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This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).

November 27, 1998


The following is a listing of current FCC Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) and Notices of Inquiry (NOIs) open for public comment, except routine petitions to amend the Table of Allotments. This listing also includes pertinent Public Notices (PNs) announcing comment subjects and dates. For additional information, contact Martha Contee, Public Service Division at (202) 418-0260, TTY (202) 418-2555, email mcontee@fcc.gov. Please note: as comment and reply comment periods expire, they are deleted from this listing. *Asterisk indicates comment period deadline is past, but reply comment period still is open.


CS 98-120; NPRM 7/9/98 (adopted 7/9/98); FCC 98-153

Carriage of the Transmissions of Digital Television Broadcast Stations - Amendments to Part 76 of the Commission's Rules

The Commission is seeking comments on changes to the broadcast signal carriage rules and other cable television rules, to accommodate digital television transmissions. Comments due September 17, 1998*; reply comments due October 30, 1998*.

CS 98-120; Order 8/27/98 (adopted 8/27/98); DA 98-1719

DTV Must Carry Proceedings

Granted, in part the Association of Local Television Stations' Motion for Extension of Time in CS Docket No. 98-120. Comments due October 13*; reply comments due November 24.*

CS 98-120; Order 11/18/98 (adopted 11/18/98); DA 98-2342

CSBC Carriage of the Transmissions of Digital Television Broadcast Stations/Amendments of Part 76 of the Commission's Rules

Granted United Church of Christ's Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Comments from November 24, 1998, extended to December 22, 1998.

CS 98-201; NPRM 11/17/98 (adopted 11/17/98); FCC 98-302

Satellite Delivery of Network Signals to Unserved Households for Purposes of the Satellite Home Viewer Act/Part 73 Definition and Measurement of Signals of Grade B Intensity

The Commission adopted a notice of proposed rulemaking seeking comment on the way it defines, measures, and predicts the strength of television signals, in order to better identify those consumers who can and cannot get their local broadcast television stations over the air. Comments due December 11; replies December 21.


CC 98-170; NPRM 9/17/98 (adopted 9/17/98); FCC 98-232

Truth-in-Billing and Billing Format

The Commission proposed to make telephone bills more consumer-friendly by providing customers with information they need to make informed choices in a competitive telecommunications marketplace. Comments due: 30 days from Federal Register publication; reply comments Due: 45 days from Federal Register publication.

CC 96-115; Order 9/24/98 (adopted 9/23/98); FCC 98-239

Implementation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 - Telecommunications Carriers' Use of Customer Proprietary Network Information and Other Customer Information

Extended the deadline by which all telecommunications carriers must implement effective electronic safeguards to protect against unauthorized access to customer proprietary network information (CPNI). Deadline is now six months after the release date of the Commission's Order on reconsideration addressing CPNI issues in CC Docket No. 96-115.

PN 9/29/98; DA 98-1964

United States Telephone Association Files Petition for Forbearance From Depreciation Regulation of Price Cap Local Exchange Carriers ASD 98-91

On September 21, 1998, the United States Telephone Association filed a petition requesting that the FCC forbear from regulating the depreciation and amortization practices of local exchange carriers subject to price caps regulation. Comments due October 28*; replies November 12.* Contact: Andrew Mulitz, Chief, Legal Branch, Accounting Safeguards Division at (202) 418-0850; TTY: (202) 418-0484.

PN 10/16/98; DA 98-2092

Modification of Pleading Cycle for United States Telephone Association's Petition for Forbearance from Depreciation Regulation of Price Cap Local Exchange Carriers

On September 29, 1998, the Commission issued a Public Notice requesting comments on a petition that the United States Telephone Association (USTA) filed on September 21, requesting that the FCC forbear from regulating the depreciation and amortization practices of local exchange carriers subject to price caps regulation. This Public Notice extends the time for filing comments to USTA's petition. Comments now due November 23*; replies December 8. Contact: Thomas G. David, Legal Branch, Accounting Safeguards Division at (202) 418-7116.

CC 98-166; Notice and NPRM 10/5/98 (adopted 9/8/98); FCC 98-222

Prescribing the Authorized Unitary Rate of Return for Interstate Services of Local Exchange Carriers

Initiated a proceeding to represcribe the authorized rate of return for interstate access services provided by ILECs. Direct Case Submission Due: December 3, 1998; Responsive Submission Due: February 1, 1999; Rebuttal Submission Date: February 22, 1999; NPRM Comments Due: December 3, 1998; NPRM Reply Comments Due: February 1, 1999.

CC 96-61, CC 98-183; FNPRM 10/9/98 (adopted 10/1/98); FCC 98-258

Policy and Rules Concerning the Interstate, Interexchange Marketplace/Implementation of Section 254(g) of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended/1998 Biennial Review--Review of Customer Premises Equipment and Enhanced Services Unbundling Rules in the Interexchange, Exchange Access, and Local Exchange Markets

The Commission is examining whether market conditions have changed sufficiently to warrant lifting FCC restrictions on the bundling of CPE and enhanced services with basic telecommunications services. Comments Due: November 23, 1998*; Reply Comments Due: December 23, 1998.

PN 10/9/98; DA 98-2049

AT&T Petition for Revocation of Information Surcharge Waivers

On October 6, 1998, AT&T Corp. filed a petition for revocation of a thirteen-year set of waivers that permit incumbent local exchange carriers to recover certain information costs through a usage-sensitive "information surcharge." Comments due November 12*; replies November 27. Contact: Wanda M. Harris at(202) 418-1530 or Harold Watson at (202) 418-1520; TTY: (202) 418-0484.

CC 98-137; NPRM 10/14/98 (adopted 7/22/98); FCC 98-170

1998 Biennial Regulatory Review - Review of Depreciation Requirements for Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers

Proposed to reduce or streamline further the FCC's depreciation prescription process by permitting summary filings and eliminating the prescription of depreciation rates for incumbent LECs provided that the carrier uses depreciation factors that are within the ranges adopted by the Commission, expanding the prescribed range for the digital switching plant account, and eliminating salvage from the depreciation process. Sought comment on whether the Commission should permit carriers to set their own depreciation rates if they are willing to waive the automatic low-end adjustment. Comments due November 23*; replies

December 8.

PN 10/16/98

Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comments on Requests to Redraw LATA Boundaries in Massachusetts, and Along the Pennsylvania and Ohio Border

The Commission has received two petitions requesting that it redraw local access transport area boundaries (LATA). The Commission is seeking comment on what factors should be considered in deciding whether these LATA boundaries should be re-drawn and comment on whether section 3(25) of the Communications Act gives the Commission jurisdiction to re-draw LATA boundaries. Comments due November 13*; replies November 30. Contact: Alan Thomas, Network Services Division at (202) 418-2338.

PN 10/20/98; DA 98-2106

Aliant Communications Co. Files Revisions to Its cost Allocation Manual - Public Comment Invited

On September 3, Aliant Communications Co. filed updates to its cost allocation manual. Comments due November 20*; replies December 4. Contact: Mark Stephens at (202) 418-0817; TTY: (202) 418-0484.

PN 10/23/98; DA 98-2126

National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. File 19999 Modifications of Average Schedule Universal Service Formulas - Public Comment Invited

The Commission is seeking comments on the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.'s 1999 Modifications of Average Schedule Universal Service Formulas. Comments due November 23*; replies December 11. Contact: George Williams at (202) 418-0867; TTY: (202) 418-0484.

CC 98-193; PN 10/29/98; DA 98-2210

Pleading Cycle Established for Comments on SBC Petition for Section 272 Forbearance for Reverse Directory Services

On October 5, 1998, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, Nevada Bell and Pacific Bell filed a petition pursuant to section 10 of the Communications Act requesting that the Commission forbear from applying the requirements of section 272 of the Act for reverse directory services. Specifically, SBC asked the Commission to forbear from applying the requirements of section 272 so as to allow SBC to provide, on an integrated basis, electronic reverse directory services and operator assisted reverse directory services utilizing databases located outside of the caller's LATA. Comments due November 30; replies December 15. Contact: Janice M. Myles, Policy and Program Planning Division at (202) 418-1580.

PN 10/20/98; DA 98-2205

United States Telephone Association Files Petition for Rulemaking for 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review

On September 30, 1998, United States Telephone Association filed a Petition for Rulemaking recommending that the Commission undertake a comprehensive review of all of its regulation pursuant to the biennial regulatory review provisions of Section 11 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Comments due November 30; replies December 15. Contact: Andrew Mulitz, Legal Branch, Accounting Safeguards Division at (202) 418-0850; TTY: (202) 418-0484.

PN 11/5/98; DA 98-2250

Interexchange Carrier Purchases of Switched Access Services Offered by Competitive Local Exchange Carriers - Pleading Cycle Established

On October 23, 1998, AT&T Corp., filed a petition pursuant to Section 1.2 of the Commission's rules requesting that the Commission issue a declaratory ruling confirming that, under existing law and Commission rules and policies, interexchange carriers may elect not to purchase switched access services offered under tariff by competitive local exchange carriers. Comments on this petition due December 7; replies December 22. (DA No. 98-2250). Contact: Harold Watson or Joi Nolen at (202) 418-1520; TTY: (202) 418-0484.

PN 11/6/98; DA 98-2265

Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on North American Numbering Council Report Concerning Telephone Number Pooling and Other Optimization Measures

On October 21, 1998, the North American Numbering Council (NANC) submitted a report to the Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau entitled "Number Resource Optimization Working Group Modified Report to the North American Numbering Council on Number Optimization Methods" on telephone number pooling and numerous other strategies for optimizing the use of telephone numbers in the North American Numbering Plan in the United States. TheCommission is soliciting comments on the NANC Report. Comments due December 21.

PN 11/12/98; DA 98-2305

US WEST, Inc. Files Revisions To Its Cost Allocation Manual - ASD File No. 98-95 - Public Comment Invited

On October 16, 1998, U S WEST, Inc. filed updates to its cost allocation manual to reflect the deployment of "very high speed digital subscriber line" technology. Comments due November 25*; replies December 1. Contact: Ed Dashkin at (202) 418-0806; TTY: (202) 418-0484.

CC 98-166; Order 11/16/98 (adopted 11/16/98); DA 98-2329

Prescribing the Authorized Unitary Rate of Return for Interstate Services of Local Exchange Carriers

Granted, to the extent indicated and otherwise denied, the United States Telephone Association's, National Telephone Cooperative Association's, National Rural Telecom Association's, Organization for the Promotion and Advancement of Small Telephone Companies', Independent Telephone and Telecommunications Alliance's and National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.'s request for extension of time within which to file responses to the Commission's Notice Initiating a Prescription Proceeding and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in this proceeding. For the Prescription Proceeding, direct cases due on January 9, 1999; responses due March 16, 1999; rebuttals due April 8, 1999. For the NPRM, comments due January 19, 1999 and reply comments due March 16, 1999.

CC 98-195; NPRM 11/17/98 (adopted 11/3/98); FCC 98-294

1998 Biennial Regulatory Review -- Repeal of Part 62 of the Commission's Rules

Proposed repealing rules governing interlocking directorates. Comments due December 14; replies January 4, 1999.

Order 11/24/98 (adopted 11/24/98); DA 98-2402

Revisions to U S West, Inc.'s Cost Allocation Manual

Granted U S West an extension of time within which to file replies to the Public Notice in this proceeding. Replies now due December 4. Action by Chief, Accounting Safeguards Division.

CC 98-177; NPRM 11/24/98 (adopted 9/23/98) FCC 98-238

1998 Biennial Regulatory Review - Petition for Section 11 Biennial Review Filed by SBC Communications, Inc., Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, Pacific Bell and Nevada Bell

The Commission is seeking comment on several proposals submitted by SBC Communications, Inc. in its recently filed Petition for Section 11 Biennial Review. Comments due 30 days after Federal Register publication; replies due 45 days after Federal Register Publication.

PN 11/24/98; DA 98-2393

North American Billing and Collection, Inc. Submits the North American Numbering Plan Administration's Contribution Factor and Fund Size for March 1999 Through February 2000

The Commission is seeking comment on North American Billing and Collection, Inc.'s contribution factor and fund size estimate for funding the North American Numbering Plan Administrator from March 1999 through February 2000. Comments due December 8; replies December 15. Contact: Jared Carlson at (202) 418-2350 TTY: (202) 418-0484.


IB 98-172; NPRM 9/18/98 (adopted 9/17/98); FCC 98-235

Redesignation of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Band Among the Various Allocated Services

Proposed to redesignate the 17.7-19.7 GHz band among the various allocated services in order to make more efficient and better use of this portion of the spectrum. Comments due November 5*; replies December 7.

IB 98-172; Order 11/2/98 (adopted 11/2/98); DA 98-2231

Redesignation of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Band Among the Various Allocated Services

Extended pleading cycle in this proceeding. Comments now due November 19*; replies December 21.

PN 10/23/98; Report SPB-139

International Bureau Information: Applications Accepted for Filing - Lockheed Martin Corporation, Regulus, LLC, Comsat Corporation, and Comsat Government Services, Inc. Seek FCC Consent for Transactions

The Commission is seeking comment on Lockheed Martin's and Regulus's application to acquire control of Comsat Government Services. Comments due November 23*; reply comments December 8; replies December 18. Contact:Alexandra Field, Satellite Policy Branch at (202) 418-2064.

IB 98-192; NPRM 10/28/98 (adopted 10/22/98); FCC 98-280

Direct Access to the Intelsat System

Requested comment on issues related to permitting direct access to the INTELSAT system in the United States, specifically on whether Level 3 direct access would introduce competition in non-competitive markets and enhance competition in markets where competition does not exist. Comments due December 18; replies January 8, 1999.

Order 11/23/98 (adopted 11/20/98); DA 98-2371

Comsat Corporation

Granted Comsat Corporation's Request for Extension of Time to file comments to December 22, 1998, and reply comments to January 29, 1999 in the Direct Access to the INTELSAT System.

PN 11/20/98; DA No. 98-2344; Report No. 98-60

International Action - Commission Staff Seeks Comment on Pleadings Filed in IB Docket No. 98-172 - Redesignation of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Frequency Band

Commission staff seeks comment on a Petition For Interim Relief filed November 2, 1998, by the Fixed Point-to-Point Communications Section, Wireless Communications Division of the Telecommunications Industry Association and on an Emergency Request For Immediate Relief filed November 5, 1998, by the Independent Cable & Telecommunications Association. Comments due December 21, 1998. Contact: Tom Albers at (202) 418-2145.


MM 98-93; Erratum 6/22/98

1998 Biennial Regulatory Review--Streamlining of Radio Technical Rules in Parts 73 and 74 of the Commission's Rules

Erratum to NPRM released June 15 (FCC 98-117). Comments due August 21, 1998*; reply comments due September 21, 1998*.

MM 98-93; MO&O 7/23/98; DA 98-1468

Extended comment deadline to October 20, 1998*; reply comment deadline to

November 20, 1998.*

MM 98-93; Order 11/13/98 (adopted 11/12/98); DA 98-2302

Extended comment deadline in this proceeding until December 4, 1998.

MM 98-204, MM 96-16; NPRM 11/20/98 (adopted 11/19/1998); FCC 98-305

Broadcast and Cable Equal Employment Opportunity Rules and Policies and Termination of the EEO Streamlining Proceeding

Requested comment concerning a new broadcast equal employment opportunity rule and policies consistent with the D.C. Circuit's decision in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Snyod v. FCC. Comments due January 19, 1999; replies February 18, 1999.

MM 98-203; NPRM 11/23/98 (adopted 11/19/98); FCC 98-304

Ancillary or Supplementary Use of Digital Television Capacity by Noncommercial Licensees

Sought Comment on whether to impose limits on remunerative activities undertaken by noncommercial educational television licensees on their DTV capacity. Comments Due: January 28, 1999, Reply Comments Due: March 1, 1999.


WT 98-143; NPRM 8/10/98 (adopted 7/29/98); FCC 98-183

1998 Biennial Regulatory Review - Amendment of Part 97 of the Commission's Amateur Service Rules

Initiated a proceeding to examine FCC rules for the Amateur Radio Service in an effort to eliminate unnecessary and dupliative rules, as well as to streamline licensing processes. Comments due December 1, 1998; replies due January 15, 1999.

CC 95-116; MO&O 9/1/98 (adopted 9/1/98); DA 98-1763

Telephone Number Portability

Granted a petition filed by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) requesting a nine-month stay of the requirement that all cellular, broadband personal communications service (PCS), and covered specialized mobile radio (SMR) carriers provide service provider number portability by June 30, 1999, while supporting nationwide roaming. The Bureau finds that extending the deadline from June 30, 1999 to March 31, 2000 is necessary to ensure the efficient development of wireless number portability.

WT 98-160; NPRM 9/18/98 (adopted 9/17/98); FCC 98-217

1998 Biennial Regulatory Review -- Amendment of Part ) of the Commission's Rules to Close the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Gettysburg Reference Facility

The Commission proposed to amend rules to eliminate the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Reference Room in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The Commission also proposed to update Section 0.453 of the Commission's Rules to accurately reflect the location and availability of license application information within the Wireless Bureau. Comments due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register; reply comments due 45 days after publication in the Federal Register.

WT 96-86; 1st R&O and 3rd NPRM 9/29/98 (adopted 8/6/98); FCC 98-191

The Development of Operational, Technical and Spectrum Requirements for Meeting Federal, State and Local Public Safety Agency Communication Requirements Through the Year 2010 - Establishment of Rules and Requirements for Priority Access Service

The Commission is seeking comment on how to license the 8.8 MHz of spectrum designated as "reserve" in the First Report and Order. Specifically, the Commission is seeking comment on whether some or all of this spectrum should be licensed by means of the Regional Committee process, licensed directly to each state, or licensed pursuant to any alternative licensing process not expressly described herein. The Commission proposes technical criteria to protect satellite-based global navigation systems from harmful interference. The Commission also seeks comment on proposals to promote interoperability on public safety channels below 512 MHz and seeks comment concerning how the public safety community is addressing computer hardware and software adjustments needed to remedy the Year 2000 problem. Comments due 60 days after Federal Register publication; replies due 90 days after Federal Register Publication.

WT 97-115; PN 10/15/98; DA 98-2080; Report LB-99-05

MobileMedia Corporation, Debtor-In-Possession, and Arch Communications Group, Inc. Seek FCC Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses - Pleading Cycle Established

On September 2, 1998, MobileMedia Corporation, Debtor-in-Possession and Arch Communications Group, Inc. filed Applications for Transfer of Control and a Petition to Terminate and for Special Relief, seeking Commission consent to effectuate a merger and reorganization, which would transfer control of MobileMedia to Arch, assign of MobileMedia's licenses and authorizations to a single subsidiary, MobileMedia license Co. L.L.C., and transfer control of Arch to a new, widely dispersed group of investors. Comments due November 16*; replies November 27.

WT 98-182, PR 92-235; NPRM 10/20/98 (adopted 9/30/98); FCC 98-251

As part of biennial review, proposed changes to Private Land Mobile Radio Services rules. Comments due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register; replies due 45 days after publication in the Federal Register.

PN 10/28/98; DA 98-2206

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on Nextel Communications, Inc. Waivers Requests Associated with its Proposed Acquisition of Private Mobile Radio Service Business Channels

The Commission is seeking comment on Nextel Communications, Inc.'s Requests for Waiver in conjunction with applications to seek FCC consent to assignment of Part 90 Private Mobile Radio Service Business channels from various entities to Nextel. Comments due November 26*; replies December 11. Contact: Karen Franklin, Policy and Rules Branch, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division at (202) 418-0680.

GEN 9-053; PN 10/30/98; DA 98-2208; Report WT 98-37

Wireless Telecom Action - Comments Invited on New England Area (Region 19) Public Safety Plan Amendment

On September 14, 1998, Region 19 submitted a proposed amendment to its Public Safety Plan that would revise the current channel allotments to reflect changes made as a result of its fourth window application process. The Commission is soliciting comments from the public before taking action on this proposed plan amendment. Comments due November 29; replies December 14. Contact: Joy Alford at (202) 418-0694.

CC 97-213; FNPRM 11/5/98 (adopted 10/22/98); FCC 98-282

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act

Addressed alleged deficiencies in industry-developed technical requirements for wireline, cellular, and broadband PCS carriers to comply with the assistance capability requirements prescribed by the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (CALEA). Analyzed those specific technical requirements in the industry's interim standard and concluded tentatively which of them are required by CALEA. Sought comment on a range of issues associated with the Commission's obligations under the Act and sought comment on what role, if any, the Commission can or should play in assisting telecommunications carriers other than wireline, cellular, and broadband PCS crriers to set standards for, or to achieve compliance with, CALEA's requirements. Comments due December 14; replies January 13, 1999.

PN 11/6/98; DA 98-2266

Local Multipoint Distribution Service Spectrum Re-Auction of 168 Licenses Scheduled for april 27, 1999; Application Filing Deadline set for March 29, 1999 - Comment Sought on Reserve Prices or Minimum Opening Bids and Other Auction Procedures

The Wireless Telecommunication sBureau announces the reauction of 168 Local Multipoint Distribition Service licenses set to begin on April 27, 1999. These licenses either received no bids in the original LMDS auction that closed on March 25, 1998, or are defaulted licenses which are available for reauction. The Balanced Budget Act o f 1997 calls upon the Commission to prescribe methods by which a reasonable reserve price will be required or a minimum opening bid established when FCC licenses are subject to auction, unless the Commission determines that a reserve price or minimum bid is not in the public interest. The Commission has directed the Bureau to seek comment on the use of a minimum opening bid and/or reserve price prior to the start of each auction. The Commission is also seeking comment on other auction procedures. Comments due November 30; replies December 7. Contact: Christina Clearwater, Arthur Lechtman, or Tim Salmon, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division at (202) 418-0660; Kathy Garland at (717) 338-2801.

PN 11/12/98; DA 98-2318; Report No. AUC-98-23-A

C Block PCS Spectrum Auction Scheduled for March 23, 1999; Comment Sought on Auction Procedural Issues

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is seeking comment on procedural issues relating to Auction No. 22, for C block personal communications services licenses set to begin on March 23, 1999. Comments due November 30; replies December 7. Contacts: Audrey Bashkin, Bob Reagle or Jeff Garretson, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division at (202) 418-0660.

CC 94-102; Order 11/13/98 (adopted 11/13/98); DA 98-2323

Revision of the Commission's Rules to Ensure Compatibility with Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems

Granted the request submitted by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association and the Personal Communications Industry Association for an extension of the November 15, 1998 deadline for compliance with Section 20.18(c) of the Commission's rules; extended through December 31, 1998 the suspension of enforcement of Section 20.18(c), as that section relates to the transmission of 911 calls made from TTY devices using digital wireless systems. Encouraged and supported further efforts of the Wireless TTY Forum to work toward measures to ensure expeditious compliance with the Commission's rules. Established procedures under which wireless carriers subject to the requirements of Section 20.18(c) may petition the Commission, not later than December 4, 1998, for waivers of such requirements, which, if granted, will take effect on January 1, 1999, after the suspension of enforcement expires.

PN 11/13/98; DA 98-2319

Jacksonville Wireless, L.P. and Airgate Wireless, L.L.C. Seek Consent to Assign PCS Licenses to Cricket Holdings, Inc.

Jacksonville Wireless, L.P. seeks Commission consent to assign a broadband PCS F Block license to Cricket Holdings, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Leap Wireless International, Inc., pursuant to section 310(d) of the Communications Act. In addition, AirGate Wireless, L.L.C. seeks Commission consent to assign four broadband PCS C Block licenses to Cricket. Comments due December 14; replies December 24. Contact: Jonathan Radin, David Judelsohn or Elizabeth Williams at (202) 418-7240.

PN 11/13/98; DA 98-2320

Vanguard Cellular Systems, Inc. and Winston, Inc. Seek Consent for Transfer of Control - Pleading Cycle Established

Vanguard Cellular Systems, Inc. and Winston, Inc., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T Corp. have filed applications under Section 310(d) of the Communications Act, requesting Commission approval to transfer control of licenses or authorizations currently held by Vanguard to Winston. Comments due December 14; replies December 24. Contact: Jonathan Radin or Elizabeth Williams at (202) 418-7240 (Part 22 and Part 24); Steve Buenzow at (717) 338-2646 (Part 90 and Part 101); Jeanette Spriggs at (202) 418-0727 (Part 25).

PN 11/19/98; DA No. 98-2337

Additional Information Regarding Broadband PCS Spectrum Included in the Auction Scheduled For March 23, 1999 - Comment Sought on Auction Procedural Issues

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau seeks comment on procedural issues relating to the auction of the D, E, and F block licenses in Auction No. 22. Comments due November 30; replies December 7. Contact: Audrey Bashkin, Bob Reagle, or Jeff Garretson, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division at (202) 418-0660.

PN 11/20/98; DA 98-2343

Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition for Reconsideration

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is seeking comment on SouthEast Telephone, Inc.'s petition for reconsideration of the FCC's October 29 Order denying request for waiver of the October 29 deadline for late payments filed by several broadband PCS C and F block licensees. Comments Due: November 30, 1998. Contact: Auctions & Industry Analysis Division: Alice Elder at (202) 418-0660.

PN 11/24/98; DA 98-2386; Report AUC-99-24-A

Phase II 220 MHz Service Spectrum Auction Scheduled For June 8, 1999; Application Filing Deadline Set for May 10, 1999 - Comment Sought on Reserve Prices or Minimum Opening Bids and Other Auction Procedures

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is seeking comment on procedural issues relating to Auction No. 24 - Phase II 220 MHz Service Spectrum Auction scheduled for June 8, 1999. Comments due December 16; replies December 23. Contact: Christina Clearwater, Ruby Hough or Bob Reagle, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division at (202) 418-0660.


98-153; NOI 9/1/98 (adopted 8/20/98); FCC 98-208

Revision of Part 15 of the Commission's Rules Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems

Initiated inquiry to investigate the possibility of permitting the operation of ultra-wideband radio systems on an unlicensed basis under part 15 of the Commission's rules. Comments due 75 days from publication in Federal Register; reply comments due 105 days from publication in Federal Register.

ET 98-156; NPRM 9/1/98 (adopted 8/21/98); FCC 98-209

Amendment of Part 15 of the Commission's Rules

Proposed to amend part 15 of the Commission's Rules to allow the operation of fixed point-to-point transmitters in the 24.05-24.25 GHz band at field strengths of up to 2500 m V/m. Comments due 75 days after publication in the Federal Register; reply comments due 105 days after publication in the Federal Register.

ET 98-197; NPRM 11/6/98 (adopted 10/28/98); FCC 98-289

Amendment of Parts 2 and 87 of the Commission's Rules Regarding the Radionavigation Service at 31.8-32.3 GHz

The Commission proposed to amend Parts 2 and 87 of the Commission's Rules in order to delete the unused non-Government radionavigation service allocation at 31.8-32.3 GHz and to also remove this frequency segment from the list of available frequencies set forth in the rules for the Aviation Services. Comments due 30 days from publication in the Federal Register; reply comments due 45 days from publication in the Federal Register.

ET 98-206; NPRM 11/24/98 (adopted 11/19/98); FCC 98-310

Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission's Rules

Proposed to permit non-geostationary satellite orbit (NGSO )fixed-satellite service (FSS) operations in certain segments of the Ku-band and proposed policies to govern such operations. Also proposed or sought comment on, technical criteria to ensure that such NGSO FSS operations do not cause unacceptable interference to existing users or do not unduly constrain future growth of incumbent services. Comments Due: February 16, 1999; Reply Comments Due: March 15, 1999.