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See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974). y: -dddy  Figure 1  Figure 1 yHH@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy 1  1  X #b6X@7@##S2pG;# PUBLIC NOTICE  XX A IQY! $#Xw P 7XP# October 23, 1998   FCC OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY RELOCATES TO THE PORTALS  8 Procedure for Paper Filings ă      Effective November 2, 1998, the Office of the Secretary will relocate to the Commission's new building facilities at The Portals, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., 20554. The Secretary's new office will be open for business, as usual, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, except holidays. Paper filings will be received at a designated counter located at TWA325 in the 12th Street lobby of the building, where filers will be able to receive their "stamp and return" copy, upon request. The Commission expects to complete its relocation to The Portals within the next six months. For the public's convenience during this transition period, the Office of the Secretary will accept paper filings at 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222, but only between the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, except holidays. If requested, "stamp and return" copies will be provided at the time of filing. This temporary filing site will be closed on the date that the Commission completes its relocation to The Portals. The Commission encourages those wishing to file paper documents to begin making these filings at the Portals building. In addition, to ensure the expeditious receipt and distribution of paper filings during the transition period, the public should follow the established Guidelines for Uniform Filings. These guidelines are printed on the reverse side of this Public Notice. Please forward any questions to Magalie Roman Salas, FCC Secretary; Bill Caton, Deputy Secretary; or Ruth Dancey, Assistant Secretary, at 2024180300.   A IQY! $$5%   e $T$   $5%      (over)  XX #|\  P G;P# 2 GUIDELINES FOR UNIFORM FILINGS #X\  P G;P# ` hp x (##c5 P 7P#  #Xw5 P 7XP#i#Xw P7XP# #Xj\  PG;XP#To enable the staff of the Office of the Secretary to provide the most efficient service to you, please follow these guidelines in preparing and submitting "uniform" filings.  9 #Xw5 P7XP# i#Xj\  PG;XP# Your filing package should be properly fastened and consist of an original document and the proper number of copies. If your filing is "selfexplanatory," no cover letter is required.  9  Note : For filings containing more than one docket number, please submit two (2) additional copies for each docket number listed. #Xw5 P7XP# i#Xj\  PG;XP# To obtain a stamp and return copy, place an extra copy of either the cover letter or the filing on top of your package. This copy will be returned to you. #Xw5 P7XP# i#Xj\  PG;XP# Confidential filings should be clearly marked "CONFIDENTIAL," "NOT FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION" and placed in a separate envelope. #Xw5 P7XP# i#Xj\  PG;XP# Ex parte documents should be clearly labeled "EX PARTE". #Xw5 P7XP# i#Xj\  PG;XP# Always include a contact name, address and telephone number. #Xw5 P7XP# I#Xj\  PG;XP# Finally, bring your filing to the designated filing counter at the Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, S.W., 12th Street Lobby, TWA325, during the hours of 8:00 am to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. Your filing package should be "ready for submission" collated, signed, and properly fastened.  '` hp x (#'''    A IQY! $#Xm2PG;XP# A IQY! $#Xw P7XP# ) FCC