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XX X $  %%%%!$PUBLIC NOTICE  LA',%%A!!$,#2pPG;|##S2pPG;z##2pPG;|##S2pPG;z##S2pPG;z##` 2pPG;s` ##Xm2PG;DXP##&X2p NQp&#X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: AbCXrThe following is a list of  ex parte presentations and PostReply Comment Period Filings received  N' t &by the Commission's Secretary on or before November 30, 1999. For your reference, a public notice  t &released June 10, 1999, briefly describes the most commonly listed docket numbers; this notice can  t &be found at the FCC's Internet website as cited above. Copies of the following written presentations  t &and memoranda reporting oral presentations, if they relate to docket proceedings, are available for  t &inspection and copying from the appropriate docket in the FCC Reference Center (Room CYA257,  t &Y 445 12TH St., S.W., Washington, D.C.). The FCC Reference Center is open Monday through Friday,  t &|9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. After a brief period, presentations concerning nondocketed proceedings are available only in the appropriate bureau.  t &oThe duplicating contractor, ITS, Inc., will provide, for a fee, copies of the material listed below. ITS,  t &f Inc. has offices at 445 12th., S.W. in Room CYB400 (2023143070), and at 1231 20th St., N.W., For additional information, contact Barbara Lowe, Office of the Secretary, at (202) 4180310.  N'# &d2PG; &P# c ddx!ddxA c    " "   H' # I2PQ DP## I2PQ DP#Date Received  ~Jy ' A!   H' Presentation by  ~J' A!   H' Presentation to:  ~J' # [2PG; DP#A!   N# &N P4Q ǘ&P# Oral  M A!   N Written  M A!   H' # &Q2PQ &P# # I2PQ DP#Docket No.  ~J'   A " "  11/30"R Ad Hoc Telecommunications Users Committee!$ Secretary!$ !$ X!$ CC 96262 CC 941 CC 98157   A! ""  11/309&R Association for Maximum Service Television, Inc.' Chairman Kennard' ' X' CS 98120  $ """  11/30)R America Online, Inc.)R Common Carrier Bureau)"  )" X)" CC 9968 )./-/-XX(h'g!XQZX$H !h,,, {# {  X,   ' ""B "  11/30 11/30 11/30 11/30X Blackfeet Tribal Business Council FreeSpace Communications Dataradio Group of Companies Motorola, Inc. . r Chairman Kennard Secretary Secretary Wireless Telecommunications Bureau B  B X X X X B WT 99168  P  "B R"  11/308 R AT&T Corp.8 R Secretary8 R 8 R X8 R CS 99251P p   "R"  11/30 11/30 Qwest Communications International Inc. et al. U S West Secretary Secretary  X X CC 99272p   8  " "  11/30 11/30 11/30 11/30 11/30 X Association for Local Telecommunications Services et al. Bell Atlantic Covad Communications X Cmsr. Powell Ofc. of Cmsr. Powell Ofc. of Cmsr. Ness Cmsr. Powell Ofc. of Cmsr. Tristani X X X X XX X XX CC 99295   " ""   Nondocket Proceedings  X """  11/30 R Ad Hoc Telecommunications Users CommitteeP SecretaryP P XP File No. 9863  p ""  11/30 11/300" AT&T0" Ofc. of Cmsr. Ness Ofc. of Cmsr. Powell0" X X0" 0" ASD 9881   P "y"  11/30#y HBO#y Ofc. of Cmsr. Powell#y X#y #y DA 991057   0"y