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An agency  |$ may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a  |$' currently valid control number. For further information contact Shoko B. Hair, Federal Communications Commission, (202) 4181379.  |$0 The Commission has received OMB approval for the following ARMIS reports. ARMIS was implemented to facilitate the  |$ timely and efficient analysis of the carriers' operating costs and the appropriate revenue requirements, rates of return and  |$  price caps; to provide an improved basis for audits and other oversight functions; and to enhance the Commission's ability  |$ to quantify the effects of alternative policy. The following reports were revised to implement recent Commission orders,  |$u to clarify definitions and descriptions and to improve understanding of existing requirements. For copies of the procedures  |$S and formats for the ARMIS reports, please call Barbara Van Hagen at 2024180849. Copies of the procedures and formats may also be obtained via the internet at: http://www.fcc.gov/ccb/armis.  O Federal Communications Commission  Ol OMB Control No.: 30600395  ODExpiration Date: 03/31/2002  O Title: The ARMIS USOA Report; The ARMIS Service Quality Report; and The ARMIS Infrastructure Report.  O Form No.: FCC Report Nos. 4302, 4305, 4307  O Respondents: Business or other for profit.  OEstimated Annual Burden: 50 respondents; 1252.7 hours per response (avg.); 62,637 total annual burden hours.  O|Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0.  OTFrequency of Response: Annual.  O, |$ Description:  FCC Report 4302 contains companywide data for each account specified in the Uniform System of  |$ Accounts ("USOA"). It provides the annual operating results of the carriers' activities for every account in the USOA. (FCC  |$= Report 4302 has 50 respondents, 960 hours per response (avg), 48,000 total annual hours). FCC Report 4305 collects  |$ data at the study area and holding company levels and is designed to capture trends in service quality under price cap  |$= regulation. It provides service quality information in the areas of interexchange access service installation and repair  |$u intervals, local service installation and repair intervals, trunk blockage and total switch downtime for price cap companies.  |$ (FCC Report 4305 has 12 respondents, 849 hours per response (avg), 10,197.4 total annual hours). FCC Report 4307 is designed to "'0*((%"Ԍ N' }&+^ "0*(("  |$ }&+^ capture trends in telephone industry infrastructure development under price cap regulation. It  |$provides switch deployment and capabilities data. (FCC Report 4307 has 8 respondents, 555 hours per response (avg), 4,400 total annual hours). Obligation to respond: Mandatory.  L'  L`'OMB Control No.: 30600496  N8'Expiration Date: 03/31/2002  N' Title: The ARMIS Operating Data Report  N' Form No.: FCC Report 4308  N' Respondents: Business or other for profit.  N' |$^Estimated Annual Burden: 50 respondents; 160 hours per response (avg.); 8,000 total  Nz'annual burden hours.  NR 'Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0.  N, 'Frequency of Response: Annual.  N ' |$Description:  The ARMIS Operating Data Report consists of statistical schedules which are  N ' |$needed by the Commission to monitor network growth, usage, and reliability. Obligation to respond: Mandatory.  L '  Lh'OMB Control No.: 30600511  N@'Expiration Date: 03/31/2002  N' Title: ARMIS Access Report  N' Form No.: FCC Report 4304  N' Respondents: Business or other for profit.  N' |$2 Estimated Annual Burden: 150 respondents; 1,150 hours per response (avg.); 172,500 total  N'annual burden hours.  NZ'Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0.  N4'Frequency of Response: Annual.  N' |$bDescription:  The Access Report is needed to administer the results of the FCC's jurisdictional  |$separations and access charge procedures in order to analyze revenue requirements, joint cost allocations, jurisdictional separations and access charges. Obligation to respond: Mandatory.  L'  Lp'OMB Control No.: 30600512  NH'Expiration Date: 03/31/2002  N"' Title: The ARMIS Annual Summary Report  N' Form No.: FCC Report No. 4301  N' Respondents: Business or other for profit.  N' |$bEstimated Annual Burden: 150 respondents; 220 hours per response (avg.); 33,000 total  N'annual burden hours.  Nb'Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0.  N< 'Frequency of Response: Annual.  N!' |$xDescription:  The ARMIS Annual Summary Report contains financial and operating data and  |$@is used to monitor the incumbent local exchange carriers and to perform routine analyses of costs and revenues on behalf of the Commission. Obligation to respond: Mandatory.  L#'  Lx$'OMB Control No.: 30600513  NP%'Expiration Date: 03/31/2002  N*&' Title: ARMIS Joint Cost Report  N'' Form No.: FCC Report 4303 "'0*((`%"Ԍ N' Respondents: Business or other for profit.  N' |$Estimated Annual Burden: 150 respondents; 200 hours per response (avg.); 30,000 total  N'annual burden hours.  N'Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0.  Nf'Frequency of Response: Annual.  N@' |$Description:  The Joint Cost Report is needed to administer our Part 64 joint cost rules and to  |$Danalyze the regulated and nonregulated cost and revenue allocations by study area in order to  |$prevent crosssubsidization of nonregulated operations by the regulated operations. Obligation to respond: Mandatory.  L'  Lz'OMB Control No.: 30600763  NR 'Expiration Date: 03/31/2002  N, ' Title: The ARMIS Customer Satisfaction Report  N ' Form No.: FCC Report 4306  N ' Respondents: Business or other for profit.  N ' |$Estimated Annual Burden: 8 respondents; 720 hours per response (avg.); 5,760 total  N 'annual burden hours.  Nl'Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0.  NF'Frequency of Response: Annual.  N ' |$Description:  The Customer Satisfaction Report collects data from carrier surveys designed to capture trends in service quality. Obligation to respond: Mandatory.  N'  |$Public reporting burden for the collections of information is as noted above. Send comments  |$regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the collections of information, including  |$3suggestions for reducing the burden to Performance Evaluation and Records Management, Washington, D.C. 20554.  L '  N' }&+^   }&+^ ԩ FCC  }&+^   }&+^ ԃ  N'