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Federal Communications Commission
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This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).

September 17, 1999


The following is a listing of current FCC Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) and Notices of Inquiry (NOIs) open for public comment, except routine petitions to amend the Table of Allotments. This listing also includes pertinent Public Notices (PNs) announcing comment subjects and dates. For additional information, contact Martha Contee, Public Service Division at (202) 418-0190, TTY (202) 418-2555, email mcontee@fcc.gov. Please note: as comment and reply comment periods expire, they are deleted from this listing. *Asterisk indicates comment period deadline is past, but reply comment period still is open.


CS 99-250; NPRM 7/14 (adopted 7/9); FCC 99-166

Optel, Inc.

The Commission is seeking comment on a proposal to amend the Commission's rules to allow private cable operators and other multichannel video programming distributors to use the frequencies in the 12 GHz band for the delivery of video programming. Comments due August 16*; replies September 20.

CS 99-251; PN 7/23; DA 99-1447

Cable Services Bureau Action - AT&T Corp. and MediaOne Group, Inc. Seek FCC Consent for a Proposed Transfer of Control - CS Docket No. 99-251

On July 7 and 15, 1999, AT&T Corp and MediaOne Group, Inc. filed joint applications under Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act requesting Commission approval of the transfer of control to AT&T of licenses and authorizations held by subsidiaries of MediaOne and entities controlled by MediaOne. Comments or petitions to deny due August 23*; responses or oppositions to these comments and petitions due September 17. Contact: Sunil Daluvoy at (202) 418-1032 or Richard Kalb at (202) 418-1055. TTY: (202) 418-7172 or (888) 835-5322.

PN 8/4; Report No. 1425

Cable Services Bureau Action - Adelphia Communications Corporation and Century Communications Corp. Seek FCC Consent for Proposed Transfer of Control

On June 15 and July 9, Century Communications Corp. and Adelphia Communications Corp. filed joint applications under Section 310(d) of the Communications Act requesting Commission approval of the transfer of control to Adelphia of licenses and authorizations controlled by Century or its affiliates or subsidiaries. Parties may file comments or petitions to deny the applications no later than September 3.* Oppositions or responses to these comments and petitions due September 22.


Dkt No.: CC- 99-117; Order 6/2 (adopted 6/2); DA 99-1072

CCB's Continuing Property Records Audits of the Regional Bell Operating Companies

Granted MCI Worldcom, Inc.'s request for a thirty-day extension of time to file comments and reply comments in the NOI seeking comment on ten issues arising out of the Common Carrier Bureau's continuing property records audits of the Regional Bell Operating Companies. Comments now due July 7* and replies due August 6.*

CC 99-117; Order 7/2 (adopted 7/2); DA 99-1321

Regional Bell Operating CompaniesNOI seeking comment on ten issues arising out of the Common Carrier Bureau's continuing property records audits of the Regional Bell Operating Companies. Extended time to file comments to September 13* and reply comments to October 13.

CC 99-117; Order 9/10 (adopted 9/10); DA 99-1855

Regional Bell Operating Companies
NOI seeking comment on ten issues arising out of the Common Carrier Bureau's continuing property records audits of the Regional Bell Operating Companies. Extended time to file comments to September 23 and reply comments to October 25.

CC 96-45; PN 7/19; DA 99-1356

Western Wireless Corporation Petitions for Preemption of an Order of the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission - Pleading Cycle Established - CC 96-45

On June 23, Western Wireless Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiary, GCC License Corporation, filed a petition for preemption of an order of the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission which denied Western Wireless' request for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier under section 214(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Comments due August 18*; replies September 2*. Contact: Richard D. Smith, Accounting Policy Division at (202) 418-7400.

CC 96-45; Order 8/4 (adopted 8/4/); DA 99-1535
Extended comment due date to September 2*; reply comment due date to September 17.

CC 99-249; NOI 7/21 (adopted 7/8); FCC 99-168

Low-Volume Long-Distance Users

The Commission is seeking comment on the impact of certain flat-rated charges on single-line residential and business customers who make few, or no, interstate long-distance calls. Comments due September 20; replies October 20.

PN 8/5; DA 99-1553

Comments Invited on Depreciation Rate Prescription Proposed for GTE North-Ohio and GTE South-Virginia

The Common Carrier Bureau invites comments on proposed depreciation rates for two GTE companies - GTE North-Ohio and GTE South-Virginia. Comments due September 7*; replies September 21. Contact: Stephen Steckler, Accounting Safeguards Division at (202) 418-0865.

PN 8/5; DA 99-1555

Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control's Petition for Delegation of Additional Authority to Implement Area Code Conservation Measures- Pleading Cycle Established

On July 28, the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control filed a petition requesting authority to implement various number conservation measures. Comments due September 6*; replies September 20. Contact: Jared Carlson, Network Services Division at (202) 418-2320.

PN 8/10

Clarification of Pleading Cycle in Public Notice, DA 99-1555, Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control's Petition for Delegation of Additional Authority To Implement Area Code Conservation Measures
Comments due September 7*, not September 6, which is Labor Day. Replies due September 20. Contact: Jared Carlson, Network Services Division at (202) 418-2320.

PN 8/12; DA 99-1606

Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin's Petition for Delegation of Additional Authority to Implement Number Conservation Measures

On September 28, 1998, the FCC released an order in the matter of a Petition for Declaratory Ruling and Request for Expedited Action on the July 15, 1997, Order of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Regarding area Codes 412, 610, 215, and 717 and Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The Pennsylvania Numbering Order delegated additional authority to state public utility commissions to order NXX code rationing in jeopardy situations and encouraged state commissions to seek further limited delegations of authority to implement other innovative number conservation methods. On August 5, 1999, the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin filed a petition requesting authority to implement various number conservation measures. Comments due September 13*; replies September 27. Contact: Jared Carlson, Network Services Division at (202) 418-2320.

PN 8/16; DA 99-1631

Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on the Illinois Commerce Commission's Petition for Expedited Temporary Waiver of 47 CFR 52.19(c)(3)(ii) - Pleading Cycle Established

On August 10, the Illinois Commerce Commission filed a Petition for Expedited Waiver of Section 52.19(c)(3)(ii)of the FCC's rules regarding area code overlay. Comments due September 16*; replies September 30. Contact: Jared Carlson, Network Services Division at (202) 418-2320.

CC 92-237; PN 8/18; DA 99-1647

Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Lockheed Martin IMS Corporation and Warburg, Pincus & Company Amended Request for Expeditious Review of the Transfer of the Lockheed Martin Communications Industry Services Business ( CC Docket No. 92-237)

On August 16, Lockheed Martin IMS Corporation filed an Amended Request for Expeditious Review of the transfer of the Lockheed Martin Communications Industry Services business to newly formed NewStar, Inc., formerly known as CIS Acquisition Corporation, to ensure the continue neutrality of the North American Numbering Plan Administrator. Comments due September 7*; replies September 17.

PN 9/1

Petition Seeks a Declaratory Ruling that the Manner in Which AT&T Marketed and Implemented Certain of Its Optional Calling Plans to Potential and Existing Customers in South Carolina Violated Sections 201(b), 202, 203, 254 and 258 of the Communications Act of 1934

The Commission received a petition seeking a declaratory ruling that inter alia, the manner in which AT&T marketed an implemented certain of its optional calling plans to potential and existing customers in South Carolina violated sections 201(b), 202, 203, 254(g), and 258 of the communications Act of 1934, as amended. Oppositions due September 24.

PN 9/1; DA 99-1775

Qwest Communications International Inc and U S West, Inc. Seek FCC Consent for a Proposed Transfer of Control in CC Docket 99-272

Qwest Communications International Inc. and U S West, Inc. filed applications under Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act as amended requesting Commission approval for the transfer of control of licenses and authorizations held by subsidiaries of the two companies in connection with the proposed merger of U S West with and into Qwest. Comments or petitions to deny due October 1. Responses or oppositions due October 18.

CC 96-45; FNPRM 9/3 (adopted 8/5); FCC 99-240

Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service

The commission addressed the unique issues that may limit telecommunications deployment and subscribership in the unserved or underserved regions of our Nation, including on tribal lands and insular areas. Comments due 60 days after publication in the Federal Register, Replies 90 days after publication int he Federal Register.

PN 9/3; DA 99-2807

IXC Communications, Inc. and Cincinnati Bell Inc. Seek Consent for Transfer of control - Pleading Cycle Established

IXC Communications, Inc. and Cincinnati Bell Inc. have filed applications under Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act, requesting Commission approval to transfer control of licenses or authorizations, currently held by IXC's subsidiaries, from the officers and shareholders or IXC, to CBI. Comments or petitions to deny due October 3; oppositions to such pleadings due October 13; replies to oppositions due October 20. Contact: Michelle Carey, Network Services Division at (202) 418-2550.

PN 8/31; DA 99-1735

Letter Seeking Clarification of Rate Regulatory Rules for Inside Wire Maintenance

Cole, Raywid and Braverman requested clarification of rules regarding the regulatory treatment of a "whole house" inside wire maintenance plan. Responses to petition due September 20; replies due September 30.

CC 96-115, CC 96-98, CC 99-273; R&O, Ord. NPRM 9/9 (adopted 8/23; FCC 99-227

Implementation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996

To ensure that FCC policies in implementing the statutory requirements in the Telecom Act of 1996 are consistent, this item addresses the subscriber list information issues arising under section 222(e), directory listings and directory assistance issues arising under section 251(b)(3) and issues arising out of the convergence of directory publishing and directory assistance. Comments due October 13; replies October 28.


IB 98-96; R&O/NPRM 7/13 (adopted 6/21); FCC 99-150

1998 Biennial Regulatory Review - Review of Accounts Settlement in the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Radio Services

Commission concluded that Commission shall cease operating as an accounting authority for settling accounts for maritime mobile, maritime satellite, aircraft and handheld terminal radio services. Will transition to full privatization of the account-settlement function and sought comment on a number of proposals regarding how best to implement this transition. Comments due August 23*; replies September 8*.

IB 98-96; Order 8/18 (adopted 8/17)l DA 99-1653

1998 Biennial Regulatory Review- Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile- Satellite Radio Services
Extended comment period in this proceeding until October 25 and reply comment period until November 29.


MM 99-25; NPRM 2/3/99 (adopted 1/28/99); FCC 99-6

Creation of a Low Power Radio Service

Proposed to establish rules authorizing the operations of new, low power FM (LPFM) radio stations. Comments due April 12*; replies May 12.*

MM 99-25; Order 3/19/99 (adopted 3/19/99); DA 99-542

Creation of a Low Power Radio Service
Granted extension of the comment date to June 1, 1999*, and reply comment date to July 1, 1999*, in response to petitions filed by Lucent Digital Radio and by the National Association of Broadcasters, the Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association, and a number of state broadcaster organizations.

MM 99-25; Order 5/20 (adopted 5/20); FCC-112

Creation of a Low Power Radio Service
Granted 60-day extension of comment and reply comment periods in the FCC's pending low power radio rulemaking proceeding. Comments due August 2*; replies September 1.*

MM 99-25; Order 8/31 (adopted 8/31); FCC 99-233

Creation of Low Power Radio Service
Extended the deadline in this proceeding for filing reply comments to September 17, 1999.

MM 93-177; NPRM 6/11 (adopted 5/28); FCC 99-126

An Inquiry Into the Commission's Policies and Rules Regarding AM Radio Service Directional Antenna Performance Verification

Proposed reductions in testing procedures for AM directional antennas. Comments due 45 days after publication in the Federal Register; replies due 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.

MM 93-177; Order 8/31 (adopted 8/31); DA 99-1755

Directional Antenna Performance Verification
Granted an extension of the comment and reply comment periods. Comments due November 9; replies November 24.

PN 7/29; DA 99-1484

Mass Media Bureau Announces Commencement of Period for Filing Comments on Requests for Flexibility to Preempt Children's Educational and Informational Programming

The Commission is commencing a public notice period for filing comments on the separate letters submitted by the ABC, CBS and NBC television networks requesting continued, limited flexibility to preempt children's "core" programming, i.e. programming specifically designed to serve the educational needs of children, during the 1999-2000 television season. Comments due September 24; replies October 8. Contact: Laura Gallo at (202) 418-1600.

PN 8/11; DA 99-1601

Pleading Cycle Established for Comments on Amended Petition for Rulemaking to Amend Parts 21 and 74 of the Commission's Rules to Permit Licensing in the Multipoint Distribution Service and the Instructional Television Fixed Service for the Gulf of Mexico

On October 17, 1996, the Commission put out for comment a petition for rulemaking filed by Gulf Coast MDS Service Company, which sought to amend parts 21 and 74 of the Commission's rules to permit licensing of Multipoint Distribution Service spectrum and Instructional Television Fixed Service spectrum in the Gulf of Mexico. Petrocom License Corporation, successor in interest to gulf Coast, has filed an amended petition for rulemaking in the same matter. Comments due September 10*; replies September 26. Contact: Dave Roberts at (202) 418-1600.

PN 9/9; FCC 99-240

Commission Seeks Comment on Processing Order for Applications Filed Pursuant to the Commission's New Local Broadcast Ownership Rules

The Commission requests supplemental comment in MM Docket Numbers 91-221 and 87-8 on procedures for processing applications filed pursuant to the Report and Order adopted in the local broadcast ownership proceeding on August 5, 1999. Comments due 7 days from publication in the Federal Register; reply comments due 15 days from publication in the Federal Register. Contact: Vicki Phillips, Policy and Rules Division at (202) 418-2120.


CC 95-116; MO&O 9/1/98 (adopted 9/1/98); DA 98-1763

Telephone Number Portability

Granted a petition filed by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) requesting a nine-month stay of the requirement that all cellular, broadband personal communications service (PCS), and covered specialized mobile radio (SMR) carriers provide service provider number portability by June 30, 1999, while supporting nationwide roaming. The Bureau finds that extending the deadline from June 30, 1999 to March 31, 2000, is necessary to ensure the efficient development of wireless number portability.

WT 99-87; NPRM 3/25 (adopted 3/19); FCC 99-52

Establishment of Public Service Radio Pool in the Private Mobile Frequencies Below 800 MHz

Proposed changes to the FCC's rules and policies to implement the revised auction authority. Comments due 60 days and replies 90 days after Federal Register publication.

WT 99-87; Order 5/19 (adopted 5/19); DA 99-950

Implementation of Sections 309(j) and 337 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended - Promotion of Spectrum Efficient Technologies on Certain Part 90 Frequencies/Establishment of Public Service Radio Pool in the Private Mobile Frequencies Below 800 MHz
Granted request for extension of time to file documents. Comments due August 2*; replies September 16.*

WT 99-87; Order 9/13 (adopted 9/10); DA 99-1861

Implementation of Sections 309(j) and 337 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended - Promotion of Spectrum Efficient Technologies on Certain Part 90 Frequencies/Establishment of Public Service Radio Pool in the Private Mobile Frequencies Below 800 MHz
Granted Land Mobile Communications Council's September 8 Rquest for Extension of Time to File Reply Comments in this proceeding. Reply comments due September 30.

WT 97-207; Dec. Rul/NPRM 7/7 (adopted 6/10); FCC 99-137

WTB Calling Party Pays Service Offering in the Commercial Mobile Radio Services

The Commission adopted a Declaratory Ruling and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to help facilitate the offering of Calling Party Pays (CPP) as an optional wireless service to consumers in the United States. CPP has the potential to promote the development of local competition and to provide an important new alternative to consumers who have not previously used wireless extensively. Comments due August 18*; replies September 8.*

WT 97-207; Order 8/6 9 (adopted 8/6); DA 99-1566

Calling Party Pays
Extended time to file comments due September 17; replies October 18

WT 99-217, CC 96-98; NPRM/NOI/3rd FNPRM 7/7 (adopted 6/10); FCC 99-141

Promotion of Competitive Networks in Local Telecommunications Markets

The Commission initiated a proceeding intended to facilitate the development of competitive telecommunications networks that will provide consumers with alternatives to services provided by the incumbent wireline local exchange carriers (LECs). Comments due August 13*; replies September 3.*

WT 99-217, CC 96-98; Order 8/6 (adopted8/6); DA 99-1563

Promotion of Competitive Networks
Granted Utilities and LSGAC's requests for extension of time. Comments due Augut 27*; replies Sept 27 for NPRM in WT 99-217 and FNPRM in CC Docket 96-98. Comments due October 12 and replies December 13 for NOI in WT Docket 99-217.

PN 7/28; DA 99-1458; Report No. WT 99-263

Petition of the Wireless Consumers Alliance, Inc. For a Declaratory Ruling on Communications Act Provisions and FCC Jurisdiction Regarding Preemption of State Courts from Awarding Monetary Damages Against Consumer Protection or Other State Laws

On July 16, the Wireless Consumers Alliance, Inc. filed a petition requesting a Declaratory Ruling on whether the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, or the FCC's jurisdiction thereunder, serve to preempt state courts from awarding monetary relief against commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) providers for (a) violating state consumer protection laws prohibiting false advertising and other fraudulent business practices or (b) wrongful conduct in the context of contractual disputes an tort actions adjudicated under state contract and tort laws. Comments due September 10*; replies October 12. Contact: Susan Kimmel or Mary Woytek at (202) 418-1310.

PN 8/13; DA 99-1612

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on Requests for Waiver by Brentwood and Hauppauge Fire Districts, Suffolk County, NY, to Obtain Licenses for 47 MHz Frequencies Allocated for Highway Maintenance

The Brentwood Fire District and the Hauppauge Fire District, both in Suffolk County, NY, have filed separate and independent applications and requests for waiver of Sections 90.20(d)(21) and (22) of the Commission's Rules. Comments due September 13*; replies September 28. Contact: John P. Fernandez, Policy and Rules Branch of the Public Safety and Private Wireless Division at (202) 418-0680.

WT 99-266; NPRM 8/18 (adopted 8/5); FCC 99-205

Extending Wireless Telecommunications Services to Tribal Lands

The Commission is seeking comment on potential terrestrial wireless and satellite policy initiatives to address telecom needs of Indian living on tribal lands. Comments due 60 days after publication in the Federal Register; reply comments due 90 days after publication in the Federal Register.

PN 8/30; DA 99-1734

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Extends Waiver of Limitations on Payments in Settlement Agreements Among Parties in Contested Licensing Cases

Extended the waiver of the "greenmail" rules that was granted in the Settlement Window Public Notice, released April 16, 1999. Waiver extended until October 30. Contact: Don Johnson, Commercial Wireless Division at (202) 418-7240.

PN 9/3; DA 99-1806

Frontier and Bell Atlantic Seek CC Consent to Transfer Control of Cellular, Paging and Microwave Licenses; Pleading Cycle Established

Comments or petitions to deny are due by October 3; oppositions to such pleadings may be filled no later than October 13; replies to such oppositions due October 20. WTB Contacts: Lauren Kravetz or Elizabeth Williams at (202) 418-7240

PN 9/3; DA 99-1812

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment On Inter-Regional Channel Re-Assignment Agreement Submitted by Regions 20, 28 &36 in GN Docket Nos. 90-789-573

On September 2, 1999, the Region-20 821 MHz Public Safety Review Committee submitted a Response Statement in the Form of a written ex parte presentation in GN Docket Nos. 90-7 and 89-573. The Commission also received a Second Addendum to the Petition to Amend the Region-20 821 MHz Public Safety Plan. The Commission also has a request from the Region 28 Planing Update Committee to accept the Region 28 Fifth Filing Window assignments that were included in the Agreement as amendments to Region 28's 821 MHz Public Safety Plan. The Commission seeks comment on the approval of these agreements/amendments. Comments due September 17; September 24.

PN 9/14; DA 99-1876

BCP CommNet, L.P. and Vodafone Airtouch PLC Seek Consent for Transfer of Control - Pleading Cycle Established

Vodafone Airtouch Plc and BCP CommNet, L.P. have filed applications seeking Commission consent for the transfer of control of CommNet Cellular, Inc. from BCP-CLP to Vodafone Airtouch. Comments of petitions to deny due October 14; oppositions due October 21; replies to oppositions due October 28. Contact: Lauren Kravetz or Elizabeth Williams, Commercial Wireless Division at (202) 418-7240 or Ramona Melson, Public Safety and Private Wireless at (202) 418-0680.


ET 99-231; NPRM 6/24 (adopted 6/21); FCC 99-149

Amendment of Part 15 of the Commission's Rules Regarding Spectrum Devices

The Commission proposed to amend the Part 15 rules regarding the operation of non-licensed spread spectrum systems, specifically, to revise the rules for frequency hopping systems operating in the 2.4 GHz band (24000-2483.5 MHz) to allow for wider operational bandwidths. Comments due 75 days after Federal Register publication; replies 105 days after publication.

ET 99-254; NPRM 7/15 (adopted 7/14); FCC 99-180

Closed Captioning Requirements for Digital Television Receivers

Proposed amendment of Part 15 of rules to adopt technical standards for the display of closed captions on digital television (DTV) receivers, and proposed to require the inclusion of closed captioning decoder circuitry in DTV receivers. The proposals will help ensure access to digital programming for people with disabilities. Comments due 75 days after publication in Federal Register; reply comments due 105 days after publication in the Federal Register.

ET 99-255; NPRM 7/16 (adopted 7/14); FCC 99-182

In the Matter of Amendment of Parts 2 and 95 of the Commission's Rules to Create a Wireless Medical Telemetry Service

The Commission proposed to amend Parts 2 and 95 of the rules to allocate spectrum and to establish rules for a Wireless Medical Telemetry Service. Action by the Commission. Comments due 45 days from publication in Federal Register; replies due 75 days from date of publication in Federal Register.

ET 99-261; NPTM 7/23 (adopted 7/16); FCC 99-183

Amendment of Part 2 of the Commission's Rules to Allocate Additional Spectrum to the Inter-Satellite, Fixed and Mobile Services and to Permit Unlicensed Devices to Use Certain Segments in the 50.2-50.4 GHz and 51.4-71.0 GHz

Proposed to amend the United States Table of Frequency Allocations with respect to the 50.1-50.4 GHz and 51.4-71.0 GHz bands. Comments due September 7*; replies September 22.

ET 99-261; Order 8/27 (adopted 8/27); DA 99-1721

Amendment of Part 2 of the Commission's Rules to Allocate Additional Spectrum to the Inter-Satellite, Fixed, an Mobile Services and to Permit Unlicensed Devices to Use Certain Segments in the 50.2-50.4 GHz and 51.4-71.0 GHz Bands
Deadline for filing comments and reply comments is extended to September 21 and October 6, respectively.