******************************************************** NOTICE ******************************************************** This document was converted from WordPerfect to ASCII Text format. Content from the original version of the document such as headers, footers, footnotes, endnotes, graphics, and page numbers will not show up in this text version. All text attributes such as bold, italic, underlining, etc. from the original document will not show up in this text version. Features of the original document layout such as columns, tables, line and letter spacing, pagination, and margins will not be preserved in the text version. If you need the complete document, download the WordPerfect version or Adobe Acrobat version, if available. ***************************************************************** Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of Appointment ) of the Defense Commissioner ) ORDER Adopted: January 30, 1998 Released: February 5, 1998 By the Commission: 1. Pursuant to Section 0.181 of the FCC Rules, we hereby appoint Commissioner Michael K. Powell to be Defense Commissioner. The Defense Commissioner is responsible for overseeing all National Security Emergency Preparedness functions for the Commission. This involves serving as primary Commission defense spokesperson, approving industry emergency plans including those for the Emergency Alert System, representing the Commission in interagency matters pertaining to continuity of government during national emergencies, and assuming the duties of the Commission under some emergencies. 2. This Order is procedural in nature and pertains to the internal organization and delegations of authority, and hence not subject to the prior notice and effective date provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act. 3. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 0.181 of the FCC rules, that Michael K. Powell shall serve as Defense Commissioner. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Magalie Roman Salas Secretary