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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y: 5 dddhy  M8h U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH,,@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz dd8k @#S2pPG;# NEWS L X   (##XR  P7jQXP# gApril 2, 1999 jA(#\ # 4  pG; \ #  X  ,   j*A~ OPEN PROCEEDINGS# G4  pQ [#у  yOV'  yO'# C\  P6Q P#The following is a listing of current FCC Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) and Notices of Inquiry (NOIs) open for public comment, except routine petitions to amend the Table of Allotments. This listing also includes pertinent Public Notices (PNs) announcing comment subjects and dates. For additional information, contact Martha Contee, Public Service Division at (202) 4180260, TTY (202) 4182555, email  yO> 'mcontee@fcc.gov. # C\  P6Q P# Please note: as comment and reply comment periods expire, they are deleted from this  yO 'listing. *Asterisk indicates comment period deadline is past, but reply comment period still is open.# Xj\  P6G; y XP#  a 4 # |\  P6G;:P#COMMON CARRIER BUREAU#Xj\  P6G; y XP#  X 4   X' CC 96115; Order 9/24/98 (adopted 9/23/98); FCC 98239 Implementation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Telecommunications Carriers' Use of Customer Proprietary Network Information and Other Customer Information  X 4 Extended the deadline by which all telecommunications carriers must implement effective electronic safeguards to protect against unauthorized access to customer proprietary network information (CPNI). Deadline is now six months after the release date of the Commission's Order on reconsideration addressing CPNI issues in CC Docket No. 96-115.  X4  X4  X' CC 98166; Order 11/16/98 (adopted 11/16/98); DA 982329 Prescribing the Authorized Unitary Rate of Return for Interstate Services of Local  XQ'Exchange Carriers Granted, to the extent indicated and otherwise denied, the United States Telephone Association's, National Telephone Cooperative Association's, National Rural Telecom Association's, Organization for the Promotion and Advancement of Small Telephone Companies', Independent Telephone and Telecommunications Alliance's and National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.'s request for extension of time within which to file responses to the Commission's Notice Initiating a Prescription Proceeding and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in this proceeding. For the Prescription Proceeding, direct cases due on January 19, 1999*; responses due March 16, 1999*; rebuttals due April 8, 1999. For the"#,$$ "" NPRM, comments due January 19, 1999* and reply comments due March 16, 1999*.  X' CC 92237; PN 1/7/99; DA 99117 FCC Seeks Comment on Request for Expeditious Review of the Transfer of the  Xv'Lockheed Martin Communications Industry Services Business CC Docket No. 92237 On December 21, 1998, Lockheed Martin IMS Corporation filed a Request for Expeditious Review of the Transfer of the Lockheed Martin Communications Industry Services Business to a new independent company, Warburg, Pincus & Co. The Common Carrier Bureau seeks input from the public on issues that the Commission should address in considering this matter. Issues and/or Questions due January 22*; comments on Lockheed Martin request due March 17.* Contact: Kris Monteith at (202) 4181520 or Jared Carlson or Jeannie Grimes at (202) 4182320. TTY: (202) 4180484.   X'X CC 92237; PN 2/17/99; DA 99347(# XFCC Seeks Comment on Request for Expeditious Review of the Transfer of the Lockheed Martin Communications Industry Services Business CC Docket No.  X4492237 (# XThe Common Carrier Bureau gives notice of the filing by Lockheed Martin IMS Corporation of responses to questions and/or issues concerning the Lockheed Martin Request for Expeditious Review of the Transfer of the Lockheed Martin Communications Industry Services Business to a new independent company, Warburg, Pincus & Co. The Bureau seeks comment on the Lockheed Martin Request, taking into account the Lockheed Martin Response and the Mitretek Answers. Comments due March 17.* Contact: Kris Monteith at (202) 418-1520 or Jared Carlson or Jeannie Grimes at (202) 418-2320; TTY: (202) 418-0484.(#  XN'X CC 92237; PN 2/15/99; DA 99516(# XFCC Extends Deadline for Comments on Lockheed Martin Request for Expeditious Review of the Transfer of Communications Industry Service Business  X'ԩ CC Docket 92237 (# XThe Common Carrier Bureau extended the deadline for filing of comments on the request by Lockheed Martin IMS for Expeditious Review of the Transfer of the Lockheed Martin Communications Industry Services Business to a new independent company, Warburg, Pincus & Co., to April 16, 1999. Contact: Kris Monteith at (202) 4181520 or Jared Carlson or Jeannie Grimes at (202) (202) 4182320.(#  X:&' Order 1/20/99 (adopted 1/19/99); DA 99197 Petition for Forbearance of the Independent Telephone and Telecommunications  X('Alliance "(,**&"ԌExtended by 90 days to May 18, the date by which a petition for forbearance requesting that the Commission forbear from applying nine regulations to midsized incumbent local exchange carriers serving fewer than two percent of the nation's access lines filed by the Independent Telephone and Telecommunications Alliance shall be deemed granted in the absence of a Commission decision that the petition fails to meet the standards for forbearance under Section 10(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.  XH' CC 99224; PN 1/21/99; DA 99224  X ' Petition of Bell Atlantic Telephone Companies for Forbearance from Regulation as a Dominant Carrier in Delaware; Maryland; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Washington, D.C.; Vermont; and Virginia CC  X 'Docket No. 9924 Pleading Cycle Established Bell Atlantic Telephone Companies filed a petition requesting that the Commission exercise its authority to forbear from applying Part 69 rate structure rules and Part 61 rate level rules to its special access services in 12 of the jurisdiction in which it provides special access rules. Bell Atlantic also asks the Commission to forbear from applying its tariff filing rules so as to permit Bell Atlantic to file tariffs for special access service on one day's notice. Comments due March 8*; replies March 30.* Contact: Steven Spaeth or Tamara Preiss at (202) 4181520; TTY: (202) 4180484. X(#  X'X CC 9924; PN 3/3/99; DA 99447(# XCompetitive Pricing Division Grants Motion for Extension of Time for Comments and Reply Comments in Response to Bell Atlantic Telephone Companies' Petition  X4for Forbearance Pleading Cycle Revised CC Docket No. 9924 (# XOn January 20, 1998, the Bell Atlantic Telephone Companies filed a petition requesting that the Commission exercise its authority to forbear from applying Part 69 rate structure rules and Part 61 rate level rules to its special access services in 12 of the jurisdictions in which it provides special access services. Comment period for this proceeding revised to March 18* for comments and April 8 for replies. Contact: Steven Spaeth or Tamara Preiss at (202) 4181520; TTY: (202) 4180484.(#  X4  X ' CC 9965; PN 2/16/99; DA 99334 Petition of Ameritech for Forbearance from Dominant Carrier Regulation of its Provision of High Capacity Services in the Chicago LATA CC Docket No. 9965  Xh$'Pleading Cycle Established On February 5, 1999, the Ameritech Operating Companies filed a petition requesting that the Commission exercise its authority to forbear from regulating Ameritech as a dominant carrier in the provision of high capacity special access and dedicated transport for switched access in the Chicago local access and transport area, pursuant to Section 10 of the Communications "(,**&" Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Comments due March 31*; replies April 21. Contact: Steven Spaeth or Tamara Preiss at (202) 4181520; TTY: (202) 4180484.   X' CC 9965; PN 2/16/99; DA 99334 Petition of Ameritech for Forbearance from Dominant Carrier Regulation f its Provision of High Capacity Services in the Chicago LATA CC Docket 9965 Pleading cycle  X1'Established On February 5, 1999, the Ameritech Operating Companies filed a petition requesting that the  X 4Commission exercise its authority to forbear from regulating Ameritech as a dominant carrier in the provision of high capacity special access and dedicated transport for switched access int he chicago local access and transport area, pursuant to Section 10 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Comments due March 31*; replies April 12. Contact: Steven Spaeth or Tamara Preiss at (202) 4181520; TTY: (202) 4180484.  Xb4  XK' PN 2/24/99; DA 99370  X'SBC Files Revisions to Its Cost Allocation Manual Public Comment Invited On February 10, 1999, SBC Telecommunications, Inc., filed a revision to its Cost Allocation Manual. Comments due March 24*; replies April 7. Contact: Mark Stephens at (202) 418 0810; TTY: (202) 4180484.  X|' CC 9645; PN 2/26/99; DA 99399  XN' Fort Mojave Telecommunications, Inc. and San Carlos Apache Telecommunications Utility, Inc. Petitions or Waiver of Section 54.403(a) of the Commission's Rules  X 'Pleading Cycle Established On February 12, 1999, and February 17, 1999, San Carlos apache Telecommunications Utility, Inc. and Fort Mojave Telecommunications, Inc., respectively, filed separate petitions requesting waiver of section 54.403(a) of the Commission's rules to eliminate the prerequisite of state commission action, enabling San Carlos and Fort Mojave to receive an additional $3.50 in federal Lifeline support per Lifeline subscriber. Comments due March 19*; replies April 2. Contact: Mark Nadel, Accounting Policy Division at (202) 4187400; TTY: (202) 4180484.  X#'' CC 9969; CC 9998; Declaratory Ruling in CC Docket No. 9998 and NPRM in  X ('Rulemaking in CC Docket No. 9968 2/26/99 (adopted 2/25/99); FCC 9938 "(,**&"ԌImplementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of  X'1996/InterCarrier Compensation for ISPbound Traffic Concluded that parties should be bound by their existing interconnection agreements, as interpreted by state commissions. Sought comments on proposals to govern future compensation agreements. NPRM comment date: April 12; NPRM Reply comment date: April 27.  X1' CC 9935; Order 2/26/99 (adopted 2/26/99); DA 99374 Long Term Telephone Number Portability Tariff Filings of Ameritech Operating Companies/GTE System Telephone Companies/GTE Telephone Operating  X 'Companies/Pacific Bell/Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Designated for investigation various issues involved in the longterm telephone number portability tariff filings filed by incumbent local exchange carriers. Direct Cases: March 29*; Oppositions/Comment Date: April 13; Rebuttal Date: April 23.  X4' BO Docket 9911; PN 3/1/99; DA 99430  X' Federal Communications Commission Will Hold a Series of Public Hearings on  X'Telephone Service for Indians on Reservations; Set for March 23 in Chandler Arizona. Comment period closes May 28, 1999. Contact: Eric Jensen at (202) 4180990 or Belford Lawson at (202) 4187264.  X|4  Xe' PN 3/4/99; DA 99460 Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Energy Petition for Waiver to Implement a Technology X 'Specific Overlay in the 508, 617, 781, and 978 Area Codes Pleading Cycle Established On September 28, 1998, the FCC released an order in the matter of a Petition for Declaratory Ruling and Request for Expedited Action on the July 15, 1997, Order of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission regarding Area Codes 412, 610, 215, and 717 and Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, MO&O and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 98224, CC Docket No. 9698. The Pennsylvania Numbering Order delegated additional authority to state public utility commissions to order NXX code rationing in jeopardy situations and encouraged state commissions to seek further limited delegations of authority to implement other innovative number conservation methods. On February 12, 1999, the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Energy filed a petition requesting that the Commission waive the provisions and permit the Petitioner additional authority to implement technologyspecific or servicespecific overlay in the 508,"(,**&" 617, and 978 area codes in eastern Massachusetts. Comments due April 5, replies April 19. Contact: Al McCloud, Network Services Division at (202) 4182320; TTY: (202) 4180484.  X' PN 3/5/99; DA 99462 Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on New York Department of Public Service Petition for Additional Authority to Implement Number Conservation Measures  XH'Pleading Cycle Established On September 28, 1998, the FCC released an order in the matter of a Petition for Declaratory Ruling and Request for Expedited Action on the July 15, 1997, Order of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission regarding Area Codes 412, 610, 215, and 717 and Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, MO&O and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 98224, CC Docket No. 9698. The Pennsylvania Numbering Order delegated additional authority to state public utility commissions to order NXX code rationing in jeopardy situations and encouraged state commissions to seek further limited delegations of authority to implement other innovative number conservation methods. On February 19, 1999 the New York State Department of Public Service filed a petition requesting additional authority to implement Number Conservation Measures. Comments due April 5; replies April 19. Contact: Al Mccloud, Network Services Division at (202) 4182330; TTY: (202) 4180484.  X' PN 3/5/99; DA 99461 Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Energy Request for Additional Authority to Implement Various Area Code Conservation Methods in the 508, 617, 781, and 978 Area Codes  Xe'Pleading Cycle Established On September 28, 1998, the FCC released an order in the matter of a Petition for Declaratory Ruling and Request for Expedited Action on the July 15, 1997, Order of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission regarding Area Codes 412, 610, 215, and 717 and Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, MO&O and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 98224, CC Docket No. 9698. The Pennsylvania Numbering Order delegated additional authority to state public utility commissions to order NXX code rationing in jeopardy situations and encouraged state commissions to seek further limited delegations of authority to implement other innovative number conservation methods. On February 17, 1999, the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Energy filed a petition requesting that the Commission waive the provisions and permit the Petitioner additional authority to implement various area code conservation measures in the 508, 617, 781, and 978 area codes in eastern Massachusetts. Comments due April 5; replies April 19. Contact: Al McCloud, Network Services Division at (202) 4182320; TTY: (202) 4180404. "(,**&"Ԍ X' Order 3/5/99 (adopted 3/5/99); DA 99463 Comsat Mobil Communications Request for Extension of Time for Filing Cost Allocation  X'Manual Audit Report Granted pursuant to Sections 0.91, 0291, and 1.46 of the Commission's Rules CMC's request for an extension of time until June 1, 1999, to file its independent cost allocation manual audit report.  X1' CC 97172; Order 3/8/99 (adopted 3/8/99); DA 99468  X 'Petition of US West Communications, Inc. for Forbearance Extended to June 9, 1999, the date on which the petition seeking forbearance filed by US West shall be deemed granted in absence of a Commission denial of the peitition for failure to meet the statutory requirements for forbearance.  XK' CC 97181; R&O/FNPRM 3/10/99 (adopted 2/22/99); FCC 9929  X' Defining Primary Lines Adopted requirements for differentiating and identifying nonprimary residential lines and multiline business lines from primary residential lines and single line business lines in regards to the FCC's access charge rules for subscriber line charges and presubscribed interexchange carrier charges. Issued FNPRM on issue of individuals with speech or hearing disabilities having access at primary line rates to TTY line. Comments due April 9; replies April 26.  X7' CC 9645; PN 3/16/99; DA 99459 Common Carrier Bureau Sends Updated Lists of Rural and NonRural Telephone Companies to the Universal Service Administrative Company and Changes 1999 Self X'Certification Filing Deadline On May 8, 1997, the Commission established in the Universal Service Order that rural and nonrural local exchange carriers (LECs) will receive federal universal service support determined by separate mechanisms. This PN revises the annual deadline for local exchange carriers to be classified as rural telephone companies to file letters certifying that they meet the statutory definition of rural telephone company. The new deadline for filing selfcertification letters with the Commission is July 1 of each year. Contact: Adrian Wright, Accounting Policy Division at (202) 4187400. "(,**&"Ԍ X' PN 3/17/99 Request by RCN Telecom Services and Bell Atlantic for Clarification of Bell Atlantic's Authority to Carry Local Traffic Between Exchanges on Behalf of Competitive Local  X'Exchange Carriers On January 25, 1999, RCN Telecom Services, Inc. and Bell Atlantic (BA) submitted a letter requesting that the Common Carrier Bureau clarify the scope of Bell Atlantic's ability to transport and terminate local calls originated by or terminated at a competitive local exchange carrier. RCN and BA request that the Commission declare that it is in the public interest to permit BA to provide transport and termination of RCN's expanded area service (EAS) traffic where calls originate and terminate in exchange areas that are within BA's EAS calling scope. Comments due April 7; replies April 21. Contact: Alan Thomas, Network Services Division at (202) 4182338; TTY: (202) 4182325.  X' PN 3/17/99 Comment Sought on the Malheur Home Telephone Company Request for Limited Modification of LATA Boundaries to Provide Expanded Local Calling Service Between  X4'Various Exchanges in Oregon On February 11, 1999, the Malheur Home Telephone Company, a subsidiary of US West Communications, Inc., filed a petition requesting modification of local access transport area (LATA) boundaries to provide twoway, nonoptional, flatrated expanded local calling service (ELCS) between the Ontario, Oregon and Huntington, Oregon exchanges. Comments due March 31*; replies April 7. Contact: Alan Thomas, Network Services Division at (202) 4182338; TTY: (202) 4182325.  XN' PN 3/17/99 Comment Sought on the US West Request for Limited Modification of LATA Boundaries to Provide Expanded Local Calling Service Between Various Exchanges in  X'Oregon On February 11, 1999, US West Communications, Inc. filed a petition requesting modification of local access transport area (LATA) boundaries to provide twoway, nonoptional, flatrated expanded local calling service (ELCS) between the Albany, Oregon and Scio, Oregon Exchanges. Comments due March 31*; replies April 7. Contact: Alan Thomas, Network Services Division at (202) 4182338; TTY: (202) 4182325.  X#'' PN 3/17/99; DA 99525 The National Exchange Carrier Association Petitions For Expedited Waiver of Part 69"(,**&"  X' &XA  &XA of the Commission's Rules Pleading Cycle Established On March 8, 1999, the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. (NECA) filed an expedited petition pursuant to section 1.3 of the Commission's rules requesting that the Commission waive Part 69 of the Commission's rules to permit NECA to establish various &XAnew rate elements to offer Switched Access Synchronous Optical Transport service. Comments due March 29*; replies April 5. Contact: Renee Terry, Competitive Pricing Division at (202) 4181520.  X ' CC 9645 and 9721; PN 3/17/99; DA 99521 Universal Service Administrative Company Report to the FCC: Evaluation of the Rural  X 'Health Care Program Pleading Cycle Established CC Docket Nos. 9645 and 9721 In the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Congress sought to provide rural Americans with affordable access to quality health care, by directing telecommunications carriers to provide telecommunications services to any public or nonprofit health care provider at rates that are reasonably comparable to rates charged for similar services in urban areas in the same state. The FCC established a mechanism to distribute the $400 million to benefit rural health care providers as Congress intended in section 254 of the Act. The FCC has since directed the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to assume responsibility for the rural health care support mechanism effective January 1, 1999. On March 5, 1999, USAC submitted a report with recommendations for improving the rural health care program. Comments on the report due March 29*; replies April 5. Contact: Sheryl Todd or Linda P. Armstrong, Accounting Policy Division at (202) 4187400; TTY: (202) 4180484.  X|' CC 95116; PN 3/24/99; DA 99581  XN' Pleading Cycle Established for Comments on Petition for Expedited Interim Waiver of  X7'Section 52.33(a) of the Commission's Number Portability Rules CC Docket No. 95116 On March 19, 1999, the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA), National Rural Telecom Association (NRTA), National Telephone Cooperative Association (NTCA), Organization for the Promotion and Advancement of Small Telecommunications Companies (OPASTCO), and United States Telephone Association (USTA) filed a request for waiver of section 52.33 of the Commissions rules which allows incumbent LECs to recover their carrierspecific costs directly related to providing number portability through a federallytariffed monthly enduser charge. Comments due April 8; replies April 19. Contact: Lloyd Collier at (202) 4181520.  X#'' PN 3/24/99; DA 99577 Southwestern Bell Emergency Motion for Extension of Time is Granted New Pleading"( ,**&"  X' &XA  &XA Cycle Established in CC Docket No. 9935 LongTerm Number Portability Direct Cases On March 23, Pacific Bell and Southwestern Bell Telephone Company filed an emergency motion requesting a oneweek extension from March 29 to April 5 for filing direct cases re: Pacific Bell's Transmittal No. 2029 and Southwestern Bell's Transmittal No. 2745. Direct cases due: April 5; oppositions April 19; rebuttals April 29. Contact: Rhonda Lien, Competitive Pricing Division at (202) 4181530.  X1' PN 3/25/99; DA 99584 Common Carrier Bureau Provides the Format for Access Tariff Review Plans of April 2,  X '1999 The Common Carrier Bureau provides the format for access tariff review plans (TRPs). Price cap LECs must submit these short form TRPs in the attached format on April 2. Comments on the format and content of the April 2 TRP may be filed on or before April 16. Contact: Raj Kannan, Competitive Pricing Division at (202) 4181540.  XK' CC 9935; Order 3/25 (adopted 3/25); DA 99561  X' LongTerm Telephone Number Portability Designated issues for investigation of U.S. West Transmittals 965 and 975. Comments due May 3, rebuttals May 17.  X' CC 94129; PN 3/25/99; DA 99582 Enforcement Division of the Common Carrier Bureau Announces Extension of time for Filing Reply Comments on Slamming Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CC Docket 94129  X 4 On December 23, 1998, the Commissions released In the Matter of Implementation of the Subscriber Carrier Selection .....Policies and Rules Concerning Unauthorized Changes of Consumers' Long Distance Carriers, Second Report and Order and FNPRM, FCC 98334. It contained a FNPRM in which the Commissions proposed several additional changes to further strengthen FCC slamming rules and to otherwise prevent slamming. This PN extends date reply comments are due to May 3. Contact: Kimberly Parker at (202) 4187393.  XQ%' CC 9645; PN 3/26; DA 99573  X#'' Pleading Cycle Established for Vermont Telephone Company, Inc.'s Request for Modification of Conditions Adopted by the Common Carrier Bureau in Approval of  X(4Petition for Study Area Waiver CC docket No. 9645 "( ,**&"Ԍ &XA  &XA Vermont Telephone Company (VTel) has requested that the Common Carrier Bureau increase the cap on VTel's high cost support payments based on updated financial data. VTel proposes a new allocation methodology whereby the caps on the three carriers that acquired the Contel exchanges would be adjusted, but the total of the three caps would be unchanged. Comments due April 15; replies due April 26. Contact: Adrian Wright, Accounting Policy Division at (202) 481-7400; TTY; (202) 418-0484.  XH' PN 3/31; DA 99614 North American Power Brokers, Inc. Seeks Commission Determination of "exempt  X 'Telecommunications Company" Status North American Power Brokers, Inc. has requested Commission determination of "exempt telecommunications Company" status under the Public Utility Holding company Act of 1935, as amended by Section 103 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Comments due April 21; replies April 28. Contact: Al McCloud at (202) 4182499.   a4 # |\  P6G;:P#INTERNATIONAL BUREAU  X'4 #Xj\  P6G; y XP#  X' IB 9967; NPRM 3/5/99 (adopted 2/25/99); FCC 9937 Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 to Implement the global Mobile Personal  X'Communications By Satellite Memorandum of Understanding and Arrangements &XAProposed amending the Commission's Rules to facilitate the global transport of portable telecommunications terminals used in connection with satellite systems providing global data, voice, Internet and other broadband services. Comments due May 3; replies May 18.  XX4  X*' PN 3/10/99; DA 99479  X'Petitions for Enforcement of International Settlement Benchmark Rates AT&T, MCI WorldCom, and Sprint have filed joint petitions requesting that the Commission enforce its benchmark settlement rate of 15 cents per minute as required by the Commission's Benchmarks Order for service on the following routes: U.S.-Cyprus, U.S.-Kuwait, and U.S.- Netherlands Antilles. Comments Due: April 14, 1999; Reply Comments Due: April 26, 1999. Contact: Telecommunications Division, International Bureau: Ken Stanley or Kathy O'Brien at (202) 418-1470.  X)' IB 9981; NPRM 3/25 (adopted 3/18); FCC 9950 ") ,**'"Ԍ X'ԙ &XA  &XA  Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Mobile Satellite Service in the 2 GHz  X'Band Proposed initiating the process for licensing a new generation of innovative mobile satellite services. Comments due June 24, replies July 26.  XH4  a14 # |\  P6G;:P#MASS MEDIA BUREAU #x6X@`7fX@#  X; '#Xj\  P6G; y XP#  X$ ' MM 98204, MM 9616; NPRM 11/20/98 (adopted 11/19/1998); FCC 98305  X ' Broadcast and Cable Equal Employment Opportunity Rules and Policies and  X 'Termination of the EEO Streamlining Proceeding Requested comment concerning a new broadcast equal employment opportunity rule and policies consistent with the D.C. Circuit's decision in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Snyod v. FCC. Comments due January 19, 1999*; replies February 18, 1999.*  XU'X MM 98204, MM 9616; Order 1/5/99 (adopted 1/5/99); DA 99105(#  X''XReview of FCC's Broadcast and Cable EEO Rules (# XExtended reply comment date to February 18* and replies to March 23.*(#  X' XMM 98204, MM 9616; Order 2/12/99 (adopted 2/11/99); DA 99326(#  X'XReview of the Commission's Broadcast and Cable EEO Rules (# XExtended comment deadline to March 1*; replies to March 31.*(#  Xo'X MM 98204, MM 9616; Order 3/22/99 (adopted 3/22/99) ; DA 99529(#  XA'XReview of the FCC's Broadcast and Cable EEO Rules (# XExtended reply comment date to April 15 in this proceeding.(#  X '&XA MM 9925; NPRM 2/3/99 (adopted 1/28/99); FCC 996  X"'Creation of a Low Power Radio Service Proposed to establish rules authorizing the operations of new, low power FM (LPFM) radio stations. Comments due April 12; replies May 12. X(#  XD''X MM 9925; Order 3/19/99 (adopted 3/19/99); DA 99542(#  X)'XCreation of a Low Power Radio Service (#") ,**'"Ԍ &XA  &XA XGranted extension of the comment date to June 1, 1999, and reply comment date to July 1, 1999, in response to petitions filed by Lucent Digital Radio and by the National Association of Broadcasters, the Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association, and a number of state broadcaster organizations.(#  a_4# |\  P6G;:P#  ai4WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU#Xj\  P6G; y XP#  Xs4  X\ ' CC 95116; MO&O 9/1/98 (adopted 9/1/98); DA 981763 Telephone Number Portability  X 4 Granted a petition filed by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) requesting a nine-month stay of the requirement that all cellular, broadband personal communications service (PCS), and covered specialized mobile radio (SMR) carriers provide service provider number portability by June 30, 1999, while supporting nationwide roaming. The Bureau finds that extending the deadline from June 30, 1999 to March 31, 2000, is necessary to ensure the efficient development of wireless number portability.  X_4  XH' WT 9966; NPRM 2/24/99 (adopted 2/12/99); FCC 9923  X' Amendment of Parts 2 and 95 to Establish a Medical Implant Communications Service Proposed allocating 402-405 MHz band for this service on a shared basis. Comments due April 9, replies April 26.  X' WT 98229/CC 95116; PN 3/10/99; DA 99484 Clarification of Filing Deadline for Petitions for Reconsideration of the CMRS Local  XK'Number Portability Forbearance Order WT Docket 982229; CC Docket 95116 On February 9, 1999, the FCC released an order addressing a Petition for Forbearance filed by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association concerning implementation of local number portability by commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) providers. Deadline for filing petitions to reconsider the Forbearance Order may be filed within 30 days of the publication of the amended rules and a summary of the order in the Federal Register. Contact: David Furth at (202) 4180632.  Xe'' PN 3/11/99; DA 99494 "N( ,**J&"Ԍ &XA  &XA Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on Broadwave Albany, L.L.C. et  X'al Requests for Waiver of Part 101 Rules &XA On January 8, 1999, Broadwave Albany, L.L.C., et al., filed requests for waiver of the Commission's Part 101 Rules regarding fixed microwave radio service. Comments due April 12; replies April 22. Contact: Michael Pollak or Shellie Blakeney, Policy and Rules Branch, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division at (202) 4180680.  X1' PN 3/16/99; DA 99523; Report No. 997 Public Safety National Plan Region 20 (Washington, DC) Announces an Application  X 'Filing Window for the 821824 /866869 MHz Bands Filing Window Accepted from March 15 through April 30. Contact: William Van Aller at (301) 2177779.  Xb' PN 3/18/99; DA 99537 Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on Request for Waiver by San Mateo County, California, to Obtain a License for Thirtyone Frequencies Allocated for  X'Paging Control Operations On January 28, 1999, the County of San Mateo, California, filed applications and a Request for Waiver of Section 22.621 of the Commission's Rules requesting a waiver to permit it to use 31 frequencies for public safety purposes that are now allocated for pointtomultipoint paging control operation in the San Francisco, CA, area. Comments on the Waiver Request due March 29*; replies April 5. Contact: Peter J. Daronco, Policy and Rules Branch, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division at (202) 4187235.  X 4 WT 9987; NPRM 3/25 (adopted 3/19); FCC 9952  X' Establishment of Public Service Radio Pool in the Private Mobile Frequencies Below 800  X'MHz Proposed changes to the FCC's rules and policies to implement the revised auction authority. Comments due 60 days and replies 90 days after Federal Register publication.  XQ%' PN 3/26/99; DA 99590 SBC Communications Inc. and Comcast Cellular Holdings Co. Seek FCC Consent to  X ('Transfer Control of Licenses to SBC q "(,**&"Ԍ &XA!  &XA! SBC Communications, Inc. and Comcast Cellular Holdings Co. have filed applications pursuant to Section 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, seeking Commission consent to transfer control of licenses currently controlled by subsidiaries and affiliates of Comcast to SBC. Comments due April 26; replies May 6. Contact: Jonathan Radin or Elizabeth Williams, Commercial Wireless Division at (202) 418-7240.  a14 # |\  P6G;:P#OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY #Xj\  P6G; y XP#  X; 4  X$ ' ET 98206  X 4  X ' Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission's Rules Proposed to permit non-geostationary satellite orbit (NGSO )fixed-satellite service (FSS) operations in certain segments of the Ku-band and proposed policies to govern such operations. Also proposed or sought comment on, technical criteria to ensure that such NGSO FSS operations do not cause unacceptable interference to existing users or do not unduly constrain future growth of incumbent services. Comments Due: February 16, 1999*; Reply Comments Due: March 15, 1999.*  X'' XET 98206; Order 2/5/99 (adopted 2/4/99); DA 99284(# XRules to Permit Operation of NGSO and FSS Systems CoFrequency with GSO  X'and Terrestrial Systems in the KUBand Frequency Range (# XExtended comment date to March 2* and reply comment date to March 29.*(#   X' XET- 98-206; Order 3/26 (adopted 3/26); DA 99592 (#  Xo'X Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission's Rules and Amendment of the Commissions Rules to Authorize Subsidiary Terrestrial Use of the 12.2 and 12.7  XA'GHz Band by DBS Licensees and Their Affiliates (# XExtended the date for filing reply comments in this proceeding to April 14, 1999. (#  X!' ET 9934; NPRM 2/3/99 (adopted 1/28/99); FCC 998 In the Matter of an Industry Coordination Committee System for Broadcast Digital  X$'Television Service The Commission seeks comment on the establishment of an industry coordination committee to assist the Commission in the implementation of digital television (DTV) service, and specifically requests comment on proposals addressing certain issues. Comments due March 29*; replies April 28."),**'"Ԍ X4 Ù  a4# |\  P6G;:P# #|\  P6G;:P#OFFICE OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR#Xj\  P6G; y XP#  X4X (#  X' MD 98200; NOI 12/4/98 (adopted 11/10/98); FCC 98298  X'Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 1999 The Commission began a rulemaking proceeding seeking comments and suggestions for revising its Schedule of Regulatory Fees in order to recover the amount of regulatory fees that Congress requires it to collect for Fiscal Year 1999. OMD Contact: Fee Hotline at (202) 4180192.  X ' MD 98200; NPRM 3/24/99 (adopted 3/9/99); FCC 9944  X'Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 1999 Commenced a proceeding to revise the FCC's Schedule of Regulatory Fees in order to collect the amount of regulatory fees that Congress, pursuant to section 9(a) of the Communications Act, as amended, has required the Commission to collect for Fiscal Year 1999. Comments due April 19; replies April 29.