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X{'JServed d<  X'  AM  Class  Xd'# A M  X'  AM  Class  Xd'd B M  X'>< AM 7Class  Xd'FC M  X' AM xFClass  Xd'D M X' FM ' Classes  Xd'yA, B1 & C3 M X'0 FM #Classes B, C, C1  XM',M& C2 (,  q   ( &_&  X'_X <=20,000 _ $400_H $300_H$200_$250_$300_H$400(q  q  6( X/'1M 20,001 50,000 _ $750_H $600_H$300_$400_$600_H$750(q  q  ( X'( 50,001 125,000 _v $1,250_H $800_H$400_$600_$800_>$1,250(q  q  ( X' 125,001 400,000 _v $1,750_ $1,250_H$600_$750_j$1,250_>$1,750(q  q  ( X' 400,001 1,000,000 k_v $2,500k_ $2,000k_>$1,000k_B$1,250k_j$2,000k_>$2,500(q        ( &_&  X'R >1,000,000  v $4,000  $3,250 >$1,500 B$2,000 j$3,250 >$4,000    k 38. As can be seen from the above chart, the same class stations in different size cities generally have different fees, with stations serving larger populations paying higher fees. In addition, different class stations in the same city generally have different fees, with stations which provide a higher class of service paying higher fees. The same class stations in the same city will have the same fee. Thus, the adopted fee schedule achieves the objectives of assessing fees based on class of station and populations served, thereby providing a fair and equitable means of distinguishing between stations located in metropolitan areas and in rural areas. 39. Moreover, if a licensee believes that it has been improperly placed in a particular fee classification group or that it will suffer undue financial hardship from the fee assessment, our rules provide for waiver, reduction or  X(4deferral of a fee as described in 1.1166 of our rules. See 47 CFR 1.1166. "( X .F,F,'"Ԍ40. We also agree with the NAB that the fee schedule should reflect the total number of nonexempt operating stations. We have identified those licensees who have not paid their regulatory fees and have requested that they pay the fee or submit evidence establishing that they have paid their fee or are entitled to an exemption from the  X4regulatory fee. In addition, in Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 1997, FCC 97384, adopted October 17, 1997, we required licensees to submit evidence of their nonprofit status. For FY 1998, we have made adjustments to the number of licensees subject to fee payment based on responses received pertaining to nonprofit status. Further, for FY 1999, we will consider the number of licensees who have paid their fees, as adjusted to account for licensees that have established their exempt status, and to account for responses to our letters requesting fee payments. Moreover, it is our intention to follow up on the FY 1998 fee payments to again identify and collect fees from those licensees that have not paid their fees and to further adjust and perfect our station counts. 41. The Commission will again inform radio station licensees of their exact fee obligation. A Public Notice listing each station's call letters, location, population, and the required fee will be mailed to each licensee. The same information will also be available at our internet web site (http://www.fcc.gov). Interested parties may also obtain their applicable fee amount for FY 1998 by calling the FCC's National Call Center at 18882255322. We have  X4also provided detailed payment information for each radio station as Attachment L to this Report and Order.  Xb' b. CMRS  X4442. In the NPRM, we proposed for FY 1998 fees of $.29 per unit for the CMRS Mobile Service and $.04 per unit for the CMRS Messaging Service. In addition, we sought comment on how best to assign the various CMRS services between the two fee categories. For FY 1997, licensees authorized for operation on broadband spectrum were subject to payment of the CMRS Mobile Service fee and licensees authorized for operation on narrowband spectrum were subject to payment of the CMRS Messaging fee without regard to the nature of the services actually offered. We invited interested parties to comment on our proposal to continue the FY 1998 fee structure, and we specifically invited comments on whether licensees in the 900 MHZ Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) Service were properly included in the CMRS Mobile fee category. Further, we tentatively proposed to include the Wireless Communications Service in the CMRS Wireless fee category. 43. Several interested parties filed comments, in particular, concerning the demarcation between the CMRS Mobile and CMRS Messaging fee categories. SBC Communications Inc. (SBC) urges us to adopt only a single CMRS fee covering all CMRS services contending that both Congress and the Commission intended in establishing SMRS to create regulatory symmetry among the CMRS services and, thereby, avoid any competitive advantage to"  .F,F,}"  X4narrowband PCS and SMR Services over Cellular and broadband PCS.X0Í,,X0ÍÍ,,s  y<LX` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:1,000,000 population=$4,000  X:&42.:AM Class B :  X (4:<=20,000 population=$ 300  X(4:20,00150,000 population=$ 750Ƭ&  X)4:50,001125,000 population=$ 800  X*4:125,001400,000 population=$1,250"*$.F,F,("Ԍ X4:400,0011,000,000 population=$2,000  X4:>1,000,000 population=$3,250  X43.:AM Class C  Xv4:<=20,000 population=$ 200Ƭ&  X_4:20,00150,000 population=$ 300  XH4:50,001125,000 population=$ 400  X14:125,001400,000 population=$ 600  X 4:400,0011,000,000 population=$1,000  X 4:>1,000,000 population=$1,500  X 44.:AM Class D  X 4:<=20,000 population=$ 250  X4:20,00150,000 population=$ 400  Xy4:50,001125,000 population=$ 600  Xb4:125,001400,000 population=$ 750  XK4:400,0011,000,000 population=$1,250  X44:>1,000,000 population=$2,000  X45.:AM Construction Permit=$ 235  X46.:FM Classes A, B1 and C3  X4:<=20,000 population=$ 300  X4:20,00150,000 population=$ 600  X|4:50,001125,000 population=$ 800  Xe4:125,001400,000 population=$1,250  XN4:400,0011,000,000 population=$2,000  X74:>1,000,000 population=$3,250 " %.F,F,"  X47.:FM Classes B, C, C1 and C2  X4:<=20,000 population=$ 400  X4:20,00150,000 population=$ 750  X4:50,001125,000 population=$1,250  X4:125,001400,000 population=$1,750  Xv4:400,0011,000,000 population=$2,500  X_4:>1,000,000 population=$4,000  X148.:FM Construction Permits=$1,150  X ' TV (47 CFR, Part 73)  X 'VHF Commercial  X 41.:Markets 1 thru 10=$37,575DDFCC, TV Branch  X42.:Markets 11 thru 25=$31,275DDP.O. Box 358835  Xy43.:Markets 26 thru 50=$21,400DDPittsburgh, PA  Xb44.:Markets 51 thru 100=$11,975 DD152515835  XK45.:Remaining Markets=$ 3,100  X446.:Construction Permits=$ 2,525  X' UHF Commercial  X41.:Markets 1 thru 10=$14,175DDFCC, UHF Commercial  X42.:Markets 11 thru 25=$10,725DDP.O. Box 358835  X43.:Markets 26 thru 50=$ 6,650DDPittsburgh, PA  X44.:Markets 51 thru 100=$ 3,975DD152515835  X|45.:Remaining Markets=$ 1,075DD  Xe46.:Construction Permits=$ 2,650  XN'  X7'Satellite UHF/VHF Commercial  X 41.:All Markets=$1,175DDFCC Satellite TV  X42.:Construction Permits=$ 420DDP.O. Box 358835 :=DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515835  X"4 Low Power TV, TV/FM= $ 265DDFCC, Low Power  X#4 Translator,& TV/FM Booster =DDP.O. Box 358835  Xh$4 (47 CFR, Part 74) =DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515835  X#'' "#'&.F,F,F%"  X4Broadcast Auxiliary =$ 11DDFCC, Auxiliary :=DDP.O. Box 358835 :=DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515835  X4 Multipoint Distribution= $ 260DDFCC, Multipoint :=DDP.O. Box 358835 :=DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515835  X 44.: Sec. 1.1154 is revised to read as follows:  X '  1.1154 Schedule of annual regulatory charges and filing locations for common carrier services.  X '  X ' Radio Facilities=Fee AmountDDAddress  X41.:Microwave (Domestic Public Fixed)=$12DDFCC, Common Carrier :=DDP.O. Box 358680 :=DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515680  X' Carriers  X41.:Interstate Telephone Service Providers=$ .0011DDFCC, Carriers  X4:(per dollar contributed to =DDP.O. Box 358835LLA  X4:TRS Fund)=DDPittsburgh, PA  X|45.: Sec. 1.1155 is revised to read as follows:  XN4  1.1155 Schedule of regulatory fees and filing locations for cable television services.  X7':=Fee AmountDDAddress  X 41.:Cable Antenna Relay Service=$50DDFCC, Cable  X42.:Cable TV System=$ .44DDP.O. Box 358835  X4:(per subscriber)= DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515835 6. Section 1.1156 is revised to read as follows: "#'.F,F,!"  X'  1.1156 Schedule of regulatory fees and filing locations for international services.   X' Radio Facilities=Fee AmountDDAddress  X41.:International (HF) =$475DDFCC, International  X4:Broadcast=DDP.O. Box 358835 :=DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515835  X142.:International Public =$375DDFCC, International  X 4:Fixed=DDP.O. Box 358835 :=DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515835  X 4 Space Stations =$119,000DDFCC, Space Stations  X 4 (Geostationary Orbit) =DDP.O. Box 358835 :=DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515835  XK4 Space Stations =$164,800DDFCC, Space Stations  X44 (NonGeostationary Orbit) =DDP.O. Box 358835 :=DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515835  X4 Earth Stations =$165DDFCC, Earth Station  X4Transmit/Receive & =DDP.O. Box 358835  X4Transmit Only (per authorization or registration)DDPittsburgh, PA :=DD152515835  Xe' Carriers  XN4  X741.:International Bearer Circuits=$ 6.00DDFCC, InternationalLLA  X 4:(per active 64KB=DDP.O. Box 358835  X 4 :circuit or equivalent) =DDPittsburgh, PA  X4:=DD152515835 "(.F,F,x"  X'`!&Attachment A ă  X'  FINAL REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ANALYSIS Đ,  X41. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA),S yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:P#Í 1992 Economic Census Industry and Enterprise Receipts Size Report, Table 2D, SIC code 4841 (U.S. Bureau of the Census data under contract to the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration).  6. The Commission has developed its own definition of a small cable system operator for the purposes of rate regulation. Under the Commission's rules, a "small cable company" is one serving fewer than 400,000 subscribers  X44nationwide.&4`  yOE'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:8  yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8: According  X 4to the most recent Telecommunications Industry Revenue data, 143 carriers reported that they were engaged in the  X 4provision of interexchange services.O9 x yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:: yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8: According to the most recent Telecommunications Industry Revenue data, 109 carriers reported that  X4they were engaged in the provision of competitive access services.O; yOO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:<N(  yO'''Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8: According to  X74the most recent Telecommunications Industry Revenue data, 27 carriers reported that they were engaged in the  X 4provision of operator services.O=   yO*'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:>v yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8: According to the most  X_4recent Telecommunications Industry Revenue data, 441 carriers reported that they were engaged in the provision of  XH4pay telephone services.O?HX yOQ 'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:@ yO)'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8: According to the most  Xy4recent Telecommunications Industry Revenue data, 339 reported that they were engaged in the resale of telephone  Xb4service.OAbx yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:#" stations that would constitute a small business under the SBA definition.  X429. Space Stations (Geostationary). Commission records reveal that there are 46 space station licensees. We do not request nor collect annual revenue information, and thus are unable to estimate of the number of geostationary space stations that would constitute a small business under the SBA definition.  Xv430. Space Stations (NonGeostationary). There are six NonGeostationary Space Station licensees, of which only two systems are operational. We do not request nor collect annual revenue information, and thus are unable to estimate of the number of nongeostationary space stations that would constitute a small business under the SBA definition. " 0G.F,F,"  X431. Direct Broadcast Satellites. Because DBS provides subscription services, DBS falls within the SBA X4recognized definition of "Cable and Other Pay Television Services.">H yOb'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8: This definition provides that a small entity is  X4one with $11.0 million or less in annual receipts.>IX yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8: As of December 1996, there were eight DBS licensees. However, the Commission does not collect annual revenue data for DBS and, therefore, is unable to ascertain the number of small DBS licensees that could be impacted by these proposed rules. Although DBS service requires a great investment of capital for operation, there are several new entrants in this field that may not yet have generated $11 million in annual receipts, and therefore may be categorized as small businesses, if independently owned and operated.  X1' MASS MEDIA SERVICES  X 432. Commercial Radio and Television Services. The proposed rules and policies will apply to television  X 4broadcasting licensees and radio broadcasting licensees.qJ   yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:K  yOB'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8: Television broadcasting stations consist of establishments primarily engaged in broadcasting visual programs by television to the public, except cable and other  X 4pay television services.1Ld L  yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:;N yO 'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8: A radio broadcasting station is an establishment primarily engaged in  Xv4broadcasting aural programs by radio to the public.\<v yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:H  yO'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:*'Xr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:470 MHZBase, SMRS) -4,645 10 h5 z232,250"225,691"  " Private Microwave_ -3,830 _ 10 _ L10 _ z383,000_ "372,184"  " Domestic Public Fixed/Comc'l Microwave!-5,150 !10 !\10!z515,000!"500,456"  _ " IVDS!?C0 !0 !h5 !40!#0"  !" Marine (Ship)"(G16,500 "5 "L10 "z825,000""801,702"  !" GMRS/Other LMS#(G72,465 S#5 S#h5 S#&1,811,625S#K"1,760,465"  "" Aviation (Aircraft)$-3,500 $5 $L10 $z175,000$"170,058"  S#" Marine (Coast)$-1,370 $5 $h5 $34,250$"33,283"  $" Aviation (Ground)%-1,865 %5 %h5 %46,625%"45,308"  $" Amateur Vanity Call SignsG&(G10,000 G&5 G&L10 G&z500,000G&"485,880"  %" AM/FM Radio'-8,646 'r1,126 'h1 '&9,735,396'K"9,460,469"  G&" AM Construction Permits': 62 'zT195 'h1 '12,090'"11,749"  '" FM Construction Permits~(5473 ~(zT950 ~(h1 ~(z449,350~("436,660"'< s.F,F,%%""  '" Satellite TV5105 zT950 h1 99,750"96,933"  " Satellite TV Construction Permitz: 10 zzT345 zh1 z"3,450z#3,353"  " VHF Markets 1107: 42 7m35,025 7h1 7&1,471,0507K"1,429,508"  z" VHF Markets 1125: 61 m28,450 h1 &1,735,450K"1,686,441"  7" VHF Markets 2650: 71 m18,600 h1 &1,320,600K"1,283,306"  " VHF Markets 51100n5118 nr9,850 nh1 n&1,162,300nK"1,129,477"  " VHF Remaining Markets +5207 +r2,725 +h1 +z564,075+"548,146"  n" VHF Construction Permits: 10 r4,800 h1 48,000"46,644"  +" UHF Markets 110: 94 m16,850 h1 &1,583,900K"1,539,171"  " UHF Markets 1125b: 96 bm13,475 bh1 b&1,293,600bK"1,257,069"  " UHF Markets 26505124 r8,750 h1 &1,085,000K"1,054,360"  b" UHF Markets 511005172 r4,725 h1 z812,700"789,749"  " UHF Remaining Markets  5182  r1,350  h1  z245,700 "238,761"  " UHF Construction PermitsV : 50 V r2,975 V h1 V z148,750V "144,549"   " Auxiliaries (G20,000  25  h1  z500,000 "485,880"  V " International HF Broadcast ?C4  zT390  h1  "1,560 #1,516"   " LPTV/Translators/Boosters -2,290  zT220  h1  z503,800 "489,573"   " CARSJ -1,800 J 65 J h1 J z117,000J "113,686"   " Cable Systems 66,000,000 w80.54 h1  35,640,000"34,633,530"  J " Interstate Telephone Service Providers 70,103,000,000 h0.00116 h1  81,319,480"79,023,026" B " "8"  CMRS Mobile Services (Cellular/Public Mobile)855,540,000 8w80.24 8h1 8 13,329,6008"12,953,173"B  " "8"  CMRS Messaging Services39,592,000 w80.03 h1 &1,187,760K"1,154,218"  " MDS/MMDS-1,878 zT215 h1 z403,770"392,368"  " International Circuits=#325,000 =5 =h1 =&1,625,000=K"1,579,110"  " International Public Fixed?C3 zT310 h1 *>930c#904"  =" Earth Stations-3,000 zT515 h1 &1,545,000K"1,501,369"  " Space Stations (Geostationary)t: 46 tm97,975 th1 t&4,506,850tK"4,379,577"  " Space Stations (Nongeostationary)1?C2 1h135,675 1h1 1z271,3501"263,687"  t"G9 $"  1"****** Total Estimated Revenue CollectedG167,246,011!162,523,000"  "****** Total Revenue RequirementhGhhh162,523,000h!162,523,000"      " ""  DifferenceUGUUU&4,723,011U#0  -h| ** 0.971760098 factor applied"=s.))!!"  f@ XXhh   #<2P_SP#CALCULATION OF REGULATORY COSTS#,-2P,P#у`"%#<2P_SP#Attachment D#,-2P,P# ă r (i<b U X(+> `N@r "  r     h" "_" y9Fee Category* Actual FY 1997  Regulatory Costs_WtOverhead & Other VwIndirect Pro Rated_ Total Costs With Overhead & Other Indirect Pro Rated_Total Costs ProRated To )#$162 Million**_u% Adjusted ProRated Costs***"r   +" "_"  LM (220 MHz, >470 MHZBase, SMRS) Z#1,952,428Z98,195Z2,050,623ZR2,113,136Zw#2,113,136"  " Microwave 4,860,809244,4695,105,277O5,260,912w#5,260,912"  Z" IVDS"2,122,499106,7492,229,248M2,297,206w#2,297,206"  " Marine (Ship)"2,754,238138,5212,892,759M2,980,945w#2,980,945"  " GMRS/Other LMN!5,943,682N298,930N6,242,612NN6,432,918Nw#6,432,918"  " Aviation (Aircraft) ()980,895 49,333 1,030,228 Q1,061,635 w#1,061,635"  N" Marine (Coast)()685,60834,482+720,090Vk742,041#742,041"   " Aviation (Ground)()562,23928,277+590,516Vk608,518#608,518"  " Amateur Vanity Call SignsB /a88,615B M4,457B c93,072B Y95,909B $95,909"  " AM/FM Radio !14,125,529 710,427 14,835,955 J15,288,230 ?#14,396,926"  B " AM Construction Permits Et  I   s #103,960"   " FM Construction Permitsy Et y Iy  y sy #787,344"   " Satellite TV6 Et 6 I6  6 s6 #138,603"  y " Satellite TV Construction Permit Et  I   s ;$3,489"  6 " VHF Television #4,957,533 249,333 5,206,866 O5,365,598 7%"   " VHF Markets 110mEt mIm msmw#1,177,538"   " VHF Markets 1125*Et *I* *s*w#1,423,609"  m" VHF Markets 2650Et I sw#1,134,321"  *" VHF Markets 51100Et I sw#1,055,080"  " VHF Remaining Markets aEt aIa asa#479,377"  " VHF Construction PermitsEt I s$18,765"  a" UHF Television"2,954,865148,6113,103,476N3,198,0867%"  " UHF Markets 110Et I s#993,777"  " UHF Markets 1125UEt UIU UsU#767,939"  " UHF Markets 2650Et I s#614,629"  U" UHF Markets 51100Et I s#510,374"  " UHF Remaining Markets Et I s#147,610"  " UHF Construction PermitsIEt III IsI$98,573"  " Auxiliaries))146,460M7,366+153,826Zk158,515#158,515"  I" International HF Broadcast,)217,93110,961+228,891Tk235,869#235,869"  " LPTV/Translators/Boosters*)736,54737,044+773,590Xk797,173#797,173"  " CARS=0a61,797=M3,108=c64,905=X66,883=$66,883"  " Cable Systems 20,125,0231,012,16421,137,187O21,781,555?#21,781,555"  =" Interstate Telewphone Service Providers53,234,0262,677,34155,911,367L57,615,828?#57,615,828"  " CMRS Mobile Services (Cellular/Public Mobile)t!11,273,798t567,002t11,840,801tL12,201,768t?#12,201,768"  " CMRS Messaging Services1&6,015,7011302,55216,318,2541O6,510,8661w#6,510,866"  t" MDS/MMDS$1,357,26068,2621,425,521O1,468,979w#1,468,979"  1" International Circuits#8,253,772415,1148,668,886P8,933,157w#8,933,157"  " International Public Fixedh))193,436hM9,729h+203,165hTk209,358h#209,358"  " Earth Stations% ')339,999% 17,100% +357,099% Uk367,985% #367,985"  h" Space Stations (Geostationary) #5,677,889 285,563 5,963,452 O6,145,248 w#6,145,248"  % " Space Stations (NonGeostationary)!+)540,215!27,169!+567,385!Vk584,681!#584,681"       " "" Overhead & Other Indirect Costsl"%7,552,257l"Il" l"sl"7%"   !" "" ****** Total )#e157,715,049)#7,552,257)#g157,715,049)#E162,523,000)##159,839,216"  l""****** Total Revenue Requirement#e162,523,000#I#g162,523,000#E162,523,000##162,523,000"      )#" ""  Difference$(4,807,951)$I$(4,807,951)$l~0 $5#(2,683,784)  .#rXr x (#%'0*,.8135@8:s0s/s/$""  K:h 3'3'Standard'3''Current Windows FormŌXXhh?  XXhh A CALCULATION OF FY 1998 REGULATORY FEES Attachment Ep&h#%2PP# X(+> `N@ h(?9@3@3 8              #8 BEB \Fee Category n^ ProRated u Revenue . RequirementIE> Adjusted  Activity CostsIE5Costs vs. Revenue >Requirement A5DifferenceIEz  ProRated Revenue }=Requirement Plus 25% CeilingIEnRound 1 Target RevenueIERound 1 Adjustable Target RevenueIE*Round 1 ProRated ,Target Revenue**IEpRound 2 Target y Revenue IE#Round 2 n"Adjustable Target #Revenue IE%Round 2 ProRated %Target Revenue*** IE((Computed New FY ,)1998 Regulatory < *Fee IEj=,Rounded New FY lV,1998 Regulatory |B-Fee IEr/Expected FY 1998 '0Revenue>       > BEB  LM (220 MHz, >470 MHZBase, SMRS) B 225,691 2,113,136XK836.30%282,114282,114!M282,114 282,114 %  d'282,114 Ys+12 .12 ,1278,700>      I> MicrowaveB 872,640 5,260,912XK502.87%1,090,800T1,090,800!Hy1,090,800 1,090,800 % '1,090,800 Ys+12 .12 01,077,600>      > IVDSM? 0M 2,297,206M M0M0M!M^0M!0 M% Ma(0 MZ+ 0 M. 0 M)20>      > Marine (Ship)B 801,702 2,980,945XK271.83%1,002,128T1,002,128!Hy1,002,128 1,002,128 % '1,002,128 \+6 .6 ,1990,000>      M> GMRS/Other LM 1,760,465 6,432,918XK265.41%2,200,581T2,200,581!Hy2,200,581 2,200,581 % '2,200,581 \+6 .6 02,173,950>      > Aviation (Aircraft)QB 170,058Q 1,061,635QXK524.28%Q212,573Q212,573Q!QM212,573Q 212,573 Q% Q d'212,573 Q\+6 Q.6 Q,1210,000>      > Marine (Coast)p 33,283 742,041U2129.49%#41,60441,604!P41,604!41,604 % '41,604 \+6 .6 Z141,100>      Q> Aviation (Ground)p 45,308 608,518U1243.07%#56,63556,635!P56,635!56,635 % '56,635 \+6 .6 Z155,950>      > Amateur Vanity Call SignsUB 485,880U95,909UWA(80.26%)U607,350U95,909U 95,909UM128,372U 128,372 U#128,372 U d'128,527 UT.+1.29 Ua.1.30 U,1130,000>      > AM/FM Radio  9,460,469  s 14,396,926 [y52.18% 11,825,586 &11,825,586 ! EK11,825,586 ~ 11,825,586  %  &11,825,586  Q+1,368  3.1,375  011,888,250>      U> AM Construction Permits p 11,749  103,960 XK784.84% #14,686 14,686 ! P14,686 !14,686  %  '14,686  VE+237  x.235  Z114,570>       > FM Construction PermitsY B 436,660Y  787,344Y [y80.31%Y 545,825Y 545,825Y !Y M545,825Y  545,825 Y % Y  d'545,825 Y Q+1,154 Y 3.1,150 Y ,1543,950>       > Satellite TV p 96,933  138,603 [y42.99% 121,166 121,166   M121,166  121,166      d'121,166  Q+1,166  3.1,175  ,1123,375>      Y > Satellite TV Construction Permit  3,353 B3,489 ^4.06% Q4,191 3,489  3,489 S4,670 M!4,191     '4,191  VE+419  x.420  14,200>       > VHF Markets 110]  1,429,508]  1,177,538] WA(17.63%)] 1,786,885] T1,177,538] 91,177,538] Hy1,576,112]  1,576,112 ] #1,576,112 ] '1,578,013 ] N*37,572 ] .37,575 ] 01,578,150>       > VHF Markets 1125  1,686,441  1,423,609 WA(15.59%) 2,108,051 T1,423,609 91,423,609 Hy1,905,473  1,905,473  #1,905,473  '1,907,772  N*31,275  .31,275  01,907,775>      ] > VHF Markets 2650  1,283,306  1,134,321 WA(11.61%) 1,604,133 T1,134,321 91,134,321 Hy1,518,267  1,518,267  #1,518,267  '1,520,098  N*21,410  .21,400  01,519,400>       > VHF Markets 51100a 1,129,477a 1,055,080aZo(6.59%)a1,411,846aT1,055,080a91,055,080aHy1,412,204a 1,411,846 a% a'1,411,846 aN*11,965 a.11,975 a01,413,050>       > VHF Remaining Markets  B 548,146  479,377 WA(12.55%) 685,183 479,377  ~479,377 M641,637  641,637  #641,637   d'642,411  Q+3,103  3.3,100  ,1641,700>      a> VHF Construction Permitsp 46,66418,765WA(59.79%)#58,35018,76518,765P25,117!25,117 $25,117 '25,147 Q+2,515 3.2,525 Z125,250>       > UHF Markets 110e 1,539,171e 993,777eWA(35.43%)e1,923,964e993,777e ~993,777eHy1,330,151e 1,330,151 e#1,330,151 e'1,331,756 eN*14,168 e.14,175 e01,332,450>      > UHF Markets 1125 1,257,069 767,939WA(38.91%)1,571,336767,939 ~767,939Hy1,027,872 1,027,872 #1,027,872 '1,029,111 N*10,720 .10,725 01,029,600>      e> UHF Markets 2650 1,054,360 614,629WA(41.71%)1,317,950614,629 ~614,629M822,669 822,669 #822,669  d'823,661 Q+6,642 3.6,650 ,1824,600>      > UHF Markets 51100iB 789,749i 510,374iWA(35.38%)i987,186i510,374i ~510,374iM683,126i 683,126 i#683,126 i d'683,950 iQ+3,976 i3.3,975 i,1683,700>      > UHF Remaining Markets B 238,761 147,610WA(38.18%)298,451147,610 ~147,610M197,573 197,573 #197,573  d'197,811 Q+1,087 3.1,075 ,1195,650>      i> UHF Construction PermitsB 144,54998,573WA(31.81%)180,68698,57398,573M131,938 131,938 #131,938  d'132,097 Q+2,642 3.2,650 ,1132,500>      > AuxiliariesmB 485,880m 158,515mWA(67.38%)m607,350m158,515m ~158,515mM212,169m 212,169 m#212,169 m d'212,425 mYs+11 m.11 m,1220,000>      > International HF Broadcast 1,516 235,869R15458.64%Q1,8951,895!S1,895M!1,895 % '1,895 VE+474 x.475 11,900>      m> LPTV/Translators/BoostersB 489,573 797,173[y62.83%611,966611,966!M611,966 611,966 %  d'611,966 VE+267 x.265 ,1606,850>      > CARSqB 113,696q66,883qWA(41.17%)q142,120q66,883q66,883qP89,522q!89,522 q$89,522 q'89,630 qYs+50 q.50 qZ190,000>      > Cable Systems  34,633,530 s 21,781,555WA(37.11%)43,291,913&21,781,555 21,781,555EK29,154,192~ 29,154,192 p#29,154,192 &29,189,360 R+0.44  a.0.44 029,189,360>      q> Interstate Telephone Service Providers 79,023,026 s 57,615,828WA(27.09%)98,778,783&57,615,828 57,615,828EK77,117,676~ 77,117,676 p#77,117,676 &77,210,702 L*0.0011  .0.0011 077,210,702>      > CMRS Mobile Services (Cellular/Public Mobile)u 12,953,173u s 12,201,768uZo(5.80%)u16,191,466u&12,201,768u 12,201,768uEK16,331,831u~ 16,191,466 u% u&16,191,466 uT.+0.29 ua.0.29 u016,191,466>      > CMRS Messaging Services! 1,154,218! 6,510,866!XK464.09%!1,442,773!T1,442,773!!!Hy1,442,773! 1,442,773 !% !'1,442,773 !T.+0.04 !a.0.04 !01,442,773>      u> MDS/MMDSB 392,368 1,468,979XK274.39%490,460490,460!M490,460 490,460 %  d'490,460 VE+261 x.260 ,1488,280>      !> International Circuitsy 1,579,110y 8,933,157yXK465.71%y1,973,888yT1,973,888y!yHy1,973,888y 1,973,888 y% y'1,973,888 y\+6 y.6 y01,950,000>      > International Public Fixed% 904% 209,358%R23059.07%%Q1,130%1,130%!%S1,130%M!1,130 %% %'1,130 %VE+377 %x.375 %11,125>      y> Earth Stations 1,501,369 367,985WA(75.49%)1,876,711367,985 ~367,985M492,541 492,541 #492,541  d'493,135 VE+164 x.165 ,1495,000>      %> Space Stations (Geostationary)} 4,379,577} 6,145,248}[y40.32%}5,474,471}T5,474,471}!}Hy5,474,471} 5,474,471 }% }'5,474,471 }K*119,010 }-119,000 }05,474,000>      > Space Stations (NonGeostationary))B 263,687) 584,681)XK121.73%)329,609)329,609)!)M329,609) 329,609 )% ) d'329,609 )K*164,804 )-164,800 ),1329,000>      }> BB ****** Total Estimated Revenue Collected 162,523,019 E 162,522,999nT203,153,774128,433,413100,713,524B162,523,000P 162,381,798 B#117,054,406 &162,524,243 _+ / 0162,506,526>      )> BB ****** Total Revenue Requirement 162,523,000 E 162,523,000nT162,523,000162,523,000!B162,523,000P 162,523,000 % &162,523,000 _+ / 0162,523,000>              > BB  Difference 19"(1)nf40,630,774 (34,089,587)!^0 (141,202) % '1,243 _+ / "1(16,474)%    +% ?5A ** 1.33782803 factor applied *** 1.003487295 factor applied#<2P_SP#у p&" ?s%##\"  eA'Q# '3''Current Windows Form3'3'Current Windows Form݌hhhh?@   Attachment F#%2PP#ѐp&h  m+h^#6X@n@# FY 1998 SCHEDULE OF REGULATORY FEES #Xx6X@/X@#ѐh II-xp& II- h(?9@3@3 ddxD@p       KAVb  vR[ #4zp7#Fee Category#:l4zp7!:#ѐVbQD 7  W4 Annual rRegulatory  W4s!FeeĐ8"m F D V  PMRS (per license) (Formerly Land Mobile Exclusive Use at 220222  NA 4MHz, above 470 MHz, Base Station and SMRS) (47 CFR Part 90)pƬ V!X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:@@CEGHJLNPQS12F g   Vl   N 4Microwave (per license) (47 CFR Part 101)hƬ l!12g g   Interactive Video Data Service (per license) (47 CFR Part 95)l `h !p"$ 'x)+(.0205798<>@@CEGHJLNPQSX` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:1,000,000'W4,000'lq3,250'1,500' 2,000'd 3,250'#4,000  0&"'As0o)o)KKl(&"  N4 `@(#IAttachment G ă  m+hN#!6X@n@# COMPARISON BETWEEN FY 1997 & FY 1998  m=+hp[PROPOSED & FINAL REGULATORY FEES {K m 44P*Ae  !ddxB  m    0& Q   X,N    vDR[ #4zp7#Fee Category#_4zp7%f#ѐ  QQ  f@,#%@2pU$#Annual {Regulatory zFee FY 1997 H'#P2p%f#Q  f@,J#%@2pU$#NPRM ANProposed PFee  f@EFY 1998#P2p%f#Q  f@,g!#%@2pU$#Annual !Regulatory !Fee _!FY 1998 H'^" #P2p%f#     Q  PMRS (per license) (Formerly Land MobileExclusive Use at 220222 Mhz, above 470 Mhz, Base Station and SMRS) (47  H 'CFR Part 90) u X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:@@CEGHJLNPQS10u R#12u "12  P   R   H 'Microwave (per license) (47 CFR Part 101)((f ( R10 RR#12 R"12P  P  u  Interactive Video Data Service (per license) (47 CFR Part 95)R`h !p"$ 'x)+(.0205798<>@@CEGHJLNPQSX` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:1,000,000dW4,000dlq3,250d1,500d 2,000dd 3,250d#4,000  "dDs0))"  X4 hhX #!XN\  P DXP#`U(#L Attachment H {{ DETAILED GUIDANCE ON WHO MUST PAY REGULATORY FEES  Xv4 1. The guidelines below provide an explanation of regulatory fee categories established by the Schedule of Regulatory Fees in section 9 (g) of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C.  159(g) as  XH4modified in the instant Report and Order. Where regulatory fee categories need interpretation or clarification, we have relied on the legislative history of section 9, our own experience in establishing and regulating the Schedule of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Years (FY) 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1997 and the services subject to the fee schedule, and the comments of the parties in our proceeding to adopt fees for FY 1998. The categories and amounts set out in the schedule have been modified to reflect changes in the number of payment units, additions and changes in the services subject to the fee requirement and the benefits derived from the Commission's regulatory activities, and to simplify the structure of the schedule. The schedule may be similarly modified or adjusted in future years to reflect changes in the Commission's budget and  Xy4in the services regulated by the Commission. See 47 U.S.C.  159(b)(2), (3).  XK42. Exemptions. Governments and nonprofit entities are exempt from paying regulatory fees and should not submit payment. A nonprofit entity may be asked to submit a current IRS Determination Letter documenting that it is exempt from taxes under Section 501of the Internal Revenue Code or the certification of a governmental authority attesting to its nonprofit status. The governmental exemption applies even where the governmentowned or communityowned facility is in competition with a commercial operation. Other specific exemptions are discussed below in the descriptions of other particular service categories.  X' 1. Private Wireless Radio Services  Xe4 3. Two levels of statutory fees were established for the Private Wireless Radio Services exclusive use services and shared use services. Thus, licensees who generally receive a higher quality communication channel due to exclusive or lightly shared frequency assignments will pay a higher fee than those who share marginal quality assignments. This dichotomy is consistent with the directive of Section 9, that the regulatory fees reflect the benefits provided to  X4the licensees. See 47 U.S.C.  159(b)(1)(A). In addition, because of the generally small amount of the fees assessed against Private Wireless Radio Service licensees, applicants for new licenses and reinstatements and for renewal of existing licenses are required to pay a regulatory fee covering the entire license term, with only a percentage of all licensees paying a regulatory fee in any one year. Applications for modification or assignment of existing authorizations do not require the payment of regulatory fees. The expiration date of those authorizations will reflect only the unexpired term of the underlying license rather than a new license term.  X:&' a. Exclusive Use Services  X (4 4. Private Mobile Radio Services (PMRS) (Formerly Land Mobile Services): Regulatees in this" (Es,)) &" category include those authorized under part 90 of the Commission's Rules to provide limited access Wireless Radio service that allows high quality voice or digital communications between vehicles or to fixed stations to further the business activities of the licensee. These services, using the 220222 MHz band and frequencies at 470 MHz and above, may be offered on a  X4private carrier basis in the Specialized Mobile Radio Services (SMRS).ztXu yO'X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:1,000,0005W4,0005lq3,25051,5005 2,0005d 3,2505#4,000    X54#!XN\  P DXP# 19. Licensees may determine the appropriate fee payment by referring to the list provided at  X4Attachment L to this Report and Order. This same information will be available on the FCC's internet world wide web site (http://www.fcc.gov), by calling the FCC's National Call Center (18882255322), and will be included in the Public Notices mailed to each licensee.  X' b. Construction Permits Commercial AM Radio 20. This category includes holders of permits to construct new Commercial AM Stations. For FY 1998, permittees will pay a fee of $235 for each permit held. Upon issuance of an operating license, this fee would no longer be applicable and licensees would be required to pay the applicable fee for the designated class of the station.  X 4 c. Construction Permits Commercial FM Radio 21. This category includes holders of permits to construct new Commercial FM Stations. For FY 1998, permittees will pay a fee of $1,150 for each permit held. Upon issuance of an operating license, this fee would no longer be applicable. Instead, licensees would pay a regulatory fee based upon the designated class of the station.  X'  Xi 4d. Commercial Television Stations 22. This category includes licensed Commercial VHF and UHF Television Stations covered under part 73 of the Commission's Rules, except commonly owned Television Satellite Stations, addressed separately below. Markets are Nielsen Designated Market Areas (DMA) as listed in  X$4the Television & Cable Factbook, Stations Volume No. 66, 1998 Edition, Warren Publishing, Inc. The fees for each category of station are as follows: ''yVHF Markets 110...............$37,575 ''yVHF Markets 1125...............31,275"(Kx,))' "Ԍ''yVHF Markets 2650...............21,400 ''yVHF Markets 51100.............11,975 ''yVHF Remaining Markets........3,100 ''yUHF Markets 110...............$14,175 ''yUHF Markets 1125...............10,725 ''yUHF Markets 2650.................6,650 ''yUHF Markets 51100...............3,975 ''yUHF Remaining Markets........1,075  X ' e. Commercial Television Satellite Stations 23. Commonly owned Television Satellite Stations in any market (authorized pursuant to Note 5 of  73.3555 of the Commission's Rules) that retransmit programming of the primary station are assessed a fee of $1,175 annually. Those stations designated as Television Satellite Stations in  X 4the 1998 Edition of the Television and Cable Factbook are subject to the fee applicable to Television Satellite Stations. All other television licensees are subject to the regulatory fee payment required for their class of station and market.  XK' f. Construction Permits Commercial VHF Television Stations 24. This category includes holders of permits to construct new Commercial VHF Television Stations. For FY 1998, VHF permittees will pay an annual regulatory fee of $2,525. Upon issuance of an operating license, this fee would no longer be applicable. Instead, licensees would pay a fee based upon the designated market of the station.  X' g. Construction Permits Commercial UHF Television Stations 25 This category includes holders of permits to construct new UHF Television Stations. For FY 1998, UHF Television permittees will pay an annual regulatory fee of $2,650. Upon issuance of an operating license, this fee would no longer be applicable. Instead, licensees would pay a fee based upon the designated market of the station.  X '  X 4h. Construction Permits ĩ Satellite Television Stations 26. The fee for UHF and VHF Television Satellite Station construction permits for FY 1998 is $420. An individual regulatory fee payment is to be made for each Television Satellite Station construction permit held.  X"' i. Low Power Television, FM Translator and Booster Stations, TV Translator and Booster Stations  XQ%4 27. This category includes Low Power UHF/VHF Television stations operating under part 74 of the Commission's Rules with a transmitter power output limited to 1 kW for a UHF facility and, generally, 0.01 kW for a VHF facility. Low Power Television (LPTV) stations may retransmit" (Lx,)) & " the programs and signals of a TV Broadcast Station, originate programming, and/or operate as a subscription service. This category also includes translators and boosters operating under part 74 which rebroadcast the signals of full service stations on a frequency different from the parent station (translators) or on the same frequency (boosters). The stations in this category are secondary to full service stations in terms of frequency priority. We have also received requests for waivers of the regulatory fees from operators of community based Translators. These Translators are generally not affiliated with commercial broadcasters, are nonprofit, nonprofitable, or only marginally profitable, serve small rural communities, and are supported financially by the residents of the communities served. We are aware of the difficulties these Translators have in paying even minimal regulatory fees, and we have addressed those concerns  X 4in the ruling on reconsideration of the FY 1994 Report and Order. Community based Translators are exempt from regulatory fees. For FY 19978 licensees in low power television, FM translator and booster, and TV translator and booster category will pay a regulatory fee of $265 for each license held.  X 4 j. Broadcast Auxiliary Stations 28. This category includes licensees of remote pickup stations (either base or mobile) and associated accessory equipment authorized pursuant to a single license, Aural Broadcast Auxiliary Stations (Studio Transmitter Link and InterCity Relay) and Television Broadcast Auxiliary Stations (TV Pickup, TV Studio Transmitter Link, TV Relay) authorized under part 74 of the Commission's Rules. Auxiliary Stations are generally associated with a particular television or radio broadcast station or cable television system. This category does not include  X4translators and boosters (see  26 infra). For FY 1998, licensees of Commercial Auxiliary Stations will pay an $11 annual regulatory fee on a per call sign basis.  X'  X'k. Multipoint Distribution Service 29. This category includes Multipoint Distribution Service (MDS), and Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service (MMDS), authorized under part 21 of the Commission's Rules to use microwave frequencies for video and data distribution within the United States. For FY 1998, MDS and MMDS stations will pay an annual regulatory fee of $260 per call sign.  X 4 3. Cable Services  X4 a. Cable Television Systems 30. This category includes operators of Cable Television Systems, providing or distributing programming or other services to subscribers under part 76 of the Commission's Rules. For FY  X#41998, Cable Systems will pay a regulatory fee of $.44 per subscriber.y#u yO%'X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: