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Z(Filed by Christopher D. Imlay  Z General Counsel  ZBooth, Freret, Imlay & Tepper  Z5101 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.  ZSuite 307  ZWashington, DC 200164120) 4"(#(#(#XX)!g!X %71_ !%h _0 H Ԍ Y4ԩ  X4RM NO.  RULES SEC. ZPETITIONER22 DATE RECD YYiNATURE OF PETITION  Y4, 2Y47l9;>t@B, 2Y47l9;>t@BЩ  Y49405 Part 90ZUTC, The Telecom22081498YYiRequest Amendment of the Commission's Rules  Y4 Z munications AssociationYYiRegarding the Establishment of Public Service Radio  Y4 ZAmerican Petroleum InstituteYYiPool in the Private Mobile Frequencies Below 800  Yw4 ZAssociation of American RailroadsYYiMHz.  Z(Filed for UTC, The Telecommunications  Z Association by  ZThomas Goode, Attorney  Z1140 Connecticut Ave, N.W.  ZSuite 1140  ZWashington, D.C. 20036  Zfor American Petroleum Institute by  Z Wayne V. Black, Attorney  ZKeller and Heckman  Z1001 G Street, N.W.  ZWashington, D.C. 20001  Zfor Association of American Railroads by  ZLouis P. Warchot, Senior Vice President Law  Y4 Z and General Counsel YYiYY  Z50 F Street, N.W.  ZWashington, D.C. 20001)  Z22  Y49411 Parts 2 and 25ZComm, Inc.22080797YYiRequest Amendment of the Commission's Rules to  Y}4 ZEchoStar Satellite 22YYiDesignate Extended CBand Specrtrum for TT&C  Yf4 Z Corporation22YYiFunctions of GSO FSS Systems Operating in Bands  YO4 ZGE American Communications, Inc.YYiYYAbove Kuband.  ZHughes Communications  Z Galaxy, Inc.  Y 4 ZKaStar Satellite CommunicationsYYi  ZLockheed Martin Corporation  ZOrion Network Systems, Inc.  ZPan AmSat Licensee Corp.  ZVisionStar, Inc."!(#(#(#XX"Ԍ Y4ԩ  X4RM NO.  RULES SEC. ZPETITIONER22 DATE RECD YYiNATURE OF PETITION  Y4, 2Y47l9;>t@B, 2Y47l9;>t@BЩ  Z(Filed for Comm, Inc. by  ZPhilip L. Malet, Attorney  ZSteptoe & Johnson  Z1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.  ZWashington, D.C. 20006  Zfor EchoStar Satellite Corp. by  ZDavid K. Moskowitz, Vice President and  Z General Counsel  Z90 Inverness Circle East  ZEnglewood, CO 80112   Zfor GE American Communications, Inc. by  ZKaris A. Hasting, Attorney  ZHogan & Hartson  Z555 13th Street, N.W.  ZWashington, D.C. 20004  Z  Zfor Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. by  ZArthur S. Landerholm, Attorney  ZLatham & Watkins  Z1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.  ZSuite 1300  ZWashington, D.C. 20004  Z  Zfor KaStar Satellite Communications Corp. by  ZDavid G. O'Neil, Attorney  ZRini, Coran & Lancellotta  Z1350 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.  ZSuite 900  ZWashington, D.C. 20036  Z  Z "!(#(#(#XX"Ԍ Y4ԩ  X4RM NO.  RULES SEC. ZPETITIONER22 DATE RECD YYiNATURE OF PETITION  Y4, 2Y47l9;>t@B, 2Y47l9;>t@BЩ g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0g0  Zfor lockheed Martin Corp by  ZRaymond G. Bender, Attorney  ZDow, Lohnes & Albertson  Z1200 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.  ZSuite 800  ZWashington, D.C. 20036  Z  Zfor Orion Network Systems, Inc. by  ZJulian L. Shepard, Attorney  ZVerner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson  Z & Hand  Z901 15th Street, N.W., Suite 700  ZWashington, D.C. 20005  Z  Zfor PanAmSat Licensee Corp. by  ZJoseph A. Godles, Attorney  YL4 ZGoldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright  Z1229 19th Street, N.W.  ZWashington, D.C. 20036   Zfor VisionStar, Inc. by  ZMichael R. Gardner, Attorney  Z1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.  ZSuite 710  ZWashington, D.C. 20036) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________  FCC