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For your reference, a public notice released May 28, 1998, briefly describes the most commonly listed docket numbers; this notice can be found at the FCC's Internet website as cited above. Copies of the following written presentations and memoranda reporting oral presentations, if they relate to docket proceedings, are available for inspection and copying in the appropriate docket in the FCC Reference Center (Room 239, 1919 M St., N.W., Washington, D.C.) which is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. After a brief period, presentations concerning nondocketed proceedings are available only in the appropriate bureau. The duplicating contractor, ITS, Inc., will provide, for a fee, copies of the material listed below. ITS, Inc. (2028573800) is located in Room 246, and has offices at 1231 20th St., N.W., Washington D.C. For additional information, contact Barbara Lowe, Office of the Secretary, at (202) 4180310.   X  c ddx !ddx { c  X  "<"   S94X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:NonDocket ProceedingsJ8  """  4/21 4/21 4/22 4/22 4/26 4/26 4/26 Wallman Strategic Consulting, LLC. Global Crossing, Ltd. Global Crossing, Ltd. Quest Communications Corp. SBCI Pacific Networks, Inc. Global Crossing, Ltd. Global Crossing, Ltd. International Bureau Secretary Office of Plans and Policy International Bureau Office of Plans and Policy International Bureau International Bureau Office of Plans and Policy International Bureau  x x x x x x x  x x File No. SCLLIC1998111700025   8 ""  4/268R Local and State Government Advisory Committee Ofc. of Chairman Kennard Ofc. of Cmsr. Ness Cmsr. FurchtgottRoth Cmsr. Tristani Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Office of General Counsel  x x x x x x    CSR5329    ""  4/260"R MCI TelecommunicationsCorporation, Inc. # Secretary# # x# File No. SATASG199812020093 8   """  4/26@%R MCI Worldcom @%R Ofc. of Cmsr. FurchtgottRoth&" x&" &" NSD File No. L98134"@%,((#""8  # """  4/26`R American Public Power Association8" Ofc. of Chairman Kennard Common Carrier Bureau x x  CCPol 98122   ""  4/26pR Bell AtlanticpR Common Carrier BureaupR xpR pR AAD File No. 9824 DA 99296   ""  4/22R Independent Telephone and Telecommunications Alliance  Secretary    x  ASD File No. 9843    ""  4/22h R Accipiter Communications, Inc.  Common Carrier Bureau    x  AAD 9696 8   """  4/22xR RCN Telecom Services, Inc. et al.P" Common Carrier BureauP" P" xP" NSDL99058    ""b"  4/22R The News Corporation Ltd." International Bureau" x" " SATASG1998120200093; SATASG1998120401829 (4)   P "bY"  4/21 4/21 SBC Telecommunications Inc. MCI Worldcom Common Carrier Bureau Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Ofc. of Chairman KennardY x x xY Y NSD File No. L98134   XY FCC W