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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`(#(#  yx\ dddhy  aE#6\  P6QCP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  X-#XP\  P6QXP#`(#  August 3, 1998 ă  #R wZx #\  P6QOP#FY 1998 Mass Media Regulatory Fees #XP\  P6QXP#у  X -l à   v The Federal Communications Commission issues this Public Notice in order to provide   H!information concerning the payment of regulatory fees in FY 1998. If you are a licensee  Xw-in any of the mass media services, you should carefully review this Public Notice.  X2-  WHO MUST PAY REGULATORY FEES IN FY 1998 ă   [Most licensees and other entities regulated by the Commission must pay regulatory fees in FY   L1998. This Public Notice concerns the following Mass Media licensees: commercial AM & FM   Zradio stations, commercial television stations, Low Power Television and television translator and   jbooster licensees, broadcast auxiliary, FM translator and FM booster licensees, and multipoint   @distribution service licensees (includes multichannel multipoint distribution service).   lNoncommercial educational licensees are exempt from regulatory fees as are licensees of   auxiliary broadcast services such as low power auxiliary stations, television auxiliary service   Lstations, remote pickup stations and aural broadcast auxiliary stations where such licenses are   Zused in conjunction with commonly owned noncommercial educational stations. Emergency alert   system (EAS) licenses for auxiliary service facilities are also exempt as are Instructional   Television Fixed Service (ITFS) licensees. Governments and nonprofit entities (exempt under   -Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code) are not required to pay regulatory fees and should not  X-  submit payment. The Commission requires that each exempt entity submit, or have on file with   the Commission, a current IRS Determination Letter documenting its nonprofit status, a   xcertification of governmental authority, or certification from a governmental authority attesting  X!-  to its exempt status. The regulatory fee to be assessed is based upon the nature of the   authorization (e.g. construction permit or license) held as of October 1, 1997. Responsibility for   =payment of that fee rests with the current holder of the permit or license at the time payment is due. S%,,,$e@w[!hLH\ \ '#k \ h9 * f  b<iy WHY THE COMMISSION MUST COLLECT REGULATORY FEES ĐlU   The requirement to collect annual regulatory fees is contained in Public Law 10366, "The   Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993." These regulatory fees, which are likely to change   yeach fiscal year, are used to offset costs associated with the Commission's enforcement, public   information, international and policy and rulemaking activities. These fees are in addition to any   Lapplication processing fees associated with obtaining a license or other authorization from the Commission.  XY- WHEN FEES WILL BE DUE ă  X+ -  ! Fee payments must be received by the Commission during the period beginning September  X -  14, 1998, and ending September 18, 1998, in order to avoid a 25% late payment penalty .  b < .FCC FORM 159ă  X-  X-  Regulatory fee payments must be accompanied by FCC FORM 159 ("FCC Remittance Advice").   This form has been revised and you must use the version dated July 1997. A copy of this form,   Mwith specific instructions, is attached to this Public Notice and may be used to submit fees.   Reproduced forms are acceptable. Please see "Special Instructions for Completing FCC FORMs   L159 and 159C" for detailed information on how to correctly complete these forms. Unless you   are submitting your information on diskette, you must list each Call Sign separately on Forms   159/159C. Written attachments are not acceptable. Failure to properly complete FCC Forms 159/159C will delay the processing of your regulatory fee payment.   jOver the past years, payers have been allowed the option to pay for more than 50 call signs by   .submitting the Form 159 information on diskette. That option is still available. Information on how to file electronically on diskette will be made available on a subsequent public notice.  X-     X-n   WHERE TO SEND REGULATORY FEE PAYMENTS ĐlU  Xp-If sending your regulatory fee payment by mail, please address your envelope as follows:  X+ -x  Federal Communications Commission 80Regulatory Fees 6P.O. Box 358835  X"->Pittsburgh, PA 152515835 l l  X%-  lUIf you prefer to send your regulatory fee payment by courier to our lockbox bank, you may do   so 24 hours per business day (except Federal or bank holidays). Please address your envelope and deliver it to the following address: "\(,**$'"  X-x  Federal Communications Commission 7c/o Mellon Bank RThree Mellon Bank Center "525 William Penn Way ( 27th Floor, Room 1532713 >Pittsburgh, PA 152590001  Xv- (Attention: FCC Module Supervisor) l  XH-lU^     METHOD OF PAYMENT lU  X -  N Regulatory fee payments may be made by check, money order, or by credit card (Visa or   jMastercard only). When paying by credit card, please make sure you complete and sign block   }28 of FCC FORM 159. Payments may also be made by wire transfer or ACH Debit. Instructions are provided below.   LNOTE: We encourage arrangements to consolidate regulatory fee payments either by a single   entity or by different entities into a single payment instrument. Consolidated fee payments may   cover any number of service categories. Multiple fee payments may be made utilizing any of   the methods of payment mentioned above. Payers who will be making a single payment for a   significant number of entities and wish to submit their payment information on diskette in lieu   of submitting a large number of FCC FORMs 159C ("Advice Continuation Sheets") may do so.   zSpecific instructions regarding diskette submission will be issued separately. No more than   jtwentyfive (25) Form 159C's should be manually submitted for payment. If more than twenty  five (25) Form 159C's are to be submitted, we encourage the public to file the information on diskette.  X- h WIRE TRANSFER PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS ă   A wire transfer is a transaction that you initiate via your bank. It authorizes your bank to wire   funds from your account to our lockbox bank, the Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, PA. All payments   Lmade by wire transfer must be supported by a completed FCC Remittance Advice (FCC FORM   159) and Advice Continuation Sheet (FCC FORM 159C), if required. The FCC FORM 159   \must be faxed to Mellon Bank at (412) 2365702 at least one hour before the wire transfer on   ythe same business day. Indicate on the top of the FCC FORM 159 "Wire Transfer Regulatory   Fee Payment." In Box (1) Lockbox#, located at the upper left hand corner, indicate "358835."  X-   Failure to submit the completed FCC FORM 159 will result in a delay in crediting your   )"account. Due to Federal Reserve regulations, wire transfers received after 6:00 p.m. (EDT)  X!-will be credited to the next business day.   The following information should be provided to your bank in order to complete the wire transfer: "Q%,** $" ` ` ABA Routing Number 043000261 ` ` Receiving Bank: Mellon Pittsburgh ` ` BNF: FCC/ACV9116106 ` ` OBI Field: (Skip one space between each information item) ` `  "REGULATORYPAY" ` `  PAYER TIN (Exactly as on FCC FORM 159, Block #25) ` `  PAYER NAME (Exactly as on FCC FORM 159, Block #2)  X_-` `  Phone: (Daytime Phone #, exactly as on FCC FORM 159, Block #9) ` `  LOCKBOX 358835  X - ACH DEBIT PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS ă   lIf you are interested in using Mellon's Customer Initiated Payment Program (CIP), a brief   application form must be completed and a personal identification number (PIN) issued by the   bank. Arrangements for using this process must be completed 14 days prior to submitting   Mpayment of the regulatory fee. After you have been set up for this program, you have until   jSeptember 17, 1998 to submit payment to ensure processing by the deadline date of September   18, 1998. Please contact Regina Dorsey, Chief, Billings & Collections Branch, Financial Operations Division at (202) 4181995 for further details.  XK-  X4-=7  COMPLIANCE lU  X-    Please make sure your total remittance and the amount indicated on the FCC FORM 159 are in   agreement. Failure to do so will delay processing. Licensees are solely responsible for   accurately accounting for all licenses and for paying proper regulatory fees. Any data omission,   jerroneous or incomplete data submission, or payment deficiency may result in a 25% monetary   penalty, dismissal of pending actions, and/or revocation of any authorization. You are strongly   urged to submit your payments on time and accurately in order to avoid a penalty. Additionally,   Lthe Commission will invoke any lawful authority it may possess under the Debt Collection Act   \to collect any fees due or outstanding against any licensee failing to meet its regulatory fee payment obligations.  X -  WAIVERS, REDUCTIONS AND DEFERMENTS OF REGULATORY FEES ă  X-    The Commission will consider requests for waivers, reductions or deferments of regulatory fees,  X-  in extraordinary and compelling circumstances only, upon a showing that such action overrides   =the public interest in reimbursing the Commission for its regulatory costs. Your regulatory fee   must be paid by the due date even if a request is made for a waiver or reduction. This will   ensure efficient collection in situations where a waiver or reduction is not warranted and will   allow the requestor to avoid a 25% latepayment penalty if its request is denied. The regulatory   =fee will be refunded later if the request is granted. Only in exceptional or compelling instances   y(where payment of the regulatory fee along with the waiver or reduction request could result in   >the reduction of service to a community or other financial hardship to the licensee), will the   Commission accept a petition to defer payment along with a waiver or reduction request. All  X (-  Lrequests for deferments must be received before September 18, 1998, in order to avoid the 25%   .latepayment penalty. Please submit your written waiver or reduction request to the following address:"),**n("ԌOffice of the Managing Director Federal Communications Commission j1919 M. Street, N.W., Room 450 (Washington, D.C. 20554  attn: Regulatory Fee Waiver/Reduction Request  Xv-#o\  PCXP#However, submit your regulatory fee payment to the address on page 2 of this Public Notice.#o\  PCXP#  XH- Z ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ĐlU   Applicable Public Notices, and FCC FORMs 159 and 159C are available from the Commission's   Office of Public Affairs, Public Service Division and can be downloaded from the Internet  X -  (http://www.fcc.gov or ftp@fcc.gov). Text of the Report and Order including the entire Schedule   of Regulatory Fees can be downloaded from the Internet. Forms may also be obtained by   contacting the Forms Hotline at (800) 4183676 outside the Washington, D.C. area, or (202) 418  3676 locally. For additional information, please contact the Public Service Division at (202) 418  0192, or write to: Federal Communications Commission, Office of Public Affairs, ATTN: Public Service Division, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554.  ]K- 4  #f\  PCx&P#FEE PAYMENT PROCEDURES FOR COMMERCIAL  ]H-n AM AND FM RADIO STATIONS  lU  S-   Who Must Pay: Responsibility for payment of the regulatory fee rests with the current holder of the   =permit or license at the time payment is due. Licensees of commercial AM radio stations and holders of   construction permits for new stations in the AM service where the license or permit was granted on or  S-  kbefore October 1, 1997. AM radio station licensees who also hold auxiliary broadcast service licenses   operated in conjunction with the main AM station (e.g., remote pickup stations, aural broadcast STLs,   intercity relay stations and low power auxiliary stations) will also be assessed a regulatory fee for each   of these stations. Licensees of commercial FM radio stations and holders of construction permits for new  S-  stations in the FM service where the license or permit was granted on or before October 1, 1997. FM   yradio station licensees who also hold auxiliary broadcast service licenses operated in conjunction with the   Zmain FM station (e.g., remote pickup stations, aural broadcast STLs, intercity relay stations and low power   /auxiliary stations) will also be assessed a regulatory fee for each of these stations. Governments and   nonprofit entities (exempt under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code) are not required to pay  S=-  regulatory fees and should not submit payment. The Commission requires that each exempt entity submit,   or have on file with the Commission, a current IRS Determination Letter documenting its nonprofit status,   a certification of governmental authority, or certification from a governmental authority attesting to its  Q -exempt status.  Sw"-  J AM Conversion Table: For those licensees of AM radio stations who may be unfamiliar with the current station class designations, we provide the following:  S$-` `   Old Class hh,V New Class  S&-` `  Class Ihh,VClass A  S'-` `  Class II & IIIhh,VClass B  S_(-` `  Class II.D & II.SVClass D  S7)-` `  Class III.D & III.SVClass D  S*-` `  Class IVhh,VClass C"*,**l*"Ԍ S-  ԙ Fee Requirement: Fees are assessed for AM and FM radio station licensees based upon class of station   [and population served. Determination of class is based upon the station's most recent granted license on   or before October 1, 1997. AM and FM radio stations are divided into 36 fee groups. A complete listing   of all AM and FM stations in call sign order is attached to the notice sent to AM and FM licensees only.   zTo determine the correct fee to be paid, look for the station's call sign and read across the page to find   the city, state, class of station, population served, and the FY 1998 regulatory fee due. The fee amount   may also be obtained by contacting the FCC's National Call Center at 18882255322 or through a search   of the FCC's internet web site http://www.fcc.gov. If you have a commercial AM or FM radio station which is not listed, please contact Terry Johnson at (202) 4180445 for assistance. h ddx !ddxp:<< h   X  &g&   S -+  Radio Station Regulatory Fees ă $X  p$ &g &   SP -z Population  S( -Served  I  SP -W  AM  S( - Class A  I  SP -. AM  S( -!Class B  I  SP -i AM  S( -\5Class C  I  SP - AM  S( -}Class D  I SP -v FM  Classes  S -(A, B1 & C3  * SP -J  FM >Classes 4B, C, C1 &  S -MP C2 (  8   ( & I&  S8-  <=20,000 h MAA8  $400I,_MBA8 7$300IhMCA8 s($200IMDA8 |$250I+MFA8  $300IV MFG8 `$!$400(8  8  ( &II&  Sp-~; 20,001 50,000 Hh# MAB8  $750 I-iMBB8 7$600 IiMCB8 s($300 IMDB8 |$400 I5MFB8  $600 IV MFH8 `$!$750(8  8  ( &II&  S-w 50,001 125,000 h# MAC8 & $1,250XI-iMBC8 7$800XIiMCC8 s($400XIMDC8 |$600XI5MFC8  $800XI[ MFI8 W $1,250(8  8   ( &II&  S-p 125,001 400,000 h MAD8 & $1,750I,_MBD8 .b$1,250IhMCD8 s($600IMDD8 |$750I+MFD8 $1,250IZ MFJ8 W $1,750(8  8  X( &II&  S-e 400,001 1,000,000 h- MAE8 & $2,500I.sMBE8 .b$2,000IjMCE8 j$1,000IMDE8 $1,250I?MFE8 $2,000IV MFK8 W $2,500(8  h      ( &Iv&  SP- >1,000,000 X7 MAF8 & $4,0000v.}MBF8 .b$3,2500vjMCF8 j$1,5000vMDF8 $2,0000vIMFF8 $3,2500vX MFL8 W $4,000h    v h !ddxp:<< AddxJ%% h h X  g   S-p Regulatory Fee Group or Category Đ `D`g  S- Regulatory Fee Đn`g  S-  Payment Type Code X `  gh  XBroadcast Auxiliary Station LicenseƖ h X$11ƻ h # !!KMUB8` ` ` hh  XConstruction Permit for New AM StationƖ "h X$235ƻ "h ( !!KMTA8`     h  XConstruction Permit for New FM StationƖ# X$1,150ƻ# - !!LMNF8   "   Note that an AM station licensee will be assessed $11 for each auxiliary license it holds. Holders of   construction permits (CPs) for new AM stations for which a license to cover the CP had not been granted   as of October 1, 1997, will be assessed a $235 fee for each permit held, regardless of station class or   population served. A commercial FM station licensee will be assessed $11 for each auxiliary license it   holds. Holders of construction permits (CPs) for new FM stations for which a license to cover the CP had   not been granted as of October 1, 1997, will be assessed a $1,150 fee for each permit held, regardless of station class or population served. "),***7#"Ԍ  ]-4  FEE PAYMENT PROCEDURES FOR COMMERCIAL  ]- VHF/UHF TV STATIONS  lU  S-  L Who Must Pay: Licensees of commercial VHF and commercial UHF television stations and holders   zof construction permits for new stations whose license or permit was granted on or before October 1,  SZ-  [1997. Commercial television station licensees who also hold auxiliary broadcast service licenses operated   in conjunction with the main TV station (e.g., remote pickup stations, intercity relay stations) will also   be assessed a regulatory fee for each of these stations. Governments and nonprofit entities (exempt under   LSection 501 of the Internal Revenue Code) are not required to pay regulatory fees and should not submit  S-  jpayment. The Commission requires that each exempt entity submit, or have on file with the Commission,   a current IRS Determination Letter documenting its nonprofit status, a certification of governmental  Ql -authority, or certification from a governmental authority attesting to its exempt status.  SD -   S -  Fee Requirement:  Fees are assessed commercial television stations licensees based upon the size of the   =Nielsen Designated Market Area (DMA) in which their stations are listed in the 1998 Edition of the TV & Cable Factbook No. 66 as published by Warren Publishing. Fees will be assessed as follows: T AddxJ%% addxTJ%% T   X  " g   S- Commercial VHF Stations: Đ `Dg  S- Regulatory Fee Đng  S-  Payment Type Code X ` T gh  XX Markets 110:Ɩ  h  S4-X$37,575vvvvvvƻv h XGMAV8ư$` `  hh  XX Markets 1125:Ɩ lh  S-X$31,275vvvvvvƻvlh XGMBV8ư$` `   hh  XX Markets 2650:Ɩ h  S-X$21,400vvvvvvƻvh XGMEV8ư$` ` l hh  XX Markets 51100:Ɩ ,h  ST-X$11,975vvvvvvƻv,h XGMGV8ư$` `  hh  XX Remaining Markets:Ɩ h  S-X$3,100XXvvvvƻvh XGMIV8ư$` ` , hh  XX Broadcast Auxiliary StationƖ h X$11ƻh XGMUB8ư$`    h  XX Construction Permits:Ɩ |  St-X$2,525XXvvvvƻv| XGMJV8ư$   T addxTJ%% ddx,J%% T   X  g   S- Commercial UHF Stations: Đ `D g  S- Regulatory Fee Đn g  S-  Payment Type Code X ` , gh   S !- X Markets 110:Ɩ!h X$14,175ƻ!h XGMCU8ư$` `   hh  X Markets 1125:ƖD#h X$10,725ƻD#h XGMDU8ư$` ` ! hh  X Markets 2650:Ɩ$h X$6,650ƻ$h XGMFU8ư$` ` D# hh  X Markets 51100:Ɩ&h X$3,975ƻ&h XGMHU8ư$` ` $ hh  X Remaining Markets:Ɩd'h X$1,075ƻd'h XGMJU8ư$` ` & hh  X Broadcast Auxiliary StationƖ(h X$11ƻ(h XGMUB8ư$`   d' h  X Construction Permits:ƖT* X$2,650ƻT* XGMKU8ư$"L),**{*)"  (ݙ T ddx,J%% ddxJ%% T   X ( g   S-  Satellite TV Stations: Đ gD0g  S- Regulatory Fee Đn0g  S-N Payment Type Code X `  gh   S- X All Markets:Ɩh X$1,175ƻh XtMSS8ư$`   0 h  X Construction Permits:Ɩ  X$420ƻ  XtMCS8ư$    d(#.Note that a commercial television station licensee will be assessed $11 for each auxiliary license it holds.  d(#Holders of construction permits (CPs) for new television stations for which a license to cover the CP had  d(#jnot been granted as of October 1, 1997, will be assessed $2,525 (VHF), $2,650 (UHF), or $420 (Satellite TV) for each permit held, regardless of market size.  SX -    S -&  FEE PAYMENT PROCEDURES FOR LPTV, TV TRANSLATORS  S -@ & TV BOOSTERS, FM TRANSLATORS & FM BOOSTERS  \  S- d(#/ Who Must Pay: Holders of Low Power Television, TV translator and booster licenses, and FM  Sh- d(#translator and booster licenses whose license was granted before October 1, 1997. Governments and  d(#nonprofit entities (exempt under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code) are not required to pay  S- d(#regulatory fees and should not submit payment. The Commission requires that each exempt entity submit,  d(#or have on file with the Commission, a current IRS Determination Letter documenting its nonprofit status,  d(#a certification of governmental authority, or certification from a governmental authority attesting to its  S- d(#exempt status. Also exempted from this fee are noncommercial educational FM and full service television  d(#broadcast station licensees that hold low power television, TV translator or TV booster licenses, or FM  d(#translator or FM booster licenses issued on or before October 1, 1997, provided those stations operate on  d(#ja noncommercial educational basis. We will automatically waive the regulatory fee for the licensee of any  d(#translator that: (1) is not licensed to, in whole or in part, and does not have common ownership with, the  d(#?licensee of a commercial broadcast station; (2) does not derive income from advertising; and (3) is  d(#dependent on subscriptions or contributions from the members of the community served for support.  d(#jFinally, licensees of low power television, TV translator or TV booster, or FM translator or FM booster  d(#stations whose licenses were issued on or before October 1, 1997, and which have obtained a fee refund  d(#because of an NTIA facilities grant for their station or a fee waiver because of demonstrated compliance  d(#Lwith the eligibility and service requirements of  73.621 of the Commission's Rules, are similarly exempt  S- d(#yfrom payment of this regulatory fee. Licensees claiming an exemption based on one of these latter criteria  S- d(#should not submit payment. The Commission requires that each exempt entity submit, or have on file with  d(#the Commission, a current IRS Determination Letter documenting its nonprofit status, a certification of  Qv-governmental authority, or certification from a governmental authority attesting to its exempt status.  S&!- Fee Requirement:  Fees are assessed on a per license basis as follows: T ddxJ%% ddx#J%% T   X  g   SV$-w  Type of License Đ gD&g  SV$- Regulatory Fee Đn&g  SV$-N Payment Type Code X 8 # gI  XLow Power Television Station, TV Translator/TV BoosterƖ>(I \$265>(I 7 !!{MLP88   & I  XFM Translator/FM BoosterƖ) \$265) < !!{MSF8  >("),**M+)"Ԍ S-ԙ AFEE PAYMENT PROCEDURES FOR MULTIPOINT AND MULTICHANNEL  S- MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICES ă  S- d(# Who Must Pay: Holders of multipoint distribution service licenses (including multichannel multipoint  S`- d(#distribution service) whose licenses were granted on or before October 1, 1997.  Governments and  d(#nonprofit entities (exempt under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code) are not required to pay  S- d(#regulatory fees and should not submit payment. The Commission requires that each exempt entity submit,  d(#or have on file with the Commission, a current IRS Determination Letter documenting its nonprofit status,  d(#a certification of governmental authority, or certification from a governmental authority attesting to its  Q-exempt status.  SJ -Fee Requirement:  Fees are assessed on a per call sign basis as follows: T ddx#J%% ddx J%% T   X >( g   Sz -w  Type of License Đ gD*g  Sz - Regulatory Fee Đn*g  Sz -N Payment Type Code X @    gW  X Multipoint Distribution Service  (including Multichannel  Multipoint Distribution Service) ƖjW \$260jW - !!zMDS8@  *W  S- 4SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FCC FORMS 159 AND 159C ă  d(#xFCC FORM 159 ("FCC Remittance Advice") and, as necessary, FCC FORM 159C ("Advice Continuation  S- d(#ZSheet") must accompany all regulatory fee payments. FCC FORM 159 allows payers to report information  d(#zon one or more payment items (e.g., multiple FM or TV station licenses). Use FCC FORM 159C to report additional payments.  d(#FCC FORMs 159 and 159C have been attached to this Public Notice for you to complete and remit with  d(#yyour payment. You may make additional copies of the forms as required. In addition to the instructions for FCC FORM 159, the following information applies specifically to mass media fee payers.  Sb-Block (19) "FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID"  S- v AXAll mass media payers must enter in this block the call sign of the station(s) for which the regulatory fee is being paid.(#  S -X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:@Block (20) "PAYMENT TYPE CODE": Enter the appropriate payment type code as listed below:  S$-/AM AND FM RADIO STATIONSă  S&-   MAA8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, AM Radio, with population served of less than 20,000. ($400)(#`  S2(-  S )-   MAB8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, AM Radio, with population served between 20,001 and 50,000. ($750)(#` ") ,**+"Ԍ S-  ԙ MAC8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, AM Radio, with population served between 50,001 and 125,000. ($1,250)(#`  S-   MAD8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, AM Radio, with population served between 125,001 and 400,000. ($1,750)(#`  S-   MAE8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, AM Radio, with population served between 400,001 and 1,000,000. ($2,500)(#`  S-   MAF8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, AM Radio, with population served of greater than 1,000,000. ($4,000)(#`  S -   MBA8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, AM Radio, with population served of less than 20,000. ($300)(#`  S -   MBB8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, AM Radio, with population served between 20,001 and 50,000. ($600)(#`  S0-   MBC8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, AM Radio, with population served between 50,001 and 125,000. ($800)(#`  S-   MBD8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, AM Radio, with population  S-served between 125,001 and 400,000. ($1,250)(#`  S@-   MBE8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, AM Radio, with population served between 400,001 and 1,000,000. ($2,000)(#`  S-  S-   MBF8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, AM Radio, with population served of greater than 1,000,000. ($3,250)(#`  SP-   MCA8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class C, AM Radio, with population served of less than 20,000. ($200)(#`  S-  S-   MCB8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class C, AM Radio, with population served between 20,001 and 50,000. ($300)(#`  S`-   MCC8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class C, AM Radio, with population served between 50,001 and 125,000. ($400)(#`  S -   MCD8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class C, AM Radio, with population served between 125,001 and 400,000. ($600)(#`  Sp#-   MCE8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class C, AM Radio, with population served between 400,001 and 1,000,000. ($1,000)(#`  S%-   MCF8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class C, AM Radio, with population served of greater than 1,000,000. ($1,500)(#`  S(-   MDA8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class D, AM Radio, with population  SX)-served of less than 20,000. ($250)(#` "X) ,**+"Ԍ S-  ԙ MDB8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class D, AM Radio, with population served between 20,001 and 50,000. ($400)(#`  S-   MDC8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class D, AM Radio, with population served between 50,001 and 125,000. ($600)(#`  S-   MDD8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class D, AM Radio, with population served between 125,001 and 400,000. ($750)(#`  S-   MDE8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class D, AM Radio, with population served between 400,001 and 1,000,000. ($1,250)(#`  SH -  S -   MDF8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class D, AM Radio, with population served of greater than 1,000,000. ($2,000)(#`  S -  R MFA8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, B1 & C3, FM Radio, with population served of less than 20,000. ($300)(#`  SX-  S0-  R MFB8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, B1 & C3, FM Radio, with population served between 20,001 and 50,000. ($600)(#`  S-  R MFC8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, B1 & C3, FM Radio, with population served between 50,001 and 125,000. ($800)(#`  S@-  R MFD8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, B1 & C3, FM Radio, with  S-population served between 125,001 and 400,000. ($1,250)(#`  S-  R MFE8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, B1 & C3, FM Radio, with population served between 400,001 and 1,000,000. ($2,000)(#`  SP-  R MFF8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class A, B1 & C3, FM Radio, with population served of greater than 1,000,000. ($3,250)(#`  S-   MFG8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, C, C1 & C2, FM Radio, with population served of less than 20,000. ($400)(#`  S-  S`-   MFH8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, C, C1 & C2, FM Radio, with population served between 20,001 and 50,000. ($750)(#`  S -   MFI8: XX` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, C, C1 & C2, FM Radio, with population served between 50,001 and 125,000. ($1,250)(#`  Sp#-   MFJ8: XX` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, C, C1 & C2, FM Radio, with population served between 125,001 and 400,000. ($1,750)(#`  S%-   MFK8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, C, C1 & C2, FM Radio, with population served between 400,001 and 1,000,000. ($2,500)(#`  S'-  S(-   MFL8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for Class B, C, C1 & C2, FM Radio, with population served of greater than 1,000,000. ($4,000)(#` "X) ,**+"Ԍ S-  $ԙ MTA8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a construction permit for an AM radio station ($235).(#`  S-  S-   MNF8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a construction permit for an FM radio station ($1,150).(#`  S8-(9VHF TELEVISION STATIONSă " S-  3" MAV8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a commercial VHF television station in Nielsen markets 110 ($37,575). (#`  S:-  3 MBV8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a commercial VHF television station in  S -Nielsen markets 1125 ($31,275). (#`  S -  3 MEV8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a commercial VHF television station in Nielsen markets 2650 ($21,400). (#`  S -  3 MGV8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a commercial VHF television station in Nielsen markets 51100 ($11,975). (#`  S0-  3 MIV8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a commercial VHF television station in all other Nielsen markets ($3,100). (#`  S-  $ MJV8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a construction permit for a commercial VHF television station ($2,525). (#`  S-(8UHF TELEVISION STATIONSă  S`-  B MCU8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a commercial UHF television station in Nielsen markets 110 ($14,175). (#`  S-  B MDU8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a commercial UHF television station in Nielsen markets 1125 ($10,725). (#`  S-  B MFU8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a commercial UHF television station in Nielsen markets 2650 ($6,650). (#`  SV-  B MHU8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a commercial UHF television station in Nielsen markets 51100 ($3,975). (#`  S-  B MJU8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a commercial UHF television station in all other Nielsen markets ($1,075). (#`  S -  $ MKU8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a construction permit for a commercial UHF television station ($2,650). (#`  SL#- %SATELLITE TELEVISION STATIONSă  S$- MSS8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a satellite TV station ($1,175).(#`  S%-  Sd&-  B MCS8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a construction permit for a satellite TV station ($420).(#` "' ,**,"  S-LOW POWER TELEVISION STATION, TV TRANSLATOR/BOOSTER,  S-27FM TRANSLATOR/BOOSTERă  SR-   MLP8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a Low Power Television station, or a television translator or television booster ($265).(#`  S- MSF8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for an FM translator or FM booster ($265).(#`  S0-$BROADCAST AUXILIARY STATIONă  S- MUB8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a broadcast auxiliary station ($11).(#`   SH - MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE STATIONă  S - o MDS8: ` ` Use this code when paying a regulatory fee for a multipoint distribution service station ($260).(#`  S& -  S -Block (21) "QUANTITY":  Sx-XAll mass media fee payers must enter "1" in this block.(#  S>-  S-Block (22) "FEE DUE":  S-XEnter the dollar amount listed with the corresponding Payment Type Code entered in Block (20).(#  S-Block (23) "FCC CODE 1":  S- v  XIf you are paying an AM or FM regulatory fee, enter the authorized frequency shown on your license or permit.(#  S- v XIf you are paying a television or Low Power Television station regulatory fee, enter the applicable channel number.(#  SL- v ] XIf you are paying a TV translator, TV booster, broadcast auxiliary, FM translator, FM booster or a multipoint distribution service station regulatory fee, leave this block blank. (#  S-Block (24) "FCC CODE 2":  S*- v { XIf you are paying an AM, FM, TV or Low Power Television regulatory fee, enter the name of the  v state and community (in that order) of licenses for the station for which the regulatory fee is being  v ]paid. Please note that this block is for state and community of license, not mailing address. Please use the appropriate two letter post office abbreviation for the state.(#  S"- v ] XIf you are paying a TV translator, TV booster, broadcast auxiliary, FM translator, FM booster or a multipoint distribution service station regulatory fee, leave this block blank. (#  SZ$-Block (25) "PAYER TIN":  S%-Enter the fee payer's nine digit Taxpayer Identification Number.  Sr'-Block (26) "APPLICANT TIN":  S(-If different from payer, enter the applicant's nine digit Taxpayer Identification Number. ") ,**v/"Ԍ S-Block (27) "CERTIFICATION":  S- v XProvide the printed name and signature of an individual owner/licensee or officer attesting to the accuracy and completeness of the information supplied.(# u FCC