PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 1919 M St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 Report No. 2263 March 16, 1998 PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION AND CLARIFICATION OF ACTION IN RULEMAKING PROCEEDINGS Petitions for reconsideration and clarification have been filed in the Commission's rulemaking proceedings listed in this Public Notice and published pursuant to 47 CFR Section 1.429(e). The full text of these documents are available for viewing and copying in Room 239, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. or may be purchased from the Commission's copy contractor, ITS, Inc. (202) 857-3800. Oppositions to these petitions must be filed within 15 days of the date of public notice of the petitions in the Federal Register. See Section 1.4(b)(1) of the Commission's rules (47 CFR 1.4(b)(1). Replies to an opposition must be filed within 10 days after the time for filing oppositions has expired. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT: Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding the 37.0-38.6 GHz and 38.6-40.0 GHz Bands (ET Docket No. 95-183, RM-8553) Implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act-- Competitive Bidding, 37.0-38.6 and 38.6-40.0 GHz (PP Docket No. 93-253) FILED BY: -James J. Freeman, Attorney, for No Wire LLC on 12-04-97. -Teresa Marrero, Attorney, for BIZTEL, Inc. on 02-20-98. -Stephen D. Baruch, Attorney, for TRW Inc on 02-20-98. -Christopher R. Hardy, Vice President, Microwave and Satellite Services, for Comsearch on 03-06-98. -Marilyn S. Mense, Attorney, for Advanced RadioTelecom Corporation on 03-09-98. -E. Ashton Johnston, Attorney, for Columbia Millimeter Communications, L.P. on 03-09-98. -Andrea S. Miano, Esquire, Counsel, for James W. O'Keefe on 03-09-98. -Philip L. Verveer, Attorney, for WinStar Communications, Inc. Petitions filed in ET Docket No. 95-183 Cont'd on 03-09-98. -Walter H. Sonnenfeldt, Attorney, for AA&T Wireless Services, Cambridge Partners, Inc., Linda Chester, Hicap Networks, Inc., Paul R. Likins, PIWDevelopment Corporation, SMC Associates, Southfield Communications LLC and Wireless Telcol on 03-09-98. -Robert J. Keller, Attorney, for Bachow and Associates, Inc. and Bachow Communications, Inc. on 03-09-98. -Kimberly D. Wheeler, Attorney, for Commco, L.L.C., PLAINCOM, Inc., Sintra Capital Corporation and Eric Sterman on 03-09-98. -Russ Taylor, Counsel, for DCT Transmission, L.L.C. on 03-09-98. SUBJECT: Amendent of 73-202(b), Table of Allotments, FM Broadcast Station (Wellington, Texas) (MM Docket No. 97-104, RM- 9048) FILED BY: -Mark N. Lipp, Counsel, for Hunt Broadcasting, Inc. on 03-06-98. SUBJECT: Reallocation of Television Channels 60-69, the 746-806 MHz Band (ET Docket No. 97-157) FILED BY: -Margot Polivy, Counsel, for Achernar Broadcasting Company on 02-05-98. -Dennis P. Corbett, Attorney, for Davis Television Fairmont, LLC on 03-12-98. -Ross G. Greenberg, Attorney, for Latin Communications Group Television, Inc. and Los Cerezos Television Company on 03-12-98. -David Gray, Counsel, for ValueVision International, Inc. on 03-12-98. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -FCC-