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On a monthly  o basis, a public notice of these fee decisions is published in the FCC record.  U& iThe decisions are placed in General Docket 86285 and are   available for public inspection. A copy of the decision is also placed in the appropriate docket, if one exists.  UD iThe following Managing Director fee decisions are released for public information:  |O' M  Alexander Broadcasting Co. Request for refund of an   application fee associated with an application for a new FM station.  |Oc' ;  Denied (August 31, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 947, 949 (1987)]  |O'   ALEXCOM, L.P. Petition for waiver and refund of a filing fee  |OQ '  in connection with a petition for special relief. Denied (August 31,   1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications   Act, Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for the 1994   Fiscal Year, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5368 (1994), see also Small Systems Order, 10 FCC Rcd 7398.]  |O%' k  Alta California Broadcasting, Inc. Request for refund of  |O%' < application fee. Denied (June 23, 1998) [See 47 C.F.R. 1.1113(a)(4)]  |O*(' o  Anchor Broadcasting Co. Request for relief from the FY 1997  |O('regulatory fee. Granted (August 5, 1998)  yO*' P+,,,XX*eg!X  %_ ! h Ԍ |O '  Arcey Broadcasting, Inc. Request for refund of regulatory fees.  |Ok ' Denied (August 19, 1998)  |O '   Ariel Broadcasting, Inc. Request for reduction of 1997  |O ' ^ regulatory fee for WAOCAM at St. Augustine, FL. Dismissed  / (July 16, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994),   reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995) ; see also 10 FCC Rcd at 127612762.]  |O|'   Barth, Kevin and Diane Request for refund of filing fee  |OG'  associated with an application for a new FM station. Denied   (August 5, 1998) [See Notice of Proposed Rulemaking:   Implementation of Section 309 (j) of the Communications Act   Competitive Bidding for Commercial Broadcast and Instructional   Television Fixed Service Licenses, 12 FCC Rcd 22363, 2236970 (1997)]  |O' H  Berkley Broadcasting Corp. Request for a reduction of 1997  |O'  regulatory fee for WMCJAM at Monks Corner, SC. Denied   (August 19, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |Ox'   B. D. Thornton Request for review of 1997 regulatory fee for  |OC' D KMAMAM and KMOEFM at Butler, MO. Replied (July 16,   1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications   Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O.!'   Bob Mark Allen Productions Request for waiver or reduction  |O!' . of FY 1997 regulatory fee for KJIMAM at Dennison, TX. Denied   (August 10, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O%'   BOMAR Broadcasting Company, Inc. Request for reduction  |O&'  of FY 1997 regulatory fee for WGOMAM at Marion, IN. Denied  @ (July 16, 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. Para 73.21; Assessment and   Collection of Regulatory Fee for Fiscal 1997, FCC 97215, 4756 (1997)] b+,,,XX7+$,2 v ,,XXeg!X  %_ ! h Ԍ |O' x  Brian Edward Power Request for refund of application fee.  |O' Denied (June 23, 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. 1.1113(a)(4)]  |O^'   Calvary Communications, Inc. Request for waiver of 1997  |O)'  regulatory fee for WPESAM at Ashland, VA. Granted (June 2,   1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications   Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O' U  Carver, Dwight Request for a review of the FY 1997 regulatory  |O' k fee assessed to KELIFM Dismissed (August 19,1998) [See 47 C.F.R. PARA 1.41 & 405]  |O: '   Chancellor Media Corporation Request for refund of the FY  @ 1997 regulatory fee for WOLLFM, WRABFM, WBILFM,  |O ' Q WGBBAM WHFMFM and seven auxiliary stations. Granted (August 19, 1998)  |O(' 3  Coleman, Chester P. Request for refund of a filing fee.  |O' Granted (August 10, 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. 1.1113(a)]  |O'   Colon Radio Corporation Request for deferment and reduction  t of the FY 1997 regulatory fee for WHOYAM at Salinas, PR.  |O' !  Dismissed (August 5, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of   the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994),  k reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995), see also 10 FCC Rcd at 127612762]  |O'   Colorado Communications Corp. Request for reduction of FY  |O' t 1997 regulatory fee for KBNOAM at Denver, CO. Granted   (August 6, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O'   Colonial Broadcasting of Crewe, Inc. Request for  D reconsideration of the FY 1997 regulatory fee for WSVSAM at  |OM'  Crewe, VA. Denied (August 6, 1998) [See Implementation of   Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346  k (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995), see also 10 FCC Rcd at 127612762.]  |O8 '   Concord Area Broadcasting Request for waiver of FY 1997  |O!' U regulatory fee for KRHTAM at Concord, CA. Dismissed (August   10, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5345 para 34 (1994)]  |O&$'   Cox Broadcast Group, Inc. Request for waiver of FY 1997   regulatory fee for WCGAAM at St. Simons Island, GA.  |O%' |  Dismissed (August 19, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5345 para 34 (1994)] "(P1l*l*'"Ԍ |O' %  Dabney Adamson Broadcasting, Inc. Request for waiver of FY   1997 regulatory fee for WDABAM at Travelers Rest, SC.  |O'   Granted (July 6, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O' o  Delta Radio, Inc. Request for waiver of FY 1997 regulatory fee   for WDLTFM at Cleveland, MS WOHTFM at Drew, MS and  |OI' ; KDTLFM at Lake Village, AR. Dismissed (August 6, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC   Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O4 '   Entertainment Network, Inc. Request for reduction or waiver   of the FY 1997 regulatory fee for KTOZAM at Springfield, MO.  |O ' !  Dismissed (August 5, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of   the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994),  k reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995), see also 10 FCC Rcd at 127612762.]  |O'   Fayette County Broadcasting Request for waiver of the FY  |O}' k 1997 regulatory fee for WSTNAM at Somerville, TN. Granted   (August 10, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |Oh'   Fritz Communications, Inc. Request for refund of FY 1997   regulatory fees for WKYGAM and WXKXFM at Parkersburg,  |O'WV. Granted (August 10, 1998)  |O'   Garden Isle Cablevision, LP Request for refund of FY 1997  |OY' k regulatory fee for call sign H10111 at Kauai, HI. Granted (July 14, 1998)  |O' |  Gerardi Broadcasting Corporation Request for refund of FY  |O' & 1997 regulatory fee for WINYAM at Putnam, CT. Denied (August 6, 1998)  |O' f  Glacier Communications, Inc. Request for refund of application  |O'fees. Denied (June 30, 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. 1.1113]  |O8 ' %  Great Trails Broadcasting Corporation Request for reduction  ! of FY 1997 regulatory fee and for reconsideration of a letter ruling  |O!'  dated July 30, 1997 for WHAGTV at Hagerstown, MD. Granted (June 2, 1998)  |O&$'   Greenacres TV Cable Request for reconsideration of a denial of  Q a prior request for waiver of the FY 1997 regulatory fee filed on  |O%'  behalf of Greenacres TV Cable at Coos Bay, OR. Denied (August 5, 1998) H(P1l*l*'$)II "l*l*HԌ |O'   Guglielmi, Calais Request for waiver and refund of FY 1997  |O'  regulatory fee for low power television station W23AD. Denied (August 6, 1998)  |O&' D  GWI PCS1, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O'   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |Ol ' Q  GWI PCS2, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O7 '   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  yO'  |O' Q GWI PCS3, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O}'   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |O' Q  GWI PCS4, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O'   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |O>' Q  GWI PCS5, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O '   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |O"' Q  GWI PCS6, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |OO#'   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)] ")P1l*l*R("Ԍ |O' Q  GWI PCS7, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O'   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |OF' Q  GWI PCS8, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O'   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |O ' Q  GWI PCS9, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |OW '   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |O'   GWI PCS10, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O'   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |O'   GWI PCS11, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O'   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |O^'   GWI PCS12, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O) '   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)] H)P1l*l*_($Z*mszsKl*l*HԌ |O'   GWI PCS13, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O'   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |OF'   GWI PCS14, Inc. Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O'   Granted (June 30, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus  D Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273   (1990); see also Establishment of a Fee Collection Program to  k Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, 5 FCC Rcd 3558, 357273 (1990)]  |O '   Halloran Broadcasting Request for waiver of FY 1994 and  * 1995 regulatory fee for KRPXAM and KPRQFM at Price, UT.  |O' |  Denied (August 25, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994)]  |Oz' *  H & B Broadcasting, Inc. Request for waiver of FY 1997  |OE' k regulatory fee for WZGOFM at Portage, PA. Granted (July 17,   1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications   Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), Reconsideration Granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O0' f  HammerWilliams Broadcasting, Inc. Request for reduction of  |O'  FY 1997 regulatory fee for KGWAAM at Enid, OK. Granted (August 6, 1998)  |OV'   Harrison Broadcasting Corporation Request for a review and   determination of the 1997 regulatory fee for KHOZAM/FM at  |O'Harrison, AR. Replied (July 17, 1998)  |O|'   Hemmer Broadcasting Co. Protest of the proposed 1998  |OG'regulatory fee increase. Replied (August 19, 1998)  |O'   Hill, Eugene and Joy Request for refund of filing fee associated  |O'  with an application for a new FM station. Denied (August 5, 1998)   [See Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Implementation of Section   309 (j) of the Communications Act Competitive Bidding for   Commercial Broadcast and Instructional Television Fixed Service Licenses, 12 FCC Rcd 22363, 2236970 (1997)]  |OX#' b  IMPSAT USA, Inc . Request for waiver and refund of filing fee.  |O#$'   Granted (June 22, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection  b Program to Implement the Provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus   Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 947, 961 (1987); see also 47 C.F.R. para. 1.1111(a) (5) and 1.1115] ")P1l*l*_("Ԍ |O'   IXE Carrier, Inc. Request for reduction and refund of a filing  |O'  fee. Denied (July 14, 1998) [See 47 U.S.C. Para 153(46); see also   Reorganization and Revisions of Parts 1,2,21 and 94 of the Rules   to Establish a New Part 101 Governing Terrestrial Microwave  y Fixed Radio Services, 10 FCC 2508 (1994) (Part 101 Reorganization)]  |O~' |  Keeton, Jon Request for reduction in the FY 1997 regulatory fee  |OI' D for WYXEAM at Gallatin, TN. Denied (August 19,1998) [See   Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 1997, FCC 97215 Para 5155 (June 26, 1997)]  |Ol '   KingBritton Radio, Inc. Request for waiver or reduction of FY  k 1997 regulatory fee for KAWWAM/FM at Herber Springs, AR.  |O '   Granted (July 14, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), Reconsideration Granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O"'   Kitsap Broadcast Group Petition for waiver of FY 1997  |O'  regulatory fee for KITZAM at Silverdale, WA. Granted (August   25, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 10 FCC Rcd 12759, 12762 Para 15 (1995)]  |O' D  KRZI, Inc. Request for waiver of FY 1997 regulatory fee for  |O' ! KRZIAM at Waco, TX and KEYRFM at Marlin, TX. Dismissed  / (July 16, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994),   Reconsideration Granted in part, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995), see also 10 FCC Rcd at 127612762.]  |O' .  La Radio Cristiana Network, Inc. Request for waiver of FY  |OY' . 1997 regulatory fee for KERBAM/FM at Kermit, TX. Dismissed   (July 9, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994),   Reconsideration Granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995) also 10 FCC Rcd at 127612762.]  |O '   Lonerock Television Company Request for waiver and refund   of application fees filed on behalf of Lonerock Television  |O'  Company. Denied (August 5, 1998) [See Assessment and   Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 1997, 12 FCC Rcd  M 17161, 17244 (1997)and Establishment of a Fee Collection   Program, 2 FCC Rcd 947, 961 (1985); see also C.F.R. Para 1.1117(b).]  |OR#'   Loral SpaceCom Corp. Request for waiver and refund of an  |O$'application fee. Granted (August 5, 1998)  |O%' ;  MAPA Broadcasting, L.L.C. Request for waiver or reduction  |O{&'  of FY 1997 regulatory fee for WSLAAM at Slidell, LA. Denied  / (July 14, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994)] H)P1l*l*_($f*88tl*l*HԌ |O'   Magnolia Broadcasting Company Request for review and  |O'reduction of the 1997 regulatory fee. Denied (June 23, 1998)  |O^'   Manteo Broadcasting, Inc. Request for refund of a hearing fee  |O)'  associated with an G%1Fapplicato G%1F application G%1F  G%1Fn  for a new FM station. Granted (August 19, 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. 1.1113(b)(4)]  yO' D Marathon Media of Montana, L.P. & American Cities  |OL' . Broadcasting, L.P. Request for a determination of liability for   FY 1997 regulatory fees for KGHLAM at Billings, MT, KIDX  |O'  FM at Billings, MT and KZMTFM at Helena, MT. Replied (August 5, 1998)  |O: ' 7  Martin, Jack and Lucinda Request for refund of filing fee  |O '  associated with an application for a new FM license. Denied   (August 5, 1998) [See Notice of Proposed Rulemaking:   Implementation of Section 309 (j) of the Communications Act   Competitive Bidding for Commercial Broadcast and Instructional   Television Fixed Service Licenses, 12 FCC Rcd 22363, 2236970 (1997)]  |O' b  Martin Communications Request for waiver and refund of FY   1997 regulatory fee for KWCOAM and KXXKFM at Chickasha,  |O' ! OK. Granted (July 14, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of   the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), Reconsideration Granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O6'   Mariner Broadcasting, Inc. Request for waiver of FY 1997  |O'  regulatory fee for WBEEAM at Harvey, IL. Denied (July 16, 1998)  |O\' %  Music Express Broadcasting Corporation Request for waiver   of FY 1997 regulatory fee for WATJAM at Chardon, OH.  |O'   Granted (August 6, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of   the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O' s  New Birth Broadcasting Corporation Request for waiver of FY  |O'  1997 regulatory fee for WMBM at Miami, FL. Dismissed (July   16, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5345 Para 34 (1994) ]  |O!' Y  Nikiski Communications, I nc. Request for refund of application  |O!'fees. Denied (June 23, 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. 1.1113(a)(4)]  |O^#'   Orbital Communications Corporation Request for reduction of  |O)$' I FY 1997 regulatory fee Denied (August 31, 1998) [See   Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 1997, FCC 97215, Para 7375 (June 26, 1997)]  |OL''   Ottumwa Area Translator System, Inc. Request for refund of  |O(' Q FY 1994, 1995 and 1996 regulatory fees. Granted (August 10, 1998) [See 47 U.S.C. Para 159 (h)."(P1l*l*'"Ԍ |O' o ԙ Pan Caribbean Broadcasting Corp. Petition for reduction of  |O'  FY 1997 regulatory fees. Denied (July 10, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5344 para 29 (1994).]  |O'   Pears Broadcasting, Inc. Request for reduction of FY 1997  |O'  regulatory fee for KAQYTV at Columbia, LA. Granted (August 5, 1998)  |O' ;  Pike, John W. Request for waiver of FY 1997 regulatory fee for  |O'  FM Translator Station W240AJ. Granted (August 10, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, FCC 95 257 Para. 16 (June 15, 1995)]  |O ' o  Pinwheel, Inc. Request for waiver of FY 1997 regulatory fee for  |O 'KWED at Seguin, TX. Denied (July 17, 1998)  |O` '   Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc. Request for refund of a  |O+'  filing fee. Granted (August 5, 1998) [See 47 C.F.R. Para 1.1109(d)]  |O' x  Price, L. K. Request for waiver of FY 1996 regulatory fee for  |OQ'  WKXQFM at Rushville, IL. Dismissed (July 16, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC  D Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), Reconsideration Granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O<' |  Quality Broadcasting Corporation Request for waiver of FY  |O'  1997 regulatory fee for KWYZAM at Everett, WA. Granted   (July 9, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, FCC 95257 Para. 15 (June 15, 1995)]  |O*' s  Radio Broadcasters Association of Puerto Rico Request for a   declaratory ruling, deferment and waiver of the increase in  |O'  regulatory fees for FY 1997. Denied (August 5, 1998) [See 47   U.S.C. Para 159(d); 47 C.F.R. Para 1.1166, see also Establishment   of a Fee Collection Program 2 FCC Rcd 947, 961 Para 8788 (1987)]  |O' Z  Radio Station KEWI Request for reduction of FY 1997  |Os'  regulatory fee for KEWIAM at Benton, AR. Denied (July 10, 1998)  |O!'   Radio Station WZZZ Request for review of FY 1997 regulatory  |O"'  fee for WZZZAM at Fulton, NY. Denied (July 10, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC  D Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), Reconsideration Granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995), see also 10 FCC Rcd at 127612762.]  |O&'   RAYDOBiz, Inc. Request for reduction of FY 1997 regulatory  |OO''  fee for WGAIAM at Elizabeth City, NC. Dismissed (July 14, 1998)] H(P1l*l*'$)&3l*l*HԌ |O'   RGB Communications, Inc. Request for waiver of FY 1997  |O' t regulatory fee for KAEHAM at Beaumont, CA. Dismissed   (August 5, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5345 para 34 (1994]  |O' !  Rifkin & Associates Request for waiver of the penalty for late  |O'  payment of the FY 1997 regulatory fee. Granted (August 25, 1998)  |O'   Savoy Broadcasting Company Request for waiver of FY 1997  |O' . regulatory fee for KYROAM at Potosi, MO. Dismissed (June 29,   1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications   Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), Reconsideration Granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O '   Seven Ranges Radio Co., Inc. Request for reduction of FY  |O '  1997 regulatory fee for WVVWAM at St. Mary's, WV. Granted  I (June 29, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |O'   Sheboygan Broadcasting ĩ Petition for reduction of reduction of  |OK' H FY 1997 regulatory fee for WCNZAM at Sheboygan, WI. Denied (August 19, 1998)  |O'   Schultz, Frank A. Request for waiver of FY 1997 regulatory fee  |Oq'  for FM Translator Station K278AE. Granted (July 16, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications FCC 95257 Para 16 June 22, 1995.]  |O'   Space Systems License, Inc. Request for fee determination,  |O_'  waiver and partial refund of application fees. Granted (June 17,   1998) [See 47 U. S. C. 158(g)(22) & Amendment of the Schedule of Application fee Section 1.11025 9 FCC Rcd 7005 (1994)]  |O' Z  Starview Media, Inc. Request for refund of filing fee in  |OM'  connection with its request to change its call sign. Denied (August  k 5, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee Collection Program 2 FCC  7 Rcd 947, 949 (1987), reconsideration denied, 3 FCC Rcd 5987 (1988)]  |O8 ' b  Stratcom, Ltd. Petition to defer payment of FY 1997 regulatory   filed on behalf of Thomas A. Aceituno, Trustee for the bankruptcy   estate of Stratcom, Ltd licensee of KPCOAM at Quincy, CA and  |O"'  KBNFFM at Chester, CA. Granted (August 6, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act,10 FCC Rcd 12759, 12762 para 14 (1995)]  |L$'  |O%'   T. C. Broadcasting, Inc . Request for waiver and refund of a  |O&'  filing fee. Denied (July 16, 1998) [See Establishment of a Fee   Collection Program to Implement the Provisions of the  H Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 2 FCC Rcd 947, 949 (1987)] ")P1l*l*_("Ԍ |O' 2  Television Reception District #2 Request for exemption of FY  |O'1997 regulatory fee. Determined (July 16, 1998)  |O^'   Torrecillas Broadcasting Corporation Request for deferment   and reduction of FY 1997 regulatory fee for WOLAAM at  |O'  Barranquitas, PR. Dismissed (August 6, 1998) [See Implementation   of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346  k (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995), see also 10 FCC Rcd at 127612762]  |O' b  TriCounty TV Booster Club, Inc. Request for waiver of FY   1997 regulatory fee for TriCounty TV Booster Club, Inc owner of  |Oo ' b Television Translator Stations in the Hiawassee, GA area. Granted   (July 6, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act FCC 95257, Para 16 (June 15,1995)]  |O ' .  VI Stereo Communications Corp. Request for waiver of FY   1997 regulatory fee for WVISFM at Christiansted, St. Croix, VI.  |O%'   Granted (August 31, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act FCC 95257, Para 15 (June 22, 1995)]  |O' x  WECC Request for reconsideration of FY 1997 regulatory fee  |OK'  for WECCAM at St. Mary's, GA. Dismissed (August 10, 1998)   [See 47 U.S.C. para 159(h); see also Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  |On' b  Withers, W. Russell Request for a review and determination of  |O9'  the 1997 regulatory fee for WRXXFM at Centralia, IL. Replied (August 31, 1998)  |O' D  WJMS Request for reduction of the FY 1997 regulatory fee for  |O_'WJMSAM at Ironwood, MI. Denied (August 10, 1998)  |O'   WKTX Request for waiver of FY 1997 regulatory fee for  |O'  WKTXAM at Cortland, OH. Granted (July 6, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC   Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  yO'  |O' ;  Woodcom, Inc. Request for refund of filing fee associated with  |Os' o an application for a new TV license. Denied (August 5, 1998) [See  o Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Implementation of Section 309 (j)   of the Communications Act Competitive Bidding for   Commercial Broadcast and Instructional Television Fixed Service Licenses, 12 FCC Rcd 22363, 2236970 (1997)]  |O&$'   Woodcom, Inc. Request for refund of application fees associated  |O$' . with an application for a new FM station. Denied (June 30, 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. 1.1113(a)(4)]  |OL''   Word of God Fellowship, Inc. Petition for reconsideration  |O(' Denied (June 17, 1998) [See C. F. R. para. 1.1116, 1.1112] H(P1l*l*'$l*!l*l*HԌ |O'   WQSE Request for waiver or reduction of FY 1997 regulatory  |O' 7 fee for WQSEAM at White Bluff, TN. Dismissed (August 10,   1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5345 para 34 (1994)]  |O'   WSER Request for waiver of FY 1997 regulatory fee and the   25% late payment penalty for WSERAM at Elkton, MD.  |O' !  Dismissed (August 6, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5345 para 34 (1994)]  |O'   WSPQ Request for waiver of 1997 regulatory fee for WSPQ |O' } AM at Springville, NY. Dismissed (July 16, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5345 para 34 (1994)]  |O '   Wright Home, Inc. Request for waiver of FY 1997 regulatory  |O ' g fee for KTNLTV at Sitka, AK. Denied (July 16, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC   Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted in part, FCC 95257, released July 22, 1995]  |O'    WRKN Request for review of FY 1997 regulatory fee for  |OK'WRKNAM at Brandon, MS. Dismissed (July 9, 1998)  |O'   WVRB, INC. Request for waiver of FY 1997 regulatory fee for  |O' 7 WASNAM at Campbell, OH. Granted (August 31, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act FCC 95 257, Para 15 (June 22, 1995)]  |O'   WWSJ Request for waiver of FY 1997 regulatory fee for  |O' g WWSJAM at St. Johns, MI. Dismissed (July 6, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC   Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995) see also 10 FCC Rcd at 127612762.]  |L'  c NOTE: ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS REPORT  * SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE PREPARER, CLAUDETTE  |L'PRIDE, CHIEF, FEE SECTION ON (202) 4181995.#Xn4  pG; dX#