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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`(#(#X  yx\ dddhy  aE#5\  P6QمP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  XT-#XP\  P6QynXP#x` `  hh@h Released: July 16, 1998  X= -  X -~  EX PARTE PRESENTATION IN MM DOCKET NO. 96 é16 ĐTP  $.T   $.T  By letter dated June 15, 1998, the National Council of Women's Organizations, noting the Commission's action to seek further review of the recent U.S. Court of Appeals decision in  X@-Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod v. FCC, 141 F. 3d 344 (D.C. Cir. 1998,  pet. for reh. filed  X+-May 29, 1998), and observing that the court's decision declined to address "gender classification," recommended that the Commission review and redevelop its Equal  X-Employment Opportunity Rules. The letter briefly mentioned the Lutheran Church proceeding, a matter that is restricted under the Commission's ex parte rules. Because this letter more directly relates to the merits or outcome of the Commission's pending rulemaking  X-proceeding in MM Docket No. 9616 (Streamlining Broadcast EEO Rule and Policies), we have determined that the public interest would best be served by treating this as directed to  X-that rulemaking proceeding and not the Lutheran Church proceeding. Accordingly, since the rulemaking proceeding is a permitbutdisclose proceeding under the ex parte rules, the letter will be included in the record of MM Docket No. 9616. Any other similar ex parte  XK-presentations will be treated in the same manner. Action by Assistant General Counsel, Administrative Law Division DԩFCC T