the LMDS service rules, the Commission also denied petitions to further   reconsider its decision to deny applications for waiver of the 28 GHz pointtopoint microwave rules that existed before the adoption of LMDS. The LMDS auction begins on February 18, 1998.  Yf-Action by the Commission February 3, 1998, by Third Order on Reconsideration (FCC 9815). Chairman Kennard, Commissioners Ness, Powell, and Tristani, with Commissioner FurchtgottRoth concurring in part and dissenting in part. Chairman Kennard and Commissioners Ness, FurchtgottRoth, and Powell issuing separate statements. [FCC News Media contact: Elizabeth Lyle at (202) 4180654. Wireless Telecommunications Bureau contact: Barbara Reideler at (202) 4181310.