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On a monthly  . basis, a public notice of these fee decisions is published in the FCC record.  U iThe decisions are placed in General Docket 86285 and are   available for public inspection. A copy of the decision is also placed in the appropriate docket, if one exists.  U iThe following Managing Director fee decisions are released for public information:  yO' U  670, Inc. Request for waiver and reduction of 1997 regulatory fee  yO'   for WTNN at Farragut, TN. Dismissed (April 9, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994).]  yO'   American Radio Systems License Corp. Request for refund of  yO'  an application fee for WMYFAM at Exeter, NH. Granted (April   17, 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. Para. 1.1109 (d) see also Fee Decisions   of the Managing Director (PBR Communications Systems, Inc.), 6 FCC Rcd 7057, 7076 (1991).]  yOi#'   ARS Acquisition II, Inc. Request for refund of an application  yO1$'  fee for KKMJFM at Austin, TX. Granted (April 9, 1998) [See   47 C. F. R. Para. 1.1109 (d) see also Decisions of the Managing   Director (PBR Communications Systems, Inc.), 6 FCC Rcd 7057, 7076 (1991).]  yO('   Fayette County Broadcasting Request for waiver of 1997  yO('  regulatory fee for WSTNAM at Somerville, TN Dismissed (April  ^ 9, 1998) [See implementation of Section 9 of the Communications   Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10  ,, FCC Rcd 12759 (1995).]9+,,,XX*eg!^X VWv3%_ !hVt PRFVFԌ yO '  ԙ Gopher Communications Co. Request for reduction of 1997  yOh '  regulatory fee for KROXAM at Crookston, MN Denied (April 17,  7 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. Para. 73.21; Assessment and Collection of   Regulatory Fee for Fiscal 1997, FCC 97215 Para. 47 56, released June 26, 1977.]  yOP'   Hammond Broadcasting, Inc. Request for waiver of 1997  yO'  regulatory fee for WYGHAM at Paris, KY. Dismissed (April 17,   1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications   Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995).]  yO'   King of Kings Broadcasting, Request for reduction of 1997  yO' H regulatory fee for KKLLAM at Webb City, MO. Dismissed (April   17, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications   Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10   FCC Rcd 12759 (1995) also 10 FCC Rcd at 1276162 Para. 1213.]  yOx'   KITA, Inc., Request for reduction of 1997 regulatory fee for  yO@'KITAAM at Little Rock, AR. Dismissed (April 30, 1998)  yO' Q  Kramer Broadcasting, Inc., Request for reduction of 1997  yO'  regulatory fee for WPDRAM at Portage , WI. Denied (April 10, 1998)  yO'   Lockheed Martin Corporation Request for a fee determination,  yO'  waiver and/or partial refund of an application fee. Decided (April 29, 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. Para. 1.1107 (9) (d).]  yO!'   Meridian Communications Company, Request for a refund of  & 1996 regulatory fee for Channel 34 at Lake Havasu City, AZ.  yO"' Granted (April 29, 1998)  yO0$'   NFO, Inc. , Request for reduction of 1997 regulatory fee for  yO$'  KMRNAM at Cameron, MO. Denied (April 17, 1998) [See   Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC   Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995) also 10 FCC Rcd at 1276162 Para. 1213.]  yO('   Robert A. Ostrowski, Request for waiver of regulatory fees.  yO)' Granted (April 12, 1998) 8+,,,XX*$,  ,,XXeg!^X VWv3%_ !hVt PRFVFԌ yO'    Platinum Broadcasting Co., Inc., Request for reduction of 1997  yO'  regulatory fee for KJCKAM at Junction City, KS . Denied (April 30, 1998)  yO' M  The Promise Partnership., Request for waiver of 1997  yO' ! regulatory fee for WWXLAM at Manchester, KY. Granted (April   10, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9 FCC 95257 Para. 15 (June 15, 1995)]  yO' H  Radio Ranch, Inc., Request for reduction of 1997 regulatory fee  yO'for KRNHFM at Kerrville, TX. Denied (April 15, 1998)  yO( '   Ragland Broadcasting Corp., Inc., Request for reduction of  yO ' 7 1997 regulatory fee for KCGSAM at Marshall, AR. Dismissed   (April 17, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995)]  yO'   Rondinaro Enterprises, Inc., Request for reduction of 1997  yO'  regulatory fee for WECRAM at Banner Elk, NC. Denied (April 10, 1998)  yO' H  Runnymeade, Inc., Request for reduction of 1997 regulatory fee  yO'for WHTHAM at Heath, OH. Denied (April 10, 1998)  yOP' Y  Trinity River Valley Broadcasting Co., Inc., Request for relief  yO'  of 1997 regulatory fee for KSHNAM at Liberty, TX. Dismissed   (April 17, 1998) [See Implementation of Section 9 of the   Communications Act, 9 FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994),  t reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995) see also 10 FCC Rcd at 12761761 Para. 1213.]  yO'   Wagenvoord Adverting Group, Inc. Request for refund of a  yO'  filing fee for WTANAM at Clearwater, FL. Granted (April 30, 1998) [See 47 C. F. R. Para. 1.1109 (d)]  yO'   WMCJAM Request for reduction of 1997 regulatory fee for  yO' 7 WMCJAM at Moncks Corner, SC. Dismissed (April 17, 1998)   [See Implementation of Section 9 of the Communications Act, 9  D FCC Rcd 5333, 5346 (1994), reconsideration granted, 10 FCC Rcd 12759 (1995) see also 10 FCC Rcd at 12761761 Para. 1213.]  yO!' g  WTL, Inc. Petition for reduction of 1997 regulatory fee for  yO`"'WMDHAM at New Castle, IN. Denied (April 10, 1998)   NOTE: ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS REPORT  Z SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE PREPARER, CLAUDETTE  yO%'PRIDE, CHIEF, FEE SECTION ON (202)4181995.#Xn4  pG;X#