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Lowell, Vice President for King Communications U.S.A., 44` ` Inc. on 111298 44` ` Thomas J. Keller, and Lisa M. Higginbotham for Commonwealth of 44` ` Pennsylvania on 111398 44` ` John R. DiSalvo, P.E., Chief, and Linda Nelson, Director for Division of Information 44` ` Technology Department of Management Services State of Florida on 120198 44` ` Frederick J. Day, Attorney for Dataradio Group of Companies on 120298 44` ` Craig M. Jorgensen, and Art McDole, CoChairs for Project 25 Steering Committee  [%44` ` on 120298 44` ` Pete Wanzenried, Chief Public Safety Radio Services for The State of 44` ` California on 120298 44` ` Scott R. Leonard for New York State Technology Enterprises Corporation 44` ` on 120298  [++,,,XX(g!X B  B B/ "$k !BhBBBBB {# H   B B B Ԍ [Petitions for Reconsideration and Clarification filed in WT Docket 9686 Cont'd 44` ` Amy A. Marasco, Vice President and General Counsel, and Jane Schweiker, 44` ` Director, Public Policy and Government Relations for American National 44` ` Standards Institute on 120298 44` ` John Giere for Ericsson Inc. on 120298 44` ` Dan Bart, Vice President, Standards and Technology for Telecommunications 44` ` Industry Association on 120298 44` ` Richard c. Barth, Ph.D, Vice President and Director and Leigh M. Chinitz, 44` ` Manager for Motorola, Inc. on 120298 44` ` Martin W. Bercovici, Attorney for The American Association of State 44` ` Highway and Transportation Officials, Forestry Conservation Communications 44` ` Association, International Association of Fire Chiefs, Inc., International 44` ` Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, International Municipal Signal 44` ` Association and National Association of State Foresters on 120298 44` ` Martin W. Bercovici, Attorney for Safety Tech Industries on 120298 44` ` Robert M. Gurss, Attorney for Association of PublicSafety Communications 44` ` OfficialsInternational, Inc. on 120298 (Filed twice electronically) 44` ` John S. Powell on 120298 44` ` Scott R. Leonard for New York State Technology Enterprise Corporation 44` ` on 120498 44` ` George Longmeyer, Executive Director for DuPage Public Safety 44` ` Communications on 123198  [Subject:` ` Amendment of Section 73.202(b) FM Broadcast Stations (East Brewton, 44` ` Alabama and Navarre, Florida) (MM Docket No. 97233, RM9162)  [Filed by:` ` William J. Pennington, III, Attorney for 550AM on 120798  [Subject:` ` Amendment of Part 90 of the Commission's Rules To Provide for the Use 44` ` of the 220222 MHz Band by the Private Land Mobile Radio Service 44` ` (PR Docket No. 89552) 44` ` Implementation of Sections 3(n) and 332 of the Communications Act 44` ` (GN Docket No. 93252) 44` ` Regulatory Treatment of Mobile Services 44` ` Geographic Partitioning and Spectrum Disaggregation for the 220222 44` ` MHz Service  [T#Filed By:` ` Sharon Kohn, Assistant General Counsel, and Jonathan L. Wiener, Counsel 44` ` for Rand Mcnally & Company on 101398 44` ` Robert B. Kelly, Counsel for Intek Global Corp. on 101598  [r& 44 4` hp x (#%)\+- 0d247l9;>t@B$E V   FCC