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Copies of these written presentations and  d(#memoranda reporting oral presentations, if they relate to docket proceedings, are available for inspection  ~J- d(#{and copying in the appropriate docket in the FCC Reference Center (Room 239, 1919 M St., N.W.,  d(#.Washington, D.C.) which is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. For your convenience, a  d(#public notice was released May 28, 1998, listing the most commonly used dockets with descriptive terms $v   d(#can be found at the FCC's Internet website as listed above. After a brief period, presentations concerning  d(#jnondocketed proceedings are available only in the appropriate bureau. Also, the duplicating contractor,  d(#ITS, Inc., located in Room 246, as well as offices at 1231 20th St., N.W., Washington D.C. (202) 8573800,  d(#-will provide, for a fee, copies of these materials. For additional information, contact Barbara Lowe at (202) 4180310. (2 of 2) c ddx !ddx JS c  :  "I"   H- #I2PQ|tP#Date  HZ-Received "I  J- Presentation by : $I  H- Presentation to: $I  H- Oral $I  H- Written $I  H- #I2P Q|tP#Docket No.  ~JZ- :   "I+"  6/24tY Carrow, Architects, Planners, LLC<+ Chairman Kennard<+ <+ x<+ RM9208  $ "+"  6/23 6/24$ Joseph D'Alessandro $ Chairman Kennard Cmsr. Ness Cmsr. FurchgottRoth Cmsr. Powell Cmsr. Tristani Chairman Kennard$ $ x x x x x x$ RM9242  < "+"  6/24T%Y Atlas Telephone Company Inc.&+ Common Carrier Bureau&+ &+ x&+ CC 80286 p $ "+"  6/23 6/23 6/23* Viacom Inc. * Ofc. of Cmsr. Ness Ofc. of Cmsr. Powell Mass Media Bureau* x x x* * MM 877 MM 91221p  & "+"  6/226/24+Y (10) Letters Received+Y Chairman Kennard+Y +Y x+Y FO 91171 FO 91301+./-/-XX-j,g!X\D$H !hLLLLLLL {#    * "+"  6/23 6/24 Allbritton Communications  Chairman Kennard Cmsr. Powell x x  MM 91221 MM 94150 p  ""  6/24Y PCIAY Ofc. of Chairman Kennard Ofc. of Cmsr. Ness Ofc. of Cmsr. Tristani x x x   CC 9454p   ""  6/24h Y Ad Hoc Alliance for Public Access to 9110 + Wireless Telecommunications Bureau  x    CC 94102   "+"  6/23H Y North American Numbering Council + Common Carrier Bureau +  + x  + CC 95155 P   "+Y"  6/24`Y (2) Letters Received`Y Secretary`Y `Y x`Y MM 95176P    "YE"  6/23 6/23 Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc. New York State Ofc. of General Services Info. Technology & Procurement`E Common Carrier Bureau Secretary`E x`E  x`E CC 9645  ` "E"  6/23 6/24 PCIA USAC Common Carrier Bureau Secretary x  x CC 9645 CC 9721  ` "+"  6/23  + Bell Atlantic + FederalState Joint Board + x +  + CC 9645 CC 97160   "+"  6/23 6/24 Ernest Madison Jr. AT&T Secretary Common Carrier Bureau  x x CC 96128    ""  6/23Y SBC Communications, Inc. et al.  Common Carrier Bureau     x  CC 97100"   " ""   6/24#  H0!-<  Request to Withhold Document from  H!-D Public Inspection  ~J"-;D WorldCom et al.~~DCommon Carrier BureauP$ P$  xP$ CC 97211"    " "E"  6/24 6/24 6/24)s WorldCom et al. GTE Communications Workers of AmericaP*E Common Carrier Bureau Secretary Common Carrier BureauP*E  xP*E x xP*E CC 97211"$.**R&%" p P$ "E"  6/24PY PCIA et al.PY Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Ofc. of Engineering & Technologyp x xp p CC 97213p   "+"  6/24Y Stanford TelecomY SecretaryY Y xY MM 97217 RM9060 8 p "+s"  6/24Y LCI International Telecom Corp.+ Ofc. of Chairman Kennard+ x+ + CC 9811 CC 9826 CC 9832 CC 9878 CC 9891 RM92448   "sE"  6/24 Y BellSouth Y Ofc. of Cmsr. FurchgottRoth Ofc. of Cmsr. Powell Ofc. of Cmsr. Tristani Common Carrier BureauE x x x xE E CC 9839 P   "EY"  6/23Y Vir James EngineersY SecretaryY Y xY MM 9843 P   "Y+"  6/24`Y Cox Communications, Inc.(+ Common Carrier Bureau(+ x(+ (+ CC 9879" " "+"   A; Nondocket Proceedings ~" (" ""  6/23XY SBC Telecommunications, Inc. Common Carrier Bureau Ofc. of General Counsel x x  CCB/CPD 9730   ""  6/23Y PCIAY Common Carrier Bureau+ x+ + FCC Form 457 Universal Service Worksheet   ""  6/24Y Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc.p! International Bureaup! p! xp! 7SATAMEND98   "+"  6/24"Y Stratos Mobile Networks (USA), LLC#+ Secretary#+ #+ x#+ ITC98103  p! "+"  6/24$Y Time Domain Corp.$Y Ofc. of Engineering & Technology%+ x%+ %+ Part 15 Waiver for UltraWideband Technology H  # "X"  6/24' Cox Communications, Inc.(X Common Carrier Bureau(X x(X (X GTOC Tariff No. 1 et al.H  h&:Xl^ԩFCC