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Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
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DA : 00-633
Released: March 21, 2000

Transaction Team Seeks Public Comment on Issues Memorandum, Procedures and Processing Timeline By March 28, 2000

During the March 1, 2000 Public Forum on Streamlining FCC Review of Applications Relating to Mergers, the Transaction Team requested written comments on the Proposed Timeline and other procedural issues such as those discussed in the Issues Memorandum by March 21, 2000. The Team is extending the date for comment by one week, until March 28, 2000, to accommodate those who were not present and might not have received notice of the deadline. Comments should be sent by mail, addressed to: Transaction Team, Office of General Counsel, FCC, 445 12th St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554; or e-mail, addressed to: tranteam@fcc.gov. Comments received by the deadline will be given the most thorough consideration because the Team intends to quickly implement process improvements based on a thorough evaluation of the comments received. The Transaction Team welcomes comments, questions, and suggestions at any time on the FCC's process for reviewing applications relating to mergers or similar transactions. Contact: James Bird, (202) 418-1700.

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